This is a Miracle

Chapter 21 The Battle of Vengeance (4,000 words, 2 in 1)

The Adonites formed a circle, and under the auspices of their uncle, they once again performed the miracle oath ceremony.

Well, that's right, the ritual of kneeling on the ground for 3 minutes.


Wearing a silver mane and a big fur, Bai Luo looked at the devout people. He didn't quite understand the meaning of this ceremony, but now he can only be like a statue and be a good mascot.

Everyone is so serious, Bai Luo also depends on the atmosphere.

However, most people will never encounter this kind of ceremony in their lifetime, and even if they do, it will only happen once at most.

But the Aden family, in just half a month, conducted two miracle oath ceremonies.

The old people who know the meaning of the miracle are not without excitement at this time.

The second, the second!

Bai Luo found the second miracle! !

Soon, the ceremony was over, and everyone was talking about it.

Compared with the old people, other people who don't know the rarity of miracles, their attention is still more on Shirley.

I saw Xue Li was carrying Bai Luo on her back, and around her, four horses knelt down on their knees. They lowered their heads and touched the grass, just like the people worshipping the high queen.

Bai Luo is the king of Aden, and Shirley, she is the king of all horses!

"what is this?"

"Horse, but with wings."

"so amazing."

"Brother Bai Luo said this is called Tianma, Tianma Shirley."

"A flying horse, is that a bird or a horse?"


Shirley was surrounded by people, but she was not unhappy, because the eyes of the Adonites were full of awe and admiration.

It's like the stars and big people go out, and the common people are looking forward to it, cheering and shouting.

Look at Yinya, how envious she is, how she wishes she could stand in Shirley's place.

"Shirley, you've become a big star."


Bai Luo didn't explain, he just said: "They are my people, and they will be yours in the future."

Miracles will not only protect their own king, but also the king's country, the king's subjects.

"Sherry will shelter them!"

Shirley's sense of Adon is not bad. During the week she was recuperating here, Mia and Schuster often picked mountain fruits for her to eat.

The Adonites have very few horses, except for Shirley, who only have three.

"I heard that it is a miracle creature. Are there so many kinds of miracles?"

Zyra and her younger brother John looked at Shirley from a distance, and both of them were amazed: "What a horse, I have never seen such a beautiful horse."

"And if you can fly, how do you deal with it?"

"Bow and arrow?"

Not only the Green Forest brothers and sisters, but also Knowles and Fiora of the White Eagle family, both of them looked at Shirley with great respect.

They had gone to the mountains before, and although they had seen many monsters, none of them could compare to Shirley, and neither could Silvermane.

Especially Knowles, as a warrior, a strong man of the Aden family, he could vaguely feel the gap between himself and Shirley.

'If you are an enemy of her. . . ’

'will die! ’

It's not just Knowles' idea, it's an intuitive feeling in everyone's heart.

Shelly is strong.

But just how strong, Bai Luo, and even Xue Li herself don't know.

"Miracle creature, the second kind of miracle, incredible, so incredible."

The old man rarely showed his unsteadiness, his hand holding the pipe trembled a little, looking at Bai Luo, the more he looked, the happier he was, even more excited than when Bai Luo got the first cute holy bag.

Because Bai Luo found the second kind of miracle, he once again proved himself that he is the king of destiny!

It's not destiny, who can win the lottery twice in a row?

Get a miracle, one in a million.

And the same person gets two miracles, which is something that even the old uncle has never heard of.

Maybe in mythology, but among the living people, the old man really doesn't know.

But now, Bai Luo has done it, he has done what a king in mythology can do, and the old uncle is proud of Bai Luo.

Of course, there is a more important reason, that is, Bai Luo's second miracle is a horse.

Even a fool knows that horses can fight!

This is a miracle of combat effectiveness!

"Okay, great!"

The old uncle patted Bai Luo on the shoulder again and again with excitement, and he said, "With Tianma, oh, her name is Xue Li, right? With this girl, we can cultivate a unit and army that is unique to Aden."


Bai Luo is familiar and unfamiliar with this word: "But there is only one Shirley..."

Bai Luo heard his uncle say that miracle creatures are unique and cannot be copied.

"This is not a problem."

The old man said: "Miracle creatures are the source of the power of miracles. With the first one, the second and the third will be born, and then a whole new race will be formed."

"You mean, let Shirley reproduce?"

"No, that's not called reproduction."

The old uncle is familiar with the information of miracle creatures. He said: "Most miracle creatures themselves do not have the ability to reproduce, but they contain extraordinary miracle power in their bodies."

"Through the gift of miracle power, ordinary species will become miracle derivatives, and even more powerful miracle races."

Miracle races and miracle creatures, the two are interrelated.

If you get a miracle creature, you will be able to develop a miracle race. Sooner or later, if you get a miracle race, there is a certain chance that the king of the race will be born, that is, a miracle creature.

However, miracle creatures are unique, and there are no two identical miracle creatures in the world.

"That Shirley..."

"I have to do some research," Uncle said. "Different miracle creatures have different methods of breeding miracle descendants. We have to observe and see what Shirley is like."

"Now, Xiao Luo, take someone to test Shirley's ability."

"Miracle creatures are different from miracles. They have very powerful powers as soon as they wake up," the old uncle: "If I didn't make a mistake in judgment, we might not be her opponents."

"Strength, speed, constitution, defense, resistance, and weaknesses."

"Xiao Luo, you need to find out the specific situation of Shirley."

It would be embarrassing if even Bai Luo, the master, didn't know about Xue Li's abilities.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will help you win a hundred battles.

This is the bare minimum.

"A test?"

The old uncle left, and the senior sister took over his job and began to count the approximate data of Xue Li: "Let's start with strength."

Strength test.

"The White Eagle Family, the Green Forest Family, and Iniya."

The senior sister selected the adult men and women in the clan. They were Knowles and Fiora from the White Eagle Family, Zyra and John from the Green Forest Family, plus Iniya, a total of five people.

The strength of the Adonites is not all the same as Bai Luo, but they are generally stronger than outsiders.

Just like Bai Luo, one person can carry 500 kilograms on his shoulders and can climb mountains and mountains.

Among the Adonites, the only one with stronger physical fitness than Bai Luo is Senior Sister.

Of the remaining five people, Knowles had the best aptitude, Fiora and Zyra were similar, but they were all a bit far behind Bai Luo.

There are also some 20 to 40-year-old women, the number is about 30, their combat power is not as good as Aden's elite, but Aden is a soldier. After the women have received training, it is not a big problem. So Bai Luo didn't dare to underestimate them.

In this test, almost all of Aden's adults were dispatched. The first thing they tested was Shirley's strength. She could carry a lot of things.

Soon, the test results came out one by one, and the expressions of the Adonites changed from curiosity at first to panic now.

Senior sister held a wooden board to record on one side, her eyesight was no less than that of the old uncle, and she quickly calculated the approximate data.

"Is this a miracle creature..."

A simple conclusion, the Adonites have tried their best to find a way to deal with Shirley.

No matter how tricky, no matter what plan, no matter how many people are dispatched, it is all in vain.

"How to deal with this?!"

"It's too incomprehensible, is there such a big gap between us and miracle creatures?"

The Adonites finally felt the grievances of the old uncle.

No matter how hard they work and how hard they exercise, they are still powerless when they encounter miracle creatures.

Senior sister showed the test results to the old man. The old man only glanced at it and shook his head: "Feiya, you underestimated."

"Underrated? I've tried my best..."

"Xue Li has just become Xiao Luo's miracle. She will become stronger all the time and will awaken new abilities," the old uncle said. "So we have to estimate at this point."

"If there is no further thinking than intelligence," the old uncle said to everyone, "Faced with miracles, there is only one dead end!"

"It's always unexpected, isn't it?"

Different from the gentleness at home, Senior Sister is very serious about fighting: "I understand, Dad."

Miracles are only more powerful than you think.

If you can't be three steps ahead, or even ten steps, and rely solely on data and information on paper, you will definitely pay a heavy price.

The old uncle knew early on that Shirley's strength was beyond imagination.

He has seen miracle creatures with other magical abilities before, not to mention miracle creatures, it is the diversion of their power, those miracle races, even old uncles are not opponents.

What's more, miracle creatures are immortal.

Even if you destroy it, as long as the Lord of Miracles is still alive, Miracle Creatures will come back to life.

This gives Wonder Creatures the advantage of being consumables.

Let them be invincible on the battlefield.

"Are we going?"

"It's time to go."

The old uncle agreed with Bai Luo's opinion: "In order to avoid long nights and dreams, and arrive at the overseas island one day earlier, we will break away from the control of the Earl and the Iron Eagle King one day earlier."

"Although Xiao Luo has two miracles, Earl of Thorns has obtained miracles for eighty years."

One is a rookie and the other is a veteran miracle lord.

It cannot be said that Earl of Thorns is definitely stronger than the current Bai Luo, this is difficult to compare.

After all, not many people so far know what the miracle of Earl of Thorns is.

Although the Lord of Miracles uses miracles, most of them hide the body of miracles and only use the power of miracles.

Just like Bailuo's territory has grown potatoes and sweet potatoes, but how many people will know about this miracle derivative in the future, are they poured out of their pockets?

The budding holy bag is the essence of this miracle.

In contrast, the agriculture of the whole country is only the product of its miraculous power.

Similarly, Shirley is not a miracle that can be used at will in the future.

It's like an infinite gold mine.

Gold mines are fundamental, but money can make a country and nation prosperous and strong.

As for how to spend the money, whether to build an army or develop people's livelihood, it all depends on the wisdom of the miracle lord.

In the future, the Adonites will receive Shirley's gift and the power of miracles, and they will become stronger because of this.

But as Shirley's trump card, as a killer, the Adonites will definitely try their best to hide her information, avoid her weaknesses from being discovered, and then design a target.

"That's right, uncle."

Bai Luo asked, "If we kill some people now, will it hinder the migration plan?"

Hearing Bai Luo's words, the Knowles siblings, the Zyra siblings, and Iniya all looked at him.

Especially the sisters and brothers Zyra, who often hunted wild beasts for Aden, their eyes were full of surprise. They had guessed who Bai Luo was going to kill.

'finally. . . ’

'Can I get revenge? ’

They did not speak, but quietly waited for the judgment of the old uncle and senior sister.

Bai Luo knew his position. He was a leader and a king, but he was not a wise man with all his thoughts.

He has the right to make decisions, but also has the obligation to protect the people.

If the entire Aden family is to be destroyed for the sake of his own personal vendetta, then Bai Luo would rather continue to endure it.

"Some people can't kill yet."

The people the old uncle was referring to were soldiers under the command of Earl Thorns.

There is nothing wrong with these people themselves, they just follow orders.

The source of the levy of grain and the heavy taxation lies in the wealthy and greedy.

In addition, when these people are moved, Earl of Thorns will know that they are at a critical moment, and they must not lose the advantage of the enemy's secret and secret because of this trivial matter.

"Ok, I know."

Bai Luo said, "I will investigate first. If there is someone, it will not be too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years."

"It's not too late to be home."

"But some people, they do be damned!"

For those profiteers who have squeezed and exploited their Adonites for nearly ten years, the attitude of the old uncle is exactly the same as that of Bai Luo.

In the past, there was no capital, and the Aden people did not dare to expose, and even had to constantly restrain themselves.

But now, they have capital!

Only by killing these people can the humiliation of the Adonites over the years be washed away.

"In a few days, the caravan will come." The old man actually counted the time. He said to Bai Luo, "These people have always been separated from the lord's soldiers, but they will bring some mercenaries."

Mercenaries, those are desperados, and not many people will care if they die.

"You are our leader now, the master of miracles."

"I've never heard of anyone who can have two miracles at the same time." In the eyes of the uncle, Bai Luo belongs to the king of destiny: "As long as you want to do it, do it!"

All Adonites will follow Bai Luo's will and fight for him.

Among them, naturally also includes the old uncle.

The old uncle took a few steps back and motioned everyone to gather in front of Bai Luo and listen to the instructions that Wang was about to give.

"The humiliation must be washed with blood!"

Bai Luo shouted to all the Adonites: "For ten years, they have been oppressed and deceived, forcing us to sell precious furs and mountain treasures at low prices."

"Damn them!!"

After Bai Luo finished speaking, the Adonites present all agreed.


"Kill them!"

"Please let me go with you!"

"And I!"


Bai Luo's strength is not weak.

But there are only two of him and Xue Li, and eventually there will be some omissions, so Bai Luo intends to bring some more people to ensure that there will be no survivors.

"If you want to go, bring your equipment tomorrow evening and gather at the entrance of the village."

Bai Luo: "I only have one request for you in this operation."

"Not a single one!"


Aton's popularity has been high and has been suppressed for many years. Now that there is abundant food, and half a month of cultivation, most of them have recovered their physical strength and vitality to their peaks, and even women have invited to fight.

However, Bai Luo still needed them to stay and protect the children, so he didn't agree.

Moreover, this operation did not require many people. With Bai Luo and Xue Li, as well as Senior Sister, concealment was more important than combat effectiveness.

So, with Bai Luo as the captain, Senior Sister as the deputy, plus Iniya, Knowles, and Zyra.

A total of five people are all the members who attacked and killed the profiteer and took revenge on Xuehen.

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