This is a Miracle

Chapter 212: The Radiant Rose Dragon

The chapter is wrong, it is two hundred and thirteen chapters


【Fel Flames】

Dark green fel energies kept detonating in the courtyard, and they were casted with the 'auto-tracking' spell, no need to aim at all, as long as Ina threw it, the black rose would be locked.

"It's amazing."

Black Rose's experience is indeed rich, and she has already noticed the problem of this trick as soon as the Fel Energy Flame was thrown from Ina's hand.

A large number of crimson beams broke through the soil, like strips of steel bars, and rushed out and retracted at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye of a hero.

"Puff puff!"

Heart, lungs, brain, spine.

The angles of these beams are tricky and deadly.

"I really can't escape."

Ina said indifferently: "But just relying on these dozens of things, your lethality is useless to me!"

"You can't kill me!!"

Ina did not dodge, but let the beams run through her body.

【Extraordinary: Life Rewards】

The fel energy turned into a pale light of life, and at the same time, Ina's body began to collapse.

Eye damage, don't.

The heart is damaged and burned directly with evil energy.

Even if the brain is penetrated, it doesn't matter, the evil energy burns, and then reshapes the new life!

Obviously a witch, but today's Inai is more like a meat shield, with amazing resilience, even Black Rose is amazed.

"Excellent ability."

In the center of the courtyard, countless crimson metal beams were woven into cobwebs, which looked like collapsed high-rise buildings. Through the staggered vermilion beams, a woman in a black dress stepped on the blood of thorns, overlooking Ina condescendingly.

"Not only can foreign objects be transformed into miraculous powers by burning,

It can also use this energy to repair the body. "

Black Rose saw that Ina was not afraid of her mortal piercing: "It seems that you have to be more serious."

It can replenish magic and restore blood, which is simply a perfect miracle energy.

But any ability has a limit.

Inai can stop her blood of thorns, so what about the profound meaning?


Black Rose pulled out the blood of a thorn at hand from the soil, and the blood-red beam continued to condense, and finally turned into a scarlet spear that seemed to be entangled by thorns.

[Profound meaning: The thorn forest pierced to the sky! 】

Black Rose inserted the thorn blood gun into the ground, and in an instant, the entire mansion began to shake.

"will die!"

Almost in an instant, Ina suddenly retreated.

"Puff puff..."

At the same time, countless vermilion spears penetrated the earth and stretched toward the sky.

"Nonuo, tiger! Run away!"

Ilona gave an order, and Junono hurriedly summoned a broom to rise into the air.


The stupid tiger held the Fran brothers and sisters in his arms, and the huge and hard arms like stone pillars almost enveloped the bodies of the brothers and sisters, leaving only their heads and feet.


The silly tiger jumped, and the mighty power seemed to make him the Hulk.

This jump must be at least 20 meters high and 100 meters away.

The brothers and sisters cried out in fright.

No way, no matter who unprepared jumped to 20 meters in the air in 1 second, and then fell into the parabola in an instant, it is estimated that he can't stand it, it is too exciting.


Ten, a hundred, a thousand.

In an instant, the entire Mordi family's villa turned into a forest of scarlet thorns.

The spears are big and small, the small ones are only the thickness of an embroidery needle, and I don't know what they are used to attack.

And the big one stands tall like a bell tower, which shocked Ilona and Junono from afar.

However, they did not dare to stay for long, and immediately began to contact Leon to prepare to leave.

"Is this Profound Truth?"

In the air, Ina sat gracefully on the broom: "The gap is too big."

If this move just now was hit directly and injected with such an astonishing mortal factor, Ina estimated that his evil energy would never be repaired in time.

The resilience of evil energy is not invincible. It has two weaknesses, that is, the consumption is huge, and the second is the limited repair speed, which has nothing to do with evil energy.

If the opponent can inflict mortal wounds before he can repair it, Ina will also die.



Ina looked at the spear forest all over the ground in surprise, and it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Most of the profound meanings of ordinary people cannot be manipulated, but mine."

Black Rose opened her palm towards Ina in the air: "It's controllable."

"Ge la la!!"

Endless scarlet spears, as big as towers and as small as thin needles.

"Fel shield!"

"It's useless."

Black Rose stood still, she raised her other hand, and more spears of thorns poured out towards Ina: "It's strange, why didn't my blood of thorns hit you, because I just summoned them, Now is the real mystery."

[Profound Truth: Bloodthorn, The Spear of Infinite Death]

Different from the profound meaning of ordinary people, Black Rose has lived for too long, and her understanding of the power of miracles is far above that of ordinary heroes.

These thorn blood guns are not disposable items, but infinite props that can be continuously recovered and used repeatedly.

The purpose of [Thorn Forest] is to summon thousands of thorn blood guns.

But after being summoned, Black Rose can retract it and shoot it again.

It's okay to be blocked.

Withdraw, shoot again.

It was the same when it was broken. It turned into fresh blood and returned to Black Rose, and penetrated towards Ina again.

Not only that, but they all have the power of 'must hit the key' and 'the middle man will die'.

Although the destructive power is limited, but the single-unit lethality, the power of the thorn blood spear forest is definitely not under the general maximum meaning.

Just like now, Ina is completely in a desperate situation.

The red beam guns are endless, and what is even more terrifying is that they can be deflected in the air, attacking Ina from all directions like beams, leaving her with no room to dodge.

Can't defend, can't hide, can't escape.


With the ticket in hand, Black Rose let go.

The two blood-colored vortexes continued to attack Ina, and automatically recovered the fallen thorn blood gun.

As for Black Rose, she saw that she had built a throne made of blood behind her, admiring Ina's dying struggle like a queen.

"how about you?"

Black Rose sipped the red wine and looked at Haierbo: "Have you not made a move yet?"

She has suppressed Ina, easy, very simple.

But Haierbo never made a move from the beginning to the end, which made Black Rose somewhat incomprehensible.

However, the two little guys who had just entered the hero level and didn't even grasp the profound meaning, Black Rose didn't take it seriously.


Haierbo: "Didn't you feel it, I've always made a move."


Black Rose was puzzled, but a feeling of unease suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Ha ha."

Haierbo smiled and looked at Inai, and the girl understood what he meant: "It seems that we won."

[Profound Truth: Spiritual Body Separation]


Black Rose was puzzled, but the next moment, the woman's pupils shrank suddenly.

She can't move.

Black Rose maintained the drinking posture, but the whole person was just there.

The woman has not been casted by spells such as immobilization, her body has no problems, and her spirit is very stable, not an illusion.

But it just couldn't move, not at all.


"Do you think why did I take you so many tricks?"

In the air, Inai looked at the thorn blood gun that had stopped, and she shouted to Haierbo: "Deal with her, Brother Haierbo."

"Don't make trouble, Ina."

Haierbo said: "It's good to be able to control her. If you take action against her, as long as there is a slight fluctuation in the power of miracles, she may take advantage of her."

【Spiritual separation】

Spirit, refers to the spirit, that is, consciousness.

The body is the body.

Severing the connection between consciousness and body allows people to stay awake but not in control of their body.

This is the only heroic profound truth that Haierbo has mastered.

If it is used on the Extraordinary level, with just this move, Haierbo can directly strip a person's spirituality and let him die.

Unfortunately, they are facing black roses.

The miracle power of Black Rose is too strong, and countless passives.

If it wasn't for her taking the initiative to inhale a large amount of blood of thorns into her body, so that Haierbo could take advantage of it, he would have no way to take the black rose.

"Stupid fool, the power of foolishness?"

Sure enough, Black Rose noticed that there were a lot of tiny, and constantly twisting white maggots in her body.


Although she couldn't take the initiative to destroy it, the miraculous power in her body was automatically defending, and they would be burnt clean within 30 seconds at most.

"You two!!"

Black Rose is very angry because she really can't move now.

She needs external force, preferably someone who can do some attack on her, or someone who can touch her.

[Spiritual Body Separation] is not a very powerful sealing method. In addition to the short time, it has a lot of flaws.

The most embarrassing one is that once someone approaches her within one meter, this profound meaning will be automatically lifted.

So even in the face of an attack, Black Rose has a distance of 1 meter to react.

"And don't forget, there is also the liberation of heroes."

Haierbo did not forget that Black Rose did not perform hero liberation.

If you shoot at her at this time, kill the main body first, and the hero's real body will appear.

Kill the real hero first, they can also return to human form, and then fight again.

This is hero level, very, very troublesome, each one has to be killed twice.

"If you have experience, you can do it."

Haierbo said: "You haven't mastered enough powerful tricks. Even if you can get a lot of energy through fel energy, your output is limited. If you can't move, you can't move."

This is the sadness of heroes who have not mastered the profound truth. Facing the Black Rose, they can be said to be helpless.

"I can give her a bath with evil."

Ina's fel energy is very corrosive, it can't kill Black Rose, and it's okay to make her cry in pain.

"Severe pain interrupts my astral separation."

Haierbo shook his head and said, "Forget it, just treat it as a tie."


Inai was very unwilling, but she knew that what Haierbo said was right, they had no tricks that could cause fatal damage to Black Rose.

"Don't die."

Haierbo's emotional intelligence is very high, how could it end like this: "Inai, do you know the current situation, she can't move now."


Inai was a very pure woman, and didn't understand what Haierbo meant.


Haierbo walked up to Inai with a little embarrassment and said softly to her: "Victory is not only about fighting, don't you know magic? It's too late to change her into a maid outfit, you can also add a pair of cats. what."


Inai looked at Haierbo in surprise. If it was an ordinary girl, she would definitely not do such a thing.

But these are extraordinary times, and Ina thinks it is feasible.

Hearing Haierbo's words, Inai suddenly realized as if he had opened the door to a new world!

"give it to me."

So, I saw Ina waving the wand in his hand, and then pointed at the black rose in the distance: "Change magic!"


Black Rose guessed what insidious plan the two were doing.

Suddenly, Black Rose felt a little cold under her body, as if something was missing.

Before Black Rose could react, Ina's voice came.

"It's a bit surprising, you're not the queen, but this style is too pure, isn't it?"

In Ina's hands, a very simple piece of pure white cloth was being held high by the girl, dancing left and right as if showing off.

"You two stinky brats!!!"

Black Rose blushed, she regained her freedom, and almost the moment Inai cast the spell, the separation of the spirit body was lifted.

But the woman at this time was full of shame and anger.

She was covering her skirt with one hand and holding the Thorns Blood Spear in the other, and she crushed it with brute force, showing that she was extremely angry.

"Hey, it has nothing to do with me! I didn't order it!"

Haierbo just asked Inai to change Black Rose's clothes, such as maid clothes, bunny girls and the like.

But the girl misunderstood what he meant and actually took off the black rose. . .

"What are you doing, Ina?!!"

Haierbo hurriedly turned his head away, he was an ascetic, and a woman would only affect his mission.

But that doesn't mean Haierbo is shameless and doesn't blush.

"However, it's really delicious."

Naturally, it is impossible for Ina to smell it like a mother, but women of miracles such as Black Rose have a flower-like body fragrance, even sweat will make mortals drunk, not to mention the most important secret place of Black Rose.

Fortunately, Ina is a woman. If she were a man, she might not be crazy.

"Kill you, I will definitely kill you!"

Underwear will reflect a person's nature to some extent.

Different from the cold and majestic appearance, Black Rose is actually extremely conservative, but even her close companions are not aware of this.

Now that it has been made public, Black Rose has completely lost her mind, and the eyes that looked at Inai and Haierbo seemed to be swallowing them alive.

"Boom boom..."

Huge black shadows and blood light poured out of Black Rose's body, Ina's complexion changed slightly, and then her eyes widened.

Haierbo, who was beside him, kept raising his head, and at the same time he was sweating profusely.

"Me, damn it."

Haierbo felt that he had found the wrong opponent, definitely the wrong opponent!

Blood-red ferocious beast pupils, scales with the light of stars in the pitch black, red flames overflowing from around the body, and then constantly turning into black rose petals in the air, strips of thorns like the most perfect strong points, wrapped around her. On the limbs, roses as huge as houses bloomed.

"That," Ina swallowed her saliva and forced a smile: "I'll give you back my **, can you forgive me?"


Dragon, this is a black dragon.

A black dragon with a height of 150 meters and a wingspan of over 300 meters! !

However, unlike ordinary black dragons, her body is carved out of obsidian crystals, and each obsidian scale carries the light of stars.

[Hero Liberation: The Radiant Rose Dragon]


With one kick, the power of miracles is useless. The powerful force not only collapses the courtyard, but also directly turns the entire Mordi family villa into ruins.

"Little devil!"

Black Rose liberated her body, and she glared at Haierbo and Inai who were like ants: "I'm going to kill you."

"Boom boom boom!"

A large number of black beams of light rushed out of her body, covering the sky in all directions, and their power was so great that it overturned the definition of heroic by Haierbo and Inai.

"Is this guy too strong, is he really a hero?"

However, the two did not know that Black Rose was extremely talented.

If it weren't for the issue of Earl of Thorns, she would not be able to compare to Shanghai Longji in eighty years, but the blood of the dragon family is absolutely no problem for a king.

"It really has nothing to do with me!!"

Haierbo shouted that he was wronged, this was not his plan, not his plan!

But to be honest, they did 'win'.

Because even if Black Rose killed them, she would soon realize that she just killed two puppet-like things.

In other words, the humiliation has been attached, she won the battle and lost all face.

"Okay, I've decided."

Ina barely escaped the attack of Black Rose, and the girl said firmly: "I will treat this thing as a trophy and give it to Your Majesty!"


Thinking of Ina holding her underwear and saying to a certain honorable Lord of Miracles, 'This is my trophy', and then asking who it is, Ina replied 'Black Rose'.

"Shut up! Shut me up!!!"

Under the body of Obsidian Dragon, Black Rose's will almost fainted without shame.


In the high place, Bai Luo covered his face, not knowing how to deal with it.

Because Gui Ji, Huang Quan and Yasha were looking at him with strange eyes, although they knew that they could understand, this was not his intention, but Ina really had enough.

"It seems that the battle between these two children is over."

Huang Quan didn't mean to rescue him, he was the incarnation of the Blood Moon Hunter, and it didn't matter if he died.

What's more, Haierbo was very straightforward. He chose to give up resistance and face death, as did Inai.

As for Ilona and others, they have already run away.

When he realized that Black Rose was not something he could fight against, he prayed to Leon, opened the door to the dream, and left this dream.



Just about to destroy Haierbo and Inai's Black Rose, she sensed a behemoth flying towards her, and she hurriedly jumped into the air, avoiding this speedy leap.

"Boom boom boom!"

The shadow fell to the ground, but instead of standing, it was thrown over.


As soon as Black Rose spoke, Haierbo exclaimed: "Lulu!!"

It was a cat monster with silver hair and pink pattern, 20 to 30 meters high and 70 to 80 meters long, but now it was covered in scars and was dying.


The space debris kept falling, and everyone looked in the direction the cat Lulu flew from.

The fog shattered, the space was like glass smashed by stones, and behind it, on the dark street, the corpses of the nightmare monsters transformed by the goblins were scattered everywhere.

"I've been meowing for a long time, why can't anyone understand me?"


Mei Xiang noticed the Obsidian Rose Dragon in front of her: "Sister Black Rose? You were forced out of the hero and liberated. Is the enemy so strong?"


Black Rose didn't want to answer, the enemy was actually not strong, and she could win even if she didn't liberate.

But the ** was forcibly taken away as a trophy, and she could say such words.

"A new enemy?"

Ina wanted to be slaughtered, but when a new enemy came, she became interested again.

"Lulu, Lulu, are you okay?"

Heerbo knew that he was just an avatar, but he was still very worried and nervous when he saw that Cat Lulu was seriously injured.

"Small, be careful."

Cat Lulu's voice was very soft, and she could only tell Haierbo through contractual contact: "This woman is very strong, and she is not in the same dimension as other guys."

"Lulu? Lulu!"

Cat Lulu turned into a small cat, and just lay in Haierbo's arms.

The body liberated by the hero is destroyed, the hero will not die, they still have a second life.

But Cat Lulu's spirit is damaged, even if there is a second body, it can't bear it.

"Are you talking to her? You have her breath on you, do you know each other?"


Mei Xiang's voice made Haierbo horrified, his pupils shrank, only to see that Mei Xiang had come between Inai and him at some point.


"How did she get here?"

Inai and Haierbo chose to retreat at the same time, but a strange thing happened.


It was clear that they had left, but the distance between the two of them and Mei Xiang had not changed at all.

"It's useless."

Mei Xiang muttered to himself: "Between 1 and 2, there are countless invisible numbers, but no matter which one they are, they can't reach before 1, nor can they reach after 2."

"what do you mean?"

Inai couldn't understand what Mei Xiang said at all. Haierbo had some guesses, but he was more shocked by Mei Xiang's miraculous power.

Huge, unbelievably huge.

If you use data for comparison, if Inai is 800, then Haierbo is 1500.

And Meixiang, at least broke 100,000!

The difference of nearly a hundred times is unimaginable!

Even if the power of miracles is only mp, it doesn't mean that the opponent's output is 100 times his own. However, if Haierbo doesn't know what it means, then he is really stupid.

"Master, at least a master-level powerhouse."

The master who masters the power of the domain is definitely not something that Haierbo and Inai can deal with.

The gap between the hero and the master is much larger than the extraordinary and the hero.


Ina almost reflexively pointed her wand at Mei Xiang: "Fel energy..."


The unimaginable invisible oppression fell on Inai and Haierbo. Inai looked at the fel energy at the top of the wand in horror, and they were trembling.

"how is this possible?!"

The evil energy dissipates automatically, as if it does not exist at all, which is extremely strange.

"Can't move."

With one look, the two Hero-levels were like being hit by the 'Secret Spiritual Body Separation', unable to move even a single finger.

'The gap,' Haierbo: 'too big. ’

"Finally met two people who can talk."

Mei Xiang didn't take action against Haierbo and Yinai. She breathed a sigh of relief: "I called me all the time along the way, but no one got back to me."

"Meixiang, they are my prey."

"I'm just asking for directions, not to rob monsters, Miss Black Rose."

As she was talking, Mei Xiang saw the white cloth strip in Inai's hand: "What is this, why does it smell like Black Rose, is it yours?"


Black Rose was shocked, but before she could stop her, the sound of space breaking came again.



The cherry blossoms and the other shore flowers smashed the foggy space and flew backwards towards the black rose.

"You guys, how did you get hurt like this?"

The black rose bloomed a rose in the air and caught the two women.

"Miss Black Rose, retreat a little."

Seeing this, Mei Xiang temporarily put down Haierbo and Inai.

She cast her gaze over there, where Mei Xiang felt the huge sword intent that could not be described in words.

"Hey! How are you?"

Black Rose asked, Sakura endured the pain and said, "Miss Rose, hurry up, change back, that woman is coming."

"That woman?"

"Strange, monster."

After Sakura finished speaking, the other side of the flower finally had a chance to breathe: "Follow us, no longer a monster on the same dimension."

"Ah Lie Lie, don't say such things."

Aleia walked slowly from the misty space, followed by Iniya.

Tie Hanhan, who watched a crushing battle, is now very confident and full of self-confidence: 'I have General Aleia, what is there to be afraid of? ! ’

"I just played a game with you guys, but I've really stopped."

Aleia was talking. Although her eyes were closed, how could the world's number one blind female swordsman not perceive the huge dragon body of the Black Rose.

Later, Aleia captured the breath of Helbo and Inai, the fallen cat Lulu, and countless dead fairies in another dream.

"Are you bullying my children?"

Aleia frowned slightly, she retracted the small cross sword, and then took off the huge cross she was carrying: "Actually, what I'm best at is chopping huge things."


The cross sword was unsheathed, it was scabbard just like that, and Aleia swung it violently.

The next moment, an earth-shattering sword energy, at least several thousand meters wide, flew towards the black rose at an astonishing speed.

It carries the power of countless laws, any of which can cut the black rose, and add them together, such a range and speed. . .

"Can't escape!!"

Black Rose wanted to dodge, but her body was too huge at this time, which was the biggest shortcoming of the beast system—a living target.


Earth fissures, cities collapse.

Thousands of houses were cut in half with a smooth cut surface.

"Hu~~ huh~~"

Black Rose returned to her human form. She was shocked by Aleia's sword energy and broke into a cold sweat. In front of the woman, Mei Xiang held two swords, facing Aleia far away.

"Stop my sword."

"That's not a sword," Mei Xiang said, "you can swing this kind of slash without being sheathed. You are very strong."

"Just a little bit."

Aleia still did not choose to draw out the cross sword, so she held it and stood in front of her: "How about it, do you want to come and play?"\u003c/div\u003e

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