This is a Miracle

Chapter 259 The wife is waiting for you in the brothel

On the seaside of the other side of Aton Island, Bai Luo, Senior Sister, and Uncle are bidding farewell to Fat Laohan and ending the reception of the Holy Alliance this time.

"Thanks for the hospitality during this time, the old man doesn't want to go back."

After living in Aden for two days, the Holy Emperor was very satisfied. He liked it very much. Whether it was Saros or Bai Luo, they all had an appetite for fat and silly.

Fat Laohan's family has fallen, and he has not developed Miracle Citizens, and has been alone for thousands of years.

Now I can meet another Saros, he really regards the old uncle as a real brother.

As for the children of the brother's family, they are naturally his children.

"Let's go, how can anyone live in someone else's house?"

Uncle was the first to speak, he was the most familiar with Fat Laohan, even if Bai Luo was the ruler of a country, but in this respect, he was more convenient to speak than Bai Luo.

Otherwise, if Fat Laohanzhen didn't leave, Bai Luo would probably have a headache.

"Too stingy, as for being so stingy?"

The fat old fool said: "By the way, why don't I take the little girl away, I found that we can chat quite well."

The little girl was referring to Iniya.

Sure enough, Tie Hanhan was very happy in front of such elderly people.

Whether it's Glass, Grandpa Shan Weng, or the fat old fool, whoever is not fascinated by her is simply the favorite of the empty-nesters.

"You can actually stay longer."

Bai Luo felt that it was too hard-core to refuse directly, so he sang a good face for the old uncle.

"I think the next meeting can be held here."

The fat old fool said, "Do you want to think about it?"

"The meeting refers to the meeting of ten thousand kings?!"

The other island of the seven islands of Aden has been given the burden of receiving foreign guests by Bailuo since its birth. The national Jinshen created by Rakshasa is flourishing on this island, and the fox girls have also built a hot spring hotel here. Specifically for the citizens of Aden to relax.

If Avalon is the ultimate in Western style, then the Xianxiang Hotel on Bigan Island is the ultimate in vacation in the Far East, and it can be called a service that can only be enjoyed by gods.

Bai Luo wanted to build Aden into a multi-civilization miracle country, the more colorful the better.

But when they came up to greet foreign guests, they were still a group of miraculous masters standing at the peak of the multiverse. Bai Luo felt that Aden might not have the ability.

"It's not bad here, it's quite distinctive."

Fat Laohan said: "Although the quality is average, the quantity is better than the quantity. There are really many. You are lucky."

"Your situation reminds me of someone, you guys, really alike."


"The ancestor of Adon."


Hearing the ancestor of Aden, Bai Luo was silent for a while.

"But there are wizards in every era, so it's not surprising."

Fat Laohan didn't say much, he had already retired, and he didn't have much interest in the miracle hegemony of this era.

"Aton, it's really comfortable.


Fat Laohan caressed his stomach helplessly, and said, "Unfortunately, if I'm not holy, there will be trouble over there, and I have to leave."

Today's Divine Emperor is like a puppet emperor, a mascot.

With him, everyone has the backbone.

Not only the Holy Empire, but also the entire New Continent and Northern Continent. As long as the Holy Emperor is still alive, a major war will not break out.

Partial wars are inevitable, but the whole world is still moving towards overall peace.

From this point of view, the fat old man has the greatest contribution and should be respected by Bai Luo.

"By the way, there are two more things. I hope King Aden can pay more attention to it."


"The first thing is that we signed a sacred covenant. I think you should be able to see the meaning of this covenant," Fat Laohan said, "It is for the peace and peace of the world, you..."

"Is it what I did in the ancient capital?"

"Actually, it's nothing," Fat Laohan said, "When Jibei first came out, she was more noisy than you. She almost offended the Lord of Miracles in half the world."

"You mean strength is the root?"

"No no no."

Fat Laohan said: "Although the Empress of the North is powerful, it is the Great Emperor of the North who really built the empire. He is the one who really impresses me."

The Northern Empress is a war mad, either fighting or on the way to fight, and she has her own Zaan stance, which can make everyone like her, and become a Zaan person if she disagrees.

Under such circumstances, the Great Northern Emperor was a very gentle person.

Under his leadership, the extreme north empire was established, and the masters of miracles who had hatred with the empress were also persuaded by him one by one. He was the real wise man and king.

"The Empress of the Extreme North, you don't want to make friends, she is here," said Fat Old Han, pointing to his head, "there is a problem."

The Northern Empress is a crazy woman, everyone knows.

"But the Great Northern Emperor, he is very easy to get along with."

Fat Laohan said to Bai Luo with a little warning: "The Great Emperor Jibei has a good faith and reputation. After the test of time, you can still have reasons to say that you are the enemy of the thorns, but if you are the enemy of the Great Emperor Jibei, the whole world will think it's your problem."

The international situation in Miracle World is very chaotic and complicated. No matter what Aton's strength is, she must choose her own path and give herself a position.

"I know that you actually took a fancy to the land of the Iron Eagle Kingdom, and you have the ambition of a great king, which is a good thing."

Speaking of this, the fat old man did not hide, and said bluntly: "The meeting of the kings, no matter what the thorns say, the old man will definitely be on your side, you can rest assured."

Fat Laohan is not kind and lawful, he favors his own people more than strangers.

"One more thing," Fat Laohan said, "The meeting of the kings will be brought forward, and it will be held in about three months."

"At my place?"

"If you want, you can."

Fat Laohan said indifferently: "Anyway, the venue is the application, and the final approval is me."

Why is this a bit like the Olympic Games in Bai Luo's previous life?

The Wanwang Conference is not only an international meeting, but also an opportunity for a country to show its strength and heritage. Many countries want to hold the Wanwang Conference on their own territory.

"Speaking of approval, I think of a place."

Fat Laohan thought of King Donghai: "The meeting of ten thousand kings is held every 10 years. She has applied to me 10 times, but this time, I still intend to reject it."


"Saros knows and has been there. You can ask him. It's a very interesting place, and it's very popular among your younger Lords of Miracles."

When he said this, Fat Laohan also raised his eyebrows at Bai Luo, but his eyes hinted slightly, it was a signal that only men understood: "By the way, this is for you, this is the admission ticket and discount for that place. coupon."

"Is the place I'm going to a supermarket? Hold a meeting of kings in a supermarket?"

Bai Luo complained in his heart, looking at the stack of coupons in his hand, the sign on it was 'Haiwu Hualou': "This, can it be said..."

"That's what you think."

It really is a brothel!

But the meeting of ten thousand kings was held in the brothel of Miracle World, this, Bai Luo couldn't imagine that scene.

"Do you still like to play this?"

"I don't like it or I don't like it. It was given by the little girl when it was approved. I can't say no, but this old man never goes to such a place."

Fat Laohan patted his belly, he is a warrior of pure love and keeps himself clean: "But I think you should like it."

The fat old fool didn't go, didn't like it, but he didn't mind other people like it.

Especially my own children, it is normal to have a little hobby.


Bai Luo was about to speak, but suddenly his expression became condensed, and he said righteously: "Great Emperor! Please don't doubt my character, my dignified Lord of Aden, how could I go to such a place!"

"Are you right, Feiya?"

The wife is right behind. Wouldn't it be bad for you to go out to prostitutes?

Even if you want to go, is it a bit too arrogant to be so open and upright!

Isafia: Do you want to go?

Bai Luo: I'm not going.

Isafia: I'm asking if you want to.

Bai Luo: I, definitely not going!

"The meeting of ten thousand kings is about to be held, I hope you can investigate their situation first," Fat Laohan was actually worried that the newcomer would have conflicts with the seniors at the meeting: "I won't talk about the thorns, what do you think, privately Solve it below."

The meeting of ten thousand kings is often held as a friendly meeting between neighbors. In Bailuo's Aden Principality, the surrounding areas may involve Nan Tieying, Dong Weilan, Xi Cuiguan, Nan Xingye, and the four pirate kings.

"Morgan, the king of the South Sea, is a good family man, don't beat his children, you will not be enemies."

"The King of the North Sea is a gambler," Fat Laohan gave Bai Luo a few examples from his own memory: "But he doesn't act like a man.

"The King of the West Sea has a lot of methods, and you may not get along well, but he is a smart guy. Smart guys often know how to judge the situation and know how to advance and retreat."

"Among the Kings of the Four Seas, only the King of the East Sea is a woman, and it is very close to your Duchy of Aden." Fat Laohan said this not only to Bai Luo, but also to his senior sister: "I think you should visit appropriately. , to visit and visit, as a king, it is also very important to have a good relationship with the neighbors.”

'so. . . ’

Bai Luo frowned slightly: 'A prostitute with integrity? ’

'But can you stop talking about it here! ’

Senior Sister obviously doesn't like such a place, Bai Luo is under a lot of pressure from looking at a bug like that.

"Okay, I'll go first, Saros, send me off."

The fat old man regained his original amiable image, and he pulled the old man's hand vigorously, just like two children who could play.

"Uncle, let's go."

Here, the old uncle sent Fat Laohan away.

On the other hand, Bai Luo felt that he could discuss with his senior sister when to visit the King of the East Sea, and then see the Fengyue place in Miracle World.

"I have a responsibility as a queen to visit my neighbors. Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will do it."


Senior Sister's wisdom shocked Bai Luo, but there was nothing wrong with her: 'My wife is in the brothel, how dare he come? ! ’

This guts, it's just crazy, it's terrifying!


Bai Luo didn't really want to go to prostitutes, he just wanted to get to know him, this Isefiya knew very well, but she still felt that she couldn't give Bai Luo a chance.

This is not to control Bai Luo, but because in Senior Sister's eyes, a brothel brothel is too filthy.

How could the holy and pure Xiao Bailuo of her family be defiled by such filthy people?


Not even touching!


"What, what?"

"Coupons and admission."

Bai Luo handed over things very simply. He was not afraid of his wife, but respected her.

Although Isafiya became Bai Luo's wife, her position for herself remained in her sister's position.

It's the same sentence, Aden woman Bai Luo can like anyone, and she can play, not only senior sister won't interfere.

But the woman outside, Isefiya was always wary. As a miracle person and as a sister, she was too worried that Bai Luo would be deceived.

"Why did you reject the Conference of Kings?"

"It's useless, and it's easy to expose our situation."

"But the Holy Emperor seems to have some guesses."

Bai Luo heard him talk about the ancestor of Aden, and he said many miracles before. Bai Luo guessed: "Could it be that the ancestor of Aden is the same as me, and has the ability to find miracles?"

The old uncle didn't know much about the ancestor of Aden, but he only knew of his existence in the ancient books of Aden.

But there are so many National Library of Aden Kingdom with tens of thousands of books, but Grandpa Bai Luo has read a lot of them.

As for the uncle, he was not so lucky, because King Iron Eagle burned the library down.

Fat Laohan may know some things about the ancestor of Aden, but it must be one-sided, otherwise the old uncle would have known a lot of secrets through him.

However, even the old uncle doesn't know it very well. It can be seen that the fat old man may not understand the ancestor of Aden.

Here, Bai Luo and his senior sister were analyzing what Fat Laohan said before he left.

On the territorial waters of Aden, Fat Laohan was driving his one-leaf boat, and was about to break through the space and return directly to the Holy Empire, but suddenly, the old man noticed a very familiar aura.

"Your Majesty, there is someone ahead."

"I saw."

Standing on the bow of the boat, Ying Muxuan noticed the floating boat. She recognized the old man called above: "Long time no see, Holy Emperor, just came back from Aden?"

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