This is a Miracle

Chapter 285: The Immortal Mode of Miracles

"Bigan Island, what is the population?"

Bai Luo asked the ghost princess beside him, "It's not a fairy, just pure woe, Guojin and Tianjin God."

"There are the most Guojin gods. After the miracle of Rakshasa bloomed, at least 3,000 Guojin gods were born."

"The gods of Tianjin and the gods of misfortune are much less, especially the gods of Tianjin, whose qualifications are too high to be created directly."

Nowadays, many Aden people subconsciously regard the other side of Xianxiang as a market, that is, a place to supply resources and communicate.

The main city where Avalon is located has instead become an administrative area where officials live. Some miracle derivatives with ordinary aptitude and talent are not willing to get close to the big men.

In addition, the goblin clan has a large population, which originally numbered nearly 6,000.

And because of the miracle of Rakshasa, the blessing of Guojin, he brought more than 3,000 primitive monsters to Aden at once, that is, the God of Guojin in its original form.

One-eyed novice, Ah Qi, these belong to the original country.

In contrast, animal monsters are very rare.

There is no way, the animals on Aden Island are limited, and Lilith has long since captured them.

Rakshasa was a step too late, and could only hope that stones, trees, rivers and other non-animals, or even inanimate objects, would endow them with soul and wisdom.

The soul is not a problem. Many people died in the ancient capital, and there are countless remnants wandering around.

These remnant souls are mainly divided into two categories, one is the soul energy that even has no self.

This kind of remnant soul is a little more troublesome, and requires Rakshasa to use the power of miracles to reorganize the other party's consciousness from the traces of their existence, and then give the body.

The other kind of remnant soul is a person who has lost a lot of soul bodies on the basis of self-retention, just like a person who has lost his memory.

For them, it is much simpler, and a chance of reincarnation can give them rebirth.

In the world of miracles, it is very difficult to make a person disappear completely, and it is very difficult to say that it is small.

For the 'I' in ideology, from elementary to advanced,

It is roughly divided into: physical brain, soul, self-awareness, traces of existence, individual concept, and will of the world.

The body is destroyed, and the soul.

The soul is scattered, as long as you can find the piece that represents the self-consciousness, you can resurrect the real him, not clone a new one, or another person.

And even if the fragments of self-consciousness have been annihilated by people, it is not difficult for Rakshasa to resurrect a person.

As long as you can find traces of someone's existence at the place where the other party died, you can still regenerate them.

This is the quadruple insurance of miracles, and it is also a benefit.

Those who follow the Lord of Miracles will hardly die, because their masters can retrieve them from time, history, and give them life again and again.

Speaking of this, some people may ask, isn't that invincible?

No, not invincible.

The opponents of mortals are mortals. They kill each other, and if they die, they are just smashing a person into thousands of pieces.

In the battle of miracles, in order to completely destroy an individual, the power used is very terrifying.

Therefore, although mortals are weak, at least none of the children of miracles seem to be hurting and deal a devastating blow to them.

On the contrary, the child of miracle stands too high.

Especially the Lord of Miracles, who has the protection of the miracle body, if you want to kill the Lord of a country like Bai Luo, you must at least erase it from the traces of existence.

Of course, the existence of traces is not the limit, there are individual concepts and the will of the world behind.

But these two things, not every Lord of Miracles can possess.

Bai Luo is now a gathering of three senses (with multiple blessings from three senses), and if he wants to kill him, he must start from the source of 'memory', so that everything about Bai Luo no longer exists.

This also means that Bai Luo's opponent needs to display the power of the level of 'power' before it can affect him.

Yes, power can kill a person and wipe out the traces at the same time.

However, it is the legendary powerhouse who holds the power.

When the Adonites encounter enemies under the legend, even if they are killed, Bai Luo can revive them.

But the legendary powerhouse joined the battle, Bai Luoke really didn't dare to let the children play again, just like you can't send an army of millions to harden a hydrogen bomb, unless there is something wrong with your brain.

As for the final original source, that is the realm that can only be achieved by the miracle of the five senses.

There is a relatively special precedence here, that is, if a 'concept' blow has been cast on a person, even if someone remembers it, it doesn't matter.

This is also the reason why the ancestor of Aden will leave traces, but it is considered dead.

"The soul of the ancient capital is already highly qualified."

Rakshasa used the souls collected in the ancient capital to create a large piece of Guojin God, and according to the different qualifications, Guojin God is divided into Fushen God, Resentful Spirit, Present Human God, Spirit Monster and so on.

Hundred Ghosts Night Walk is a group of relatively good monsters, and it is also the main resident of Xianxiang Street.

Those with a higher rank than Baigui Yexing are the gods.

Most of the gods of Guojin were made out of soul energy, and for those remnants that were not completely broken, Bai Luo handed them over to the Huang Quan brothers and sisters to make Tianjin Protoss.

Unfortunately, the number is very small, but only 100 people.

Yaksha's evil spirits are quite special. Their souls have the attribute of 'evil', that is, they are born bad people.

The evil spirits enforce the law and act as jailers in the prison. The shadow dancers train assassins and spies to help Bai Luo swing a knife at his own people who violate the law.

The god of misfortune is not the soul of an evil person, just like Ina, the reason why she appeared in Xianxiang Street is because she obtained the miracle power of Yasha, and obtained the third power besides witches and covetousness— --- Misfortune.

"Aden, more and more diverse."

Bai Luo didn't want the Adonites to become a bunch of good babies, which was why he acquiesced to Yinai's extremes.

Aden needs all kinds of people, because there will always be occasions where they can do it, but others can't do it, and they can't do it well.

Of course, everything must have a degree, and Bai Luo also issued the Adun decree for this purpose.

Yinai doesn't like outsiders. In her subconscious, the more people Bai Luo has, the less likely she will be favored.

It is best if there is no one else in the future, then she will have the opportunity to get close to Bai Luo.

With this change, it is difficult to say whether the fel energy has eroded Ina, or whether Ina's character has led to the birth of the power of fel energy.

"If Yinai likes to be a villain," Bai Luo said, "let her go and give them some tests."

Against the plane, Bai Luo's attitude is still not comparable to the dimension, because the former represents the issue of face, gaining more people's worship, and promoting belief.

But dimension is the economic resource, and the foundation of military expansion.

Using a simple example to illustrate, dimensions are various minerals, including coal, oil and other resources that have value in themselves, or necessities such as food and clothes.

Planes are more like bags, watches, houses, and cars, which are of little value in themselves, but are very expensive.

It's okay not to fight, everyone can communicate peacefully.

The influence and diversity of such a plane can make Bai Luo stand out in front of other Lords of Miracles.

But once a war breaks out, the plane will become useless for the first time.

The reason why the Eastern Empress is not interested in planes is naturally because her Eastern Empire will break out with other countries, and the planes under the Eastern Empire will be destroyed at an astonishing speed.

The son of a plane may be what Bai Luo is most interested in a plane.

However, there is a very embarrassing point here, that is, Bai Luo cannot see the aptitude and talent of the son of planes.

Unlike the Master of Dimension, he has already reached the full level.

The master is the master, the king is the king, and the legendary powerhouse is placed there, how bright.

"I will tell Yinai," Bai Luo said, "don't hurt their lives, but under this premise, I need her to stimulate the potential of foreigners as much as possible."

If Ye Feng and others only have extraordinary qualifications, or even do not have extraordinary qualifications, why is it worth Bai Luo's time and effort to cultivate?

"Show your worth."


Bai Luo said indifferently, "I don't mind destroying that plane."

"Anyway, those two moderns have billions of souls," Bai Luo said. "Although the aptitude is very poor, if you invest in the purgatory dimension, you will grow up sooner or later."

If the plane showed him the face again and again, Bai Luo would also be angry, and if the Lord of Miracles was angry, the price would not be a matter of one or two people.

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