This is a Miracle

Chapter 203 Tonight, the Adonians join the hunt

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Nightmare, and Hunter, these are the two branches of Leon's Blood Moon family.

The former is a terrifying monster, and the latter is an exorcist who saves the world from terror.

"The difference in numbers is huge."

Bai Luo was sitting at a high place, but his eyes ignored the boundless fog and landed directly in the cemetery: "Hunter, is there a total of 240 people?"

Among them, 60 were from the Aden family, 80 from the tree elves, and later 100 slave boys and girls. They were also fortunate enough to join this hunting battle and experience the collision of miracles and miracles at close range.

"Ordinary blood moon hunter 100."

Bai Luo knows that Leon's power is not something that everyone can bear, the ordinary level, maybe it is the protection of their spirits, and will not be polluted by greed for the world.

"Extraordinary class, 110 people."

Compared with the Battle of Sigrian, the battle strength of this battle is not known to be strong or weak.

"Extraordinary 20, heroic, 6 people!"

Sheila and Haierbo, two peak heroes.

Mia, Elsa, Fiora, three heroic witches.

The blood moon system can also support the power of witches, so it is a bonus, so that the three girls have the miraculous power that is enough to rival heroes.

There is also Bo Ya, the magic he masters seems to be able to take care of each other with the power of the blood moon, and he has also gained a lot of improvement.

"One person at the master level."

Bai Luo's attention fell on Aleia, the blindfolded elder sister felt Bai Luo's will and greeted him in his direction.

To be honest, Bai Luo was really surprised.

Aleia's talent is extremely high, and she has the talent of a living saint, which is a top talent that even senior sisters and uncles can influence.

Bai Luo can be sure that if the living saint is also set to a level, Aleia must be the top among them, not a simple ordinary living saint.

"It's been such a big improvement in just a few months,

As expected of Alia. "

The Aden family, the only Taishan Beidou who can be as famous as senior sister, Aleia, is so terrifying.

"That girl is amazing."

Long Guixiang also noticed Aleia, and he spoke highly of Aleia: "Only two months of exposure to the power of miracles can achieve such a level, and it's so low-key that your Majesty has not noticed it. "

Old Reed is not good at arranging troops, but he is definitely an expert among experts when it comes to fighting, practicing, and improving his strength.

Aleia's character is calm and indifferent, and her mind is clear, so as long as she can adapt to the power of miracles, she will improve very quickly.

To put it badly, Knowles has been working hard for 2 months and has not been able to develop a single trick, Aleia, she has developed dozens of tricks.

Yes, it is so awesome, the gap is so big.

The living saints are really open-minded existences. Any miracle master who gets them is like getting a BUG-level combat power of the same level that can temporarily resist the miracle body.

"Is she the main force in this battle?"

Although Gui Ji is out of character, in front of her senior sister, she is quite stable on weekdays.

"Boya is the one leading the troops, and Leon is the top person in charge. Aleia, I didn't give her any tasks."

Saying so, Bai Luo gave Aleia an order—just act at will.


Aleia heard Bai Luo's voice, she smiled slightly: "Okay, Your Majesty."


The black breath surged again, and this time it was the fox girls who came out.

There are about a hundred fox girls of different ages, but they are all talents who have been strengthened by the power of miracles for a long time under the command of King Aolai.

They are like empty buckets without water. They already have capacity. As long as they are poured into the power of miracles, they will immediately become ready-made miracle troops.

And Bai Luo was not stingy, and gave them his power without reservation.

The fox girls have become miraculous citizens, and their strengths range from extraordinary, extraordinary, and heroic. As a result, the worst are the extraordinary fox girls, which once again improved the quality of the Adun army.


The crimson giant fox burning with flames walked out of the shadows. She raised her head and screamed, her bloody eyes constantly scanning the cemetery, with a murderous aura. She was one of the seven foxes who had just joined Aden's team, Huo Wu.

"Is Lulu also a hero? It's amazing!"

Huowu is now a beast-type unit, with a huge stature and full of destructive power, but she is inconvenient to move and cannot move at will, for fear of stepping on people.

"No human body?"

The ink cloud is different from the fire mist. She doesn't like the huge size, so she uses the power of greed to shrink herself a lot.

"It's very unaccustomed."

Qinghu Qingyu was originally the Qingyu Sword Princess. She is good at swordsmanship, so she prefers the heroic spirits.

Attributes are nothing to Haruyu, skills and secret skills are.

"I only have extraordinary level?"

Jinhu Yueji was a little depressed: "My strength is so bad with Mr. Leon?"

"Me too, sister."

Yin Xue'er complained, "I am also of the Extraordinary level."

"I am extraordinary."

The strength of the white fox is also average.

"Wa hahaha!"

Shion suddenly laughed out loud: "I am a hero, I am a hero!!"

Zi Yuan has a relatively high affinity with the power of greed for the world, and in this blood moon incarnation, in the dream, Zi Yuan has obtained an extremely terrifying bonus, and has jumped to the level of a hero, raising his eyebrows.


The only pity is that all the members of the fox clan did not appear in the form of heroic spirits, that is, blood moon hunters, but huge monsters.

Obviously in Leon's dreams, they are more inclined to nightmares than hunters.

The seven fox clans are also several heroes.

Counting the other fairies, the number of these little guys is unimaginably huge, and now they have all become huge, ferocious, and terrifying beings.

For a time, the entire cemetery, the forest outside the cemetery, and even the hazy sky were filled with their figures.

The fog is still there, but if someone walks in it, they will be shocked and pale.

Dense, countless nightmare monsters, looming.

They opened their bloody mouths, and those pairs of eyes, with red eyes and black backgrounds, looked like messengers from hell, overlooking the world.

"Your Majesty, I am ready."

Leon made everyone quiet, and then prayed to Bai Luo: "I allow you to use this power to cleanse this wrong and rotten city."

"I have seen Ragnarok of the Gods."

"Gods, high above."

"Because they are gods, and gods are righteous, and the opposite of righteousness must be evil."

"If I am wrong, what is right in the eyes of wrong?"


Leon stood in the center of the cemetery, his voice was very soft, like whispering, like saying something to someone, like telling an old story, venting to some people or some world, Dissatisfaction with some kind of force.


At this moment, all the nightmare monsters and hunters fell silent.

They carefully felt the power from Leon and his words.


The bell of the ancient capital rang above Bai Luo's head. He was the master of miracles, but Bai Luo was not very clear about how Leon's power would be reflected.

So the battle of the ancient capital is not just for the Aduns to experience the real war.

It is not a war against maddened species or living bodies, but an army of thorns with wisdom, self-judgment, and skills, secret skills, and profound meanings, that is, the heroic spirit species in the seven categories, the real power of human beings.


The sky in the ancient capital was undergoing changes, and the originally hazy white fog was now covered in blood.

However, the fog was too thick and dense, which made the blood-colored light unable to shine on the ground, and it was only in mid-air that it did its best.

"What is this?!"

General Dong was sitting on the Daxue Mountain, looking at the scenery here, he thought that the ancient capital had been invaded, and it was not a great enemy.

After all, as long as those who have signed the sacred covenant, it is impossible to launch a large army to attack each other.

The sacred tiger beard, who dares to stroke it?

But now, the situation has obviously exceeded General Dong's expectations.

I saw that in the sky, the originally silvery white moon was being replaced by blood red.

It was a blood moon, bright red, eerie and terrifying.

It was like an eye, looking down on the city from a high altitude, and General Winter, who was also under its gaze.

"Not right..."

General Dong frowned, his face changed for the first time, and he was no longer so calm: "The red moon, such a large miracle field, what level of miracle power is this?"

"What does he want to do?"

General Dong noticed something was wrong, so he immediately decided to leave, but the old man hesitated for a while as soon as he stepped out.

'Should I go? ’

'Is it not good to follow the original plan? ’

‘If the other party is really going to be detrimental to the ancient capital, why should I protect this city? ’

As early as when the reed family visited General Dong, he had already revealed this confusion, why he wanted to protect the ancient capital, and whether the ancient capital was worth his protection.

What is the meaning of ancient capital?

a city?

Or people in the city?

If it were somewhere else, if it were a general defending the city, he would definitely say that the People's Congress is above everything else, and that buildings and cities are nothing at all.

But the people of the ancient capital, are they worth saving?


With strength under his feet, General Dong's pace was abruptly stopped.

He looked at the wooden house behind him, a hut that was covered in snow and then looked shabby in the light of the torches.

For forty years, General Dong chose to live in seclusion here because he was ashamed of the ancient capital.

Because he felt that the ancient capital was too filthy, and every inch of the people there, the air, and the land there made him feel incomprehensible.

It was clearly something he should change, but it became like that.

To be honest, it's not about General Winter.

After all, the relationship behind the ancient capital is complicated. There are Queen Cain, the Lord of the Birch Tree and the Dark Mistress, none of them are easy to deal with.

At least the Earl of Thorns has to come forward in person to be eligible to sit on an equal footing with them and then negotiate.

General Winter?

Just like when Hailongji and Xiaguang Saint Avril met their senior sister, no matter how powerful they were, they were only children of miracles.

Children of Miracles are not eligible to talk to the Lord of Miracles on an equal footing.

This is the honor and inferiority of the king and the ministers, the ministers and the people.

"Want to wait?"

General Dong lowered his head, and there was a trace of thought in his eyes. Like Bai Luo, he also wanted to cleanse the ancient capital.

‘Why does such a city exist? ’

'Because I am here. ’

'Then can you not be there? ’

A few years ago, General Dong heard the singing from the sea, he followed the sound and met a girl who lost her mother.

General Winter could not forget what she said to himself.

"I am here, so the rubbish of the ancient capital can be so arrogant," General Dong: "But I can be absent."

"Keep waiting!"

Without any hesitation, General Dong chose to sit down on the small wooden bench he carved by himself, and then sit and watch the disaster that is about to usher in the ancient capital.

"I do not care who you are."

"I leave the fate of the ancient capital to you," General Dong slowly closed his eyes: "Don't let me down, stupid old banquet!"

General Dong felt the madness and terror under the light of the blood moon. This is the power of the idiot old banquet in the twenty-eighth camp. The other twenty-seven kinds are absolutely impossible to bring him such a feeling of heart palpitations. .

Lord of the birch?

That man can't make such a scene, such a huge domain power, is definitely the work of a miracle that General Winter has never seen.

As for the emerging Lord of Miracles, the level of awakening would not be too high.

"Is it another up-and-coming new king?" General Dong: "If you attack the ancient capital without authorization, let the old man teach you a lesson. Even the master of miracles should not be so self-righteous."

But as time passed by, General Dong never waited for any movement.

"The fog doesn't go away, what are you waiting for?"

However, General Dong was a little puzzled, why Leon still didn't take action.

And why is this fog blocking the blood moon's light?

The power of ignorance can only achieve better results when it illuminates the earth. This is common sense, and General Dong, who has fought against the lord of the birch tree many times, knows better than anyone else.

"Your Majesty, I am ready."

Leon summoned the Blood Moon. Compared to the Day of Embers, the Blood Moon was more suitable for this big night.


On the platform of the huge bell tower, there was no fog around Bai Luo, he stood very high, and the fog did not touch this place.

Bai Luo Wan was standing on the sea, the hazy white mist was the sea water, they rolled, scattered, and drifted with the wind.

Looking up, the huge blood moon hangs high in the sky, which is creepy.

"God unleashed a great flood to cleanse."

Bai Luo never compares himself to a god, but in the face of debris and garbage, his new owner of the ancient capital who is about to debut has the responsibility to clean up first to make a living.

"I am not a god, but launching a purge as a king should have a clear goal and a bottom line."

"Innocents shouldn't be implicated, just kill the damned."

This part must be clearly distinguished.

Bai Luo didn't want to hurt some poor people indiscriminately because of his own strength.

After all, from the point of view of interests, they are also the descendants of Bai Luo in the future, or the parents of the descendants. Bai Luo does not want the ancient capital to suffer too many casualties.

Nobles and nobility are dead, there is no need to say this.

But for the remaining persecuted people, Bai Luo planned to keep them.


Bai Luo raised his hand and began to grope on his clothes. He forgot that he was in the form of a blood moon hunter at this time, which was different from his main body.



Suddenly, Bai Luo touched a silver pendant. He looked at it and thought for a moment.

"His Majesty?"

Huang Quan looked at Bai Luo in confusion, wondering why he hadn't announced the start.

"and many more."

Bai Luo raised his hand and interrupted Huang Quan's inquiry.

"I choose you."

Bai Luo said, tossing the silver pendant, wrapping the chain around his hand, then pressing his mouth close to the pendant, and said softly, "In the name of the Lord of Miracles, Law! This is a demon-subduing thing whose name is Silver, all the polluted things in the world, untouchable!"

[Law of Miracles: Don't touch anything made of silver! 】

This is the first order that Bai Luo gave, all polluted things will be restrained by the silver attribute, and they are afraid of silver products.

Of course, this is only to limit those polluted species that are not even ordinary miracle tokens. For ordinary miracle troops, miracle people recognized by Bai Luo, it will definitely have no effect.

However, with such a decree, Bai Luo thought of the demons and vampires in his previous life.

In Western myths and legends, silver is a material that can subdue demons.

Bai Luo also didn't expect that he originally wanted to give the polluted seeds a flaw and curb their rapid expansion, but chose silver. I don't know if it was a coincidence.

The old banquet system can easily get out of control.

For other miracles, Bai Luo was worried that they would not develop fast enough, but the old banquet of foolishness, Bai Luo was afraid that they would really spread out completely, then it was really a sin.

"Silver is silver," Bai Luo said, "a steel sword slays people, and a silver sword exorcises demons."

Bai Luo doesn't know if there will be a unit system called 'Demon Hunter' under his command in the future, but for now, let's choose this coincidence.


Bai Luo loosened the pendant, and the silver pendant burned itself in the air. It turned into a contract and became the shackles on all the polluted species.

"In the name of the Lord of Miracles, decree! Buildings and places where many people gather are not allowed to trespass without guidance and permission!"

[Law of Miracles: Do not take the initiative to break into the residences and gathering places of living beings! 】

One decree is definitely not enough, Bai Luo ordered the second.

And the feature of this one is very similar to the ghost stories that Bai Luo heard in the previous life, that is, without the permission of the owner, the ghosts and ghosts cannot enter the house.

They have to knock on the door first, falsely claiming to be friends, and wait until the host's house opens the curtains or takes the initiative to open the door before the monsters can break into the house.

"In the name of the Lord of Miracles, decree! You are only allowed to live in a barren land far away from human beings. If there is no hatred, you are not allowed to attack living creatures without authorization!"

After that, Bai Luo issued many more orders.

Bai Luo has his own bottom line, and he doesn't want real life to be ruined, so when he issued the decree, he gave as many restraints as possible to these pollution species.

Basically, to the point where ordinary people will never encounter them as long as they don't commit suicide.


Bai Luo has done his job, so next, it's Leon's turn.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, Your Majesty."

Leon knelt down on one knee and respectfully saluted in Bai Luo's direction: "Please enjoy this performance slowly."

"Let's get started, everyone."

The nightmare monsters and hunters turned into by the Adun people all looked at Leon, only to see him slowly get up and look around.



Nightmare monsters roared, they shuttled fast in the fog, and the blood moon hunters unfolded their weapons and made the sound of metal collision: "Tonight, the Aduns join the hunt!"

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