This is a Miracle

Chapter 304 Dazhe, someone who doesn't know if he exists

"Dazhe, nature exists."

"Then where is she?!"

The situation inside the trading house is very complicated. They are looking for an existence called 'Dazhe', and they gather here.

As for Da Zhe, the 'Four Zhe' in the Four Zhe Corridor is actually Da Zhe.

But the four philosophers are more unfathomable than the general great philosophers, and even most people think that the four philosophers are just myths and legends, and there is no such person.

Yes, not the myths and legends of mortals, but the 'myths' in the eyes of the Lord of Miracles.

Even the powerful Lords of Miracles couldn't understand why Da Zhe wanted to find them.

As for what to do after finding it. . .

Different people have different choices, and taking Di Sui as an example, his purpose is very simple, that is, he wants to ask Da Zhe a question, an unanswerable question.

Some people may ask, since the question has no solution, how to answer it?

This is the terrible thing about Da Zhe.

Legend has it that Dazhe is a truly omniscient and omnipotent person. The questions that you cannot answer in your eyes may mean nothing to them.

Dazhe can give you a satisfactory answer, a result that makes you suddenly enlightened, and even has an epiphany.

Like God refutes how he created a stone that he could not lift himself.

However, Dazhe can give you an answer, which can make even the stubborn gangster nod from the heart and feel that it is right.

"Dazhe, maybe it really doesn't exist."

The speaker was an old man. Although his identity information was hidden under his hood, many people recognized him as soon as he opened his mouth.

Besides that person from the Eastern Empire, who else could it be?

"We are all people who seek the Tao, but few people know what the Tao is."

Tao, in a narrow sense, is a way, a way, and a method to achieve an end.

As for the greatest Tao, it is the ultimate truth of the universe, the answer to all questions.

Of course, different cultures say this ultimate truth differently.

Some people call it a myth, some people say it's called science, but it's the same thing anyway.

Queen Avalon is the great philosopher that the business is looking for, an answer and truth that can make people no longer suffer and make them get what they want.

However, does such a great philosopher really exist?

In theory, no one has ever seen Da Zhe, and no one will call himself so.

But Queen Avalon, she was regarded as a great sage by people in the business, especially Du Muan and others.

But this doesn't really matter, as long as Queen Avalon can answer their questions, then she is Da Zhe.

Otherwise, even if you are Da Zhe, you will not be able to satisfy them.

"The Queen has not returned. When she has her own decision, we should not use our wisdom to understand her choice."

In fact, Du Muan himself was a little worried. Unlike most traders in the business, he not only met the Queen, but even followed him more than once.


Du Muan didn't want to say more, Dazhe was the fundamental reason for them to gather.

But if they didn't let them see Dazhe for one day, the masters of these miracles would never be relieved. After all, Dazhe only existed in legends, and no one has ever seen it.

They had to see each other to prove that what Dumohan said was true.

In this way, they can be completely fearless.

This is the idea of ​​some buyers and sellers, and another part, they simply want to get an answer.

For example, the old man from the Eastern Empire, he joined the trading house in order to seek the method of liberation.

The old man was called Lu Wang, and he was the master of miracles in the Di Sui era.

Di Sui is a great man, he has done many things that others have not done, but because of this, the powerful Di Sui does not need the assistance and help of others.

In Lu Wang's time, it was not as chaotic as it is now, and the princes were divided.

In the Miracle Land 10,000 years ago, there were only a few countries in total.

The relationship between the Lord of Miracles and the Lord of Miracles is not the mutual union of today, but the relationship between monarch and minister.

In order to reach a higher realm, Di Sui fell.

In an era of great chaos, Lu Wang did not want the people of the Northern Continent (Eastern Empire) to continue to suffer, so he assisted the Empress of the East to win Mu Xuan, and through repeated wars, seized the current Eastern Empire.

Of course, although Lu Wang made great contributions during this period, he was not the greatest contributor.

Without the power of Empress Dong, even if Lu Wang was talented, it would be meaningless.

However, the years of war had put a lot of pressure on Lu Wang, and so many people had died, but after the establishment of the Eastern Empire, he was enfeoffed and became a vassal king.

If there really is a great philosopher in the world, Lu Wang would like to ask her, is this fair?

What is the world like, why does the Lord of Miracles have to kill each other? Could it be that the people of Miracles, and even ordinary people, will be reduced to the bottom all their lives, like ants who are wiped away?

What is the truth, Lu Wang wanted to know, and even more wanted to find salvation from Da Zhe.

Lu Wang's state at this time was very similar to that of the Holy Emperor, and he was in a state of confusion.

Because I couldn't figure it out, and I couldn't communicate with others, I could only hope to join the trading company and ask Dazhe for advice.

Fortunately, the emperor has figured it out.

There is no way, who called the emperor lucky to meet the almighty old uncle hanging on the wall.

To be honest, if Bai Luo knew about the so-called great philosophies of the trading house, he would 100% blurt out: 'Are you sure this is not my old uncle? ’

"I didn't expect you to come."

A figure stood in front of Lu Wang. It was the woman who spoke before. She took off her hood. She was the queen of the Eastern Empire.

"Don't compare you to me, this old man never stabs people in the back."

Lu Wang: "Even if the Empress is in front, I can tell her directly that I joined the trading house."

The old man has a clear conscience, so he is not afraid of being known.

"It sounds like I'm scared."

"Aren't you afraid?"

This question really makes Tianhou a little embarrassed. After all, she is not the opponent of the Eastern Empress with her real strength: "That is also her fault!"

"She lied to me first!"

Tianhou has always admired the Empress of the East, but this kind of worship is her admiration for Ying Muxuan's daughter's body above the entire miracle land.

But in the end, the Queen of Heaven couldn't believe that the Eastern Empress she worshipped would actually be a miracle creature!

What is a miracle creature?

The dignified Eastern Empress turned out to be a well-behaved and obedient little woman in front of a certain miracle master!

The queen felt that she had been deceived, and even her faith was shaken.


Lu Wang didn't know what Tianhou was struggling with: "Even if she wants to win Baizhou, this cannot obliterate her ability and achievements."

It was Ying Muxuan who unified the Eastern Empire, but Ying Baizhou did not give her any help.

"If you can't even see that."

Lu Wang didn't want to talk nonsense with Tianhou: "You deserve to mention her too?!"

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