This is a Miracle

Chapter 333 Ancient World Tree

"where is this place?"

In the world of nothingness, Bai Luo quietly floats in a place where there is nothing.


Bai Luo couldn't tell if this place was very dark.

It may or may not be.

Because darkness does not mean that there is nothing, at least there is darkness here.

And this place, neither white nor black, nor any other color, Bai Luo felt that he could 'see' to see it, but it seemed that he didn't see it with his eyes.


Suddenly, Bai Luo saw a bright light.

Yes, light, he saw light.

It was a color like the universe, and Bai Luo couldn't use any known color to describe it. If it had to be forcibly defined, Bai Luo felt that this might be the 'cosmic color', the true color of the universe.

It's not black, it's not just bright, this is what it really looks like.

"Li Guang."

The word popped out of Bai Luo's mind, this brilliance is not light, but civilization and wisdom that illuminate ignorance, ignorance, darkness and chaos.

They bring innovation, but also creativity!

"Is this the myth that Li Guang created the world in the past night?"

Bai Luo originally thought so, but soon, he realized that he was wrong, because in the dark, there are huge figures, and I don't know how big they are.

They appear to be humanoid, but made of glass.

These unknown creatures are transparent, and they can see the universe inside and the nothingness behind them.

"What are they doing?"

Walking in darkness and nothingness, these ancient humanoid creatures waved their arms and splashed down the crystal-like seeds.

Then, like a seedling breaking through the soil, the bright and fresh branches began to grow.

In the blink of an eye, a towering tree appeared in front of Bai Luo.

No, you can't call it a towering tree.

Rather than a tree, it is better to say that there are cracks in the world, and these cracks that emit light are regarded as 'trees' by Bai Luo.

The message of this thing popped out of Bai Luo's mind again.

This tree is the world tree, but it is not the one in Norse mythology, but as the carrier, frame and foundation of the world, the foundation of the world that exists independently.

And on every leaf and branch of the World Tree, there is a round sphere with bright stars and dense galaxies, as if it were boundless.

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} "Is this also the creation myth? The creation myth of the miracle world?"


While Bai Luo was thinking about it, those huge phantoms began to move, and they planted the 'seed' again to nurture the seedlings again.

As a result, the World Trees kept breaking out of nothingness and growing vigorously.

These phantoms are like shepherds, working hard.

If the World Tree created the world, then these huge phantoms are the planters of the World Tree, and the seeds they sowed are the roots of the world.

"What the hell are they?"

"Why are you showing me this?"

Bai Luo was puzzled, but soon, he got the answer he wanted.

I saw one of the phantoms raised its head, it looked terrified, and at the end of its gaze, an unimaginable force swept the entire world that Bai Luo saw.


Almost instantly, Bai Luo realized the true nature of this power, it was really dusk.

But the twilight at this time is not a sword,

It has no form, but possesses unimaginable power.

The giant tree that carried the world was wiped out under the power of the dusk. The huge phantom wanted to resist, but couldn't even resist it. It was penetrated by it in an instant, and then easily destroyed.



Just when the twilight was raging and the entire primitive world was almost torn apart, a beating sound entered Bai Luo's ears.

I saw a phantom raising its arms high, it stirred the endless fragments of the World Tree, the corpses after the phantom had fallen, and even more things that Bai Luo couldn't understand, let alone imagine, and began to create a force that could fight against the dusk.

Finally, the Sword of Li Guang appeared.

Its relationship with Li Guang is like the Dusk Sword and Dusk in Bai Luo's hands.

Li Guang has existed forever since ancient times, but it is too powerful to truly come into the world, and it cannot exist in the world.

However, the giant phantoms finally forged an artifact that could carry Li Guang based on a huge concept.


The next moment, the huge phantom raised Li Guang high, and every time it waved, it was like the whole world was roaring at the same dusk, resisting the inevitable destruction.

The world wants eternity, but dusk brings an end to all things.

Only this time, Li Guang won.

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} Wielding Li Guang's phantom overcame Dusk and successfully protected the world. After that, Dusk appeared many times and was driven out by him with all his might.

Originally, this was the final solution to the problem.

Dusk has no form, like an outsider, and Li Guang fights at home, leading the world to resist the doomsday.

As long as this goes on, the world will last forever, and Li Guang will always be stronger than Dusk.

Then the world is eternal, Li Guang will continue to create new things, the world will become bigger and bigger, truly endless.

"What kind of era was that, and what kind of world was that?"

Bai Luo gasped and imagined, if Li Guang could create anything, would there still be a distribution problem?

Substances are limited and need to be distributed.

But what if matter is infinite?

Li Guang can create something out of nothing, tell Li Guang what you want, and it can be given to you.

"Are these phantoms primitive gods?"

Bai Luo didn't see any living beings like 'human beings', he only saw phantoms, which shows that in the beginning, these phantoms were the masters of the world.

They don't need to eat or drink, they don't have the concept of life and death, they don't pursue strength, and they don't compete with each other.

If I had to describe it, Bai Luo felt that these phantoms were all compassionate saints.

Concentrate on giving, trying to create more things, but never asking for anything from the world, not to dominate them, not to oppress or defraud them.

It's like a worker who finds a job he loves.

Every day's creation is the happiest thing, and looking at their own works, they will feel extremely happy.

What kind of society is that?

But each individual has almost unlimited power, and when they don't need resources, they can make whatever they want.

They are never bored because they are creating new things all the time.

It can't be done, it can't be seen, it can't go anywhere.

Creation is cool for a while, and creation is always cool.

At this point, Bai Luo felt that the only thing this group of phantoms had to worry about was the external force like Dusk.

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