This is a Miracle

Chapter 328 Evil

In the current status of Uncle, he is Bai Luo's miracle creature, so Uncle can arrogantly say something to him.

Even if he scolds Bai Luo a few words, it doesn't matter.

Because their relationship is very close, it has surpassed the former uncle and nephew, and has become the same root that is closer than blood relationship.

Bai Luo trusts the old uncle very much, not only the relationship between each other, but also the wisdom of the old uncle.

The old man has never let Bai Luo down, always.

So this time, Bai Luo still felt that Uncle could think of a way.

Bai Luo will obey, even if the old uncle asks him to throw Dusk away and no longer use it, Bai Luo will choose to listen to the old uncle.

If Bai Luo had to choose between Uncle and Dusk, he would choose Uncle without hesitation.

Of course, the same goes for everyone else.

Only this point, Bai Luo is clear, he will not abandon other people for the sake of a twilight, absolutely not.

However, the old man couldn't do that.

Even if it can be done, it cannot be done.

The old uncle didn't want to control Bai Luo, let him listen to himself and act according to his thoughts.

In doing so, what is the difference between Uncle and Dusk?

Because of this matter, Empress Dong has repeatedly backed down, because she can't blame Dusk now. She used to do similar things, trying to control Bai Luo and let him listen to her.

"There is good news, though."

The old man said, "It's a good thing that Dusk can talk to you, indicating that it can communicate."

After speaking, the old uncle patted Bai Luo on the shoulder, and then he took a big mouthful of cigarettes.

The smoke was lingering, and the expression of the old uncle could not be seen clearly.


Bai Luo nodded, looking at Dusk in his hand: "Every miracle should be well developed and guided. If one miracle is thrown away because it has a problem, it will not be called the master of miracles."

In Bai Luo's opinion, if every miracle fits him perfectly, then this is a ghost.

There will be some accidents, which is normal.

What's more, Dusk is still so powerful, and it is not unacceptable to have some side effects.

"I will have a good conversation with it and guide it on the right path."

Dusk will become an important force to protect Aden. Bai Luo has good patience for his own miracles and is willing to be tolerant.

"Then the matter is settled."

The old uncle said: "Xiao Luo, you can go and inform everyone that the final ceremony will be carried out."

"You are crazy!!!"

After Bai Luo left, Ying Mu looked at the old uncle with shock: "You, what are you doing?"

"That miracle is very dangerous, very dangerous, can't you see it?"

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} Dusk is powerful, but a miracle that even the master dares to control, this is no longer a question of whether it is dangerous or not, but it is terrifying, extremely terrifying!

"Even if it's me, I might shoot Xiao Luo!"

What happened before, Ying Mu? Even if she wants to do something, she will tell Bai Luo, even if it is forced, but she will never interfere with Bai Luo's will, such as hypnotizing, bewitching, this is impossible.

Her coercion is only physical and has absolutely nothing to do with the mind.

But what about dusk?

It has been arrogant enough to start controlling the master!

Is this still great?

"Father," Isafiya said to the old uncle, "what you said to Xiao Luo before was very different from your style."

"Did you say that on purpose?"

The senior sister knew the old uncle better than the empress, so she guessed it and saw it.

"I have to say that.


The old uncle was smoking a cigarette, and his eyes were unprecedentedly solemn: "Didn't you see it? Xiao Luo didn't wake up at all!"

Yes, Bai Luo was not awake.

Dusk still confuses him, making Bai Luo unconscious.

Looking at his reaction just now, the old uncle could tell by just a few tests that the Bai Luo in front of him was too abnormal.

"From what I know about Xiao Luo."

Uncle: "Under normal circumstances, when encountering such a thing, he will throw away this dangerous weapon as soon as possible!"

But the result?

Just look at just now, Bai Luo was holding Dusk so tightly that he refused to let go.

If it is said that this is Bai Luo's own greed, the old uncle will never believe it.

Bai Luo was nurtured by his uncle himself, and it was the greatest achievement in his life.

You must know that the first lesson that old uncle taught Bai Luo was how to resist temptation, maintain yourself in all kinds of beauty, and stick to your original heart.

It's just a twilight, if it didn't do anything to Bai Luo, why would Bai Luo be so reluctant?

"How wicked."

"How arrogant!"

"Such a miracle is unheard of!"

The old uncle's smoking hand trembled a little, which was angered.

The miracles of Bai Luo, the old uncle, the empress, and the senior sister, they are naturally a group, and Dusk is like a newcomer, an outsider.

If that's the case, Uncle and the others should cherish this newcomer.

But what does it do?

As soon as he came up, he not only competed for favor, but also kept bewitching Bai Luo. Now, he has begun to control him!

"Why does Xiao Luo get Dusk?"

Uncle can't understand, the scope of the black book is definitely not that wide.

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} "Now is not the time to think about this," Senior Sister interjected, "We should think of a way to wake Xiao Luo up."

"The Queen is right."

Ying Mu agrees with Senior Sister: "The most urgent task is to rescue Xiao Luo."

Speaking of which, even Ying Mu had a headache.

God, what is this.

A miracle, actually controlled the master, is there still Tianli and Wangfa?

Ying Mu? Fighting Bai Luo with Senior Sister, you can feel heartbroken to death, but Dusk dares to do such a thing, who gave it the courage?

"Then what?"

When it comes to Bai Luo, it's like the seven inches of a snake. The Empress and Senior Sister have been pinched by Dusk, and they really don't dare to act rashly.

Bai Luo is their leader, their heart, and the most important person, and they must not be lost.

So, don't be too careful.

"Two ways."

The old uncle said, "I tested it before, and Xiao Luo is still Xiao Luo."

Just before, when the old uncle patted Bai Luo on the shoulder, he actually used strength.

This power is not great, but it is enough to hurt Bai Luo.

But the result?

Bai Luo, there is no reaction at all!

What does this mean?

It means that it is Bai Luo, the master of the old uncle's miracle. As a miracle, it is absolutely impossible for him to hurt Bai Luo, even in the slightest.

"What about this?"

The two women looked at each other, both feeling a headache.

Miracles cannot hurt the Lord of Miracles. This is an iron rule, not impossible, but reluctance to give up.

Just like when the old uncle was exerting his strength before, he subconsciously withdrew his strength and did not want to hurt Bai Luo at all.

"Some sacrifices have to be made."

The old uncle asked them: "If there is an uncontrollable situation, I hope you are ready to 'die once'."

Miracles go against the master's will and must die.

But this is not a problem, because as long as Bai Luo recovers, he will definitely bring them back.


"I would."

The two women did not hesitate, and the uncle did not let them die, but had a plan of his own.

Of course, the master of miracles behind the scenes, the old uncle basically lost half his life.

This is also why the old uncle asked the two daughters to sacrifice instead of himself, because after he arranged the plan, it is estimated that he would not be able to participate in the next battle of King Qin.

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