This is a Miracle

Chapter 223 Going to Aden to Collect Debt

This is a miracle. Chapter 123 of the main text goes to Aden to collect debts. "There are such moths among my subordinates."

The child of miracle will not betray the master, but this does not mean that the child of miracle has lost his feelings and has been completely brainwashed.

In fact, they still have their own ideas, preferences, and will do some wrong things.

The quota of Miracle People under the Eastern Lady Emperor must have been full, and even if the old fisherman could withstand her miracle power, he was just an ordinary miracle child in the end.

Although they will be blessed by the law of the power of miracles and increase their lifespan, they will only live a hundred years longer than ordinary people.

Under this competitive pressure, the miracle people above are saturated, and the people below are naturally unable to go up.

That being the case, if they died and lived miserably, what impact would it have on the country?

The answer is no.

Anyway, 100 years later, the original group of people will die, and a new generation will be born.

It's like breeding, slaughtering a batch of pigs, the new piglets will not know the pain.

"But why?"

Ying Muxuan felt that her discipline should be good, and she herself was conscientious.

From the attitude of the Kingdom of Miracles, Ying Muxuan should be lawful neutral, not too virgin, but also inclined to the good side.

"Your Majesty, my lord, could it be done by the queen?"

"What a greedy woman."

Ying Muxuan shook his head: "One emperor and twenty kings, since they have been crowned kings, why are they still not satisfied?"

The Eastern Empire has 21 Lords of Miracles, but their forces are intricate and complex. After thousands of years of changes, the Queen of Heaven has become the largest faction in the Eastern Empire through continuous wining and differentiation.

"She must be coveting your rights."

Gongsun Wu is not good for Tianhou: "I heard that she is widely invited to the curtain, a woman, actually doing such things..."

Speaking of this, Gongsun Wu blushed with shame and did not dare to say more.

"Ordinary men, she doesn't look down on her."

However, Ying Muxuan was very familiar with Tianhou. She said, "It's fake, those are just her stand-ins. Her confidants will know where the deity is."

"Otherwise, Xiao Wu, why do you think I didn't kill her?"

The inside story of the Lord of Miracles, at Gongsun Wu's level, would definitely not know too much.

"And the position of the Empress of the East, what rights are there?" Ying Muxuan sighed: "You have been by my side for many years, so I can see that I had a day off?"

Tianhou may be diligent, but compared with the Eastern Empress, she is nothing.

You know, Empress Dong worked more than 22 hours a day.

No entertainment, no relaxation, no leisure, all time is devoted to maintaining the balance and building of the Eastern Empire.

"She pays herself to be better than me, but she doesn't know anything," Ying Muxuan threw the folding fan to Gongsun Wu, and then threw his sleeves forward: "Even if you become an emperor, in the end, you still have nothing, the holy emperor is The best example."

"How beautiful it used to be, what was the result? It became like that."

"Oh, almost forgot."

Ying Muxuan looked at Gongsun Wu: "Xiao Wu, haven't you seen the Holy Emperor?"

"Your Majesty, the last time you attended the meeting of ten thousand kings, I was just a little maid with the regiment, and I never even entered the hall."

The meeting of ten thousand kings is divided into a square, a main hall and an inner hall. Most of the troops and attendants brought by the Lord of Miracles can only stay in the square, and only those who are very close can enter the main hall.

Of course, only the Lord of Miracles and the Miracle Body can enter the inner hall, not even bodyguards.

"The Conference of Kings..."

Ying Muxuan smiled disdainfully: "You think it's too great.


"Old man."

Ying Muxuan said to the old fisherman, "How about sending us to the high seas?"

"This eldest lady, it's not that I don't want to send it, but I can't." The old fisherman pointed to his small fishing boat: "Have you ever seen such a small fishing boat go out to sea?"

This is not a dozen kilometers, but hundreds of kilometers away!

The old fishermen are stunned. What are they doing here? Are they courting death?

"You can sail, I'll keep you safe."

The old fisherman wanted to refuse, but for some reason, Ying Muxuan's voice carried an irresistible majesty.

This is not some miraculous power, but a simple temperament, a coercion that has been in a high position for a long time.

"This, it's not all right..."

"Ah, okay."

The old fisherman couldn't refuse, but he still said: "But if something happens, the two young ladies must listen to the little old man. Don't worry, the little old man has experience. As long as you listen to me, you will be sent back safely. ."

The two girls were stupid. Going out to sea in such weather was no different from courting death.

‘If they don’t look for me, they will probably look for someone else. ’

The old fisherman secretly said: 'I will take them there, or at least I can bring them back. If I change the Wang Ergou in the village, I may do something. ’

Figured this out, the old fisherman gritted his teeth and made up his mind to prepare for the boat.

His boat is not big, only 5 meters long, which is a very small awning boat, but Ying Muxuan doesn't mind.

To the Empress of the East, as long as there is a means of travel, it doesn't make any difference whether it is a carriage pulled by nine blue dragons or a small carriage.


The sails were put down, and the old fisherman looked nervously at the two women who came from nowhere.

I saw Ying Muxuan standing at the bow of the boat. She didn't like drilling the canopy, nor did she like something pressing on her head.

In fact, if Ying Muxuan wanted to keep a low profile, the sky and the stars would have to make way for her to greet her.

"What a humble ceremonial guard."

Gongsun Wu admired the Empress Dong very much, to a degree that surpassed her own life: "My subordinates deserve ten thousand deaths!"

"I think it's good, it's a novel feeling."

"When the storm comes, you will regret it."

The old fisherman is already very old, but he is not afraid, but it is a pity that these two little girls are so young, so they died like this.

"Don't worry, old man, storm, don't dare to hurt me."


The old fisherman was puzzled, but what happened next made the old man who had been fishing at sea for decades incomprehensible.

The direction of the waves is very strange. In the weather that is obviously not windy, a tail wind suddenly blows, and the wind direction changes almost every moment.

However, no matter how the wind blows, it will always make the fishing boat sail in the right direction, like a god.

The old fisherman's knowledge is limited. In his eyes, this is already a very miraculous thing.

But in fact, it is also fortunate that he is only a mortal and not the child of a miracle.

If there is a child of miracles here, I am afraid that it will not be necessary to subvert the three views.

If you use the power of miracles to control the direction of wind and ocean currents, you can do it casually, but the difficulty is that you don't need the power of miracles!

Ying Muxuan didn't use any miraculous power, and the reason why the wind and water flowed according to her needs was just because she was here.

Yes, she is here!

All dharmas felt her, and they shunned, obeyed, obeyed, loved, guarded.

The power level of the Eastern Empress, even if the legend is here, can't appreciate it.

The gap between them is so great that when Legend sees the Eastern Empress, his mind will go blank.

As for mortals, if Empress Dong did not restrain herself, the old fishermen would collapse the first time they saw or heard her.

Because with his comprehension ability, it is impossible to imagine the existence of the Eastern Empress.

Of course, in general, ordinary people do not have enough strength to feel the Eastern Empress.

They couldn't even see Gongsun Wu.

"It's amazing, it's amazing!"

Now, how could the old fishermen still not realize that Ying Muxuan and Gongsun Wu are not ordinary people: "You guys, are you not immortals?"

But after thinking about it, the immortals can fly, how could they still use his boat.

"We are not gods."

Immortal is the unique name given to extraordinary people in the Eastern Empire, but it is a bit insulting to call the Empress of the East a fairy.

"The immortal you mentioned came from the southwest."

Gongsun Wu has a gentle temperament and is not arrogant, which is why Ying Muxuan chose her as his valet.

In addition, the Eastern Empire does not actually have a specific race of immortals.

The gods on the land of miracles are like witches and monsters. They are the miraculous children of the Swordswoman, not the products of the Eastern Queen.

By analogy, the immortals under the female sword emperor are probably higher than ordinary children of miracles, which is equivalent to the level of heroes.

Therefore, using the hero level to locate the Eastern Empress is indeed like swearing.

"Those who do not know are innocent."

Ying Muxuan casually forgave the old fisherman's fault, and then asked, "Old man, although I'm not an immortal, but I can make you an immortal, are you willing to become an immortal?"

"Sir, you..."

Gongsun Wu guessed that Ying Muxuan was going to give the old fisherman the power of miracles, but it was too casual.

"He took me on a risky ride, and I gave him longevity at will."

In the heart of the old fisherman, Ying Muxuan has long known, she said indifferently: "Aren't the two equivalent?"

The old man didn't know what kind of fate he was fortunate to meet the East Empress.

"Your Majesty, there is something I've always wanted to ask."

"You want to know why I insist on going to Aden, don't you?"

It stands to reason that Gongsun Wu should not ask, this is too arrogant.

She was a child picked up from the battlefield by the Empress of the East, and she received the ideological education of the supremacy of the Empress from an early age.

Up to now, even if there is no miracle contract, Empress Dong is the only one in her life, and she is the master to whom Gongsun Wu needs to dedicate everything.


"I also want to know why."

The Empress of the East clenched her fists, with nostalgia and anger in her eyes: "It's like a child saying that he wants to eat fruit, but this kind of fruit is only available in the far west, although he knows it is very troublesome, but in order to make him If you are happy, you will still travel thousands of miles across the desert, and no matter how much you pay, you will find this fruit back."


Gongsun Wu didn't understand for a while.

Does this have anything to do with them going to Aden?

"When you find the fruit, you find that he is gone," Empress Dong said with a hint of anger, "Very willful, do whatever you want."

After speaking, the anger of the Eastern Empress disappeared, replaced by calm and a trace of pampering: "But at least, he has returned home."

"Your Majesty, can you tell us our story? I don't understand what you said to others."


Empress Dong said helplessly: "Xiao Wu, you only need to know that I am here to collect debts."


Soon after, Gongsun Wu heard a burst of artillery fire.

Iron Eagle technology is backward, but in other places, such as the North Sea between the North Continent and the Miracle New World, gunpowder has appeared, and even cannons are used in some areas.

"400 nautical miles away, a fleet is exchanging fire, it should be pirates."


Ying Muxuan thought it was funny: "The pirates in this sea are that kid from the King of Wild Hunt?"

"Your Majesty, the Wild Hunt King is also the King of the North Sea. He is the Lord of Miracles. It is impossible for him to go into the sea to rob him."

"It's the same whether it's out or not."

Ying Muxuan dismissed the four sea kings. In fact, apart from a few people such as the Sacred Emperor and the Extremely Northern Empress, the Eastern Empress never cared about the people of the world.

"Old man, let's get the boat over there."


Ying Muxuan and Gongsun Wu were talking in their hearts, so the old man naturally couldn't hear what they said.

"That direction," Gongsun Wu quickly pointed the way: "400 nautical miles."

"How many?!!"

The old fisherman was stunned at this time, what a joke, 400 nautical miles? !

"It will be there soon."

Ying Muxuan said: "The wind will take us there, and the sea will also guide us. Old man, you can go ahead. No one dares to stop me where I want to go."

Sure enough, as Ying Muxuan's voice fell, the sea suddenly surged and the wind became more and more violent.

The whole ship is like an arrow from the string. It obviously doesn't have any fluctuations in the power of miracles, but it just drives out the speed of a rocket.

"How amazing!"

Gongsun Wu was going to be stunned: "The laws of heaven and earth are like coming to life."

Following the law of the wind, they approached Ying Muxuan one after another, eager to get her favor.

As for those laws that represented misfortune, bad luck, and resistance, although they also wanted to get close to Ying Muxuan, they also knew that they were out of place, so they were ashamed and retreated, daring not to offend in the slightest.

"Don't, don't kill me."

"Take the things, let us go, we really paid the toll!"

"Daddy, daddy save me, woo woo woo."

On the sea, a pirate ship was looting the caravan. Obviously, the number of merchant ships was 10 times that of pirate ships, but they were beaten by the opponent and lost their fighting spirit and did not dare to resist.

"Big, lord, pirate, that's a pirate, let's go back quickly."

Although the old fisherman's three views were subverted, he was still instinctively afraid of pirates: "That flag? That flag seems to be the legendary ghost ship..."

"Huh? Where are the two fairies?"

In the blink of an eye, Ying Muxuan and Gongsun Wu disappeared on the small fishing boat.

The only thing left was a jug of wine, which was a gift from Ying Muxuan to prolong his life. It was a reward for him.

"Follow the current and you can go home."

The voice of Ying Muxuan resounded in his mind, the honorable Empress of the East, there are not many people in the world who want to be favored by her, even if it is just a word with her, it is a great honor.

However, the old fisherman didn't know Ying Muxuan's identity, he turned the boat in a trance, reversed the current towards this side, and began to send the old man back.

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