This is a Miracle

Chapter 237 The next miracle

【Small Step Master】

Level: Extraordinary

The source of miracles: the next miracle thing · step by step measurement of mountains and seas

In addition, there are exploration foreman, Haizhi fisherman, migratory bird, the head of the mountain, the golden jade, the golden jade, the fruit of the winter preparation, the flying glider in the clouds, the eight questions of the giant ear, the distance of the inch of the eye, the search of the fine Soldier, biting tomb consumption.

There are a total of twelve, all of them are of the extraordinary level, and they are all from the lower-rank miracle called 'step measurement line'.

"Salute to Your Majesty!!"


At the same time, the Buzhang Rat Clan said with awe: "Your Majesty has worked hard!"

"Good good."

Bai Luo quickly raised his hand to say hello and said, "Hello, comrades, you have worked hard."

Twelve people, each of them very small, a bit like a dwarf.

But some of them, such as Jinyu Bianzi, Jiguo Dongbei, and Yunshao Feifei, have a good ratio of the three of them, just like three cute little loli.

Bai Luo carefully inquired about the use of these step-steppers, and the result was that they were reconnaissance weapons.

Jinyu Bianzi can discover resources and create special gathering fields.

"This ability..."

Just as Bai Luo wanted to say, it seemed useless, but Senior Sister immediately added: "Resources refer to dimensions. Their ability is to build factories in dimensions. They don't need to be transported by Tianma, and they can be delivered to us directly."


"Cough, cough!"

Bai Luo immediately became serious, he coughed twice, and said indifferently: "I, Aton, are full of talents. These young and girls with outstanding abilities are just different."


This is too snobbish!

Although the Mengmao family and the Baiying family are powerful, they are not good at logistics.

In contrast, the Buzhang Rat Clan were the founders of the ten thousand zhang tall buildings, how could Bai Luo not pay attention to them.

Meng Simei: Suddenly I feel that the wheels are not fragrant.

Susu: Becoming a maid is still delicious.

Cat Lingling: Stop dreaming, you two scumbags, the maids of the Aden family, belong to my cute cat family!

Bai Yingyin: I have endured you for a long time, Cat Lingling!

Cat Lingling: Meow!

Bai Yingyin: Chirp!

However, at this time, Bai Luo glanced behind him.

I saw Mao Lingling and Bai Yingyin in the form of goblins, happily fluttering at the little flowers and grass on the grass, with a peaceful look.


Bai Luo nodded: "They are all good boys."

"Your Majesty, I can survey various dimensions and planes in advance," the exploration foreman: "And then perceive whether this dimension is rich or barren."


It's definitely an expert!

"Your Majesty, I am good at taking charge of the flow dimension. In addition, if the Kingdom of Miracles has aquatic resources, I can also take care of them and increase production."

The ability of Haizhi fishermen is also logistical.

However, he prefers farming rather than mining, and is a breeder and fishing practitioner who can manage the dimensions of the water system.


Another expert!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

"My ability is transportation, which can reduce wastage and speed up."

"It's not just resources, it also includes space teleportation," Rat Lady raised her hand and jumped and said: "Also, if I am here, the migration of dimensional creatures and the change of residence will reduce the loss and make it safer. ."

Qian Que Feng Xi is a female and also a female mouse. She is very cute and has two round ears that even Bai Luo couldn't help touching.

"Are your abilities similar, professional development dimension?"

Bai Luo was very gratified, feeling that the Buzhang Rat tribe was simply born to develop dimensions.


Being pinched by Bai Luo's ears, the mouse girl let out a happy cry, which made the surrounding mouse girls very envious.

Of course, the same goes for the cute cat Sanxiao and Yingjia.

"What about other people's abilities?"

Bai Luo casually pointed at one: "What are you responsible for?"

"Your Majesty, I am in charge of logistics."

Jiguo Dongbei, like Qianque Fengxi, is also a cute mouse girl: "I can build a warehouse that can protect dimensional resources and reduce the consumption of dimensional resources."

Dimensional resources are not simply miraculous powers, nor can they be used just by themselves.

Its mining is very troublesome, and it takes time to transform, and at least 30% of the 10 resources mined during the mining must be wasted.

Therefore, it is also a strategic logistics arm.

"It is easy to fight, but difficult to defend."

Bai Luo: "You are a good girl who can live a good life."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Being so praised by his master, Jiguo Dongbei vowed to work hard and store more pine cones.

Squirrel Princess: To live, you have to learn from us!

"Your Majesty, my ability is to deliver messages."

Yunshao Feifei said: "My combat power is very weak, but on the contrary, I can escape anyone's perception, so I can sneak into many places and bring back news."

Simply put, the flying glider is too weak.

Her breath, unless it was specifically aimed at, would be difficult to resist her intrusion.


Listening to the ability of the flying gliders in the clouds, Bai Luo suddenly thought of something, and the senior sister also thought of it: "The Lord of Dimension!"

Dimensional beings are very afraid of miracles. As long as there is a trace of miracles, they will immediately move, and in the shortest time, they will relocate to another dimension of the same type.

This makes the Lord of Miracles develop dimensions often only get an empty shell, leaving nothing behind.

Because the departure of the master of the dimension also means the demise of this dimension.

If it was a super rich ore before, then without the dimension of the dimensional master, it may become a rich ore, or even an ordinary ore.

"Just perfect!"

Bai Luo felt that the reincarnation of the holy beast made him satisfied: "I look forward to your performance, Xiao Yunshao."

After laying down the dimension, Bai Luo did not lack combat power at all.

Several miracle bodies are shot together, and no dimension can be beaten.

The difficulty is that they can run and not confront you at all.

But with Yunshao Flying Glider, it's different. Let her sneak into the enemy's interior first, pass on information, wait until the critical moment to cooperate with the outside world, and then open the city gate and capture the enemy general alive!

"who is the next?"

"I am me."

The head of the mountain can't wait, he said loudly: "My ability is recognition, and I can know the origin and use of dimensional resources."

This ability needs to cooperate with the exploration foreman.

The former knows the role, the latter knows the quantity, and can find places worth mining from the huge dimensional world, and build gathering fields and breeding farms.

"Not bad."

Bai Luo: "What about the two of you? These ears and eyes are clairvoyant ears?"

"Your Majesty is wise, our ability is to monitor and monitor."

It can also be seen from the name, the eight questions giant ears and the far inch eyes Mi, one can hear all directions, one can see endless.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that they can monitor and monitor things inside the dimension, so that the dimension creatures have nothing to hide.

"It feels like," Bai Luo said, "you are targeting dimensional creatures."

"What about you, what are your abilities?"

"His Majesty."

The Xunxi soldier is the tallest of all the troubling clans, with a height of 1.6 meters, arrogant of the heroes: "My ability is tracking, if the dimensional creatures run away, I can stare at them and lead you to kill."

"Tsk tsk tsk."

This is not aimed at, but aimed at.

Simply arranged clearly.

"Investigate, identify, mine, breed, transport, store, undercover, monitor, monitor, track."

"Any more?"

"Your Majesty, and me."

Biting the tomb said arrogantly: "I can't control the living dimensional creatures, but if they die, I can help you dig up their graves and raise their ashes for you!"


This, this Nima, how excessive!

Of course, the ashes are just a joke, where did the ashes of the dimensional creatures come from, they are not flesh and blood at all.

But the meaning of biting the tomb is very clear. It can mine special resources from dead dimensional creatures, or even the places where dimensional creatures are buried.

"Clap clap clap."

Bai Luo applauded, and Senior Sister also applauded for the Buzhang Rat Clan: "Buzhang Twelve Rats, not bad, not bad."

Master Xiaobu: Why do I feel that something is missing? Is it an illusion?

Exploration Foreman: Jerry, it's an illusion.

Haizhi Fisherman: Be confident and remove the 'is it'.

Migratory Birds: Put '? ' remove it too!

Knowing the Mountain Leader: No problem!

Master Xiaobu: "..."

"With you, the problem of dimensional life is almost solved," Bai Luo said, "I was still thinking about how to deal with that rainbow dimension, you guys, it couldn't be better!"

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