This is a Miracle

Chapter 293 The incomplete miracle


However, her hand was grabbed by the old uncle, and that call made the miraculous power of the marquis dissipate immediately.

"Don't make trouble, darling."


It was so humiliating, but it fell into the ear of the Marquis, but it was hard for her to refuse.

"That miracle is not a good thing," Qingquan said, "Have you forgotten how much sadness it brought you? If it wasn't for it, maybe we would have..."

The marquise's miracle is very special. She declared to the public that her miracle is the median miracle building [Hanging Garden].

But in fact, the miracle of the marquis and the sister is very similar.

All miracles can be divided into two categories—fullness and incompleteness.

The reason why the Avalon world has not been able to show its powerful power in history is because of its particularity and its incomplete miracle.

Every Avalon queen needs a man who will be the queen's husband and master.

Avalon has had nearly ten winners over millions of years, but they are all women.

Bai Luo couldn't sit on the broken throne of the Seven Kings, not because he was not qualified enough, but because Bai Luo was a man, even if he became the Lord of Miracles, he would not be able to obtain the miracle power of the Avalon world.

When Bai Luo was screening for miracle people, if a man sat on the throne of the Seven Kings, no matter how high his aptitude was, the result would be the same, and he would end in failure.

Bai Luo was a male, only females would be recognized by the Throne of the Seven Kings.

As for the status of King of Avalon, it cannot be obtained directly through the throne.

Because this throne belongs to the queen, and the king is a man recognized by the queen.

Yes, even if Bai Luo didn't give the world of Avalon to Senior Sister, making her become a miracle person, and another person got the world of Avalon and became the master of miracles, the result would not make any difference.

Sooner or later, the Lord of Miracles will discover the flaws in the world of Avalon and be severely beaten by society.

The world of Avalon needs a queen,

Also need a king.

When the Queen of Avalon (the Lord of Miracles) meets the soulmate who can give them everything, the world of Avalon will open its true posture and give each other new tasks.

After completing the task, Queen Avalon will change from the Lord of Miracles to a Miracle Creature, and then combine with the other party and recognize her as the Lord.

Of course, there is a biggest premise for all of this, and that is 'alone'.

This can only happen if a miracle master falls into a state of loneliness.

The Lords of Miracles are not invincible, they also have a weakness, that is, the fear of losing.

Just like the Holy Emperor and the Marquis of Qingquan, they all lost all their families and people and were alone.

For a miraculous lord who loves his people, this is more painful than killing them.

At that time, perhaps only self-discipline, to accompany those things that have fallen and disappeared, can be regarded as a kind of relief.

It is in response to this awakening that the miracle will activate the emergency mechanism, which will give the Lord of Miracles a chance for redemption.

Find a new sustenance and live bravely!

Now that you have given up living as the Lord of Miracles, start over as Miracle Creatures.

Although, most of the Lords of Miracles do not have this opportunity, after all, it is too difficult to meet the destined soul mate.

Just that, allowing you to sacrifice your life for the Marquis of Qingquan, eliminated countless people.

Take Bai Luo as an example, could he give his life for the Marquis?

Impossible, as long as there is a little family business, it is impossible to do this.

In addition, this process of transformation from the Lord of Miracles to Miracle Creatures can only be done by certain miracles, such as miracle objects, miracle resources, and miracle buildings, that is, dead objects without self-awareness.

As long as a miracle master is accompanied by a miracle creature, they will never be 'lonely'.

Just like the Earl of Thorns, there is a flower god, and his miracle itself is complete and perfect, and there is no defect.

"You have completed all the tasks I gave," Qingquan: "As long as you agree, we will be closer than anyone else."

The old uncle had given everything for her, and Qingquan was conquered by him, both physically and mentally.

She trusted him and could die for him!

"Even if you have the Lord of Miracles, this is not a problem."

This has also happened in history, so there are precedents.

That is, Qingquan and Uncle will combine the power of miracles, and they will become miraculous creatures in the form of husband and wife, serving Bai Luo together.

This may be better and more perfect.

Qingquan has been waiting for the old uncle to come back and be with her forever.

In Qingquan's eyes, it doesn't matter what kind of materials, what kind of land, and what population, because all these will be given to the Principality of Aden as a dowry.

Qingquan is not worried that his people will be bullied by the Adonites.

Because she will join the Principality of Aden together, with her protection, and the trust in her uncle and Bai Luo cultivated by him, she can make a choice simply.

"I'm back this time," said the uncle, "for this and that."


Qingquan knew the old uncle very well, and these words were undoubtedly telling her that the old uncle would still look for the top miracle.

"This is my mission."

The old man said, "It's my destiny."

"If I'm gone," the old uncle looked at the Marquis tenderly: "I hope you can take my place and protect the child."

"I reject!!!"

Qingquan scolded: "Are you going to leave me alone? If you believe in destiny, then you should know that you, who have completed all my tasks and come back here, are destined partners with me!"

"It was you who pulled me back from despair, it was you who gave me hope to live and gave me happiness!"

"without you."

Qingquan: "How should I live?"

The old uncle was ashamed of Qingquan, but between her and Bai Luo, he chose the latter.

"Forgive my willfulness."

The old uncle took off his clothes, revealing his cracked body.


Qingquan covered her mouth subconsciously, she knew this thing, she had seen it before: "torrent! How can your body be full of such dangerous things? What is that miracle, it can actually control the torrent? "

"Brother Han, said I don't have much time left, and even he can't do anything about Torrent."

"And I!"

"And me!"

Qingquan stepped forward excitedly and grabbed the old uncle's hand: "Assimilate with me, with the help of my miracle, let's carry it together!"

If one person can't stand the erosion of the torrent, then two people together!

The old uncle was cursed by the highest miracle, and he would never get a miracle in his life, so the old uncle couldn't get the clear spring back then.

But now it's different, the old uncle didn't want to get the clear spring, but wanted to turn into a miracle creature with her.

This disguised form is considered to have drilled the loophole of the highest-ranking miracle.

"Do you want to?"

The old uncle asked Qingquan, and the marquis shook her head. She grabbed the old uncle's hand, with tears in her eyes: "I only asked me now if I would like to. You are really a despicable man."

The Marquis has long been attacked by the old uncle, and if you want to get her, there is only one sentence left.

Not only the Marquis, but the Holy Emperor has been waiting for the old uncle all these years.

Yes, even the legendary holy emperor has already been conquered by the old uncle.

When he saw that the old uncle was mistaken for life, he was not only talking about the marquis, but also more people.

Unfortunately, this kind of conquest cannot be done by people with miracles.

The fat old fool and the marquis, the old uncle can only choose one.

Once you become the master of miracles for one of them, it is impossible for the other to get it again.

"Why not choose him, he is much better than me."

"Brother is a man," the old uncle smiled, "Geezying."


Qingquan: "What is the truth?"


The old uncle said solemnly: "Death is more meaningful to him than life. What he wants has already been obtained from me. This time he came to me to repay his gratitude."

The fat old man came to the sacred, just wanted to ask the old uncle if he wanted to help him.

The old man refused.

It's not that you don't look down on it, let alone dislike it, but respect it.

The old man knew what the old man really wanted. He showed the old friend the way and let him go: 'This is my answer, you don't owe anyone anything, go and do what you want matter. ’

Uncle is the only person in the world who understands fat and foolishness.

'If I could meet you earlier,' the Holy Emperor said goodbye to his uncle: 'We will surely conquer this world. ’

"Clap la la la."

On the other side, Bai Luo was in the process of contacting his own miracles, but the sudden sound of page turning made Bai Luo confused: "What's the situation? This sound has discovered a new miracle again?"

What are you doing?

Grand Duke Ali's miracle hasn't been completed yet, so the thirteenth page has come so soon? !

Bai Luo: Xiao Hei, have you evolved and become stronger?

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