This is a Miracle

Chapter 188 The flesh and blood of the polluted species (Happy New Year)

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In this battle, the strength of the old uncle surpassed the hero level, Leon could not realize it, and he had rich fighting experience, and he did not need to improve himself in actual combat.

Senior Sister is in retreat, so she won't go either.

Although the ancient capital of Xiluen had a powerful General Winter stationed, the dispatch of Leon was actually beyond the standard.

Fighting a group of miracle people with the miracle body is a bit incompetent in itself.

A dignified miracle body, there is no reason to fail.

"In the entire ancient capital, the only one who can fight Leon is General Dong."

"But it's only a battle," the old man said: "The gap between the people of miracles and the body of miracles is too great."

The old uncle's evaluation of General Dong was that Leon might fight him.

But also, it's just a fight!

As for the others, the tulips under the command of the Queen of Spring are close to Gucheng, and she may come to the rescue.

In this matter, Leon needs to pay attention and be prepared to take timely precautions.

Otherwise, the ancient capital will be taken down, and the next moment will be snatched by the tulips, then Leon will be embarrassed.

"The polluted water has flowed into the ancient capital, and even the miraculous decree used by His Majesty has not changed much."

"The fish on the bottom of the sea will be caught by humans, and the bodies of the dead fish will also shed the blood of pollution, thus corrupting the surrounding fish a little bit."

"As the eldest father said," Boya analyzed: "The pollution of stupidity cannot be stopped."

Even if the school of fish has been restrained, the subjective initiative of human beings is too strong.

Bai Luo can control the seafood, but he can't terrify the fishermen.

"The goblins sent from the front line are here to report."

Xiao Boya stood in front of the huge strategic map and pointed a certain area with the stick in his hand: "Here, here, and here, the residents of this large sea area have a special 'epidemic'."

Humans in this world have three special changes to the power of miracles.

The first is adaptability.

If the Lord of Miracles allows it, humanity adapts to the power of miracles and is strengthened.

The second is resistance.

The power of miracles itself is naturally irresistible, but the power of derivatives is actually not much different from toxins and drugs to humans.

Just like now, the so-called [epidemic] is actually the normal immune response of human beings to the sudden pollution of blood.

As for symptoms. . .

It's no big deal, just have a diarrhea, or throw up a bit.

The concentration of blood of greed is very low, and it can't cause any serious illness.

The human body's own ability to self-regulate and recover is sufficient to deal with the invasion of this polluted blood.

After they get used to it, they won't have such a big reaction when they eat fish with polluted water in the future.

The rest, creatures with a high concentration of contaminated blood.

The fish and seafood that have undergone mutation, they look like that, even a fool knows that they can't eat it, right?

The old fishermen are experienced and will soon come up with new recipes, just like monsters and sea beasts, humans know that they cannot be eaten casually.

Monsters are divided into edible and non-edible categories, as are sea beasts.

Soon, edible contaminants and inedible contaminants will appear.

In addition, there is a third.

If it is a descendant of miracles, sea beasts, monsters, and polluted species are the best supplements.

Miracle Descendants can absorb a certain amount of free miracle power, strengthen themselves, and even restore a certain bloodline.

Even if it is impossible to obtain extraordinary and extraordinary miracle power, it is still possible to be comparable to extraordinary and extraordinary in terms of physical fitness.

"Just tell me when to start the war, Little Boya."

Knowles sat below. After he finished speaking, the big sisters headed by Diana also expressed their hope that he would say something simpler.

To give an order, hurry up, don't grind.


Boya scratched his head and said, "It should be tonight, Leon has already prepared the hunters, we can just wait for the result."

"I don't know if my hunter is doing well."

"I hope to kill a few more enemies."

"After that, I have to dream, and suddenly I feel so ashamed."

"Yeah, you won't do anything humiliating, will you?"


The battle of the dream of greed, the first contact of the Adun people, Leon said: "Don't worry, the Blood Moon Hunters are based on your character, and their code of conduct is exactly the same as yours."

"If there is any black history, I will help you get rid of it."

"That's fine, that's fine."

"Little Leon can't tell outsiders."

Being seen by Leon alone is definitely different from being seen by everyone.


"This fish is so strange."

Being under house arrest in the ancient capital villa for several days, the life of the reed family has improved a lot. All kinds of fish, meat, vegetables and fruits are readily available.

Although the variety cannot be compared with Aton, in the ancient capital, this is basically the best treatment.

"My shrimp also has a strange taste."

The Reeds are ancient descendants of miracles from the Lost Lands.

"Let me taste it."

Old Reed's teeth are almost lost, and he can't eat hard things, so his taste is very weak.

But at this time, sipping the fish in his mouth, the old man showed a different look: "Like monsters and sea beasts, this is a creature that has been infected by the power of miracles."

"Grandpa, what do you mean?"

"A new miracle has appeared."

Old Reed: "It's not a sea beast, nor a monster, absolutely not."

"The poison in the sea beast is not like this."

"Not really."

The second sister Huang Quan has been developing overseas all the year round. She is very aware of the feeling that sea beasts bring her: "The meat of sea beasts is very sour, but the meat of this kind of creature is extremely spicy."

"Is it spicy?"

The little girl Yasha Ji took a bite, but she didn't eat any spicy food: "No spicy food, sister."

"I'm talking about the category of miracle power, not really spicy."


The second brother Shura said: "The sea beast is sour, and the monster's flesh is a little hard. It's different from this kind of thing."

"The only thing that is the same is that this thing can give us far more energy than ordinary meat."

Shura took another bite. Although it was unpalatable, he was pragmatic and didn't care whether the taste was good or bad.

"A new miracle has appeared in the sea," the elder sister Guiji asked, "Grandpa, could this be the teacher and the others..."


The old reed said: "It's just that I don't understand why it is an old banquet. This faction is very troublesome."

Now that there are new miracles on the sea, the biggest possibility is the Principality of Aden.

"Perhaps for self-preservation, as Morgan used to do."

"It's like Saros' style, but the King of Aden can actually accept it," said the old Reed, "It's a character."

"Unlike Huang Quan, there is no benevolence of women."

"What do you mean?"

Huang Quan looked at Shura dissatisfied.

The reed family has different personalities, Huang Quan is kind, and Shura is purely neutral.

Just like someone in front of him is dying of starvation, even though he is hungry too, Huang Quan will still give him a piece of food.

But Shura won't, he won't hurt others and won't save anyone.

Walked right by, turning a blind eye.

"What about the ancient capital?"

Huang Quan asked Shura, "What do you think of this place?"


Shura didn't deal with Huang Quan, but he wouldn't lie about it.

For the ancient capital, Rao Shira, who has no concept of good and evil, is somewhat unacceptable.

Just like when a person sees something bad, he can walk away.

But all the things I saw along the way were evil, and even a neutral person would have the idea of ​​'is this world broken'.

The color of the ancient capital is blood red, and it stands to reason that Shura would not hate it here.

However, what Shura wanted was a battlefield where he would fight for his life, not a cage where the strong could lash out at the weak, but only through abuse, injury, and humiliation to gain value for himself.

Ancient is a garbage dump, this is Shura's evaluation.

"What happened outside?"

Suddenly, Grandpa Reed heard some noise outside, and he asked the Rakshasa who was staying at a high place.

"Someone had their legs chopped off and was dragged through the streets."

Rakshasa was sitting by the window on the second floor. When the old man asked, he frowned and said, "I don't know what happened, do you want me to listen?"

"never mind."

"Actually, I have heard it."

Rakshasa looked down at the people below: "It seems that a big family fell in love with a girl from a fishing village, and then someone tipped off the news to be discovered."

"Because of this, your legs were cut off?"

How cruel, the ancient capital did not even have the most basic laws.

The six great families are the heaven here and the law here.

"Well, it's normal."

Rakshasa looked at the street, and the pedestrians on both sides looked at it blankly, neither feeling terrifying nor amusing.

Indifferent, cold, chilling.

As for the old man who lost his legs, he was dragged by two soldiers, and the broken bones were not bandaged, but just rubbed the ground directly, leaving two blood trails on the street.

"What's that family called?"

When Huang Quan's voice came, Rakshasa thought about it and said, "The Sgroth family."

"Are you going to save me?"

Rakshasa just asked casually, he is an irrelevantist, that is, as long as the matter has nothing to do with me, I will not shoot.

On the other hand, if someone hurts his brothers and sisters, his friends, Rakshasa will definitely let the other party know what it means to die.

"Huangquan has gone."

The old man's voice fell, and there was a commotion and violence outside.


Rakshasa hurriedly looked outside, only to see Huang Quan holding a ten-character gun on the left and a knife on the right, knocking all the soldiers present to the ground with overwhelming force.

However, Huang Quan is measured, and she rarely kills the weak.

So he just knocked down the soldiers at will, then quickly carried the old man on his back and disappeared into the alley.

Soon after, a figure quietly returned to the villa.


Huang Quan moved quickly, placing the old man on the table and wrapping it up on his own.

"Hey, what are you doing," Shura said, "Didn't you say don't mind your own business?"

They are prisoners under house arrest. You do this without fear of causing trouble?

"Do not worry."

Huang Quan said to the crowd: "I ran a long distance specially, no one will find us here."

"I mean that?"

Shura is never afraid of trouble, even if the enemy comes, he will kill them all.

The problem is, this is a disaster.

Huang Quan likes to meddle in his own business, and this is what Shura dislikes most about her.

Boring kindness, inexplicable self-restraint.

Like one, idiot!

"Just a shit family, are you afraid?"


Shura and Huang Quan didn't deal with each other, they belonged to the twins who could fight if they disagreed.

Well, you can tell at a glance that in their mother's belly, there must have been a lot of tears.

"General Winter will not move us."

Gui Ji said: "And if General Dong doesn't take action, neither will the miraculous army under his command. As for the family of ordinary people, dare to come to us for revenge and seek death?"

"Originally, it had nothing to do with us."

Shura usually doesn't talk much, but when it comes to Huang Quan, if there is a chance to give her a good shot, Shura will never let it go.

"If you don't speak, you won't die."



The old reed looked at Huang Quan, he knew the character of this granddaughter.

Although Huang Quan likes to fight injustice, but she will not shoot at will. If there is no accurate investigation and analysis, she will not take risks.

"You heard the Sgroth family, is this family special?"

"Evil in the world!"

Huang Quan's movements were quick, and after a while, he used water and herbs to help the old man take emergency measures.

"Grandpa, you have taught me that people should have a bottom line."

"That's my bottom line," Huang Quan said.

"What do you want to do?"

"Kill him all over the place!"

it's a miracle

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