This is a Miracle

Chapter 197 Miracle on page 9: Gu Ji Qi Tan (End)

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[Profound meaning: the source of water! 】

It was a simple move, but only Bai Luo, who had fought against Old Reed, understood how powerful the opponent was.

Old Reed's strength and movements were almost incomparable with those of Shura, Huang Quan, Rakshasa and Yaksha who fought against Bai Luo.

Perhaps Gui Ji's best efforts can keep pace with him in terms of attributes, but the real strength of Old Reed lies in his swordsmanship and the accumulation of nearly two hundred years.

Yes, the old reed is very old, more than 180 years old.

For a long time, he has broken through the limits of human beings, and is almost beyond the realm of sanctification.


The old man clenched the spear tightly and danced a spear flower. At the same time, he also vented his aging body for more than ten years, and was happy to regain his strength.


Bai Luo looked at the ten-character gun in the old man's hand: 'It's not at the same level as Huang Quan. ’

The same weapon, the same grip, can be followed in Huang Quan's hand in Old Reed's hand, and the imposing manner of the two is completely different.

"You haven't reached your prime yet, do you need me to wait for you for a while?"

I saw a line of blood spreading on the old reed's body, which was a precursor to the collapse of the body. At 180 years old, the remaining life of the old reed could never support him fighting fiercely for 30 seconds.

In other words, as long as Bai Luo takes time, he can easily drag him down.

But Bai Luo didn't do that.

Not just tips from the black book, a fair and just confrontation is needed.

Also because of Bai Luo himself, as a powerful warrior, he is also eager to fight.

It's a pity that Bai Luo is the king of Aden, and this status is destined for him to be unlikely to have the chance to fight to the death.

Even if there is an enemy approaching, he will definitely be blocked by his subordinates, and he cannot get close.


The old reed thanked Bai Luo: "Such a young king,

Have you heard of the living saint? "

Old Reed's body is recovering quickly, but it will take some time. Bai Luo did not take advantage of the danger, but let him recover.

Taking advantage of this moment, the old reed said: "You are Saros' nephew, and you must be half of his disciple, right?"

"Do you still have half of this disciple?"

Bai Luo was the proud student of Uncle's teaching, not a half-disciple.

"When you say the living saint, you mean the extraordinary genius who can bring great improvement to miracles?"


The living saint in the mouth of the old reed, the old uncle mentioned to Bai Luo.

Throughout the entire continent, there are two types of people that are extremely special. Once they appear, they will definitely usher in the struggle of the Lord of Miracles, and sometimes even wars will break out for them.

【Famous general】

A man who can command the army and turn the tide of the war by himself.

【Living Saint】

Perfect use of the power of miracles, others will be a hero with one trick, but he can develop dozens or even hundreds of profound meanings.

The living saints are the strongest under the Lord of Miracles. They are not good at leading troops to fight, but they have extraordinary talents on the way of cultivation.

In every miracle kingdom, the living saint is the representative of the highest combat power.

With them there, even if the miracle body does not take action, it is still an overwhelming force.

In a word, once the living saints become miraculous arms, their level will be far higher than others, and it is absolutely reasonable to judge.

"I see."

Bai Luo said, "You are a living saint, and you truly deserve it."

Miracle is a very complicated thing. There are different types and factions of the main body, and there are also arms and derivatives, which are equally divided into strengths and weaknesses.

At the same level, the Living Saint is definitely the most powerful existence in all miracle arms.

The weakest of them is called the living body.


The resurrection of the corpse, the transformation of the organs, the golem and the puppet, everything without a soul or mind, can be called a living body.

The living body is the weakest of the miracle arms, and like them, it is called the 'Frenzy Seed'.

Sea monsters, polluted species, these belong to the [Insanity species].

[Crazy Seed] and [Living Body], the former can be bred in large quantities through pollution, while the latter is produced like an assembly line project.

The advantages of the two are very similar, that is, they are huge in number, and they can easily summon a large number of cannon fodder.

However, this does not represent true power.

Just like the reed dragon returning home in front of Bai Luo, although he is only one person, the power of a living saint is by no means comparable to that of a mere madman and a living body.

If they are all heroes, Old Reed can confidently say: 'I can kill 100 heroes! ’

"Living saint."

Senior sister naturally knew the word, the old uncle had analyzed it with Bai Luo before, and Lu Weilong returning home was probably a genius at the level of a living saint.

Senior Sister actually wanted to change positions with Bai Luo.

She is Bai Luo's miracle person, and theoretically can take part in the battle on behalf of Bai Luo.

But Bailuo chose to go on her own, because Senior Sister participated in the battle, and faced with a living saint, she had no certainty of victory.

"Is it almost?"


The old reed took a step forward: "Then, come on King Aden, let's have a fight without regrets!"

At the same time, the old man came to Bai Luo almost like a teleportation.


Under the command of a sword, in the shadow of the sword, there are countless sword lights.

"Bah ah!"

Bai Luo took out all the slashes from Old Reed perfectly. In just 0.3 seconds, the two sides had collided dozens of times.

Among the people present, only Senior Sister and Gui Ji could understand the strengths and weaknesses of both sides.

Huang Quan, Shura, Rakshasa and Yaksha, their strength is insufficient.

The battle between Bai Luo and Old Reed contained so many skills that even the strongest Shura could only understand one or two percent.

The weakest Yaksha might not even be able to understand half of it, and it can only be ignorant.

"Profound Truth!"

The old reed's feet gushed a lot of blood, and the blood splashed into the air, instantly turning into a blood mist.


The next moment, the old man's speed suddenly increased sharply, his figure almost disappeared, even Bai Luo had to narrow his eyes to barely catch his shadow.

【Jiugui Township】

‘A trick that can’t be seen with the eyes? ’

Bai Luo closed his eyes and felt the movement of the old reed with his heart.


In the blink of an eye, nine beams of sword light attacked and attacked, Bai Luo hurriedly retreated, avoiding the slashing attack of the old reed extremely dangerously.

【Eight Gardenias】

Not a single blow, the old reed stepped on the ground and burst into the body.


The surrounding blood mist swept through violently, and in Bai Luo's perception, the eight figures immediately moved towards him, and the figure split into eight instantly.

'This? ! ’

Bai Luo was puzzled, Old Reed's trick didn't use the power of miracles, but he just used a clone-like trick.

'It is not divided into eight, but the reverse calculation of my heart. ’

'The mind that sees the most clearly has become the disadvantage of not being able to see clearly! ’

'Open your eyes? ’

Bai Luo didn't choose to open his eyes at all.

Because if it is not unexpected, once Bai Luo opened his eyes and the blood mist blinded his eyes, he would feel even more uncomfortable.

'really. ’

Bai Luo smelled the smell of blood, just as he had guessed, the blood mist contained some kind of special toxin.

"Blah, blah, blah..."

Bai Luo defended the slash that he couldn't judge at all: 'Jianhao, are you still using poison? ’

"This way!!"

Listening to the sound to identify the position, Bai Luo no longer defended, raised his knife and rushed towards the position of the old reed that he sensed.

"I discovered it so quickly, worthy of being the Lord of Miracles."

"Good come!"

Old Reed didn't dodge, he knew very well that he could confuse Bai Luo, and Bai Luo could just as well lock him down.

A trick like Ba Zhizi might be enough to deal with ordinary people, but it is not enough to deal with Bai Luo!

【Seven years old】

So, the third trick is Profound Truth.

The old reed flicked the ten-character spear, and saw that the hazy blood mist suddenly solidified, turned into countless blood-colored feathers, and surrounded Bai Luo like a storm accompanied by the old man's thorns.

【Rokubu Town】

The knives are very fast and the number is extremely large, but these are nothing, Bai Luo can guard against them.

However, the sweep of Old Reed's long spear in ten characters brought a huge pressure to Bai Luo.

Its changes are extremely complex, some of which are amazingly powerful, some are cunning, and some are impeccable and step-by-step.

Bai Luo felt that he was not fighting one person, but six.

In less than 0.5 seconds, one-time fighting with six military generals with completely different styles and incomparably tacit understanding!

【Wu'an Road】

Old Reed and Bai Luo crossed, and he stepped out, his figure psychedelic and unpredictable.

But the strength and speed are greater than before.

After each confrontation with Bai Luo, the old reed did not stick with him, jumped over the opponent immediately, then stabilized his body and continued to attack.

At the center of the huge 'Platinum Seal Formation', the old reeds locked it tightly, and at the same time launched a rainstorm-like offensive.

The blood-colored feathers were still flying, and each of them contained a terrifying slash.

'So complicated! ’

Bai Luo still closed his eyes, but his mind was extremely clear.

However, Eight Gardenia's clone still interfered with Bai Luo's perception and judgment.

Coupled with the feathers of the seven-year-old, Bai Luo needs to devote a lot of mental energy to calculate every wisp of wind in the air, every shred of flowing air.

But under this circumstance, the old reed can still wield the ten-character spear, using six patterns, to increase the pressure on Bai Luo to meet the enemy again, such a slashing technique is simply incredible.


It was almost at the moment when Bai Luo chose to avoid his edge.

"The old man is not quite happy yet, where are you going, Your Majesty?!"

Old Reed turned into a stream of light, and under this dark cloud, he quickly caught up with Bai Luo.


At this time, Bai Luo was closing his eyes. He was out of the blood fog, but he still didn't dare to open it at will.

The poisonous mist entered his eyes, but only one of them turned out to be passively activated, the power of miracles activated, and Bai Luo failed.


The spear fell and hit the front of Bai Luo.

【Four Drop Doors】


Huangsha was confused, like a high wall, blocking Bai Luo's direction.

"Boom boom boom!"

The old reed dragged the ten-character gun, and the four sand walls in all directions did not give Bai Luo any chance to distance himself from him.

But it's not over yet!

【Three Leaf Rain】

Countless gravels turned into raindrops, and the old reed softly penetrated into each gravel, which not only blocked Bai Luo's retreat, but also made the senior sister who was watching the battle frown: 'This move has a wide range. ’


Bai Luo stepped on the beach and jumped up. He chose the best way to avoid it, but this way was also what Old Reed expected.

【Two tin incense】

Old Reed jumped up with Bai Luo, and the two collided in the air.

The knife and the gun were swung at the same time, and the old reed was condescending. In the collision of power, the old man had the advantage for the first time.

His marksmanship and swordsmanship have surpassed the limits of human beings and have reached the realm of inhumanity.

This is still a martial skill without the power of miracles. If the power of miracles can be integrated into it, then the old man will definitely develop terrifying tricks that go beyond the profound meaning and are comparable to domain skills with techniques.


Bai Luo didn't choose to fight recklessly with Old Reed. After a top-to-bottom combo, Bai Luo turned his back to the beach and fell quickly.

He chose to stay away from the old man.

In the hurricane-like combo woven by the old reed, he couldn't find a chance to shoot at all.

Pull the distance, you must pull the distance!


The old reed smiled: "You're welcome, Your Majesty."


I saw the old man let go of the blade in his hand, he put his foot on the handle of the knife, and at the same time swung the spear, the whole person spun in the air.


The two hits sounded almost at the same time.

The blade is like a falling meteor, and it is also an arrow from the string. Its speed is too fast, so fast that Bai Luo's heart and eyes can't react.

If Bai Luo hadn't been distracted to pay attention to the passive, and played against the old reed with 100% attention, then he would never have missed this move.

but now. . .

"Boom! Ge la la la bang!"

The blade fell to the ground, pierced through a huge rock on the beach, and smashed it into pieces, leaving a ten-meter-long crack on the beach.


Bai Luo fell to the ground, and the clothes on his shoulder ripped open. It was the result of this knife: "In just a few seconds, there are nearly a hundred changes, what a terrible trick."

"The old man's shadow dance nine cuts..."

"how is this possible!"

Although the confrontation between Old Reed and Bai Luo had a lot of tricks, in fact, the time consumed by the two was less than 5 seconds.

[Shadow Dance Nine Slashes: Jiugui Township, Eight Gardenias, Seven Sending Years Old, Liuwu Town, Wuan Road, Sichumen, Sanyeyu, Two Dianxiang, One Juteng]

Thousands of slashes, plus a long-distance burst of speed.

Back and forth, the old reed did it all in less than 5 seconds.

This is the shadow dance nine slashes created by the old reed for Yaksha.

There are countless changes, and the old man chose the most suitable set at this time, and played a heavy game for Bai Luobu.

Unfortunately, it still failed.

"Just kidding?"

Yasha was completely stunned, because even if she wanted to complete the entire set of Shadow Dance Nine Slashes, it would take a lot of effort, and she would never be able to do it as easily as her grandfather did.

Old Reed's Shadow Dance Nine Slashes had already reached the pinnacle of this move at the mortal level, and it couldn't be stronger.

"Good trick."

Bai Luo glanced at the gap in his shoulder: "It almost cut me."

"Just a little trick."

Before the old reed could finish speaking, Bai Luo rushed in front of him: "I won't mention whether it's a trick or not, now it's my turn to cut you."

"Catch it well, don't die!"

Profound meaning, Bai Luo can also, and it is not much worse than the old reed.

"Good to come!!"

But the old man's choice was extremely straightforward. After losing the sword, the old reed waved the ten-character gun with both hands.


But unfortunately, the gap between the two sides still exists. In just a few rounds, the old reed has already been hit by several knives.

Blood splattered, and although the old reed avoided the key point, he did fall behind after the fierce battle.

After all, the age is old, unlike when I was young, I can continue to indulge after a wave of fights.

"Clap clap clap!"

Without any hesitation, the old man turned around and fled into the distance.

Bai Luo could see what the other party was thinking, and without the blood fog fascinating his eyes, he saw the end of the old man's retreat——the knife stuck on the broken rock!


With all the injuries on his body, the old reed pulled out the sword that was thrown by him when he cast 'Yitengju'.

'Just to get a knife? ’

Bai Luo noticed the purpose of the old reed, and the senior sister also noticed, but both of them didn't know why.

At such a huge price, with seven knives in his body, the old reed is only for one knife?

Not knowing what to do, Bai Luo still won't let the old reed go. He is younger than the old man, and his physical quality is also higher than the other.

After Old Reed finished the Shadow Dance Nine Slashes, his qi and blood were insufficient.

Bai Luo can completely take advantage of this opportunity to take it down directly!


Just when Bai Luo was about to catch up with the old man, the old reed suddenly turned around and jumped towards the rear.


When Huang Quan saw Grandpa jumping up, she knew the reason why the old man did it: 'The fierce confrontation is unmatched, but why did Grandpa jump up, what is he doing? ’

If a person jumps into the air, if there is no way to use force, he will become a living target.

Old Reed's opponent is not an ordinary person, but the old uncle's most proud student——Bai Luo, the king of Aden.

As a master among masters, how could Bai Luo miss such a good opportunity.

With such a big target, the battle between Old Reed and Bai Luo could almost come to an end.

'Could it be that? ! ’

Huang Quan thought of a possibility, the thunder in the sky.


I saw the old reed pointing the long spear in the ten characters to the sky, and the golden thunder fell, like a huge golden flower blooming, and was held up by the old man in the sky.

Seeing this, Bai Luo immediately prepared for the lightning return: "You use the same trick twice?"

Not to mention a strong man like Bai Luo, even the weakest Yaksha in the reed family couldn't be defeated twice by the same trick.

"Girl Huang Quan can see clearly!"

Old Reed: "Jian Yulei, that's how it works!!"


The loud shout pierced the arc and the thunderous noise, and the old reed smashed the thunder of Jianyu down,

With the same ability, Bai Luo can easily catch it.

But he was a little surprised, because it was impossible for the old reed to do useless work. He didn't have much time, and there was no reason to waste it on it.


The thunder fell, and Bai Luo successfully avoided it. He swung the blade sideways, and the golden arc of travel was quickly absorbed by it.

However, the attack of the old reed did not end, and he was seen holding the sword high.


The second thunder fell on the blade, and with the slash of the old reed, it turned into a thunder snake dozens of meters long, and rushed towards Bai Luo.

"Two combos?!"

The Reeds' eyes widened, they couldn't imagine how one person could catch two thunderbolts at the same time.

You must know that Thunder was not summoned by the reed family, but they calculated the approximate location of Thunder based on the wind and thunder, and then caught it.

However, catching one thunder is already exhausting the limit of human brain power, so one person can catch two. . .

This is by no means ability, and there must be a lot of luck involved.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for someone to catch two thunderbolts in an instant.


Bai Luo had to admit that Old Reed's move was beyond his expectations.

But he has received several thunderbolts at the same time before, and he doesn't care about this two-hit combo. Even if it breaks through the sky with high technical content, it still can't break the essence of it's just 'building a thunderbolt'.


The old man fell from the air, but the ten-character gun landed earlier than him.

A huge force slammed on the beach, and the old reed took advantage of the strength in the air, and at the same time, in the direction of Bai Luo, he jumped again.


The third thunderbolt fell and was borrowed by Old Reed with the blade, but before he could strike, the fourth thunder had already landed on his ten-character spear.

【Profound meaning】

【The Country of Aushara: The Sun descends】

The two thunderbolts intertwined in the old man's hands. The man, the spear, the sword, and the thunderbolt were completely merged into one, and they smashed down at Bai Luo at the same time.

"Can't escape!!"

Thunder and lightning can be returned, but Old Reed's move is not to throw Thunder at a distance, but to bring Thunder to collide with Bai Luo.

Injuring the enemy a thousand, self-inflicted damage is also a thousand.

Bai Luo was extremely shocked by this play that seemed to perish together.

"There is no way to avoid it, only hard connection."

"And if I take this move, just the free arc will trigger a lot of passive."

"Is it an almost unsolvable trick..."

But it was not without solution. Facing Old Reed's attack, Bai Luo did not retreat but advanced. He raised the blade in his hand. With a roar, golden thunder fell from the sky and just hit Bai Luo's blade.


Old Reed's pupils shrank suddenly: "And this trick?"

[Profound meaning: Jianyu Thunder Returns! 】

If the blade can't rebound your thunder, then use the thunder, and return your thunder!

"It's been a long time since such a death fight!!!"

Old Reed did not panic, his eyes burst into ecstasy, and the spear and blade in his hand continued to move forward.


Thunder splashed, and the arc was centered on the two of them, and everything within a radius of 30 meters was chopped into pieces, leaving only black traces, telling everyone watching the battle that it was fierce and sticky.

"10 seconds!"

Senior Sister counted down the countdown, and she accurately judged the physical condition of Old Reed: "He should have lost."

When the time came, the old reed's body couldn't bear any more atavistic state.

So in this battle, Bai Luo won.

"Grandpa, did you lose?"

Time passed minute by minute, and in the black smoke, the figures of the two remained motionless.

15 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds. . .


Huang Quan exclaimed nervously, she couldn't imagine the defeat of the old reed.

No, if you lose, you lose, it's nothing at all.

but. . .

"Old man," Shura gritted his teeth and lowered his voice to the lowest level: "Don't die."


The ten-character spear fell to the ground, and as the smoke dissipated, the old reed knelt on his knees, and with him at the center, a large amount of blood poured out in all directions, pooling into a pool of blood.

"Sure enough, it's still old."

There are still many tricks Old Reed failed to perform, but his body could not bear such a load and was collapsing.

"This kind of trick still can't shake you?"

In front of the old man, Bai Luo was holding the broken sword, standing proudly under the boundless dark clouds, and on the abdomen of the old reed, a scar that almost cut him in half was clearly visible.

At that moment just now, Bai Luo hit a trick that Old Reed had never expected.

"You are indeed a living saint."

Bai Luo felt that the vitality in the old man's body was fading rapidly. He wanted to make a move, but the black book did not send a notification that the mission was successful.

This made Bai Luo anxious.

'No way? ’

He thought of a possibility: 'Could it be that the precondition for awakening this miracle is. . . ’


"How long do you want to shame this old man?!"

The old reed used all his strength and angrily scolded the reed family: "If you are a miracle, why haven't you awakened after seeing such a battle!"

Because of the heavy drinking, the old reed affected the wound in his abdomen, and the severe pain forced him to forcibly raise his head and raise his chest, and then put his feet together behind him, posing a very standard sitting posture.

"Go ahead, King Aden!"


Bai Luo's hand holding the knife trembled slightly for the first time.

"You should feel it, the real condition to wake it up."

The old reed felt it, and there seemed to be a voice telling him where the door to the last road was.

And the key to open the door is in the old man's hand.

"You have been..."

"I don't know, but I seem to know that from the moment the little devils were born, I had a hunch," Old Reed: "That's it, that's it."

At first, Old Reed couldn't believe his luck would be so good

He was suspicious and surprised.

But soon, the old reed realized that he was not the master of miracles, he was just a test of true miracles.

Defeat him, and in the witness of all the children, have a no-regrets fight.

Bai Luo did it.

After suppressing his own miraculous power, he defeated him with almost only half of his attributes remaining.

Of course, the old reed itself cannot be ignored.

But even so, defeat is defeat.

The Reed Clan never made any excuses for defeat - this battle was very good, really good, and the old Reed was satisfied!

"Okay, come on."

Old Reed: "Cut off my head!"

"No need to worry, my Reed Dragon returning home and dying in your hands is not a humiliation, it is a supreme honor."

"My little girls, there will never be any jealousy towards you."

Old Reed: "I can fight to the death as a soldier, and after defeat, I can use this insignificant old life to pave the way for my children and grandchildren."


"Are you hesitating?"

The old reed lowered his head and said solemnly: "Don't let me down, you are, ah!"


The old man's words, like a thunderbolt, exploded in Bai Luo's mind.

A king must not be a woman's benevolence.

How cowardly is such a king who dare not kill his own people!

"Swish down your knife and start from my head," Old Reed: "Lead your country and my children to the top."


Bai Luo clenched the broken blade in his hand, and he was constantly weighing in his heart. During this process, Bai Luo's hand was slowly raised, and the broken blade was lifted together.


Huang Quan exclaimed, Shura's eyes were bloodshot, and his nails were deeply embedded in his palm: "King Aden!! Please, please be merciful!"

"We don't want to be a miracle anymore!"

Between power, status, glory and the old reed, Guiji chose the last one: "Please stop!"

"Please, don't hurt grandpa," Yaksha cried, "I was wrong, I apologize, I apologize to you, if you want to chop, chop me, don't chop grandpa..."


Aside, Rakshasa didn't say anything, but he slammed his head heavily on the ground, and the plea in it was self-evident.


Also at this moment, golden, blue, blood-red, gray-white, purple, five miracles of light soared into the sky.


The pages of the black book were finally turned at this moment, and on the ninth page, the last step seemed to appear——waving a knife, making a mistake for the old man!

【Ancient Jiji Tan】

Contract: Bai Luo Aden

Grade: Median

Species: Miracle Clan

Faction: Suye Liguang

Clan: Biejin God · Guiji, Tianjin God · Shura, Tianjin God · Huangquan, Guojin God · Rakshasa, Wojin God · Yasha

How to wake up: Swing a knife and make mistakes for the elderly

A large amount of miraculous power poured into Bai Luo's body, including the original heart from the reed family.

They didn't have the slightest hatred for Bai Luo, but were convinced.

However, they all prayed to Bai Luo from the bottom of their hearts, hoping that he would not kill Old Reed.

"It's ugly."

Old Reed was slightly disappointed when he saw the miracle light on his children and grandchildren.

It is so magnificent and dazzling, but in the eyes of the old man, he really can't stand it: "The son of the town of Sakura should be as sharp as a knife, you should be the king's weapon, a ruthless weapon."

Aggression, racism, hegemony, tyranny, madness, cruelty.

But now?

They care about affection!

Is such an existence really a strong man in the town of Sakura?

"Swish the knife."

The old reed turned his back to Bai Luo: "When you cut off my head, they will transform in the true sense, from a group of children under the care of me under the shabby house, to a real ruthless god, hell evil. ghost."

"And they will expand your territory for you and be invincible."

Is a person comparable to a miracle?

"You said it, yes."

Bai Luo raised the broken blade in his hand, and then, under the horrified eyes of the reed family, slashed the old reed's neck with a knife.

"I got in their way."

"Cut me down and clear the front for them."

Blood spurted, but the old man's heartfelt thanks echoed in his ears: "Thank you, great king."


The old man's body slowly fell, and at this moment, the information on the miracle on the ninth page of the black book was completely complete. . .

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