This is a Miracle

Chapter 191 The black book is hard to guard against

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"Tick, tick."

The water slid down the dirty wall, and the girl slumped on the ground. She clutched her throat and wanted to speak, but she couldn't make any sound.

Father, dead.

Dark blood spilled from the corners of Iodina's mouth, and the pain in her mouth made her recall what happened at that time again.

She followed her father to sea, but before she sailed far, a group of terrifying beings suddenly descended.

The stone-carved body looks like it came from hell, and the huge wings, with unimaginable power, shatter the ship.

Iodina watched with her own eyes her father's head was crushed, the body sank to the bottom of the sea, and she was taken back by these monsters.

They wanted her voice, and for that, killed her father.

But Iodina didn't let the disgusting father and daughter get their wish. On the way, she ate a 'scorched jellyfish', a thing that would cause great damage to a person's throat.

Iodina carried it all the time and never left.

This is also to protect my father and myself. If one day, I really meet someone who covets her voice, and with it, I can threaten the other party.

Even if it really fails, the girl can eat it, at least it won't let the other party get what they want.

Eggert and Emily were her father-killers, and Iodina would rather die than let them have their voices.

However, this father and daughter were obviously more vicious than Iodina imagined.

'Ah, it's gone. ’

'No, that's fine. ’

Emily doesn't care, there is something about the voice, but there is no Iodina, you can change it.

'But you upset me very much. ’

As the girl said this, she actually took a piece of coke out of the fireplace, and then had Iotina be caught and stuffed into her mouth in her roar and wailing.



can't scream,

The pain was unbearable, and the originally beautiful face was now beyond recognition.

'Father. . . ’

She felt like she was dying.

There was severe pain in the mouth, and inside was the scorched and rotten flesh and blood. There was no dripping water for several days, and there was no treatment. He could only die alive in torment.

'I'm coming to see you, father. ’

Tears kept falling, and Iodina had no fear of death.

Without her family, she has no place in this world, and she has lost the courage to continue living.

The girl didn't know why Eggert and Emily did that.

If she wanted her voice, and she could exchange her father's life for her father's life, Iodina would obediently hand over her voice.

"Fuck! F*ck!!!!"

In the haze, the girl heard hurried footsteps and a man shouting: "Xiao Hei, you are fucking me!!!"

【? ? ? ? 】

type:? ? ? ?

rank: lower

Faction: Si Zhe Corridor

【Time: 3 minutes and 20 seconds】

"Bai Luo, brother Bai Luo, wait for me."

In the dungeon of the Sgroth family, Bai Luo ran with all his strength. If it wasn't for the space magic that could not lock the miracle, Bai Luo even wanted to teleport directly to the girl instead of just teleporting to this dungeon.

Yes, Bai Luo used the power of miracles.

There is no way not to!

The countdown inexplicably turned into a few minutes, and Bai Luo almost swapped his body and shadow in a hurry.


Bai Luo kept walking, and he turned to the right after a sharp turn: "There!"

"Hey hey!"

Sheila didn't stop the car and ran a few more steps. She turned back quickly, chasing after her anxiously.

"Black Book, your wave is a bit ruthless."

It was promised that there were still six days, but suddenly it became 3 minutes. Fortunately, the old uncle had specially warned Bai Luo to wake him up.

Otherwise, when Bai Luo was looking for the miracle on the ninth page, it was absolutely possible that he would ignore the changes on the tenth page, thus completely missing this miracle that even the old uncle thought was extremely rare.

The old man certainly didn't know the changes in the black book, but he just guessed a certain possibility.

"The black book is hard to guard against."

Bai Luo understood, and if he discovers a miracle in the future, don't think about anything, and immediately set out to find it.

Even if the remaining time marked above is dozens of days, who knows if it will suddenly become a countdown of several minutes due to some force majeure.

"I found it, here it is!"

Bai Luo saw the girl in the cell, and while he showed the black book in his palm, he quickly stepped forward, and then grabbed the other person's shoulder.

Miracle on page 10, not sure if it is a living body or not, it may be an object.

[You found her, but she doesn't belong to you yet, so what should you do? 】

[Treat her well, let her get back on her feet]


Bai Luo wanted to heal the girl, but found that the shadow's power was not enough, and he could only use some of Leon's abilities.

Leon doesn't have the power to heal his injuries. His blood of greed is too corrosive. Sheila can be used to recover, but Iodina, her body can't bear it.

"I'm going to take her back, Sheila, you find another me."


Sheila saw Iodina's condition, and saw Bai Luo hug the girl, he closed his eyes, and launched the return of Avalon Gate.

Iodina does not have the power of miracles in her body. She is different from Sigrian. Sending her away has almost zero pressure on the Gate of Avalon, so there is no need to prepare, just release it directly.

"What the hell happened?"

Sheila looked at the cell, and she sensed carefully that there were no fluctuations of other miracle derivatives around.

So Sheila took out her wand.

The witches have been transformed by the power of greed. In this dream, some white magic of the light direction can no longer be used, but the black magic is more powerful than before.

"The past reappears!"

Sheila unleashed a 'time'-like magic and re-engraved the images that happened in this cell in the past into her mind.


The next moment, Sheila's eyes widened, and her eyes were full of anger: "Beasts, animals are not as good!"

Sheila is a cold person, but she is pure in nature.

It's a bit like executioners. They shoot death row prisoners. Although they are also murderers, executioners are just a job and a profession. They are not murderers.

The same is true for Sheila, Bai Luo asked her to kill, and she would do it without hesitation.

But let Sheila kill the innocent herself, Sheila will never do it, she is not bloodthirsty.

However, what happened in this cell, the tortured figures who were worse than death, subverted Sheila's understanding of 'cruelty'.

"good very good."

Sheila didn't know who Iodina was, why did Bai Luo specially come to save her.

But according to Sheila's understanding of brother Bai Luo, Iodina must have become her own now, and in this case, Sheila should avenge her own family.

"His Majesty..."

Sheila closed her eyes and silently prayed to Bai Luo, she was asking for Bai Luo's instructions.

And Bai Luo's answer was only one sentence---don't let them die too easily.

"Sheila, I understand."

Opening her eyes, Sheila's face became colder and colder: "You bring fear and despair to others."

"This is your hobby, building your own happiness on the pain of others."

Sheila's body melted into the shadow little by little, and then the shadow on the wall suddenly opened her mouth, revealing a weird smile: "Then, let's give you a taste, the same taste..."


"Lilith, Lilith, come here!"

Bai Luo placed the girl in the Avalon Sacred Pool. He felt the power of the curse on the girl, and at the same time summoned Lilith and asked her to release healing magic and double healing on her.


Pitch-black blood water flowed out of the girl's body, and the golden holy water turned into flames, burning the evil aura to the ground.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Physical damage," Lilith said, closing her eyes, seeing what happened to Iodina, "with fiery charcoal stuffed in her throat."


Bai Luo frowned slightly: "Who did it?"

"A human father and daughter."

"The reason?"

"I saw her voice and wanted to get it..."

Lilith told Bai Luo what Iodina knew, and the latter heard it and said, "Xilun is such a place, I have been there in my early years, and each of those families is sicker than the other. "

Bai Luo's purge against Xi Luen this time was essentially aimed at the upper classes of society.

Clean up the rubbish and rebuild the ancient capital.

"Voice, how did you get it?"

Bai Luo looked at Lilith, and then at the curse overflowing from Iodina's body: "The power of miracles, whose miracle power is this, Earl of Thorns?"

Bai Luo had never fought against Earl of Thorns, and was not familiar with the power of miracles.

But this kind of power doesn't feel like the Earl of Thorns.

According to the old uncle, the miracle of Earl of Thorns came from the northern camp of the earth, but this curse, Bai Luolian, can't be more clear, this is the miracle power of the old banquet of foolishness.

"The Lord of the Birch Tree!"

No need to guess, Bai Luo is almost certain who cursed Iodina: "Did he intervene in the elites of the ancient capital?"

"Not that serious."

Lilith leaned down and felt the power of the curse that escaped from Iodina's body: "The amount is very small, and it is not under the miracle body, but the curse of a child of miracles."

"If it is the curse that the Lord of the Birch Tree personally placed, I am afraid that it cannot be easily lifted with this holy pool alone."

The Lord of the Birch Tree is estimated to have cast a wide net, leaving a special miracle mark on his miraculous people in dozens or hundreds of towns.

This is also, after all, no one knew that Iodina would be a miracle.

If the Lord of the Birch Tree knew, how could he just watch her die.

"She was not targeted, she was just accidentally affected," Bai Luo said, "but we have to consider the worst case."

"Only rely on Leon, no insurance, Lilith, you and Shirley also go to the ancient capital."

Bai Luo instructed Shirley and Lilith to go to the ancient capital together, and set up defenses around the ancient capital, ready to deal with the possibility of the Lord of Birch joining the battle at any time.

"Master, don't worry."

Lilith said to herself: "I will join forces with Shirley, even if it is the body of Sanjue Miracle in person, I will not be afraid."


Bai Luo: "Pay attention to safety."

Lilith and Shirley set off immediately, the former transformed into a little fairy and landed on Shirley's head.


The eight-legged horse summoned the rainbow bridge, and Shirley took Lilith into the rainbow dimension.

"With the Holy Covenant, it is impossible for the Lord of Birch Tree to send miracle troops above the hero level, and the ancient capital is not his territory, and it does not conform to international regulations."

As for the girl, with the protection of the Avalon world, Iodina is already safe.


The golden door opened, and Senior Sister appeared in front of Bai Luo. She was wearing a golden queen dress and her fair jade feet stepped on the water.

"She's special."

"You, can you still find this?"

Senior sister rarely gives such an evaluation, but looking at Iodina lying peacefully in the holy pool, she was moved: "I can't say anything special, I just think she is different."

[You saved her, although she hasn't woken up yet, but she's already homeless, if you take her in, she won't go anywhere again]

[The trauma of the soul requires special treatment, sing boldly, and greet the singer of the empire with applause and cheers]


Contract: Bai Luo Aden

Species: Miracle Creatures

rank: lower

Faction: Si Zhe Corridor

Ability: Unawakened

Awakening method: cure trauma, let it sing again under the gaze of countless people

"Although she hasn't been awakened yet, she is mine now."

Bai Luo is not afraid of the misunderstanding of senior sister, Isefiya must understand what he means: "You save her because she is a miracle?"

"How could I have found her if it wasn't for the guidance of finding a miracle?"

Without the black book, Bai Luo would definitely not notice Iodina, then she would definitely die.

"She is..."

"Miracle creatures."

"one person?"

Senior Sister was a little surprised: "Is it the same situation as Xiaobai?"

"I almost know how she wakes up," Bai Luo said, "This girl has been traumatized, she woke up, Feiya, tell me, I will wake up."

After Bai Luo finished speaking, he sat on the holy water pool. He closed his eyes and focused all his energy on the body of the hunter who was looking for the miracle on the ninth page.

"I'm here, and I can also retreat," Senior Sister: "Leave it to me."


The main body seemed to be asleep, while Bai Luo, following the instructions of the black book, found the villa: "The miracle on page 9, is it here?"

【Anyone can find it, but if you find it, you may not get it】

[Get their sincere allegiance, only then can you be qualified to become the master of the new miracle, go and become their king]


At this moment, the old reed who was closing his eyes in the villa opened his eyes: "Someone is here."


Ghost Ji was the first to speak: "Is there an enemy?"

"do not know."

Grandpa Reed does not have the power of miracles, and he cannot perceive the enemy, but he is a descendant of miracles, and inherits the power of blood from his ancestors, which gives him the ability to perceive the future.

"I didn't notice the killing intent."

"he came."

As soon as the words fell, Rakshasa saw Bai Luo appear in the courtyard of the villa.

Yasha held the three shuriken at his fingertips, and the old reed said quickly, "Don't be silly, girl, I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend, don't attack rashly."


Yashashou put it behind him, but still held the shuriken.

"Protect the old man, eldest sister."

Shura was the eldest son in the family. He took the lead, followed by Huang Quan, and then Rakshasa. I saw him leaping to a higher place briskly, overlooking the hall from a condescending height.


As Bai Luo entered, Huang Quan and Shura had solemn expressions on their faces, but Gui Ji and Grandpa Lu Wei showed no doubts.

"He, with the master..."

"There are indeed some similarities."

"Saros, master?"

The voices of the two were very low, but Bai Luo could hear them clearly. Looking at the costumes of everyone, the typical Sakura Village style, it was obvious who Miracle on Page 9 was.

Not only that, Bai Luo found that the old man standing in the high place was very similar to the one Saros told him.

"First meeting, Mr. Reed."

Bai Luo looked at the old man: "Introduce myself, my name is Bai Luo, Bai Luo Aden."

"Bai Luo Aden?"

"King Aden?"

When they heard Bai Luo's name, the reeds and family were obviously stunned. They never thought that the dignified King Aden of the Duchy of Aden would appear here.

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