This is a Miracle

Chapter 209 The King's Awakening

"Cough cough cough."

With burning pain in her cheeks, Tulip stood up from the ground with her sword strong, and she looked at Xia Yan who was ravaged by Leon in the distance.

'If it goes on like this, Xia Yan will die. ’

The master has a very strong vitality, even if he can't beat him, he simply wants to escape, and the king can't stop him.

But Leon is a miracle body, one-on-one, he wants to lock and suppress a master, it is only a matter of time.

Because Xia Yan has no time to recover, no matter how huge the power of miracles, it can only exert a limited power.

It is extremely normal for a master to fight a master for a long time without a winner.

However, now, within 1 minute at most, Kasumi will surely die in Leon's hands.

Don't think that killing a master in 1 minute is very slow. There can be several masters in a miracle country. If all of them only take 1 minute, it will not destroy the country in an hour.

'Why are you coming to invade us? ’

Tulip couldn't understand what kind of mind this country named Aden was holding.

"Is it because of sin, teacher?"

Tulip, like General Dong, actually has a strong sense of guilt, and at the same time feels guilty to the people of the ancient capital, because it was their inaction that led to the tragedy of the ancient capital for 40 years.

'For the things in my heart, I don't hesitate to do this for ten days. ’

'What you insist on is justice,' Tulip said: 'What about me, what am I insisting on? ’

The woman's body was shaking, she was terrified, terrified of her impending death.

Tulip actually understood, but she was too scared to admit it, let alone face it.

'I will die. ’

Tulip looked at her hand, she didn't repair the wound on her face, and even forgot the pain: 'Ke Xiayan is my companion and my best friend. ’


Mei Xiang's cry awakened Tulip, and the woman got up from the ground and rushed towards Leon without hesitation.

'What am I thinking! ’

Tulip bit her lip: 'When,

Am I starting to cherish my own life? ’

'Does a long life make me afraid of death? ’

Tulip hated this, very hated, she looked at Xia Yan.

Afraid of death or not, let's talk about it.


Tulip only knew that if she hesitated any longer, she would regret it for the rest of her life.


Tulip folded her fingers, clasped her fists in front of her, and prayed silently in her heart: "Dawn is not the end of the night, just as everything recovers at the edge of winter."

"When we kneel down to fear, we don't know that the fear in our eyes is sworn in to despair."


Quiet, deadly silence, even time and space seem to freeze.

"I trade with vision, please let me see what you look like."

"I dedicate my hearing, I only wish to hear your voice and appeal to you."

"I liberate flesh and blood, and touch everything about you with the same body as you."


Tulip raised her head, and she opened her eyes: "Walk with you."

The line of sight runs through the sky and across time and space.

It travels in infinite dimensions, overlooking the countless infinite planes.

Plants grow, flowers bloom, fruits mature, and leaves fall.

Plants and animals thrived, but were wiped out by volcanoes and tsunamis, and millions of years later, minerals such as oil and amber would return to the earth.

The original plane, life and nature coexist in harmony.

The nascent civilization, slash and burn.

In ancient society, the overlapping of father and mother, enslavement and enslavement, and continuous wars.

Finally, with the first shot of the gun, she heard the shouts of the revolution, and in the feared riots, she saw the new chapter after the opening of the era.

[Ascension: Goddess of the Four Seasons]

"The seasons change, everything is just part of the cycle."

The appearance of the tulips has changed, the military uniform has faded, and a queen-like dress has been replaced.

Of course, it is still the same tradition, with the exception of the neck and above, no skin is exposed.


Mei Xiang noticed the movement here, and she felt peaceful, as if the world had calmed down.

There is no fluctuation of energy, and there is no earth-shattering phenomenon-level change, Tulip is very calm, unprecedented calm.

Tulip's eyes stared at the sky, but what she saw was not any corner of the material world. What she saw was something deeper and the wisdom of the world.

"You got into that state?"

Mei Xiang exclaimed: "Don't do stupid things, you will die!"

However, Tulip did not answer Meixiang.


The long golden hair was fleeting in the air, changing from the previous irritability, at this time Tulip's face was indifferent.

Tulip is no longer that impatient mortal, and now she is walking with the law of the four seasons.

Endless knowledge kept pouring into Tulip's brain, she didn't know what to do, but her body was faster than her consciousness.


Stepping on Xia Yan's foot fell in the air, the ground shattered, and the entire Blood Moon Dreamland was torn apart under this foot.

"There are so many tricks."

Leon jumped up, clenched his left fist, and hit the tulip like before without using any tricks.


However, this time, Tulip was not repelled. She folded her hands in front of her, and she took Leon's casual blow unharmed.

"Whoa whoa whoa."

Leon said jokingly: "What's the situation, starting to work hard?"

Leon was not surprised when he was blocked.

Because of the state of the other party, Leon is too familiar with it, it is an existence very similar to him——the incarnation of the law.


Xiayan looked at the tulip in surprise, this was the first time Xiayan saw her like this.

The master level has been able to initially perceive and use the power of the law, which is why, in the eyes of Xiayan, the Xiayan at this time is as dazzling as the sun in the eyes of humans.

Although Xia Yan can also control the law, she is forcibly using the power of miracles as fuel, which is converted into the power of the law by burning.

However, the tulip at this time is different. It is like turning the miraculous power of the tulip into a nuclear reactor.

The power of miracles is no longer fuel, but a key that opens the door to the incarnation of law.

From quantitative change to burning, to fission and mass change.

If it is simply described by data, the miraculous power of tulips is only about three times that of plum blossoms.

But now, it's like the difference between coal burning and nuclear fission.

The power of law, which requires at least 1 million plum fragrances to transform, is rolling inside the tulip.

She is like a human-shaped sun, a nuclear fusion reactor, exuding unimaginable coercion all the time.

Of course, this is just MP, which does not mean that Tulip can instantly release all the power of the law.

But the power of law is not pure energy, nor can it be described in terms of energy magnitude.

Just like the Law of Destruction, the Law of Death, and the Law of Destruction, for the current tulip, killing and destroying a thing no longer needs to make a destructive movement.

With just a touch, or even a glance, it can be wiped out.


With her back to Xia Yan, Tulip said calmly, "You can't face the miracle body, I'll buy you time."

Defeat Leon?

Tulip never thought of such a thing.

Miracles are invincible, and no one can shake them except the body of the miracle.

But Tulip will use up all her miracle power to stop Leon.

The second awakening of the king, the incarnation of the law, already has the qualification to stand firm in front of the miracle body.

"Xiayan, go!"

Without hesitation, Mei Xiang stepped forward and carried Xia Yan, and immediately ran towards the north of the ancient capital.

"Space, it's blurry."

Leon was not given a chance to catch up. As Tulip opened his mouth and followed his words, the laws of 'space' in the entire Blood Moon Dream were shattering and distorting.

"I'm not going to chase."

If Shirley or Lilith were here, none of the three would be able to escape.

It's a pity that the person in charge of the battle of the ancient capital is Leon.

Leon cannot use the power above Hero Liberation, which will make him lose his mind and become a monster swallowed by destruction and destruction.

"Law incarnate..."

"You are indeed qualified to talk to me now."

Leon did not choose to shoot, because it was meaningless and could not win or lose.

"Okay, you've already used this trick, what else can I do?"

Leon calmed down the mood that had been angered by Xia Yan before, he sat down with his legs crossed, propped his chin and said, "Let's talk?"


Tulip: "Are you really a miracle body?"

Tulip is now connected to the infinite law, and her state is like the unity of God and man.

But even she couldn't understand Leon.

Is he not ashamed?

Where is the dignity of the miracle itself?

"Don't make trouble, sis."

Leon said casually: "Although I am a miracle body, I can't shake your body of law with my current output."

Tulip is not manipulating the law, she has become the law, similar to the law becoming the essence.

Can laws be destroyed?

This question is weird.

Like the center of a star, where there is an unimaginably high temperature, ice definitely cannot exist there.

But the question is, is there no law of 'hot and cold' in the center of the sun?

Of course there is!

Laws are invisible things, you can make a place permanently hot, but you can't make the cold law disappear there.

Because since there is the release of energy, there must be something absorbing this energy.

This is the current tulip.

Her body is no longer mortal, but every inch of skin and every cell is made up of laws.

Whether it is energy or physical attack, it is invalid for the law.

Because no matter how huge the energy is, it cannot destroy even a single law.

As the noumenon of miracles, Leon itself is the embodiment of an infinite law.

Now, through the second awakening, Tulip has also entered the same state as Leon, and has the qualifications to fight against him.

"The old man told me that the king has the power to stop me."

Leon doesn't care. If the miracle units of the same level don't even have the ability to resist the miracle body, what is the use of them?

However, it is unwise to touch the power of miracles with the body of a mortal.

"However, at what cost?"

Leon looked at Tulip quite playfully: "Are you really ready?"


Tulip's heart skipped a beat, she knew that she had been seen through by Leon.

From the moment he chose to sit down instead of continuing to attack, Tulip had already lost.

"The state I understand is not complete, it can only last for 3 minutes at most," Tulip said bluntly, "After 3 minutes, I will die."

"I know I can't escape, so I won't."

Tulips can resist Leon, but that's all, she can't shake Leon.

The two locked each other, and neither could escape the perception of the other.

But there is an army of thorns behind Tulip. She has no choice but to use her body to block Leon and prevent him from hurting her companions.

"I don't hate you."

To be honest, Leon admired the woman's courage: "On the contrary, I appreciate you."

Perhaps it is the sympathy of heroes, the Aden family worships heroes, and Leon especially likes the strong who can sacrifice himself for the sake of his companions.

Time passed minute by minute, but neither Tulip nor Leon shot.

"Unfortunately, our positions are different."

Leon could sense that General Dong had finished fighting, and the Thorns Army was retreating. Obviously, Mei Xiang and Xia Yan's order was successfully conveyed.


The Rainbow Bridge soared into the sky, this was the power of Xiayan, but Bai Luo did not stop it, apparently acquiescing to the retreat of the Thorns Army.

Earl of Thorns has an army of tens of thousands, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Even if these people are killed, when the time of peace comes, Earl of Thorns can immediately replenish his troops, which is meaningless.

On the contrary, it may also be used as a stalker to talk about things.

After all, it is too much to send a miracle body to invade a small city, and then beheading everyone will have a big impact on the future diplomacy of the Principality of Aden.

For the time being, Bai Luo doesn't want to break up with the righteous and kind Lords of Miracles, so let's forget it.

Of course, it's also a deal.

Bai Luo wanted to kill a person, only him, Bai Luo would never let the tiger go back to the mountain.

"The war is over."

Leon looked at the tulip in front of him. The other party was already at the end of the turret. In half a minute at most, the tulip's law incarnation state would end, and by then, she would be wiped out.

"Okay, great lady."

Leon chose to respect: "Release the incarnation of the law."

"You are a hero."

Leon doesn't want tulips to die without a burial: "Rose."

At the very least, leave her a whole corpse, which is Leon's last respect for this strong man.


Tulip felt a little ashamed inexplicably, and she helped her forehead helplessly: "My name is Tulip, by the way, do you look down on me?"

After playing for so long, you can even call your name wrong? !

However, Tulip still chose to lift the law of incarnation.


It was also at this moment that Tulip only felt a sharp pain all over her body.

The cold sweat instantly wet Tulip's clothes, making her whole body as if she was fished out of water.

Not only that, but Tulip found that she could no longer perceive a shred of miraculous power.

"That's the price."

Leon will naturally not deceive Tulip. If a king can't believe his words in the face of commoners, then he can't go far in this life, he is too small.

"You are useless."

The king's second sleep, the price is huge.

At the last moment, their bodies will collapse and then vanish into ashes.

Even if you quit early, you will be like a tulip, destroying your foundation and even becoming a waste.

What's the meaning?

Tulip is no longer the king, she has fallen to the level of ordinary miracle people, not even the fox girls who came to Aden.

Not only that, with her aptitude, it is impossible for her to make a breakthrough in this life, and it will be completely over.

"I, I don't regret it."

Tulip was extremely weak, but she still summoned up her courage and looked directly at Leon: "Soldier, it is an honor to die in battle, and it is my honor to die in the hands of a miracle body like you."

If you regret, Tulip will not use the second awakening.

"Your Majesty, do you want to kill her?"

Leon hesitated because Bai Luo didn't give him an order.

"Brother Bai Luo, are you letting me make my own decisions?"

If Bai Luo ordered to kill Tulip, Leon would immediately take action. He was the kind of iron-blooded soldier who could kill even the old and the weak for orders.

But this time, it was like a test.

Leon has achieved a miracle. He is not bad now in strength, but only in his heart.

"Why don't you start?"

It stands to reason that tulips have been abandoned, so she is no different from women and children.

If it is a strong warrior, even if it is a woman, Leon will kill it without hesitation.

But the tulips at this time touched Leon's bottom line a bit.

As a miracle body, Leon knows very well that tulips cannot be recovered, and such treasures as ginseng fruit are of no use at all.

To put it bluntly, Tulip will become a member of the old and the weak in this life.

She is already, it is impossible to go to the battlefield again.

"That's it."

Leon couldn't make a decision, but he couldn't let Tulip go easily, so he planned to give the choice to Tulip.

"I'll give you a chance."

Leon: "As long as you say you are a woman and swear that you will never go to war again in your life, I can let you go."

"What a joke!!!"

Tulip roared angrily, and even spat out a little blood because she tried too hard: "I'm a soldier, the marshal of the kingdom under the Earl of Thorns! I'd rather die than be humiliated by you!"


Leon also felt that his words were a bit insulting.

Put yourself in the shoes, if it is his sister Sheila, or the eldest sister Gonia in the position of the tulip, I am afraid it is impossible to survive.

"It was me who made a blunder."

Leon corrected his attitude: "My name is Leon, please rest assured, I will remember you for the rest of my life, a general who sacrificed himself to save his companions."

Tulip is not afraid of death. Facing Leon's sharp claws, the fear of death makes the woman's breathing quicker.

"What is my name?!"

However, her last words left Leon slightly absent-minded.


This time, Leon didn't joke again: "Your name, Tulip..."


Tulip's body was trembling, but she didn't regret it, and the woman closed her eyes and waited for death to come.


However, after Tulip waited for a while, the pain did not appear. She opened her eyes in confusion, only to find that Leon had long since disappeared.

The goal of entry is a ruin, and the blood moon above the head is still there, silently telling that the war is not over.

what happened?

What about people?

Myself, is this being let go?


At this moment, the Rainbow Bridge fell, and Mei Xiang appeared beside her: "Tulip, are you all right?"

"You! Why are you back?"


Tulip said anxiously: "I have, I no longer have the strength to cover you."

"Feel sorry."

Mei Xiang apologized, not for coming back for herself, but for turning her back on Tulip and running away alone.

"Sorry, why are you coming back, why!"

Losing her strength, she was extremely weak, which made Tulip feel haggard and helpless like never before.

"Come on, Tulip."

Mei Xiang knew that Tulip had paid a huge price and became a waste person, and it was impossible for him to gain the miraculous power of Earl of Thorns in this life.

"The teacher asked me to take you back."

This made Mei Xiang very sad and remorseful: "The war is over."

Is the war over?

But the blood moon is still there, how can it be called the end.

Tulip was at a loss, and like her, there was Mei Xiang, and she didn't know the meaning of the teacher's last sentence.

'Go save the tulips. ’

General Dong smiled and stroked Mei Xiang's black hair. He once told Mei Xiang that she was picked up from the ruins by herself, just like all the people of thorns.

However, General Winter lied.

'What about you, teacher? ’

Mei Xiang had a bad feeling: 'Where are you going? ’

'I'm going somewhere. ’

'Go to one,' General Winter: 'Where father should go. ’

Mei Xiang carried tulips on her back, she used the power of imaginary numbers to quickly cross the ancient capital and rush towards Baihua Valley.

However, where the tulips couldn't see, tears kept rolling down Mei Xiang's face.


A figure descended from the sky, behind him was a huge blood moon, and in front was Bai Luo sitting on the throne.


The blade stopped in front of Bai Luo, and between the two, the unsheathed long sword, the sickle spear, two swords, and a cane sword easily blocked it in mid-air, not allowing an inch to advance.

The five sisters and brothers of the reed family were slightly angry, and their eyes looked like they were looking at a fool or a lunatic.


Shura took action and kicked General Dong.

The old man didn't care at first, but the huge sense of crisis instinct made him quickly put the knife in front of him.

So the blade shattered, and the old man's body was kicked upside down and flew out.


General Dong really didn't expect that it would be the reed family who resisted him.

He thought about countless possibilities, such as Bai Luo taking his blade, or killing him instantly.

But in any case, General Dong could not have guessed that it would be such a picture.

"The great king on the top."

He couldn't understand the strength of the reed clan, but he couldn't think about why the other party became so strong for the time being, and saw the old man respectfully saluting to Bai Luo: "This war, for the sake of making you happy, just use the The curtain of the old man alone is over."

"There's no such thing as pleasure."

Bai Luo was noncommittal, but the real living saint really opened his eyes: "You can even find out where I am, this surprise is not bad."


"As your escort, it is my oversight to let the enemy approach such a position."

The old reed walked out from the back and pulled out the knife in his hand at the same time: "But please rest assured, the old man will kill this person immediately."

At the same time, the five sisters and brothers of the reed family moved independently.

Rakshasa stood behind Bai Luo with a sword in his arms, Yaksha disappeared, and Shura and Huang Quan moved forward at the same time, putting a lot of pressure on General Dong.

After the old man looked back, he found that Gui Ji had blocked all his escape routes at some point.

'will die! ’

The people are still those people, but strangely, their breath is completely different from a few hours ago.

If it was said that General Dong could still threaten them with force before, then now, it was the reed family who were threatening him with force.

"Lixue kid."

The old reed stared at Lixueshan Xianzhai: "You are too arrogant."

The reed family teamed up, even if the ordinary miracle body was under pressure, it was difficult to compete.

That is, a terrifying existence like Senior Sister, can face the reed family alone.

If it was Lilith and Shirley, they would all be at a disadvantage at the same level.

"In front of the big brother, I dare not make a mistake."

General Dong's expression was solemn, and he felt the breath of the other party, which was very wrong.

"You should know the gap between us, whether it was then or now."

In the past, Long Guixiang was only a mortal, so he was not the opponent of General Dong.

But if it is purely compared to talent, Long Guixiang is the undisputed strongest among all the brothers and sisters.

Now that the miracle has been obtained, the return of the reed dragon will definitely be the one with the most potential among all the miracle bodies.

Just like Senior Sister, the compatibility between Long Guixiang and Gu Ji Qi Tan is unprecedented!


General Dong's pupils shrank, he seemed to understand something, but he wasn't sure.

"You bastard!!!"

However, without waiting for General Winter to ask, Leon's roar came from behind.

Leon stepped forward quickly, his blood-red and pitch-black eyes staring at General Dong, his breath was a bit wrong, the chain that had blocked Leon's power was breaking.

"No one is allowed to shoot."

Leon is to blame for Bai Luo's assassination. Only with this person's blood can he wash away the shame: "He is mine!"

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