This is a Miracle

Chapter 240 Holy Dragon

"Are you surprised?"

The stone on the edge of the Sacred Beast Forest began to be carved. Although the speed was very slow, Bai Luo and Senior Sister could still see clearly that it was a dragon.

"A miracle, you can't judge with common sense, but this result..."

Bai Luo said, "It's reasonable again."

Bai Luo had guessed before, but he couldn't guess that the last person qualified to break through the legend would be the unremarkable Miss Dolphin.

"What kind of dragon is that?"

"The other holy beasts were copied by me."

Mentioning this dragon, Senior Sister's face was bright and she said, "But this one is really mine."

A certain god-level academic tyrant Isefiya: I've missed all the other questions, but I really know how to do this one.

"The reason why the Holy Beast Forest is called the Holy Beast Forest is because there is a race that belongs to Avalon alone, the Holy Dragon."

Sacred Dragons are a group, but even the weakest Sacred Dragons are legendary, powerful creatures capable of destroying the world.

"Leading all beasts, commanding the entire ideal land in the name of Saint."

No wonder Senior Sister is so happy, because the Sacred Beast Forest is her pet bank, and the Holy Dragon is her own mount.

Unicorn Walnut: (??ω????)!

"It's rare to see you so happy," Bai Luo said, "is it really that powerful?"

"The holy dragon itself has no rank," said the senior sister, "her ability is to possess all the abilities of the holy beasts in the Avalon holy beast forest."


Bai Luo was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted: "Fuck!"

This wave of action was unexpected.

In theory, Senior Sister can create a total of 5 peak mythical powerhouses.

One of the castles, in charge of all the secret powers in the castles.

One of the treasure houses, like the senior sister, his treasure is the entire Avalon treasure house, which is equivalent to the evolution of the golden glitter——the super golden glitter that can liberate all the treasures.

In the sacred beast forest, it is this sacred dragon.


The holy dragon is not wild, nor is it that huge.

In terms of body size, she did not reach super giant, but maintained the magnitude of 'big', about 100 meters.

However, it is incomprehensible that when you look at it from a distance, the holy dragon is this size, and when it is close, it is still the same size, as if it will always be this constant size.

"Sacred Dragon has no concept of size," Senior Sister: "We see her like this, and if you look at it from the perspective of a huge monster, it is also the same size."

In front of the holy dragon, any creature is like an ant.

Whether you are a planet or a speck of dust, she is a behemoth in your eyes.

Because one of the passives of the holy dragon is eternal hugeness.

It's not big in size, it's big in eternity.

As long as you can't appreciate 'eternity', you will never be able to keep pace with the holy dragon, you have to look up and worship this god-like stalwart.

【Holy Dragon King】

Name: Little Dolphin

gender: female

Species: Taikoo Dragon

Contract: Bai Luo Aden

Affiliation: Queen Isafia of Avalon

Level: Legendary (improved by the Holy Beast Forest)

【Main ability】

Legendary Passive: Immunity to Physical Rules, Immunity to Energy Effects, Immunity to Environment, Immunity to Miracle Power, Immunity to Time and Space, Immunity to Laws, Immunity to Toxins, Immunity to Negative Effects, Immunity to Mental Interference, Immunity to Mental Interference, etc.

Endless Mysteries: Destroy the Stars, Sigh of the Dragon King, Halo of the Stars

Infinite Domain: Sacred Beast Forest (Summon Sacred Beast Forest,

And all the incarnations of holy beasts with all the strengths of holy beasts)

Blessing of the Law: Eternal Greatness, Immortal Body

Incarnation of Law: Divine Dragon Emperor

God's Power: Ideal Dome, Universal Supreme

"Your Majesty the Emperor, Your Majesty the Queen."

The Holy Dragon King is not a golden dragon. Her whole body is azure blue, and there are stars circulating in her body, as if the universe has transformed into the form of a dragon.

Bai Luo finally understood why the holy dragon could have a constant body.

Just like the universe itself is infinitely large, but human vision and vision are limited, so what we see is always only that big.

Sitting in the well and looking at the sky, the eyes are short-sighted, and it is the self-righteousness of all living beings when they meet the holy dragon.

"See His Majesty the Emperor and His Majesty the Queen."

Miss Dolphin didn't dare to care so much, and hurriedly transformed into the form of Saint Dragon Princess in front of Bai Luo and Senior Sister.

"I can't call you Miss Dolphin now."

Bai Luo thought for a while, looked at Senior Sister, and said, "Feiya, why don't you come and get it?"

"Just use the name of the holy dragon."

Senior Sister is much more succinct than Bai Luo: "In the future, I will call you Saint Dragon Princess, and in dragon form, I will call you Saint Dragon, how about that?"

There is only one holy dragon in the whole world, and there is no second one, so the family name is the name, and there is no need to change it.

"It also..."

Bai Luo thought, could it be better.


Senior Sister looked blankly at Bai Luo, who hurriedly spoiled: "You have the final say, you have the final say."

Although Senior Sister is Bai Luo's miracle person, the husband and wife respect each other.

They had agreed long ago that between the bottom of the bed, Senior Sister had to listen to Bai Luo, and he could play whatever he wanted, but when it came to business affairs, Senior Sister had half of Bai Luo's rights.

If one day Bai Luo goes out, then the entire Aden, senior sister has the right to veto and decide.

This is Bai Luo's trust in Senior Sister and recognition of her ability.

In a word, in Aden, as long as Bai Luo doesn't speak, senior sister is the absolute authority, more powerful than uncle.

"Then it's settled."

Senior Sister decided on the name of Shenglongji, but secretly, she also said to Bai Luo: "Tonight, it's up to you."

"Oh oh oh!"

With that said, Bai Luo was instantly relieved: "Tonight we only use seed to pay, I heard that it can increase the chance of pregnancy."


When she heard that she was pregnant, Senior Sister Rao Shi couldn't help but turn red.

"How strong is Shenglongji's strength?"

"I haven't fought," Sheng Longji said, "I don't know."


Sheng Longji looked at the mysterious emperor: "I should be much stronger than Silver Wing."

"What does it mean to be much stronger?" The Mysterious Emperor was straightforward and straightforward, with the same temperament as Knowles: "Just say it, you can hit me a few times."

"Oh hoo!"

When Knowles saw the Mysterious Emperor speak, he hurriedly rode the Hell Nightmare over: "This temper is worthy of being a family with me and has an appetite for me!"


"What's the name of the master, life," Knowles said, "in the future, call me Big Brother!"

With Hell's Nightmare, Knowles also became a master.

Even if it is only a three-no product, it is definitely not an opponent of the mysterious emperor.

But Norse's rank is Heroic Spirit, which is one level higher than that of the Mysterious Emperor's Beast Element. In addition, he was once boiled by an eagle, and Silver Wing was naturally weaker than Norse and Fiora.

"Silver Wing is willing to fight side by side with Big Brother!"

"One word!"

Knowles: "Follow my big brother, eat spicy food and drink spicy food!"

Bai Luo always felt unpleasant when he heard these words, how could he remember that he seemed to fool Knowles like this before.

"Oh, and Black Nightmare, we are brothers too."



"I want to eat carrots."

"Just for a break?!!!"

No matter how many guys are making a fuss here, Bai Luo let Sheng Longji continue.

"Mr. Silver Wing, even if there are ten of them, if they meet me, they will find their own way of death."

Shenglongji's character has inherited from the period of Miss Dolphin, and she has no scruples about outsiders, but in front of her own family, even if she is strong, she will respect everyone and be very gentle and virtuous.

"Such combat power," Bai Luo said, "it seems that I can only send it out to fight Dimension."

"I would like to be your majesty's vanguard!"

When Shenglongji heard the war, her eyes lit up, and the holy beasts such as the Feather Clan, the Cat Clan, the Wolf Clan, the Scale Clan, and the Tianma Clan were eager to try it.

"The goal this time is the rainbow dimension we first discovered."

"The Buzzards should explore first," Bai Luo said, "you need to determine the type and location of the dimensional creatures, especially the dimensional master of that dimension, and you mustn't let it run away, you know?"

The Buzhang Rat Clan repeatedly said that if they had a problem, they would be willing to regain their miraculous power and wisdom and turn back into rats.

"Then it's settled."

Bai Luo: "Now go and bring all the goblins, we have to complete the Dragon Rite as soon as possible."

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