This is a Miracle

Chapter 302 The Mystery of Shilong


Ying Muyi didn't know what Shilong's remnants were, but she did hear the word Shilong.

"What happened to Shilong?"

Bai Luo originally thought that Shilong was just a name for a race, but judging from Ying Muxuan's reaction, this Shilong might have a lot of background.

"He hasn't heard of it," Ying Muxuan said, "You don't know Saros?"

"do not know."

The old uncle really doesn't know the origin of this thing called Shilong: "Look at your reaction, is it something that the ancestor of Aden found when he was excavating ancient ruins?"


Ying Muxuan and Ying Baizhou have been separated for 6,000 years. She doesn't know what secrets her brother has discovered since then, but Ying Muxuan really knows a lot about Shilong.

"Others, I can't tell the specific origin."

Seeing Bai Luo's interest, Ying Mu Xuan said, "You only need to know one thing to understand the power of the word Shilong, and why am I surprised."

"What's up?"

"Shilong roughly described its function in the murals we discovered back then."

Speaking of this, Ying Muyan looked at Bai Yinuo with some surprise: "The ancient murals recorded clues about Shilong, and the content inside said that Shilong belongs to a special substance, which is specially used to create powerful artifact."

"It's not all, as long as a little Shilong is mixed into the object, it will have great power."

"Artifact made with Shilong."

Bai Luo: "Like?"

"Li Guang!"


Bai Luo was stunned: "No, isn't Li Guang the sword of creation? If it was made of things, how did Li Guang create the world?"

Forging is obviously something after the creation of the world, but Li Guang should be older than any world.

This is contradictory!

"No, not contradictory."

The old uncle shook his head and said, "The Li Guang that the empress said should be the sword of creation, Li Guang, and the miracle we mentioned before is just Li Guang, not a sword."

To put it simply, Li Guang should be the concept of creation, Su Ye Li Guang, it is not a sword, but an incomparably powerful force.

And in a long time ago, someone shaped the carrier for this creative force.

It is Li Guang, the sword of creation.

"Yes, that's what I meant."

Ying Muxuan said that the old uncle summed it up very well, much more clearly than what she said: "Being able to accommodate and carry the power of Suye Liguang shows how terrible Shilong is."

However, Ying Muxuan and Ying Baizhou searched for many years, but they could not find Shilong.

They didn't know what this thing called Shilong was.

Metal, ore, some kind of miracle resource

"I didn't expect," said Ying Muxuan, "Shilong will turn out to be a miraculous creature."

This is really hard to imagine, Shilong is not a material, nor a resource, but a person, a living person.

"Using artificial artifacts?!"

Bai Luo was stunned, this kind of thing, even if Bai Yinuo could really forge an artifact that rivaled Li Guang, Bai Luo would never play like that.

"Think too much."

The old man said, "Li Guang was not made with Shilong's remnants, but with another kind of thing."

"You found out so soon?"

Ying Muxuan just mentioned one sentence, but he didn't expect the old uncle to find out so quickly: "What is it?"

"Should be this."

As the old man said, he took out a handkerchief from his arms. After opening it, there were several white jade stones inside.

"what is this?"

A total of four pieces, Bai Luo and Ying Muxun each took one piece from the palm of the old uncle.

After the two looked at it for a while, they couldn't really see what it was, except that it was very smooth and felt very good.

"Xiaobai still produces such resources?"

Since it has something to do with Bai Yinuo, it must be made by Xiaobai, but Bai Luo didn't think about it after thinking hard, how did Bai Yinuo make these jade.

As the master of miracles, Bai Luo was very ashamed, because his understanding of Bai Yinuo was far inferior to that of Uncle Bai.

But this is also something that can't be helped. Bai Luo himself has a job, and there are many miracles, so he really has no energy to focus on Xiao Bai.

"This thing is the material for making Li Guang?"

Rao Shiying and Mu Xuan had never seen such a precious substance. She asked her uncle and Bai Luo for advice: "Can I test it?"


Bai Luo was not sure, he asked the old uncle, who was very confident: "Just test it."


Ying Mucheng immediately pinched a piece of white jade between her thumb and forefinger. She kept instilling strength, but the result did not exceed her expectations: "Yes! It's this thing!"

The Empress of the East can summon a replica of Li Guang, and she has also been in contact with the real Li Guang. She can be sure that Li Guang was created with it.

"How to say?"


The old uncle helped Ying Muxuan with the answer: "It can't be destroyed. This is what the Empress noticed the similarity between it and Li Guang. Am I right?"


Ying Muxuan: "I have never seen anything stronger than Li Guang in this world, it is the second one."

However, there are not only one piece of such a thing, but many pieces. Ying Muxuan asked the old uncle, "Is it a renewable resource?"


The old man thought about it and said, "According to my judgment, it should be a non-renewable resource."

That is to say, the number of such jade should be limited.

Even if Yinuo Bai could produce such a resource, it would not be easy.

"So what the heck is this?"

Bai Luo is very curious, Bai Yinuo can produce this kind of white jade, but the old uncle said that it is not renewable and the quantity is limited.

"Give me your things first."

The old uncle didn't answer, but asked the two to return the things, carefully wrapped them, and put them back into his arms, only to tell them the answer: "This is Xiaobai's deciduous tooth."


At this moment, the siblings were completely stunned.

The two brothers and sisters are not obsessed with cleanliness, not to mention that Bai Yinuo is so cute, the deciduous teeth of the beautiful girl, many people can't ask for it.

"Father, you are really awesome."

Bai Luo said, "Children lose their teeth, shouldn't they be thrown on the roof or under the bed? You even collected them specially. You really don't have anyone's eyes."

"Indeed, as expected of you."

For the first time, Ying Muxuan showed admiration in his eyes.

Of course, not looking at perverted eyes, but admiration from the heart: "It's really amazing to be able to see points that ordinary people don't pay attention to."

"It turned out to be teeth."

"No, I should say, it's a bone."

Ying Muxuan clarified his thoughts: "The material that forged Li Guang is the bones of Shilong's remnants. Only things that are indestructible can carry miracles that can destroy everything."

"You three, after chatting for so long, can we start?"

Ali ignored Bai Luo's thought acceleration, this kind of power didn't work for her, but out of politeness, Ali still waited for them.

"I almost smoked three cigarettes, are you still okay?"

"OK OK."

Bai Luo is almost certain that Bai Yinuo is the key to dealing with A Li: "Xiao Bai, go and discuss with Grand Duke A Li. Sister A Li, you have to be merciful, Xiao Bai is still a child."

"Know, know!"

Ali did not take Bai Yinuo in his eyes, the other party had almost no miraculous power, as for the level of awakening

Good guy, she didn't even sleep at all!

"Come on, little girl."

Ali didn't take any precautions, and came to Xiaobai carelessly: "I'm standing here, I'll let you, fight whatever you want, and never fight back."

Mr. Mou: The old lady who took the green onion is so hot, come out! Do you have the confidence to beat me? hit me! Let you punch!


So the next moment, a fist the size of a sandbag enveloped Ali's sight, and the moment the Grand Duchess had no time to react, it suddenly landed on her face.

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