This is a Miracle

Chapter 297 The stage where people will die

"The first one, who's coming?"

"Let me do it."

Ying Muxuan used Haierbo as a reflection point to form an avatar.

This method itself is flawed. Once winning Mu Xuan through the incarnation battle, Haierbo will bear all the pressure. With the young man's current ability, it is estimated that even the king-level legalization cannot hold.

"Only send an avatar instead of coming in person. It seems that you don't want to fight me."

Ali asked the panda to run to the side and squat by herself, she crushed the pipe and let it turn into a red-gold streamer and dissipate.

"I've played with you many times."

Ying Muxuan was wearing the imperial robes of the Eastern Empire. Since her injury has recovered and her weight has reached its peak, she has put more pressure on Ali than ever before.

"But you are stronger than a thousand years ago!"

Ali's eyes changed slightly, not fear, but full of excitement and anticipation.

"It won't make a difference," Ying Muxuan said, "In those days when you fought against Li Guang in my hands, and you were not injured, I knew then that if you want to kill you, there is a key factor that is missing, which is different from pure strength. It doesn't matter."

"Even the Holy Emperor, and even the dragon that appeared before, can't kill you."

"is that so?"

In fact, Ali didn't quite understand why he couldn't be beaten to death.

Listening to Ying Muxuan's explanation at this time, and greatly heightened her mystery and immortality, this made Ali feel that Bai Luo was incapable of breaking her bondage and making her a true miracle creature.

"You despise my brother?"

Ying Muxuan looked displeased. Like senior sister, she was despised by others, and they dismissed her with disdain.

But if anyone dares to look down on Bai Luo, they will definitely run over that person to death!

"If I say I look down on it, will you fight me?"


"Then I just despise him."


How straightforward is Ying Muxuan,

He directly opened up the world he was in charge of and captured Ali inside.

"This trick again?"


The Four Gods had been suppressed by Ying Muxuan before, but now it was Ali's turn.

However, Ali's situation is too special. Using the abilities of restraint, frame, world, and limitation to deal with her, there can only be one result, and that is failure.

"Crack clap clap!"

Before Ying Muxuan could throw things into her world, A Li had already started to destroy her world continuously.

It has nothing to do with power, even Ali in his sleep period is the nemesis of miracles of the world and the kingdom.

In terminology, she is a miracle dedicated to borders and countries.

"and many more!"

Ying Muxuan said, "I'm not going to fight you. This is the battle stage I created for you."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Ali looked at the world that was already collapsing, and she said a little embarrassedly, "Then you can repair it. After me, you don't need to use world-breaking tricks, and restrain yourself."

"see it?"

Ying Muxuan said to Bai Luo, "This is what makes her a headache. Fighting against her is useless. You can only rely on yourself."

In addition, the battle of miracles itself is very difficult to determine the winner, Ying Muxuan felt that Bai Luo sent someone to fight with A Li, and there were no three days and three nights.

"Let me handle this matter."

Qingquan miraculously came, she smiled at Ying Muxuan: "Empress, long time no see."

"The Marquis?"

The Fountain of Youth is hard currency, and it can be called the most productive longevity medicine in the entire miracle world.

The Eastern Empire and Qingquan have had trade relations for many years, so Ying Muxuan naturally knew her, and was very familiar with her. She had dealt with the people of the Eastern Empire a lot in the past.

"We're a gang."

When Qingquan came up, he released Wang Wei. As soon as Ying Muxuan felt it, he immediately understood her relationship with Bai Luo: "Brother stinky is really quick."

"I am his aunt."

After briefly explaining his relationship with the old uncle and Bai Luo, Qingquan said, "My miracle can solve the problem of time-consuming battles, as long as the archduke and our miracle agree with each other."

"Qingquan, your miracle still has this function?"


The people present were all acquaintances. In fact, the Lord of Miracles did it to the end, but it is impossible to be unfamiliar with anyone who has been there for two or three thousand years.

"Okay, then take it out and take a look."

A Li Dugu seeks defeat, as long as it is Bai Luo's means, she doesn't care.

Afterwards, Qingquan summoned a huge arena. Among the crowd, A Li was on the ring, and she was the only one there.

The others, including Haierbo, who was being controlled by Bai Luo at this time, as well as the incarnation of Ying Muxuan, and the four gods, were all in the audience.

"what is this?"

Ali: "Qingquan, explain."

"My man, he was once known as the strongest mortal. When he was in the Holy Empire, I think everyone should have heard of his deeds."

Qingquan was referring to the old uncle. Except for Bai Luo who didn't know about it, everyone else nodded unanimously, indicating that they knew about it: "This arena was transformed by his power, and it was revealed by my miracle."

"The two sides fighting here will fight in the purest state."

What is the purest battle, in simple terms, is to remove the "infinity of miracle creatures".

Just like when Ying Muxuan beat Senior Sister, unless you take out Li Guang, you can't break Senior Sister's defense, because Senior Sister herself represents the "infinite" miraculous power.

Limited attack power against unlimited defensive power, naturally the latter is stronger.

"And in my arena, the miracles of both sides will lose this infinity, and they will only be divided according to their own strength."

Of course, this ability is not absolute. After all, the arena itself is only the manifestation of the "limited miracle power", how can it shake the infinite power of any miracle.

"I need you to recognize each other, and when fighting, neither side can use infinite power."

"If any party disagrees, the arena will immediately shatter."

In this way, with the approval of the miracles who entered it, the miracle body can fight the battle of life and death in the arena of Qingquan.


Ali always thought that his invincibility was caused by the power of miracles, but Li Guang couldn't kill her.

Li Guang can crack the infinite power of miracles, so he should be able to kill miracles.

But it didn't do it. Ali wanted to see what his miracle was and how he could have such a terrifying immortality.

"His Majesty?"

"Your Majesty has just left."

Haierbo shook his head. He seemed to have woken up from a deep slumber, somewhat broken: "I'm Haierbo."

"It's hard work, Haierbo."

Qingquan started a field-like arena, and it became a small world of its own, and Bai Luo no longer had any scruples and came down in person.

And with him, there are all the miracle creatures under his command except the miracle dragon and the imperial singer.

"I didn't expect that after becoming a miracle body, there is still a chance to fight with life and death."

Shura was short-tempered and was sent back by his old uncle. At this time, he had new things to do, and he was still fighting. He jumped from the audience: "One-on-one, or a group of people besieged."

"Hey! Old man!"

Shura turned around and shouted to Old Reed, "Isn't this a stage tailored for us?"

"It makes sense."

Long Guixiang stepped into the arena one step at a time, and the other members of Gu Jiqitan followed closely. The old man nodded to Ali and said, "Long time no see, don't mind the old man taking the children to ask you for advice, right?"

"It's you, Dragon Returns, you have become a miracle too?"

Ali wondered if it was the first day of the new year, otherwise why would so many acquaintances come to visit: "It's a long way to go, it's too troublesome to go one by one, let's come together, it's the same anyway."

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