This is a Miracle

Chapter 177 Mushrooms, so big

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"Grandpa Reed."

"What did you teach us today?"

"I want to learn the spear, the one you danced in the courtyard last time is amazing!"


This is a fishing village, the wooden houses are not spacious, and it can accommodate up to three or four people.

And living here is a gray-haired old man, as well as his granddaughter and grandson.

The old man has a wrinkled face and a tall stature, but because of aging, he is extremely thin. Sitting on the ground with bare feet, he saw the children come in and smiled: "Are the little guys here?"

"Grandpa, the one you used last time, that..."

"It's the huh, huh, ka ka ka," a boy gestured, "I want to learn!"

"That's called swordsmanship, and it's a technique performed with a weapon called a 'knife'."

The swordsmanship that Old Reed was talking about was not the double-edged sword of the Eastern Empire, but the sword that favored the lost land of cherry blossoms.

However, the battle itself is based on eyesight and mental strength, and the specific tactics and weapons used are actually not that important.

Reaching the same destination by different paths, returning to the basics.

Just like the old reed, with swords and swords, he can do anything.

Using a knife is actually just an inheritance of early habits.

In addition, at his age, wielding a huge spear and halberd would put too much pressure on the old waist, so holding a knife was considered a last resort.

"What are you doing, Grandpa?"

Seeing that the old man wanted to pick up the wooden knife and demonstrate to the children, a tall black-haired woman walked in.

"How old are you, why are you so noisy?"

The woman is Reed Guiji, 26 years old this year. She is the granddaughter of Grandpa Reed and the protector of this fishing village.

Gui Ji has high martial arts skills and won the true inheritance of Grandpa Reed.

For many years, she and her younger brothers and sisters have served as the guardian of the fishing village, protecting the safety of the villagers and keeping them safe from bandits and hooligans.

"Sister Guiji."

"Sister Guiji teach us swordsmanship."


Although Gui Ji has a cool appearance, her personality is still very easy-going. She is embarrassed to refuse so many children to get rid of.

Only this time, Gui Ji really has something to tell her grandpa: "Everyone, my sister has something to tell my grandpa. In the afternoon, my sister will definitely teach you in the afternoon."


Soon, the children were dismissed by Ghost Ji.

"Is there a problem?"

When the children are gone, Grandpa Reed asked.

"Second sister found a piece of news outside, although I don't know if it's true, but I think this news may be very important to you, grandpa."

Gui Ji didn't sell anything, and said bluntly: "Aden, the country has been established."


Grandpa Reed, who was still lazy, suddenly narrowed his eyes.

At this moment, Rao Shigui Ji had the illusion of being targeted by evil spirits, and saw the old man slowly stand up: "Girl, are you sure, Aden, it's not someone else's, yes, is it his? Saros's? "

"It doesn't seem to be a teacher. The king of Aden is called Bai Luo Aden."

Among the many brothers and sisters, Gui Ji is the only one who has seen the old uncle.

Not only has I met her, she is also one of my uncle's disciples. Since she was four or five years old, she has brought tea, water and laundry to everyone in the team.

When he was 10 years old, he joined the battlefield with them on adventures and participated in several fights.

It's a pity that an accident 12 years ago caused them to be separated from their uncle and grandpa Shan Weng.

"This name! Yes, it is this name!"

Grandpa Reed raised his head and laughed in a low voice: "Saros has mentioned it to me many times! It's him! This country must be his country."



The old man said: "The original agreement, I didn't expect the old man to see one day in his lifetime."

"However, even if I die, girl, will you take them to find Aden?"


They have lived in the fishing village for ten years, but to Gui Ji, that team, Uncle, Grass, Shan Weng, and Granny Silver Leaf, they are the important family members.

"However, your Majesty Bai Luo from Aden, will he accept us?"

"Are you unfaithful?"

"I will only be loyal to one person in this life," Gui Ji said almost reflexively: "Once you serve, you will never betray!"

Grandpa Reed has instilled such thoughts in Gui Ji and the others since they were very young.

The meaning of their existence in this life is to serve a master.

Find him, be loyal to him, and still have no regrets until the moment of death.

This kind of education is very cruel, even a little cruel, but this is the ancestral teaching of their reed family, and it has been so for generations.

"A miracle can tell a person's loyalties."

"That majesty must also be a great man," said Grandpa Luwei, "Now that the country is just being built, and everything is waiting to be rebuilt, it should be the time to employ people."

"Your teacher has no last resort. Since he is promoting it to the outside world, I can't be sure that he is expecting us old guys to know."

"But he's also a jerk."

Grandpa Reed rested his forehead: "If we leave clues in the places we often go to, won't we find them by ourselves?"

"It's really necessary to hide to such a degree that even the old man and I couldn't find it after searching for ten years!"

Based on what Grandpa Reed knew about the old uncle, the old uncle must have his purpose.

The biggest possibility is Bai Luo's safety.

This child is very important to him, so important that he can't expose even a little risk.

"But Aton, where will it be?"

"Two places, one is the Grand Duke's territory. She has a deep friendship with old Aden (Grandpa Bai Luo), and if Saros defected with his family, she would definitely do her best to protect it."

Grandpa Reed said, "Besides that, the island overseas is the most suitable place for development."

"With Saros' character, it's unlikely to be under someone else's fence, so the biggest possibility is still that island."

"But the second sister went there to look for it before, and she didn't find anything on that island except pirates."

"That was six months ago."

"Did you miss it?"

Ghost Ji felt that the news came from overseas, so the possibility that the country of Aden was located on the island was higher.

The old uncle chose there, perhaps because he hoped that his former partner would find him.

"Where is Xiao Huangquan?"

Grandpa Reed: "And your brothers and sisters, let them all come back."

In addition to Grandpa Reed, the Reed family has five grandchildren.

The eldest sister, the second sister, the third younger brother, the fourth younger brother, the younger sister, two men and three women, a total of five people.

They have been looking for the traces of Saros and others, and now hearing Aden, obviously, this is the signal that Saros gave them—it is time to go home, old friends.

"I'll notify you immediately."

Gui Ji asked, "Just, where should we gather?"


The old reed thought for a while, and he said, "The ancient capital Shiluen."



On a bright afternoon, in the quiet forest, the brilliance shines obliquely.

Here is a group of cute little guys, wearing fluffy and cute clothes, jumping through this very familiar forest, just like the primary school students who came out for a spring outing under the leadership of the teacher.

"Here, here, I found mushrooms, a lot of mushrooms."

"Wow, it's red."

"Look, look at this," a little girl picked up a huge mushroom: "It's huge!"

"Whoa whoa whoa."

However, the big mushroom stretched out its small hands and feet and began to cry.

"Ah, sorry."

Looking at the big guy in her hand, the girl embarrassed and inserted it back.

"It turns out that you are alive, sorry to disturb you."

After finishing speaking, the girl patted the big mushroom on the head, the latter holding his hand and turning his head in dissatisfaction: "Humph!"

"Yeah, I'm not happy, hee hee."

Her name is Sagiri, which is the pronunciation of the tree elf's name. When translated into Adon, it means a hazy white mist like a veil.

"I won't play with you anymore, I'm going to continue picking mushrooms."

There are two types of mushrooms in the magic forest, one can give birth to wisdom, and the other cannot give birth to wisdom.

Of course, no matter what it is, it doesn't actually have a soul.

Maybe only when Lilith breaks through the three senses, can she make the plants come alive.

However, the mushrooms that can run and jump, especially the little guys who have a certain ability to act on their own and are like artificial intelligence, will not be used as food and materials by the Adonians.

Because it can adapt to the present, the future may really become a living creature, a new descendant of miracles.

Just like Sagiri put the big mushrooms back, the other children will carefully screen and select mushrooms that have no activity.

Occasionally, mistakes are made. For example, some mushrooms slept too dead, and were thrown into the pot before they screamed.

So next, there will be professional witches to carry out detailed testing to avoid this embarrassing situation.

"Have you picked everything, children, give me the mushrooms."

Sheila loves nature, so she is always close to this forest and the goblins in the forest.

I saw the girl coming in the form of a witch, with silver hair hidden under a gray hood, followed by many goblins, fluffy bears, puppies, kittens, little rabbits, and flying feathers. family of cranes and owls.

On weekdays, Miya was Bai Luo's secretary, and Sheila was the bodyguard.

But there is time to go to work, and after get off work, they can still do their own thing or do their favorite research.

"Sister Sheila~~~"

"Come on, let's put the mushrooms here."

Sheila no longer needed a wand, and with a tap of her fingers, she quickly transformed the grass and branches, creating many baskets.

"My mushrooms."

"this is mine."

"Sister Sheila, are my mushrooms delicious?"

"You're so dark, it's definitely not delicious. Mine is pink. I heard that pink is more tender. Girls like it the most."


Sheila said embarrassedly: "Well, I didn't take it to eat it, I took it to refine the potion."

"Can blue mushrooms and yellow mushrooms be practiced too, what color will they turn into?"

"Go green."

"Is it green, Sister Sheila?"


Don't look at the heroic appearance of this dream girl in battle, but she is not good at facing children, and she is soon stumped by the problems of the little guys.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and put the mushrooms in."

Flara and Lia, the two tree elf witches, helped Sheila get out of the siege.

"Sheila can't deal with children."

"I'm almost crying."

"That's Khan," Sheila had to explain: "It's Khan!"


Liya smiled: "The heroic powerhouse is actually afraid of children. Is it true that children are your weakness, Sheila? Then when I fight with you next time, I will conjure up a lot of children, will you just surrender? "

"This is too despicable!"

Sheila said that Liya's method was really bad.

"Despicable indeed."

Flara also said: "If this is the case, we are afraid that we will not be able to do it."

If the enemy is playing this dirty psychological tactic, they will definitely release magic in anger, and together with these phantoms, they will crush the enemy.

But my own people, playing like this, is a bit disgusting.

"Sorry sorry, I was just joking."

Liya naturally couldn't let Sheila kill her own people, even if it was all fake.

"Are you two out of class today?"

"I do not have."

Liya said that she was very busy today.

"I have."

Flara shrugged and said, "But there's still time, Miya is in front of me, she's done, I'll go again."

Aden opened a national academy, which is divided into four divisions: martial arts, magic, politics, and military.

Martial arts are the use of fighting qi and holy qi, as well as various martial arts handed down by the old uncle.

There are many kinds of them, and the threshold is very low, almost everyone can learn.

In terms of teachers, Knowles and Zyra who have grown up, two heroic powerhouses, are more than enough to teach some children who are not even ordinary.

Of course, the two are not teachers, but the deans of the melee and distance academies.

The real teaching is actually the extraordinary and extraordinary levels of Abaddon.

After all, the level of the students is too low.

Most of the 120 slaves and the nearly 1,000 children who followed were mortals. Even if they improved, their progress was limited due to their qualifications.

In just a few months, it is far from reaching the extraordinary level.

Extraordinary, even extraordinary to teach some mortals, what can be difficult?

In contrast, in terms of magic, because there are too few teachers, and there is no accumulation of Aden Village for more than ten years, it is more difficult. All teaching work is almost directly on the shoulders of every witch.

"Potions, alchemy, fairy formation, rune analysis..."

Here is the witch workshop, divided into three levels.

【Witch Workshop】

【Between the Magicians】

【Witch House】

The Witch's Workshop is like a labyrinth, located in Avalon Castle.

In the corridors, there are two rooms on both sides of each corridor. These are the laboratories of the witches.

The door is not big, but after opening it, the interior of the workshop where the spatial extension spell was cast is very spacious.

"It's the last step, the last step."

Elsa stood behind her spell testing bench. She looked at what looked like three-dimensional particles floating in the air, carefully controlled the power of the goblin, and worked hard to construct her own magic.

Breaking through from an extraordinary high-level witch to a hero-level magician, the most important point is to develop their own power system.

Elsa chose to control the elements, not just ice, but through the initial ice, to master various elements such as fire, water, wind, earth, sky, etc.

The girl's ambition is not small, her witch's journey is called the Queen of Elements, not the simple Queen of Ice and Snow.

Ice and snow are just one element, and of course it can be specialized, but diversification is the correct route for masters, kings and legends.

"Ge la la."


Finally, after hundreds of trials, Elsa successfully completed her magic.

It was a hexagonal crystal with colorful rays of light flowing on it, very beautiful.

【Crystal Recrystallization】

This is a special magical creation called recrystallisation, a special elemental substance that can be used to store anything.


"Profound Truth, My Profound Truth! It's finally completed!"

Elsa wants to break through the magician, but the hero level needs to master the liberation and mystery of the hero.

Of course, liberation is more important, as long as you can complete liberation and step into a new form, then you are a hero.

And Profound Truth, it is more like a powerful move and a big move that requires huge mana support.

Liberation = Enhanced Attributes

Profound meaning = powerful skills.

The combination of the two can truly bring out the full strength of a heroic powerhouse.


Elsa felt the consumption of the power of the fairy, she was a little dizzy, but fortunately it was only for a while.

"What a terrible consumption."

Just creating such a little crystal recrystallized, it used up one-third of her miracle power.

If there is no hero liberation, it really can't bring such a big move.

However, Elsa has already found a direction. As long as she continues this direction, she will soon be able to break through to new heights.

"Hurry up and tell Brother Bai Luo the good news."

The new hero-level combat power is quite precious to today's Aden, and Bai Luo couldn't be unhappy.

However, Elsa thought of Bai Luo's busy schedule and felt that she had not yet completed her heroic awakening.


However, the surprise came more suddenly than expected, Bai Luo's voice resounded in Elsa's mind: "You broke through?"

"Brother Bai Luo?"

Elsa: "Yes, did Teacher Lilith tell you?"

"Well, she suddenly told me that she had mastered a brand new profound meaning, and I immediately thought of you."

Bai Luo is now in the legendary realm, and this kind of mental communication can theoretically help him connect with any subject.

"I, I haven't broken through yet, but I have found my way."

"That's a good thing too!"

His little sister has become stronger, Bai Luo is of course happy: "Come on, come to me and show me the effect of this brand new magic, how about it?"

"Yes, Teacher Lilith..."

"This is your magic, and naturally you have to demonstrate it yourself."

"Okay, I'll be right over here."

When she thought of being able to perform in front of Bai Luo, Elsa was very excited, her little face was slightly red, and she couldn't help but take a deep breath, which calmed herself down.

"Hu~~ huh~~"

"Come on Elsa, let Brother Bai Luo see your abilities, you are the best!"

So, using the space shuttle spell, Elsa came to Bai Luo's office, and at this time, Lilith was there, waiting for the girl to show her research results.

Seeing Bai Luo, Elsa didn't dare to look directly.

But being watched by Bai Luo made Elsa very nervous. Fortunately, Bai Luo noticed this and said, "Just perform, Elsa calm down and relax."


The girl cares too much about Bai Luo's opinion, she wants to show her best side, and she is afraid that failure will disappoint Bai Luo.

Lilith: "Let's get started."


"Jing Recrystal, this is the name I gave to this special magical substance."

No nonsense, Elsa introduced the special features of this substance as soon as she came up: "Your Majesty and Teacher, please take a look."

Elsa took out her wand and touched it casually, and a cluster of flames flew into the air.

【Secret Skill·Inside Crystal】

Suddenly, six glass surfaces appeared around the flame, bounding the flame inside like a cube.

"My secret magic, inside the crystal, is a special sealing magic."

"It's not an ice system, but a crystal system," Elsa said, "a magic that seals everything through a special technique."

This is a very special sealing technique, and its essence is not a sealing technique, but the slow passage of time.

That is, set the crystal outside the fire to slow down its changes.

"Next, is my profound meaning."

Elsa raised her hand, and saw another cube appear in addition to the one that had already bound the flames.

【Profound Truth·Crystal Recrystallization】

The first seal uses a slow time to seal the changes of all things, while the second seal seals the first seal.


Bai Luo looked at Lilith and she said, "Little Elsa, take a rest."

Lilith saw Elsa's consumption, and continued to cast Profound Truth, which brought a lot of pressure to the child.

So, Lilith threw out a water glass on the table.

The water glass turned into a cat in mid-air, the cat fell to the ground, and in an instant, it turned into a soft cat-shaped sofa.

"Sit down, little Elsa."

Lilith said: "The great thing about crystal recrystallisation is that it can seal almost all abilities and ignore the characteristics and types of the opponent."

"Anything is fine?"

Bai Luo asked, "What do you not understand?"

"It doesn't need to be understood, it's its character."

Lilith said: "Little Elsa's secret technique 'inside the crystal' can temporarily seal everything, but because it cannot be analyzed, this seal will not work."

"But what is sealed by crystal recrystallization is inside the crystal."

"It's like an unknown thing bumped into a box, I don't need to know what's in the box, I just need to know the box."

Lilith said: "Time, space, the power of the world, the power of the rainbow, the power of the fairy, the demonic energy..."

"Package in the crystal first, and then pack in the crystal to solve the problem perfectly."

Of course, the cost in the middle is huge.

That is, Lilith, a miracle body with infinite mana, can pack it so easily.

As for Elsa. . .

She was too tired to speak.

"Crystal recrystallization is a trick that involves some laws," Lilith said. "Its strength has nothing to do with size. Even if it looks like it's only the size of a slap, it can seal things that are not ordinary."

"Master, please see."

Lilith raised her hand, and dozens of fireballs appeared at the same time: "Next, I can release dozens of crystals first."

I saw dozens of transparent crystal cubes wrapping all the fireballs.

"Crystal crystal again!"

In one move, dozens of small squares were all packed into one cube and completely fixed.

"This magic is very powerful."

Bai Luo thought for a while: "But can it only be sealed unilaterally?"

"You can release it, Brother Bai Luo."

Elsa, lying weakly on the cat sofa, added: "It can be used like the bomb you said before, and the magic scroll."

In other words, the most powerful thing about recrystallization is that it can be used to store many things.

What is even more frightening is that the re-crystal re-crystal does not mean twice, but once again!

"Crystal Recrystal Triple Seal!"

I saw Lilith raise her hand and seal the sealed square box that sealed the sealed square box again!

"Can this have infinite dolls?"

"As long as the understanding is deep enough," Lilith: "Yes."

A very powerful sealing technique is like a combination of multiple locks, and each one is more complicated than the other.

Only by unlocking them all can you get the ultimate secret.

This is crystal recrystallization.

"As a profound meaning, the fairy magic that touches the laws faintly," Lilith commented: "As long as you don't encounter a strong person who can control all kinds of laws, this trick is very powerful."

"Under the law, once you are recruited, you will be sealed?"

Ruled by law, this is the power that only the kings above the master can master.

Although Elsa's profound meaning is strong, in the eyes of the kings, it is nothing.

"It doesn't work on people."

Lilith said: "In the passives that come with heroes, they have high-level time acuity and anti-space ability."

There are too many resistances and passives on the body of the Miracle Arms, and to deal with them, they can only be head-to-head.

If you want to drop the hero level in one blow, even the current senior sister can't do it.

"But to deal with some mysteries, that is, the enemy's attacks and tricks, Jing Zaijing will be very buggy."

After Lilith finished speaking, Bai Luo understood: "Is this the legend? Although I don't know your tricks, I can seal your tricks?"

Bai Luo thought of Knowles and Sheila, the profound meanings that they had worked so hard to cultivate, and they were sealed before they could achieve anything. How embarrassing it was.

"How to release?"

"like this."

Lilith raised her hand and created a small fairy garden in the other palm. She controlled the triple crystal and threw it into it.


The seal outside the crystal was broken, and the second seal was also released.


As a result, the fire was raging, and the terrifying flames turned the entire sea of ​​flowers into nothing.

"Little Elsa can seal the opponent's tricks, and then take it to a place beyond the opponent's control to release it."

Bai Luo understood, this crystal recrystallization is really a magical skill in a sense: "And looking at this power, it seems to be a little bigger than before, is it because of compression?"

It's like stealing and copying other people's skills out of thin air.

Although the soldiers under the same Lord of Miracles are immune to damage, Elsa can throw the recrystals on another Lord of Miracles' territory.

There is no time limit for crystal recrystallization, only the quantity limit.

With Elsa's current ability, she can only seal 3 secret-level tricks.

In other words, Elsa can let Sheila and Knowles release the secrets first, she can store them, and then throw them out during the battle.

"I feel that little Elsa shouldn't be the queen of elements, you should be the queen of nukes."

Bai Luo said to Elsa, "Go to Feiya and let her control her power. As long as you can store a few master-level tricks, you will be a master!"

Seriously, it does work.

Because Senior Sister can control her own power and keep them still there.

Even if they encounter Crystal Recrystal, they will not resist, and Senior Sister's will will not allow the power of Avalon to harm Elsa.

The result of this is that under the careful control of Senior Sister, her profound meanings and ultimate moves are absorbed by Elsa little by little until they are all stored.

"Can you still play like this?"

Elsa didn't expect it to be like this.

It's very open, but. . .

It's really cool to have a backstage feel.

"In addition, the crystal should also be used as a seal scroll."

Bai Luo asked, "Elsa, can you make a blank crystal? Even without you, as long as you have the power of a fairy, you can seal things."

"If it's a magic scroll, I should be able to make it."

Elsa said that she can create blank crystals: "The name of the spell is in the crystal, so this thing..."

"It's called 'Elsa Crystal', a fairy item that can be used to store spells."

"With my name?!"

"What you invent, naturally use yours."

Bai Luo: "Such an important invention, I think it can be written into the textbook of fairy magic, what do you think, Lilith?"


Lilith's own creativity is not low, but she is alone and lacks skills, so every child of miracles under her command is her right-hand helper.

It is Lilith's responsibility to encourage these children and provide them with positivity.

"Little Elsa, don't be nervous, there will be opportunities like this in the future. You are going to become the witch of the Queen of Elements. Crystal and crystal recrystallization are just the beginning. Maybe one day, you will be able to invent dozens, even dozens of fairy substances. Oh."

The Elsa Crystal was officially identified as a fairy substance, a miracle substance belonging to Lilith.

"I, I went back to continue my research."

Elsa regained her strength and hurriedly wanted to go back. Bai Luo asked her to rest for a while, but the girl quickly refused.

She is the most excited moment, where can I sit still.

Even Elsa would probably want to lie on the bed at this time and roll around happily.

"Pay attention to rest."

Unable to hold back, Bai Luo had no choice but to leave such a sentence, then watched Elsa teleport away.

"This is really..."

Bai Luo was relieved that the girls worked so hard, but it made him feel a little distressed.

"They are the golden generation of my Aden, the pillars of the future."

In the witch workshop, Elsa returned to the corridor.


"Elsa crystal, Elsa crystal, hehehehe..."

Fortunately, little Helen was not here. If she were here, she would have to point at Elsa and say: 'Come on, my sister is stupid. ’

"Elsa is so happy that the research was successful?"

Sheila came back, she was taking out the baskets one by one from the magic pocket, it was the mushrooms picked from the forest.

"More than, me, I feel like I've reached the pinnacle of my life."

The Aden family is like a family, there is no secret, Elsa directly shared her joy with Sheila.


Sheila was happy for Elsa from the bottom of her heart: "You have invented a new miracle substance, Elsa, you are really talented in this regard."

"Sheila, you are amazing, peak hero, I haven't even learned to liberate."

"Well, I'll teach you today."

Sheila: "Then, you also taught me how to create mysticism."


Elsa: "Sleep together at night?"

"It's been a long time since we slept together," Sheila: "Sleep with one."

"Well, take a nap."

"you two..."

At this moment, Fiora came over, and she looked at them puzzled: "Is it such a relationship? What's the matter with this feeling of being tauren? Isn't Elsa mine?"

"Say what?"

Miya listened to someone talking outside, opened the door of the workshop, and stuck her head out: "Is there any good news?"

"Elsa has created a mystery."

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"As expected of my Elsa."

Fiora rubbed Elsa in one hand, and her jade hand climbed directly to an indescribable place, playing with it: "It seems that my sister has taken good care of it during this time. Oh, it's so big."

"Yeah, stop now."

Elsa's miracle power was severely consumed at this time, so how could she resist Fiora's attack.

"Don't make a fuss, Fiora."

Sheila pulled Elsa out and held it in her arms.

"Sheila, do you want to try it too?"


Sheila raised her hand quickly and hugged her in front of her: "The female hooligan in Brother Bai Luo's story, Fiora, have you finally awakened?"

"Women, look directly at your desires!"

"In this world, I only like one man, and all women!"

Fiora raised her chest and made an undisguised oath: "One day, I will form a legion with only women, I will be the legion commander, Sheila you..."

"Hey! I'm not the deputy commander."

"What is the deputy head, you are just the captain of the first team, you don't even understand the unspoken rules, Sheila, you can't." Fiora said, his hands were claws, and he said with a wicked smile: "As for the deputy head. , of course, we look cold, but actually super shy little sister Elsa."


Elsa hid behind Sheila and swore to herself that she would never join this strange army.

"Well, what about me, what can I be?"

"Mia is so smart," Fiora said, "let's be a strategist."

"Hey hey, how embarrassing this is."

Miya thinks the military division is also good: "By the way, the military division chief, or the deputy regiment chief?"

"same size."


Miya frowned, but she saw Elsa's chest, and then looked at her own, Miya suddenly realized: "Big enough, big enough."

Being as old as Elsa, Miya felt that she was about to reach the pinnacle of her life.


Sheila was a little pissed, she was the same generation as Fiora.

Elsa and Miya are two younger sisters, and they were beaten by Fiora in awe, but she is not cowardly.

"Don't be angry, it's just a joke."

Fiora: "If you want to touch it, so can I."

Fiora can be attacked and accepted, both inside and outside, and it is sweet and delicious, moist and juicy.


"Okay, Queen Xi."

Fiora sold a very cute hand, running and building, flicking the golden ponytail, and soon got into his workshop.

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