This is a Miracle

Chapter 32 Xiluen

However, the problem of inability to smelt ore is not absolute.

Lilith can manipulate hammers and tools to smelt iron ore, create cast iron and wrought iron, and cast spells.

"Ah, I hit iron!"

Lilith's originally lost mood was restored to its original state by seeing the continuous casting of pig iron.

She can't directly change the raw materials, but through indirect methods, Lilith can still use magic to make dozens of furnaces work at the same time, and then process a large amount of resources.

Then cast the magic again, and instantly create the tools everyone needs, which saves the Aduns a lot of time.

In addition, everyone also found that Lilith could not directly turn trees into wood, but could control saws and axes, cut down trees first, and then cast spells.

Of course, Lilith's life magic mainly lies in the necessities of life.

Let her carry out creative activities, this Lilith is a little powerless.

For example, Bai Luo wanted Lilith to make some high-precision instruments, such as pistols, microscopes, TV sets, computers, and atomic bombs.

It's a pity that Lilith can't make these things.

In fact, Lilith couldn't even change a watch or an alarm clock.

Thinking about it carefully, goblins really clash with these mechanical things, so I don't think about it any more.

"It stands to reason that the fairies in fairy tales do not make weapons, nor do they have advanced creativity. Instead, they follow ancient powers."

In fairy tales, there are always stories of humans looking for fairies with weapons, and then grabbing Fairy Flowers. It can be seen that the power of fairies should be opposed to humans.

However, her master is Bai Luo, and Lilith has no time to consider whether she is a fairy or not.

No need to do it! ! !

"Too much pursuit of human creativity is somewhat contrary."

The old man said so, so the two immediately changed their thinking and began to ask Lilith's areas of expertise.

Sure enough, they discovered Lilith's true strength—Transfiguration.

Transfiguration is really a very, very powerful magic.

And it is very popular with children, which made Lilith become a big star beyond Shirley.

"Crystal slipper, what a beautiful slipper."

"There really is a pumpkin carriage."

At this time, Miya was wearing a pair of extremely beautiful crystal slippers on her feet. Although the uncle could also make them, Lilith's crystal slippers were different.

She wasn't made of crystals! ! !

Yes, Lilith directly turned Miya's cloth shoes into crystal shoes.

There is also a pumpkin carriage, Miya used oranges poured out by Bai Luo.

Anyway, they look almost the same, the colors are the same, zoom in a bit, and then change the shape, the pumpkin carriage is fine.

"Lord Lilith, I want, want beautiful clothes."

After a girl finished speaking, Lilith waved her fairy stick, and saw that the girl's simple clothes immediately turned into an extremely beautiful pure white princess dress.


"so beautiful!"

"I want me too! Lilith-sama is the best~~"

Where have the girls seen such a miraculous thing, they directly regarded Lilith as a fairy in a fairy tale, cheered and made all kinds of wishes.

Lilith is also simply, she is the patron saint of girls' dreams, and at this time, she rolled up her sleeves, and all kinds of magic poured out like a tide.


Looking at this scene, Bai Luo really felt that Lilith's fairy magic was amazing.

Sometimes it is the conservation of matter.

But sometimes, it is really magical, completely violating the law of conservation of matter.

Like a pumpkin carriage, it's an orange becomes.

But that weight, Knowles went up to test a wave,

Really heavy.

And the crystal shoes, no matter from the intuition or optical changes, are completely the same as the real crystal.

However, unlike form changes, if they were physical changes, once Lilith stopped the magic, they would return to the way they were before.

But until the magic ends, the physical actions you inflict on it will not affect the change itself.

Such as breaking, smashing, tearing.

However, if there is a drastic chemical change, it will quickly return to its original state, that is, the original shape will appear.

This is also the reason why Lilith can't change food. It can change the shape and state of food, and it can also turn stones into food, but it can't be eaten, absolutely can't be eaten! !

"Even so, it's like a fairy tale ability."

Bai Luo didn't know what the rationale was. He felt that there should be something restricting Lilith in the process of releasing fairy magic.

"Will it cost a lot of magic power?"

Bai Luo felt that magic power might be the key factor in the effect of spells.

"Magic, what is that?"

After Lilith asked Bai Luo back, she began to receive information about magic power.

Bai Luo wanted to say that magic is the power of miracles.

But the problem is, the power of miracles on Lilith has not diminished in the slightest from beginning to end, and Lilith has been casting spells like this for a long time.

Bai Luo is a little strange, didn't she consume it?

"You can keep casting spells, endlessly?"


Lilith gave Bai Luo a positive answer: "Although the scope of each spell is limited, I can always release all kinds of fairy magic."


This is a bit terrifying, Bai Luo secretly said: 'It seems that in the future, we must cultivate more research talents and study the power of miracles. what'

The old uncle told Bai Luo that simply using miracles was the stupidest and most primitive method.

If we want to build a kingdom of miracles, we must rely on a large number of talents and give full play to the subjective initiative of human beings, so that the power of miracles can be truly extended to all aspects.

This is the real country of miracles.

"Forget it, don't think about it, I can always figure it out later."

Bai Luo asked himself if he wasn't a researcher, he clapped his hands and started the next session---testing Lilith's actual combat ability.

The challenge object must be Knowles and the others.

However. . .

"It's over so soon?"

Bai Luo looked at the field in front of him suspiciously, and all the people in Adun showed a look of amazement and disbelief.

how to say?

Knowles, Zyra, and Iniya were all hanged and beaten by Lilith.

No, it's not a hang, it's a spike!

During the whole process, Lilith snapped her fingers, and then the surrounding trees seemed to be alive, and countless vines tied the three of them directly and fell into the air.

"How does it feel?"

The old uncle asked Bai Luo this way, and Bai Luo said, "I realized once again how unreliable a miracle is."

Knowles and Zyra are also strong, but they are like ants when facing Lilith. You must know that Lilith did not use much miraculous power to deal with them.

"It's not great, how can you control the country?"

A miracle is a powerful force that can govern a nation, its millions of people.

If miracles can be defeated by numbers, they are not miracles.


"Speaking of which, I don't know if it's my illusion," Bai Luo asked the old uncle to look at the little girls, "I found that they seem to have some of Lilith's miraculous power on them."


The old man's eyes narrowed and he quickly asked, "Really?"

"Good thing, great thing!"


The old uncle said to Bai Luo: "I told you before that miracles can give power as a gift to all beings, and those who get the power of miracles will become the children of miracles, or the daughters of miracles."

It is referred to here simply as the Son of Miracle, which is the final state of the derivative of Miracle Power.

They are one grade lower than the miracle itself, but they are the most important strength of the Aden family in the future.

In the future, wars, development, and research will depend on them.

"However, this process is not absolute."

"It needs to meet two conditions. The first is that the miracle itself is willing to give."

"If you don't want to give a miracle, then no matter what kind of talent the other party is, it is impossible to get the favor of this miracle power. Even if you get it, the Lord of Miracles and Miracles can take it back at any time."

"The second condition is that the other party can adapt to this miraculous power."

"There are many talents in this world, just like Lilith's ability," said the old man. "Some children show adaptability, and some children fail to show it."

"But that doesn't mean that kids who adapt are better than those who don't."

The old man can only say that the former is more suitable for this kind of miracle than the latter.

Those who are good at mathematics are talents, but those who are good at languages ​​are also talents.

They always have bright spots, just waiting for Bai Luo to dig.

The old uncle's words were actually hinting at Bai Luo in disguise, telling him not to despise any child.

Maybe in the future, some miracles will need them.

"I understand that I will not give up any of my subjects."

Bai Luo smiled and said that he heard the hint of the old uncle, but neither of them went further, but stopped.

"I'll go see those kids."

Bai Luo came to the children who surrounded Lilith. He took a closer look and found that it was all girls who got Lilith's miraculous power.

Elsa, Little Helen, Fiora, Sheila, Tina, and Alice.

The light of miracles on them can only be seen by those who possess miracles, and judging from the feeling of the light on Bai Luo, Elsa's power of miracles is the most powerful.

"So, how is the power of miracles defined? What's the use?"

Bai Luo has not noticed any peculiar changes in these girls for the time being, and he intends to continue to observe.

In the days that followed, everyone still felt the changes brought by Lilith while migrating. She captured many small animals in the forest and began to bless them.

Although they haven't shown any peculiar abilities for the time being, these animals are obviously much smarter after passing through Lilith's magical power.

Bai Luo even discovered that some animals could understand what they were saying.

"Is there no one?"

Knowles took back his white eagle on time and asked about the situation around it.


A docile dove-like cry came from the mouth of the white eagle on Knowles' arm. It nodded, and then looked at the half-cooked rabbit meat in Knowles' hands.

"Give it to you."

Knowles could not laugh or cry, the white eagles became smarter and smarter, and they became the best sentries of the Aden family.

Several times they were separated by dozens of kilometers, and they brought useful news to them.

This made Bai Luo and the others avoid contact with outsiders several times, and they did not encounter any danger until they reached the river valley not far from the ancient capital Xiluen.

Of course, because of being smart, the requirements for food have also changed.

If you eat meat that has been grilled, it is not perfectly cooked, so I am not happy.

But he also bullied Knowles.

Facing Bai Luo, these little animals are inexplicably extremely awe-inspiring, and their behavior will become cautious, for fear of offending Bai Luo.

It is estimated that they also know that this is the boss of the boss.


Finally, after a long journey through mountains and rivers, everyone came to their transit station - the ancient capital Xiluen!

"The ancient capital is ahead."

Bai Luo was driving Shirley, and he was telling everyone, especially magical creatures like Lilith and Shirley.

There is no miraculous power in the ancient capital Shiluen, the old uncle can be sure of this.

This also means that for the residents over there, miracles are unheard of.

For the people of the ancient capital, they are too special, and once exposed, it will definitely cause an uproar.

"Lilith, restrain the little ones."

"Understood, master."

Lilith used magic, and she confined the magical creatures in the carriage so that they could not run around at will.

"Before entering the city, I want to check everyone's disguise."

Bai Luo got off Xue Li, and then walked past the crowd with his hands behind his back. He first came to the old uncle: "The grace of the housekeeper, old uncle, you are playing in your true colors."


The old uncle was wearing a black housekeeper's uniform. He smiled and said, "I used to be a housekeeper."

In this trip, Bai Luo played the role of a businessman from out of town.

Because of the failure of the business, I plan to go overseas to seek refuge with relatives and friends in other countries.

Looking at Senior Sister, the originally beautiful silver hair was dull at this time, and although the dress was good, it was a mess.

"Well, yes, the bankrupt proprietress, excellent."

Senior Sister's identity is Bai Luo's wife, as for Yinya, she is Bai Luo's younger sister.

Knowles is a skilled bodyguard, Zyra is a personal maid.

Adults, it's basically fine.

The women concealed their appearances, while the men disguised themselves, and most of them would stay in the caravan and would not show their faces.

So even if you don't have acting skills, as long as you don't come out, you can still be cute.

"Lilith, change everyone's clothes."

Bai Luo changed clothes for everyone, choosing clothes that weren't particularly high-end, but not a refugee either.

"is this OK?"

Looking at the costumes Lilith prepared for everyone, Bai Luo nodded and said, "That's good."


Bai Luo looked at the city in the distance, he needed everyone to hide himself, and he must not reveal his power at will.

Even Shirley had dulled her fur countless times, becoming like an ordinary horse.

As for the other war horses, these Bai Luo did not move.

Sometimes, invisible wealth is also a form of demonstration. If you really pretend to be a refugee and enter the city, you will be forced to show your original shape before you even enter.

"We are going into the city. Next, everyone can keep silent and try not to speak."

"Wait until we get on the boat and go out to sea."

The corners of Bai Luo's mouth were slightly raised, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes: "Laugh out loud again!"

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