This is a Miracle

Chapter 17 Miracle Creatures

"Let's have something to eat first."

Now that it was getting late, it was impossible for Bai Luo to walk in the dark in the middle of the night.

It would be fine if he was alone, but with Xue Li, with his current physical strength, I'm afraid he really can't support it.

"Then take a night's rest, and we'll continue our journey tomorrow."

In this way, Bai Luo followed the instructions given in the black book and carried Shirley back for another day.

"Big Brother Bai Luo, what are you doing?"

Hearing the voice, Bai Luo immediately raised his head, only to see Zyra from the Green Forest Family and Knowles from the White Eagle Family, both of them looking at him with extremely strange eyes.

"Boss, who are you? I, I'll help you, I'll..."

Knowles hurriedly threw the spear to Zyla, unbuttoned his windbreaker to help Bai Luo, but was stopped by Bai Luo.

"Don't help! Don't help at all!"

"You help me clean up the beasts around me, just don't let them get in my way."

Bai Luo has the confidence to bring Xue Li back, one is his confidence in his physical strength.

The second point is also the mark he left.

Since he hadn't returned for several days, the old uncle would definitely send someone to follow the signs to find him. As Bai Luo expected, Knowles and Zyra found him.

This also means that Bai Luo is completely safe.

With the two of them around, as long as it's not a silver mane-level monster, it's almost impossible to get close to Bai Luo.

"So, why carry a horse?"

Zyra looked at Knowles with a puzzled face, and the teenager was also confused: "I don't know, but where did the boss come from?"

Bai Luo suddenly left, and when he came back, he carried a white horse on his back.

This bizarre scene made the two of them unbelievable.

Did they watch one less episode, or one less season?

Why does it feel like it's broken and can't be connected?


Bai Luo breathed heavily and said, "You just need to know that I am working hard for the future of the village."

Bai Luo couldn't explain it, could he say that Xue Li is a miracle, is she doing the task of awakening the miracle?

Carry a horse and climb over 20 mountains.

Simply inexplicable!

Would a normal person do such a thing?

This is no longer a question of winning the lottery, but even if someone wants to do it, he can't do it.


"How to do?"

The two now recognized Bai Luo as the master and swore allegiance, so they naturally did not dare to question Bai Luo's decision.


Bai Luo commanded: "You walk up a tree, stand at a high place, and shoot your prey from a distance."

"Noirs," Bai Luo said, "you observe the surroundings through the white eagle, then walk forward and help me open the way!"


"As ordered!"

Bai Luo's calm order gave them the backbone.

Zyra was good at long-range attacks, and apart from Senior Sister and Bai Luo, no one in the clan could outperform her.

Knowles' strength is also extraordinary, even if one person creates the deep mountain, he can return safely.

Coupled with Bai Luo's command, the three of them formed a team and directly reduced the tasks in the black book to normal difficulty.

What Bai Luo had to do next was to carry Xue Li back.

Is this difficult?


But Bai Luo, you can hold on! !

"Good girl, you really need to be stronger."

Without the nuisance of beasts, Bai Luo's return speed was greatly improved.

Knowles asked Eagle Falcon to go back with the information and reported the safety to the old uncle and the clan. After two more days, Bai Luo carried Xue Li back home.


Bai Luo was paralyzed on the steps in front of the door, staring blankly at the floating clouds in the sky, exhausted physically and mentally.

However, hard work always pays off.

【? ? ? 】

Contract: Bai Luo Aden

rank: lower

Species: Miracle Creatures

Faction: North to the Earth

Ability: Unawakened

Contract Method: Heal his wounds,

and carry it home personally before the power of miracles wears off

Wake-up method: unknown

[She has truly recognized the Lord, you get her, she will only belong to you]

[But her power has not been awakened, so next, please take good care of her until the day she heals]

The text on the black book has changed, and the countdown has disappeared.

This means that Shirley's task has been completed again.

At the same time Bai Luo breathed a sigh of relief, it was the first time he knew that it was not easy to obtain some miracles.

The first cute holy bag, Bai Luo had no real feeling when he took it.

But Xue Li, it took Bai Luo five days and five nights to complete part of the mission, so he was really looking forward to the day when he harvested the miracle, very much.

‘Already recognized the Lord. ’

'Own her, she belongs only to me. ’

'But the power hasn't awakened yet, so is it the last step yet? ’

Bai Luo could feel the connection between him and Xue Li, and they had already completed the miraculous contract of acknowledgment.

However, Shirley's power was not awakened.

If you don't know how to wake up, even if Bai Luo gets Xue Li, Xue Li will only be an ordinary horse when she dies.

Only by awakening the power of miracles in Shirley's body can she truly become a miracle creature.

'Wait until the injury heals. . . ’

Bai Luo understood that Xue Li's last mission could only be triggered after she could run freely.

In this case, Bai Luo is not in a hurry.

Xue Li has already recognized the master, and no one can complete the last step except Bai Luo.

"You take a good rest."

Bai Luo let Xue Li enter the shed specially built by the old uncle.

Two days ago, Bai Luo used a white eagle to inform his uncle and asked him to build a stable next to his home.

The Aton people worked hard and completed the work in just one day.

"Want something to eat, or baby tomatoes and corn?"

Bai Luo already knows Shirley's taste. She likes sweet and sour food, so she especially loves tomatoes and corn.

Bai Luo was extra kind to Shirley.

Especially now that the two had a miracle contract relationship, Xue Li also felt the meaning of Bai Luo to her.

He is his own master, the only, forever, king who needs to be followed all his life.

"When you have carrots in the future, let you taste this horse's favorite food."

Bai Luo knew that Xue Li could understand her words, so she communicated with her like a child.

"Brother, are you alright?"

Yinya ran to Bai Luo and said, "There are rumors in the village that you came back with a horse, is it true?"

"Oh! There are really horses!"

When Yinya came out of the stable, she saw Shirley, but Shirley was afraid of life and did not let Yinya come near.

The girl was a little disappointed, but she quickly recovered.

"Clap la la la."

Bai Luo was in the yard, and the crops were upside down.

The old uncle stood aside, observing the amount he poured out, and then instructing him what to pour next and how much to balance.

Chumeng holy bag has accumulated food for 5 days. At this time, the 500 kilograms of crops are really piled up like a mountain.

"What happened to the horse?"

When the old uncle asked about Xue Li, Bai Luo said, "I thought it was fate, so I carried it back."

"Crossing over twenty mountains with a horse on my back, tsk tsk tsk..."

Feeling that young people really know how to play, the old uncle smoked a cigarette, and then said, "Feiya is back."


Bai Luo quickly got up: "Senior sister is back?"

"Come back last night."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Bai Luo hurriedly asked, "Where is she?"

"In the kitchen."

Bai Luo looked at the location of the kitchen in surprise, it was really dark under the lights, and after resting for a long time, he noticed that there was a fourth person in the house.

Bai Luo: I must be too tired to enter the sage mode.

"I'm going over here!"

Hearing that Senior Sister came back, Bai Luo ignored the pain in his legs, got up quickly, and walked quickly into the kitchen.

Looking at Bai Luo's back, the old uncle said with emotion, "Young, it's so nice..."

"Little tomatoes, sour, delicious."

Looking at Iniya who is eating tomatoes, the old uncle hates that iron is not steel. This is also born by a parent, why is the gap so big?


The old uncle sighed, he doesn't care about this, let's go.


Bai Luo's kitchen was not big, and it was full of firewood.

With her back to Bai Luo, Isafiya was standing in front of the stove. She tied her silver hair into a ponytail and tied an apron around her waist. She replaced the heroic knight attire with a homely commoner. Added a touch of approachability.

Unfortunately, the senior sister is not the setting of the gentle big sister.

Isafiya's temperament is too cold, even the children in the village rarely play with her.

Not fear, but respect and admiration.

In this regard, Iniya is better than her sister. She is the pistachio of the whole village, and everyone likes her very much.

"Xiao Luo is back?"

Isafiya turned back and saw Bai Luo, the coldness on her face immediately melted, and she smiled.

Senior Sister's tenderness can only bloom in front of Bai Luo.

Only when facing Bai Luo did she become more like a woman than a powerful Valkyrie.

"came back."

Bai Luo said, "You saw me before, why didn't you call me?"

"I didn't dare to speak."

It would be embarrassing if Bai Luo shrugged because of his sudden voice.

Senior Sister brought out a basin of hot water for Bai Luo, and said with concern, "Are you tired, wash your face and have a good rest, I'll call you after dinner is done."

"Not tired, not tired at all."

After Bai Luo washed his face, he was willing to leave.

He moved a chair and just sat behind Senior Sister, looking at the back, Bai Luo felt that he could eat ten more bowls of rice tonight.

Bai Luo was single in his previous life.

But have never eaten pork, haven't seen a pig run yet?

Senior Sister is definitely the most beautiful, temperamental, and talented woman Bai Luo has ever seen.

Therefore, when Bai Luo was a child, he started a strategy plan for Senior Sister.

Up to now, there is only one last step between the two.

"Go and rest."

Isafiya had no choice but to ask him to rest: "Also, congratulations on finding a miracle."

"You know miracles?"

"A little earlier than you know."

Isafiya had obviously also looked for miracles, but it was because of this that she knew how difficult it was to obtain miracles.

Only the true king can be favored by miracles.

As for Senior Sister and Uncle, unfortunately, they are all losers.

But now, Bai Luo got a miracle. For the two of them, it was even more satisfying than finding a miracle on their own.

"By the way, look at the present I brought back for you."

Senior Sister turned her head, but the smile on her face did not diminish: "It may be a bit outdated, but it should be useful."

"Oh? Spices?"

Bai Luo found a bag of spices in the kitchen, not many in quantity, but extremely rich in variety.

Obviously, this was specially collected by the senior sister for him.

"It's too soon!"

Bai Luo said to Senior Sister, "We just need them later, thank you, Senior Sister."

"That's quite a coincidence."

Ysefiya heard Bai Luo talk about the ability of the first cute holy bag. Most of the people in Aden don't know this part of the information.

All they know is that the Chu Meng Sage Bag can make delicious food, but how is the process, the old uncle told Bai Luo not to do more publicity, so even the senior sister was kept in the dark.

"Gift! Do I have it? Do I have it?"

Iniya's cheerful voice came from outside the door, and the senior sister looked at her dotingly and said with a smile, "There."


Inya opened the package, which contained colorful candies.

"It's sugar!"

"My favorite sister!"

Iniya hugged her sister happily, and then stuffed it into her mouth, filling it with five pieces at a time, full of them.

Bai Luo and Yinya have similar hobbies, they are both eating.

Senior sister is different from uncle, she really dotes on Bai Luo, even if she eats spices comparable to golden sand, as long as Bai Luo is happy, she feels it is worth it.

"Almost forgot, and this one."

Isafiya tidied up her clothes, took off her apron, then bowed down gracefully and knelt in front of Bai Luo.

She did not choose to take the oath of allegiance with a knightly ceremony, but put on a woman's kneeling and performed the ceremony as a woman.

Because in front of Bai Luo, she is not only a powerful warrior, but also his sister.

"I would like to use this life to be loyal to you," Isafiya solemnly swore: "I will do everything to protect you and your people, and fight for you."

"I will make you king!"

Bai Luo didn't stop him, he understood the character of Senior Sister.

At such a solemn and solemn moment, Bai Luo stood there very quietly, he raised his head and counted the time silently in his heart.

"I accept your service."

After three minutes passed, Bai Luo immediately lifted up his senior sister: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Senior Sister is very strong, and even Bai Luo can't beat her.

Moreover, the senior sister is both civil and military, and her wit is not inferior to the old uncle. Compared with Iniya, she is like two kinds of creatures.

Looking at Yinya, whose mouth was stuffed to the side, like a squirrel, Bai Luo only felt a pain in his heart.

"Brother, do you want it?"

Seeing Bai Luo's look, Yinya thought he wanted her own candy, so she spread out her hand generously: "Just take it!"

"No, eat it yourself."

Full of regrets, Bai Luo let her go out to play by herself, he had something to do with senior sister.

Iniya had no doubts, and jumped away, thinking that she was looking for children younger than her to show off the candy.

"Is this the new food?"

Senior Sister has curiosity in her eyes, she kneads the dough with her hands, Bai Luo sees that she is very skilled, but still asks such a question, which is quite strange.

But I think of my sister's talent.

Even if it is the first time, she can immediately grab the knock on the door and make inferences.

It's no wonder Bai Luo: "Well, what do you think of the food I saw in my dream?"

"Unlike regular flour, this grain, called wheat, ferments beautifully."

There are similar practices in this world, but because of different materials and different concepts, more bread is made instead of pasta.

Bai Luo took out wheat and barley, ground them into flour, and proposed concepts such as steamed buns, steamed buns, noodles, and flatbreads.

The old man knew that he was very keen on eating, so he immediately developed the corresponding production method through these concepts.

In less than half a month, the old uncle almost reproduced all the doorways in Bai Luo's hands, and even the tools for making these foods were made by the old uncle.

During the whole process, Bai Luo only gave a general direction.

Fortunately, Bai Luo was already used to the old man's arrogance.

If he is not arrogant, then he is not an old uncle.

Right, one more thing to add.

The development of soy sauce has already begun, and the old man seems to have found the trick, but because it takes a long time, the finished product has not been seen yet.

"Noodles tonight."

Senior Sister's craftsmanship, Bai Luo has tasted a lot since she was a child, she is really good at cooking.

Although there are not enough materials, and some flavors cannot be changed, but in terms of craftsmanship, the cooking skills of the senior sister have been perfected.

Just like this noodle, it's smooth, delicious, and full of elasticity. With the specially marinated steak, Yinya was not satisfied even after eating six bowls. She didn't lie down on the couch until her stomach was rounded.

"I can't eat anymore~"


Bai Luo patted Yinya's thigh: "Don't lie down after eating, go out for a walk."


Iniya muttered in dissatisfaction, but when the eldest brother spoke, she could only do it obediently.

In the past, the Adonites paid attention to eating less and moving less, because there was not enough food.

But now, the food is more and more abundant, and the Adonites need to make full use of the food to grow their bodies better.

Only when they grow strong can they better protect the Aden family.

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