This is a Miracle

Chapter 280 Welcome to the other side

"Drip, drip, drip."

In the white ward, a young girl was lying on a hospital bed. She was wearing a ventilator. Her pale face fell into the eyes of the young man outside the glass window, and her heart was aching.

"Little Spirit."

The young man's name is Ye Feng, a high school teacher.

Ye Feng lost both of his parents when he was young, and grew up with his younger sister under the care of an unmarried aunt.

Although ill-fated, Ye Feng, relying on his own efforts, was admitted to Tejing Normal University.

Not long ago, my sister fell from the school steps due to an accident and fell into a coma.

"how so?"

Although Ye Feng is not a medical student, he has basic common sense: "There is no trauma to the head, and there is no problem with the brain. Why is he unconscious?"

There's something weird about this.

How did the sister fall, and who pushed her?

The monitoring showed that it was Ye Ling who slipped and fell, but Ye Feng always had an inexplicable strange feeling: 'It feels like something pushed her behind Lingling's back. ’

"Ye Feng."

Li Moqing is Ye Feng's childhood sweetheart and the youngest chief doctor of this hospital.

It was because of her relationship that Ye Ling could be treated so well.

"You haven't closed your eyes since last night," Li Moqing said, "I'm on duty tonight, and Lingling has me watching, don't worry."

Her girlfriend didn't have a duty job at all, but for Ye Feng's younger sister and future sister-in-law, she specifically reported to the leader and replaced the original on-duty doctor.


"What are you polite to me?"

Li Moqing is a woman, and she and Ye Feng are very good brothers.

It's a pity that Li Moqing can't do anything because the family is pressing hard.

But it is precisely because of this that the always carefree female Han Zhi realized her intentions, she actually always liked Ye Feng.

Ye Feng: I treat you as a brother, but you want to fuck me!

If it were normal times, the two would definitely fight again, but facing Ye Ling who was unconscious, Ye Feng hadn't laughed for a long time.

"You don't have to worry about the money, I have a little way in the hospital."

The Li family is very rich, and they only have Li Moqing's only daughter. Li's father and Li's mother are also very satisfied with Ye Feng, and have long regarded him as their own son.

So it's not a matter of money.

It's just that Ye Ling's situation is so special that money can't solve it, even an expert from Germany can't do anything.


Finally said thank you, Ye Feng left.

As Li Moqing said, Ye Feng was also very tired. He didn't dare to drive, so he could only take the last bus home.


At the station in front of the hospital, Ye Feng was waiting for the last bus by himself. He took out his flipped Nokia mobile phone. The screen was so small that he could basically only make calls.

Not long ago, I found a touch-screen mobile phone from a student from a good family.

I checked the net to find out,

It's the iPhone 3 that just came out in the US.


Shaking his head, Ye Feng noticed that there was a bright red light flickering in the corner of his eyes, and he subconsciously raised his hand to stop it no matter what car it was.

Soon, a bus with license plate 444 stopped in front of Ye Feng.


Ye Feng was stunned, he didn't remember the car.

"Hey wait!"

Ye Feng looked up quickly, and he looked for the No. 444 on the bus stop.

"You can go!"

He accurately found the destination he was going to on the stop sign. Seeing that the car was slowly moving forward, Ye Feng hurriedly chased after him: "Wait, wait, wait."

"Master, how much does it cost to go to Yunmeng?"

Ye Feng glanced at the bus. There were no passengers, only a cashier and a driver.

The driver was a scumbag uncle, dressed in black. Seeing Ye Feng coming up, he glanced at him lightly, and then drove on his own.

"Five dollars."

The receptionist was a woman in her 20s, very beautiful, and had been looking at Ye Feng since he got in the car.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"You have a strange smell on you."

"Have it?"

Ye Feng felt that the other party was too direct, but it was not surprising that he had not been home for many days, and it was not surprising: "I haven't showered for a few days."

Chatting with people in the car is very normal, and this is the night shift, just the three of them.

But the cashier girl didn't say much, just smiled and sat at the front, by the door.

"Is this car going?"

Ye Feng was a little uneasy, and looked at the license plate specially.

Well, no problem, this car goes to Yunmeng, and the direction is correct.

Ye Feng nodded and found a place to sit down. He looked at the fleeting lights outside the car window, and gradually, his eyelids became heavier and heavier.



Ye Feng only felt that he was just a little drowsy, and then the driver braked suddenly, and his head slammed directly on the back of the seat in front.


Ye Feng rubbed his head in pain. He was gasping for air and was about to look up and ask the driver what was going on.


Ye Feng's expression froze, then looked around in surprise.

"what happened?"

This is a grassy slope, with a spacious river in front, you can faintly see the bright lights on the opposite side, and behind, the bus flashing red is going away.

"Ah this!"

Ye Feng was stunned, and he hurriedly shouted: "Why do you get off here? I got off in Yunmeng!"

With that said, Ye Feng was about to catch up.

But the strange thing is that Ye Feng just ran two steps, and the front lights disappeared, leaving only an empty, dim dirt road.


Ye Feng was dumbfounded, he didn't know the current situation at all: 'I, I'm sleepy, but this car seems to have disappeared suddenly. ’

"It's not right, what happened just now?"

He clearly remembered that the driver slammed on the brakes and hit his head, but he got out of the car just after he regained his senses.

Is this too fast?

"Hey~ It's so cold."

With the cold wind blowing, Ye Feng felt a little gloomy and cold. He shrank up and rubbed his hands together.

"What should we do now?"

Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and was about to call his girlfriend Li Moqing, but he didn't know where he was.

"It looks like I won't be able to make it tomorrow. Let Xiaomo help me take care of Lingling first."

Thinking like this, Ye Feng took out his Nokia and was about to call Li Moqing: "Is there no signal here?"


Ye Feng was a little angry: "Crazy, who is trolling me?"

No injustice, no enmity, what did he do to do this.


While complaining, Ye Feng suddenly heard a strange sound.

"Listen, it's like a ox and a horse pulling a cart."

Ye Feng grew up in the countryside after 80 years. He looked closely and saw a carriage driving towards him.

The speed of the carriage was very slow, moving slowly.

"It's real, suburban enough."

Ye Feng lives in a big city. In his impression, he has never seen cattle, horses and other livestock in the city.

"It doesn't matter, the carriage is just a carriage, as long as it can get to the city."

However, before Ye Feng opened his mouth to hitch a ride, he saw a figure lift the curtain and jump off the carriage.

This is a woman, about sixteen or seventeen years old.

What shocked Ye Feng even more was that this girl looked exactly like her younger sister Ye Ling.

However, unlike her younger sister, the girl in front of Ye Feng had sharp eyes.

This girl feels to Ye Feng, not like a high school student, but like a worker who has experienced vicissitudes of life, especially the clothes, which are like ancient costumes on TV.


The girl stood up, she looked at Ye Feng, obviously startled: "Who are you, how do you dress up so weird?"

"Am I dreaming?"

Ye Feng felt that he must be in a dream now, otherwise how could such a thing happen.

I was pulled off by the bus, and I met a girl who looked like my sister and appeared in a carriage.

"What kind of weird plot is this?"

"This," the girl didn't know what to call Ye Feng, so she could only clasp her fists and said: "Master, dare to ask where is this place, how far is it from the capital, and which direction should I go?"


Ye Feng is pulling his face, it hurts, and it hurts very much: "Isn't it a dream, isn't it?"

If it's not a dream, then what is it?

"younger sister?"

The girl looked behind her, but there was no one: "Master, are you calling me?"

"In Xia Yeling, from Nanjing."

"The names are the same!!!"

Ye Feng kept slapping his face, it hurt, but he still didn't wake up.

"Why did the master beat himself, is this some kind of practice?"

"I, I thought I was dreaming."

Ye Feng was at a loss, but still introduced himself: "My name is Ye Feng, I live in Yunmeng."

"Master's name is Ye Feng?"

Ye Ling thought it was quite interesting: "My brother is also called Ye Feng, but unfortunately my brother died under the claws of eagles in order to overthrow the Emperor Dagangou in the early years. The next time he went to the capital, it was to avenge his father and brother."


Although Ye Feng didn't understand it, he still thought it was a very hidden thing, but the girl in front of him just said it! !

The two talked again, and Ye Feng became more and more confused.

‘Why is it so similar to the novel I read before, from ancient times to modern times? ’

According to Ye Ling, she was an assassin who worked hard to learn martial arts in order to overthrow the Gan Dynasty.

But the question is, where is the emperor now?



If neither of these two, then there is only crossing.

After all, there is absolutely no way someone in this world looks so similar to his sister, and just came here to make fun of himself.

"You look a lot like my sister. Besides, I think you are very kind."

Although they had just met, Ye Feng had an inexplicable affection for Ye Ling, as if they had been dependent on each other for many years.

"It's the same feeling down there."

Ye Ling followed the master to travel south and north, and was used to seeing all kinds of people, but this kind of intimacy was also the first time for Ye Ling.


Just when the two wanted to continue their conversation, at the end of the dirt road, a dazzling white light rushed towards the two of them.

"Master be careful!"

Ye Ling grabbed Ye Feng's arm, the latter only felt an invisible force rising from the soles of his feet, and then dragged him up nearly three meters.

Underfoot, a strong wind galloped past.

"I go!"

Ye Feng stood still. He looked back and found that it was a yellow Ferrari sports car.

Ye Feng is also a car lover and naturally knows the Ferrari logo.

But the style of this Ferrari, Ye Feng has never seen before: "Private customization, or a global limited edition?"

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

The Ferrari door opened, and a young man in a suit came out. He glared at the two of them: "Why did you suddenly run into the middle of the road, did you die?"


After the youth finished cursing, he noticed the surrounding environment: "Damn it, what the hell is this place?"

He clearly remembered that he was sending his elder sister home after the entertainment, so why did he come to this wilderness in the blink of an eye?

"Ayue, you didn't run into anyone, please call the ambulance!"

The young man's name was Qin Yue, and it was his sister Qin Yinyu who spoke at this time. She was wearing a white OL outfit and was anxiously holding her mobile phone, but found that there was no signal at all.

"What is this place? Ah Yue, how did you come here?"

Qin Yinyu was sober at this time, but Qin Yue was more at a loss than her: "I don't know either. I was driving on the road when I bumped into the two of them suddenly."

"My God, won't you pass through?"

Qin Yue likes to read novels. Such scenes, such situations, are not time-travels.

Of course, he was just joking.

To believe in science, where did you come from?

"This master, I don't know what transmigration is?"

Ye Ling clasped his fists, but Qin Yue couldn't help laughing: "Hey, are you here, or have you just returned from the set? The costumes haven't changed."

"And this sword, huh! The workmanship of this scabbard, where did you order it, little sister, please introduce me."

Qin Yue comes from a big family and is a direct heir, but he has no interest in doing business at all. He only loves the second dimension and is a super otaku.


The cold light flickered, and Qin Yue felt the coldness on his neck.

"I, I'll go."

Qin Yue stepped back in panic, and then looked at the sword in Ye Ling's hand, it was actually over-cut: "Really!"

And the drawing of the sword just now, I couldn't see her movements at all, just like a real swordsman, too fast.

"This master, the sword of the people in the rivers and lakes, cannot be touched."

Leaving such a handsome sentence, Ye Ling put the sword into the sheath without changing his face, and then stood behind Ye Feng with the sword in his arms.

Compared with the two in front of him, Ye Ling subconsciously chose to get close to Ye Feng.

"I really know martial arts..."

Not only the Qin siblings, Ye Feng was also taken aback by Ye Ling's body.

There is no place to hang the steel wire here, it really jumps three meters.

"Hello, my name is Ye Feng, I'm a high school teacher."

Looking at the clothes of the sister and brother, Ye Feng felt that they were fellow villagers with him, so he stepped forward to shake hands.

"Oh, hello Teacher Ye, my name is Qin Yue, this is my sister Qin Yinyu."

Qin Yue asked, "Mr. Ye, do you know where this place is?"

"Sorry, I don't know either."

Ye Feng noticed the mobile phone in Qin Yue's hand: "You are also an Apple 3?"

"Apple 3?"

Qin Yue was puzzled: "What is Apple 3? You mean Apple 13? Apple 13 hasn't come out yet."

"I am Huawei, made in China."

"You love your country."

Qin Yinyu was speechless at his younger brother's rough nerves, what is the situation now, and he still has the mind to chat with people.

"I see."

Qin Yinyu is worthy of being the helm of the Qin Group, and he made clear the current situation in a few words: "You took the bus and were sent here, you took the carriage."

Then it was them, Qin Yue was on the road and drove the car here.

"A supernatural event, or a scientific phenomenon?"

Qin Yinyu graduated from Harvard and participated in many clubs because of her interest. She even dabbled in the inexplicable theory of flat earth theory.

"Whatever he is, hello, little sister," Qin Yue was very interested in Ye Ling: "You used martial arts just now, right? Are you really good at martial arts? Can you do it again, just like the one just now, two or three jumps at a time? Meter."


As soon as Qin Yue finished speaking, Ye Ling jumped up, this time even Qin Yinyu was stunned.


Qin Yinyu was shocked: "how is this done?"

"Miss Qin, please don't make a sound."

Ye Ling raised her hand to signal Qin Yinyu to keep quiet. She walked down the grassy slope and said to everyone, "Something is coming by the river."

In the hazy fog, a light shines on the four of them.

It was a small wooden boat, just enough to accommodate four people, and at the bow of the boat, a girl in a black kimono was rowing the boat and moored on the shore.

"Hell girl?"

Qin Yue blurted out, attracting the eyes of the three of them. He coughed dryly and said, "It's an anime I've watched. It's very similar to her."

"Are you going to take us across the river?"


Qin Yue originally looked at Hei Changzhi with great interest as a good girl, but when he suddenly saw Qin Yinyu walking forward, he was almost scared to death, and hurriedly grabbed her: "That one can't go, absolutely can't go!! "


Qin Yinyu felt that since the other party let go and brought them here, he would boldly step forward to see what medicines were sold in the other party's gourd.

"I also think it's time to get on board."

Ye Ling said: "With these methods, the opponent must be a powerful figure in the arena, maybe the legendary Tsing Yi Building."

"You can't go, you can't go!"

Although Qin Yue likes hell girls very much, he doesn't like real hell girls.

If it is true, isn't this ship bound for hell?

"The ship bound for hell," Ye Ling was an ancient person who always feared ghosts and gods: "Could it be that this is Huangquan Road, and I'm already dead?"

"Are you going to get on board?"

The voice of the black long straight girl was very ethereal, but listening to it, the four of them felt a gloomy chill inexplicably, straight to their foreheads.

"Hooho, this, this, isn't it true?"

Qin Yue held Qin Yinyu tightly, not daring to let her go over without saying anything.

"Let go! Even if it's really a ghost, I want to see what the ghost looks like!"

"Sister, don't make trouble."

On the other hand, Ye Feng instinctively protected Ye Ling behind him, and he shouted from a distance, "Hey, where are you sending us?"

"Send you across the river."

The girl returned lightly, she raised her head, her blood-red eyes, the hearts of the four of them trembled.

This time, even Qin Yinyu was a little cowardly.

The dark clouds gradually dissipated, and the silver-white moonlight shone down. At this time, the four talents could clearly see the environment by the river.

The blood-red other shore flowers are endless.

In the sea of ​​​​flowers, a group of red ghost-like creatures are running around, chasing and making trouble.

As if noticing the gazes of the four, the little red ghosts raised their heads in unison, and for a while, thousands of pairs of eyes fell on the four, which was horrifying.

"Come on, get on board."

At the end of the sea of ​​flowers, the girl with black hair and red eyes waved to them: "I don't like waiting."


"Get in the car, get in the car!!"

Qin Yue didn't care what it was, he quickly caught the three of them to the Ferrari, then stepped on the accelerator, and galloped forward amid Ye Ling's bewildered screams.

What's weird is that he was clearly driving forward, but when he turned his head, he found himself back where he was.

"This is really hell."

Qin Yue was covered in cold sweat, and even Qin Yinyu was pale with fright.

"Are you alright, Lingling?"

"It's okay, it's just a little, disgusting."

Ye Ling had never been in a car before, and Ye Ling covered her mouth, her face ashen.

Ye Ling wasn't too afraid. She was mentally prepared for the dead, and she could even say that she had accepted the fact that she was dead.

"Can you get on the boat soon, I've been waiting for a long time."

The voice reverberated in everyone's ears, Qin Yue and Qin Yinyu turned around and found that the black long straight girl was sitting in the back seat, sandwiched between Ye Feng and Ye Ling.


The four of them got off the car so obediently, and then resigned themselves to follow the black long straight girl and boarded the boat.

Along the way, the red kid curiously pulled the trouser legs of the four and chatted.

After realizing that they were not malicious, Ye Ling quickly picked one up and scratched his chubby belly, thinking it was quite interesting.

"That's the miscellaneous ghost collecting the dewdrops from the other side."

Black long straight girl: "Dew drops can be used to brew a fine wine that only nobles can drink."

While rowing the boat, the girl was not a silent and expressionless San Wu, but chatted with the four of them, and warned at the same time: "After the boat, you will have nothing to do with me, but I still tell you to abide by the fairyland. rules."


The four of them had never heard of this word, Qin Yue asked, "Isn't it hell, what is Xianxiang?"

"You didn't break the law, how could you go to hell?"

There is also hell on the other side of the island, which is the big prison, but it was built under the island, and it is a different dimension created by Leon.

"If you have any questions now, you can ask. If you cross the river, I will not be responsible for you."

This is the second time the girl mentioned this sentence, and Qin Yinyu took it to heart.

"excuse me, you are?"

"My name is An," Xiao An said, "I am the ferryman on the other side of the river who sends people across the river."

The other side of the river, no matter how you hear it, it sounds like the place where the dead will come.

"Why bring us here."

Regardless of experience or ability, Qin Yinyu is the first of the four.

"We didn't bring you here."

Xiao An shook the oars and carried the four of them along the river slowly.

'us? ’

Qin Yinyu noticed the word: "it's not you, then why..."

"You came by yourself."

Xiao An said: "You stopped the messenger, or talked to the messenger. Only you can see the messenger, so you are chosen."

Ye Feng stopped the bus, and Ye Ling chose the carriage.

As for the siblings, before they drove, a woman asked them the way.


Qin Yinyu: "what do you want us to do, are we dead?"

"You are not dead."

"As for what to do," Xiao An said, "this is not my responsibility. When you get to the shore, you will naturally know what to do."

"Then how can we go back?"

"I can't go back."


In the surprised eyes of the four, Xiao An said: "You were brought here from different places. This is a curse contract. From the moment the curse contract is reached, the road to your return will be closed."

"I have to go back!!"

Ye Feng said anxiously: "Please, please tell me how I can go back!"

"me too."

There are many things in the company, Qin Yinyu can't leave for too long.

"I, I have to go back and kill the dog emperor."


Qin Yue looked at Ye Ling puzzled: "kill what?"

"Dog Emperor."

Qin Yue made up the image of an Erha in his mind.

"I don't have any..."

Before Qin Yue finished speaking, he felt the murderous aura from his elder sister, he quickly changed his words and said: "I have a reason to go back, the ancient ring I just got, hasn't cleared the customs yet, even if I promise to stay, Miyazaki Yingao I won't agree either!"

Although he didn't understand some of the words, Xiao An still shook his head and said, "If you want to go back, you must unlock the curse. As for how to unlock it..."

"Here is the place."

Xiao An didn't tell them the answer: "Four, please get off the boat."

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