This is a Miracle

Chapter 299 The Road to Perfection

"Concubine Zongbumi."

"The last person is also the most dangerous of the four gods."

Qingquan added: "Don't look at her appearance, Xiaojiabiyu, and a weak temperament. If she really fights, she can beat us to the point of doubting our lives."

Concubine Zongbumi is the prototype of the three images of Chang'e, Houyi and Dayi. She has the most terrifying archery skills in the world.

"God-killing power!"

Concubine Zongbumi's arrows can break defenses, that is, outside the arena, it has the characteristics of Li Guang.

"Li Guang's characteristics!!"

Bai Luo asked: "What do you mean, she can break the infinite power of the miracle and kill the miracle body?"


Ying Muxuan: "Although the attack power is not as terrifying as Li Guang, her arrows can indeed be called Xiao Li Guang."


The Four Gods are just the embodiment of Ali's power, but this does not mean that Ali has only four characteristics.

Fortunately, in this battle, Ali faced almost all opponents who were weaker than her.

According to the rules she gave herself, Gu Jiqitan's level of awakening is obviously not as good as hers, so Ali will not attack, but will only accept their challenge.

This is also an important reason why Ying Muxuan and Qingquan did not fight.

They have seven sleeps in one half step and five sleeps in one half step. If this goes up, with Ali's hobby of challenging the strong, she will definitely not be as lazy as she is now.

"Angrily Touching Mountain and Concubine Zongbumi are both offensive features, so she won't use them."

Without the strength of these two people, the difficulty of attacking Ali suddenly went down.

However, this is also an endless loop.

The miraculous awakening level of the dispatched is not as good as Ali, how can he beat her, and the dispatched awakening level is higher than Ali, and he has to confront her head-on.

"Can a miracle have so many absolute properties?"

"Her miracle is special."

The old man kept listening to the information given by Ying Muxuan,

He smoked silently, and Bai Luo, who was familiar with his habits, understood what Uncle was thinking.


"Go ahead and let other miracles go on."

The old man said: "There is not enough information, I am not sure."

"Is there really a way?"

Hearing this news, Bai Luo immediately cheered up. Ying Muxuan, who was beside him, was skeptical, because she had thought about how to deal with A Li before, but it all ended in failure.

Qingquan absolutely trusts the old uncle, and thinks that his man is so good.

"Your Majesty has ordered."

Gui Ji didn't make a rash move, he was looking for an opportunity, and at the same time looking for A Li's weakness, he wanted to solve the problem with one blow.

"Go together!"

The reed family of Gu Jiqitan, six people surrounded Ali at the same time.

In terms of combat alone, Ali is definitely the one being suppressed.

But her strength is too special, that invincible defense, even Long Guixiang can't break through.

During the whole process, Ali didn't fight back, she didn't even pick up the weapon, she just stood there and let the reed family chop and chop, but she couldn't hurt her in the slightest.

"No, there is absolutely no weakness."

Long Guixiang's fighting instinct can be said to be the top of Aden, and even he can't find A Li's flaws. It can be seen that the opponent's defense really does not have any barriers.

"If you can't use force, try magic!"

Lilith, who had been watching the battle in the arena, fluttered down, and the Reeds didn't leave.

This also means that Ali faced two miracles at the same time with his own strength.

"This picture seems familiar."

Ali thought of the scene when he confronted the Seven Kings of Aden eight hundred years ago.

As at that time, she also relied on herself to face the seven miracle bodies.

"Do you have more than seven miracles in your hands?"

"I've tried more than one pick before," Ali said, "their strength is much stronger than your miracle."

"Seven five senses, but still can't kill me."

Eight hundred years ago, Ali had only broken through to the third sense.

Three senses versus five senses, this is not something that powerful characteristics can make up for, whether it should be hanged or beaten.

"Can you tell me how many miracles you have?"

With the premise of winning Baizhou, Ali didn't think it was strange that Bai Luo had many miracles.

How can a man who can trigger the miraculous task of conquering himself be a mortal, with such ability, right?

"Come on, let me see what you can do."

Ali looked at Lilith jokingly, which made the fairy godmother quite unhappy, and when she raised her hand, light green light began to gather.

"What is this?"

It was the first time that Ali saw the evil energy, but he still felt the terrifying death energy from the green light.

Lilith's Transfiguration couldn't shake Ali, so she had to use pure energy to try to defeat her.


The green light flickered, and the lightning-like fel energy instantly enveloped Ali.

"What is this?"

A Li endured the pain, her immortal body was not immune to this power, but really caused continuous damage to it.


Lilith saw that her fel energy had made achievements, and immediately increased the output of the power of miracles.

For a time, the green light was dazzling, which symbolized the death of the evil energy that took away life, and even everyone in the stands was slightly affected.

However, they are different from Ali, the body has infinite protection, so the evil energy only affects the moment, and immediately loses its effect.


"This trick is interesting," Ali clenched his fists, and actually opened his upper arms to meet the impact of fel energy in a wider range: "Finally, I have encountered a force that can affect me again."


Lilith was a little confused, but instead of stopping the release of fel energy, she strengthened it a bit.

"Thank you."

"what happened?"

Suddenly, the light of the fel energy began to get out of control, and Lilith disconnected quickly. She looked at Ali, but saw that the female archduke was covered with green veins, flowing like lava.


Spitting out a mouthful of green smoke, Ali's body gradually returned to its original state: "Thank you for your hospitality, this power is called Xie Neng, right? It's really an interesting trick."

After saying that, Ali raised her hand, and saw light green energy, like a well-behaved child, dancing between her fingers.

"what have you done?"

The answer to this question is obvious. Ali, like her, also has the power of evil energy.

"You said earlier that God Qianqi is the least good at fighting among the four gods," Ali smiled: "That's right, after all, he rarely has the opportunity to play."

Yu Yuanweng is the fastest, and he can kill an ordinary enemy in an instant.

Angered Shanzun's attack range is the largest, kill as many as you come.

Concubine Zongbumi has extremely high single-shot damage and can penetrate anyone's defenses, killing the miracle body like Li Guang.

However, this is also the limit of the three of them.

In the battle, the three people will not get stronger and stronger because of the battle. Their strength is fixed. If they can't beat them, they can't beat them. There is no reason to say.

"But Qian Qishen is different."

Qian Qishen started weak, but his growth was almost limitless.

Powerful defense and immortality have never been the real power of God Qianqi, and the two functions have only one function, that is, to support God God and let him continue to exceed the limit.

"He inherited this part of my characteristics," Ali said bluntly: "Only the power I have never seen can cause harm to me, and once I see and feel it, then your power, become part of me."

Ali called it 'Mending the Sky', which is also the essence of the origin of the fire: "Everyone is imperfect, and everything that exists in this world is also incomplete."

"Complete, complete oneself, this is something every life will instinctively do."

The seed of origin is the embodiment of the miracle from incompleteness to perfection, a miracle that can complement everything and finally create a "perfect thing"!

"Because it can't be killed, God Gan Qi can withstand any attack and tricks."

"And once he is in contact with him," Ali: "Yours is his."

The God of Qi Qi will continue to absorb the opponent's strength and evolve with the battle. The more you fight with him, the stronger he will become.

In the end, Qianqi God will become your nemesis.

And when all your abilities are ineffective against it, that time is your death.

"The anger touches the mountain to clear the field, Concubine Zongbumi fights for the big with small, and the goddess Qianqi withstands all pressure and drags the opponent down," Ali: "Finally, when the opponent knows that he is defeated and wants to escape, Yu Yuanweng will be like a Like maggots on the tarsus, give him endless pursuit!"

Compared with Ali, Qian Qishen's adaptability is time-limited and can only be exerted at the current stage.

Once the battle is over, the power obtained by the God of Qi will gradually dissipate.

But Ali is different, the power she got will not disappear, but will become a part of her forever.

"Food all things, take the world and forcibly feed itself back."

Ying Muxuan said, "Your miracle is like the opposite of all miracles."

The essence of miracles is to give, to pour out the power of miracles from nothingness, or to create, or to gift, or to open up the world.

However, the origin fire seems to be burning, turning other people's things into their own.

Although evil energy is evil, it is not worth mentioning compared to the origin of fire.

"The road to perfection," Bai Luo murmured, "it is to seize the power of others, absorb everything from the outside world, and in the end only leave one unique, me..."

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