This is a Miracle

Chapter 266 Excuse me, if Empress Dong and Senior Sister fall into the river at the same time

Avalon of Isafea is the relic and sanctuary of all wonders, and it includes all.

Senior sister copied the Spirit of Mount Tai, because she met the other party and got this pheromone.

Although it cannot be passed on to the children of miracles like blood and treasures, but for the senior sister herself, as the body of miracles, she can be said to have obtained this power permanently.

Therefore, at this moment, the Eastern Empress Ying Muxuan has become the sweet pastry in Isefiya's eyes.

As long as she keeps using the tricks, Senior Sister can copy one by one, greatly improving her own strength.

Of course, this copying is not absolute and unlimited.

It has two basic requirements, that is, what the Eastern Empress throws, the senior sister must be able to analyze and analyze it, and the second is that the potential of the senior sister can reach the realm of miracles.

To put it simply, what Empress Dong throws out is the miracle product of the Five Senses. If Queen Avalon herself does not have the aptitude to break through the Five Senses, then she cannot copy it.

Just like the former Avalon Lords, although they got the Avalon world, their qualifications are destined to be unable to develop the upper-level miracles to the fifth stage.

"My qualifications?"

Senior Sister was evaluated by the Black Book as a qualified person in the unprecedented Avalon world, and her aptitude is unlimited.

This also means that no matter what kind of miracle token the Empress Dong throws, Senior Sister can copy it.

In addition, because the Spirit of Mount Tai brought out by the other party is itself a replica, so although the senior sister is a replica, its quality will not drop by another level, but will be on the same level as the replica of the other party, which is slightly lower than the original. inferior.

"Avalon World?"

Gongsun Wu had heard of this miracle. Like his majesty's "Eternal Emperor", it was also a very buggy high-ranking miracle.

Of course, there is no such thing as a bug in the superior miracle.

The characteristic of the upper ranks is that they are all-encompassing. You get Pegasus and Fairies. Their abilities are very single, and it takes a long time to evolve into a complete system.

However, the upper ranks are different. They not only have their own system from the beginning, but also can simulate and replicate the power of almost all miracles based on this.

"My ability restrains her."

Isafiya said: "I will resist, you can figure out a way to deal with her as soon as possible."

Senior Sister is confident, but she is not conceited enough to be able to defeat the Eastern Empress. No matter how strong her ability is, she is only a mere three-year-old.

Empress Kedong, that super specification. . .

To be honest, Senior Sister is under a lot of pressure. This is the first real powerful enemy she has encountered in her life.

You mean Holy Emperor?

He doesn't count, he's a man.

Ysefiya is of great talent, and the Empress of the East is also an amazing person, and she is also a woman.



Ysefiya took a step forward, and saw two streams of light, one blue and one purple, suddenly flew out in front of her, but just when she was about to analyze and copy, the two colors of blue and purple suddenly collided, and they disappeared directly into Senior Sister's perception.


Senior Sister is a little puzzled: "What's going on?!"


flashing light,

Senior Sister only felt that the time and space around her suddenly stopped. She had never encountered such a situation before, but almost at the same time, a large amount of information about the current situation poured into her mind.

The power of time, anti-time limit, immune to time and space. . .

Because someone used the time immobilization trick, the passive immunity to time and space was automatically activated, allowing Senior Sister to enter this state.


Instinctively raised her hand, Senior Sister did not see where the attack was coming from, but her body was faster than her consciousness.

"Bah ah!"

A stream of light appeared like a meteor, and it was fleeting. It surrounded the senior sister in the middle, and the attacks were so intensive that even in the world where the space was frozen at this time, there were only one after another of fine beams.


Time stagnation and time immunity cancel each other out, but even so, this streamer sword is still too fast, Isefiya can resist and repel it, but cannot catch it.

"Although your copy is comparable to mine, but if you don't have time to copy," Empress Dong sat on the throne in good time, watching Senior Sister's performance: "Then you can only dance, little girl."

For, against the red fruit!

The Eastern Empress did not lose any more spirits of the sacred mountain. She chose a powerful treasure and suppressed it with a double sword that surpassed Isephia's analysis speed.

And as long as this trick wins, the Empress Dong has too many choices: "Fast-speed miracle derivatives, or even the miracle body, I have as many as I want here."


Senior Sister looked at the leisurely Empress East with dissatisfaction.

It's not a simple fight anymore, Bai Luo belongs to Isafiya, and she will never give it to anyone.

What Empress of the East, who got the miracle a few days earlier than her, can do whatever she wants?

"Bah ah!"

"Get away from me!!!"

Isafiya summoned the Avalon Sword, which was no longer a mere replica and derivative, but a part of her miracle body.


Empress Dong frowned slightly, she can dominate everything, but this ability has certain limitations.

In addition, there is a limit to the all-encompassing miracle of the upper-level, that is, any of the highest-level miracles cannot be derived from the Emperor of the Ancients and Avalon.

"Is this sword part of your body?"

The Eastern Empress raised her hand, and she seemed to be holding an Avalon holy sword.

It's a pity that Ying Muxuan could clearly feel the difference between this sword and the one in Senior Sister's hand.

It's a fake, and Isefia's is the real thing.


The holy sword in Senior Sister's hand hummed, and then the sword held by Ying Muxuan shattered immediately: "It can't appear in front of the main body. Sure enough, it is the main body."

The second flaw of the Master of the Thousand Ages and Avalon's Inheritance is that the copied body cannot appear in front of the genuine one, otherwise it will shatter and disappear.


Ying Muxuan didn't plan to use the holy sword to hit Isefiya, that would be stupid.

She has treasure in her hand.

Can you target my abilities, can't I target you?

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Just like now, the two swords of Ziqing and Qing are one, they are only king-level treasures, but once they are merged, they can enter the legend.


Unfortunately, in the face of the Avalon holy sword, the Ziqing double swords were difficult to parry, and they shattered in just one collision.


They were defeated again, and the sword spirits of Ziqing Shuangjian seemed very aggrieved. They returned to the East Empress and cried, "Master, we can't beat that sword."

"It's not enough just for the two of you."

Empress Dong flicked her fingers, and the two sword spirits only felt that the power of a huge miracle poured into their bodies, and in an instant, a pair of purple and green swords appeared beside Empress Dong.

"Our body!!"


There are still only two sword spirits, but whether it is a purple sword or a green sword, the number has increased more than a hundred times.

Under the almost endless supply of miracle power from the Eastern Empress, the streamer swords that were defeated by Isefiya were reorganized again, and the number increased significantly, and the offensive became more ferocious.

"Even if it's up, it doesn't matter if it's broken."

The Empress of the East has no other move, a real powerhouse, one move is enough!

"Anyway, I just want someone to see the gap between me and her."


Bai Luo knew the meaning of Empress Dong's words, but he was more worried about Isefiya.

"Do not bother me!"

Facing the violet and blue swords like a violent storm, Senior Sister had no good solution for a while.

Although her miraculous power is also huge, she lacks the means to deal with this super-light attack, even if she summons the Holy Dragon Princess and the Mysterious Emperor, it will not help.

Because the more people there are on her side, the more things the Empress East will come up with.

In a duel between masters, if you lose one move, it is a complete failure.

Just like now, Empress Dong has made a move, but Senior Sister has no way to solve it. From the showdown, if Senior Sister uses this move, even if she calls more people, it will just be a mad dog.


Bai Luo understood what Senior Sister thought, this was a battle for women, and it was also a battle for her honor as Bai Luo's wife.

"Think of a way, you have to find a way to help her."

Bai Luo immediately accelerated his consciousness and threw himself into the book of Yagen: "Xiao Hei, why can't I order her, explain."

Bai Luo's first choice was to ask the Black Book. After all, this was its range of abilities, and the Black Book had no reason not to know.

[Because it has not been fully recovered, the direct order is invalid]

'Direct command invalid? ’

Bai Luo noticed this sentence: "What about indirect orders?"

[No command is indirect]

The black book can't speak, but it has a lot of pheromones on it. After checking them one by one, Bai Luo came to the conclusion: "The orders here, whether direct or indirect, belong to the orders I can issue."

However, Xiao Hei's answer was ambiguous, it was obvious that there was something wrong with Bai Luo's question.

"Another way of asking," Bai Luo secretly said, "Can I influence her?"

This time, Bai Luo got an affirmative answer. He could influence the Empress East, but Bai Luo was temporarily unknown in this way.

"It's good to have an influence!"

"If you can influence, you can win!"

The Eastern Empress is too powerful, and doing it at will can make Senior Sister have a headache. Such power is too powerful.

Bai Luo didn't look for other miracles to come, because it was useless to come, but it would only make Empress Dong unhappy.

To say that the current Empress Dong had already done her best, Bai Luo would be too self-deceiving.

With so many people coming, the Eastern Empress will no longer play, and is likely to go all out.

At that time, what is the significance of the miracles that Bai Luo has not yet fully developed?

"Is this the gap between me and the old master of miracles?"

Bai Luo is very fortunate that he is facing Empress Dong, if he is the real enemy, it will be too late.

"Can she kill me?"

This question is very sharp and direct, and it is what Bai Luo wants to know the most. It can almost be said that he gave Adun Island a retreat.

【No miracle can hurt your master】

The answer was no different from what Bai Luo thought, and he immediately asked again, "Then can he imprison me, put me under house arrest, and torture me?"

[Injury, not only physical, but also mental trauma]

"That is, she's no different from my other miracles, except that I can't command?"

Bai Luo breathed a sigh of relief when he got this result. He found that he had a way to deal with Empress Dong, and he also understood what the black book meant by 'indirect injury'.

The so-called indirect injury is not some kind of trick, but psychological trauma.

It's like when someone you love is hurt and you feel bad.

Distressed, is indirect damage!

"Want to try? How?"

Bai Luo immediately thought of drawing his sword and stabbing himself, using this method to influence and interfere with the emotions of the Eastern Empress.

"You better not self-harm."

Ying Muxuan's voice suddenly came from behind Bai Luo, and he quickly backed away, only to see that Empress Dong had left the throne and came to him at some point.

With that leisurely appearance, she really didn't take Isefiya in her eyes.

"Even if you stab yourself with a knife, as long as it doesn't kill you, I can bear it. After all, I have endured it for a thousand years."

Ying Muxuan, who said this, had a smile on her face, but Bai Luo could hear a trace of resentment in her words.

"Xiao Luo!!"

Senior Sister wanted to come back, but Empress Dong was too close to Bai Luo, so she had no chance to return: "Damn!"

"don’t worry!"

Bai Luo said quickly, "She can't hurt me, no miracle can hurt the master!"


"Haha, it's an interesting self-proclaimed," Empress Dong walked towards Bai Luo: "Do you want to be the master of your elder sister, you have great ambitions, stinky brother?"

"But you came to stop it, didn't you?"

After Bai Luo finished speaking, Empress Dong frowned, and he quickly added, "If you weren't afraid, you wouldn't come here."

"You're right."

Empress Dong didn't hide it, she really cared about Bai Luo.

If Bai Luo really stabbed himself in order to stop her, of course he would not die, but Ying Mu Xuan would still feel distressed.

So she was the first to speak, preventing this kind of foolish behavior from happening.

"But even if you can interfere with me, what can you do, force me away, or threaten me?"

The Eastern Empress pointed at Isefiya: "With her kind of waste, you make my heart hurt, and she is not my opponent."

"If you have the Book of Yagen, you should have seen it, my power of miracles."

Ying Muxuan: "Do you know what super specification is?"

"The so-called super-standard is not an independent level," the Eastern Empress explained: "The lowest, the lower, the middle, the upper, the highest, these are the five levels of miracles, and there are only these five."

"As for the super specification, the area it is located in is not upper, middle and lower, but one, two, three and four."


In an instant, Bai Luo understood the meaning of exceeding the standard: "Six Senses!!!"

The super specification is not put together with the personality, it is a level, it is the limit breakthrough of the awakening degree!

"The miracle body has infinite mana, which is only theoretical, and the output power is what limits their power."

The Empress of the East said: "Even if the Miracle Ontology is developed to the fifth awakening, it is still not infinite."

The so-called infinite is to cast endless power in an instant, not limited by power, so the gap between the super specification and the five senses is not several times, but unimaginable.

Compared with the powerhouses who developed miracles to super specifications, the kings on the land of miracles were like a group of ignorant children.

Of course, the Eastern Empress is not fearless.

As a matter of fact, if the miracle body had the idea of ​​perishing together to fight with the Eastern Empress, under the condition of overloading and self-destruction, it would almost be equivalent to a super-spec powerhouse in a short period of time.

It's a pity that there are not so many people in this world who have this confidence.

After all, once the miracle body dies, the Lord of Miracles is like a fruit girl who takes off her clothes and is bullied by others.

"It's not with the consciousness of mortal death, no one dares to fight with me."

Empress Dong said disdainfully: "In today's world, there are very few people who can be regarded by me, but you know that I have been standing still for more than 6,000 years."

Ever since she left her younger brother, her master of miracles, Empress Dong has been severely damaged both physically and mentally.

Otherwise, with her aptitude, where would she be caught up by the younger extreme northern queen.

If she had stayed by her brother's side 6,000 years ago, she would have the confidence to fight against the Holy Emperor, and even defeat the man who is known as the strongest in the world!

"follow me."

Having said so much, Ying Muxuan finally threw out his real purpose for coming to Aden.

Not to beat Bai Luo, nor to express her dissatisfaction, what she wants is to protect Bai Luo, and she wants to protect Bai Luo thoroughly!

"Don't worry, I will never hurt you."

"You should understand that miracles cannot harm the Lord of Miracles, regardless of body or mind."

Ying Muxun subconsciously reached out to Bai Luo, her index finger bent, caressing Bai Luo's cheek affectionately and tenderly, her eyes were nostalgic and tender: "My empire occupies half of the continent, you come back to me, You can save a thousand years of struggle.”

"Think about it carefully," Ying Muxuan felt that he had already said it very clearly: "Choose me, or she..."

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