This is a Miracle

Chapter 337: The Curse of Twilight

"what happened?"

"What happened, the flame, why is it suddenly gone?"

On the blackened ground, no grass grew, and not far in front of everyone, Bai Luo was squatting there, holding two girls in his arms, one older and the other smaller.

Helen was fine, except for her clothes, she didn't have much damage.

But Mia. . .

There were scars all over his body, and his whole body was burned by the fire of dusk. Even if Bai Luo was treated, he was still terrifying like a ghost.

Dusk was shattered and destroyed by Bai Luo himself.

This is his right as the lord of miracles, and can use his absolute will to destroy a miracle.

And as long as Bai Luo didn't want Dusk to return for a day, Dusk would not be able to return again.

With the disappearance of dusk, the fire of dusk naturally dissipated instantly.

However, before disappearing, Dusk made a prediction in advance---it would come back.

One day, Bai Luo will need it again for various reasons.

At that time, Bai Luo will also make the most tragic choice, whether he wants the power of Dusk, or the people he cherishes.

'hateful! ! ’

Bai Luo didn't know who to blame.

Blame himself, that's for sure, if it weren't for him being too greedy and unwilling to give up Twilight, he was reluctant, and he was lucky, and wanted Twilight to understand his determination to protect Aden.

Then none of this will happen.

Bai Luo didn't escape this, he admitted the mistake of letting go and blamed himself.

But at the same time, the culprit that Yagen said, Dusk was not unilaterally looking for by Yagen's book, but someone attracted it.

This reminded Bai Luo of Li Guang and Ying Baizhou.

At that time, it was Yizadu Mu'an who made the Book of Yagen find Li Guang through some means, but Li Guang himself was related to Du Mu'an, so Ying Baizhou only had half of Li Guang's control.

'Is it the same at dusk? ’

Bai Luo must figure out this matter, who does Dusk belong to, whether it belongs to him alone, or is it just like Ying Baizhou, who is also a child of two or five.

"Little Miya!"

Lilith rushed up first. She wanted to heal Miya, but found that her powers could not heal the burns of dusk at all: "How could this be?"

"It's useless, Lilith."

Knowing the strength of Dusk, Bai Luo gave Little Helen to Lilith, who made clothes for the girl and Miya.

At this time, Mia was in great pain.

She frowned and gritted her teeth secretly. The burns in the evening were like maggots, deeply rooted in her body, constantly torturing the girl.

"Anyone injured?"

After regaining consciousness, Bai Luo realized what he had done.

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} Thinking of his former self, Bai Luo thought he was crazy.

And this also confirms what Yagen said.

Every use of Dusk would make Bai Luo lose some of his humanity. This was the first time, Yagen blocked it, but even Yagen couldn't resist the second and third time.

If Bai Luo continued to use Dusk, the result would be like drinking poison to quench his thirst.


Bai Luo looked at Ying Mu and asked, "Is anyone else injured?"

"No one is hurt."

Ying Mu? Their movements were fast enough, especially A Li and Xiao Bai, they almost used their bodies to resist the dusk.

Luckily, Bai Luo didn't directly use Dusk to kill him, just flames, and the derivatives were not enough to erode Miracle's body.

This is the essential difference and cannot be changed by quantity.

"Even if others get burned,

It's just the surface," Old Reed: "Remove the skin, and then use the miraculous power of healing, and it will soon be restored to its original state. "

Only Miya, who was in the core sea of ​​fire, was seriously injured in order to protect Little Helen.

It can't be repaired, it can't be treated, even Ying Mu and senior sister can't do anything.

"Why is that?"

Looking around, the entire world of Avalon was fragmented, and the power of dusk, even just a little bit, brought huge damage to this miracle world.

It is hard to imagine how much devastation it would cause if such a catastrophe happened in reality on the Adun Islands.

At dusk, there is no distinction between the enemy and me, and I will kill everyone!

With it, without the Atons, and without the Atons!

"Can't even the gods be suppressed?"

Bai Luo's waist is also hung with the scabbard of the gods. It is two different parts from Dusk, but the power of the scabbard of the gods is obviously not as strong as Dusk.

At least in terms of attack power and destructive power, the scabbard is far from being on a par with Dusk.


Miya let out a painful moan, which made Bai Luo's heart hurt very much.

The girl is like Bai Luo's younger sister, he grew up watching her, but now, Bai Luo doesn't even dare to look at her scarred body.

The damage caused by the power of miracles is temporary, continuous and permanent.

It is temporary and can be repaired by any treatment.

Sustained, as long as the miracle body is infused with a large amount of miracle power, and the power seeds left by the other party in the body are expelled by quantitative changes, it can be cured.

As for permanent, that's not a problem, just reincarnate once.

Abandon the current body and let Miya reincarnate into a tree spirit. With the help of the miraculous power of the ancient tree, Miya can recover.


Dusk's permanent damage is not an ordinary miracle, its specifications are too high!

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} Dusk is the top miracle, and its flame is equivalent to the top derivative.

This kind of power is like a curse. It is issued by the highest ranking. If you want to crack it, you must find a power that is higher than the highest ranking, or the same level.

Just like Lilith is a median miracle, if she casts a curse on a miracle citizen.

Then, the miraculous power of the next miracle cannot be deciphered.

Even reincarnation is useless, they can only come to Lilith for help, or ask other Lords of Miracles for help.


As soon as Schuster was released by Ying Mu, he immediately ran to his sister's side.

He grabbed the girl's hand and looked at the pained appearance of the other party. His heart ached: "Brother Bai Luo, Miya..."

"Feel sorry."

In front of these children, Bai Luo has never been a king, he is their parent, like a brother like a father.

But now, because of Bai Luo's mistakes, his daughter and sister have become like this. With his self-blame and remorse, Bai Luo really can't say anything other than "I'm sorry".


Schuster lowered his head with tears in his eyes, but forcibly suppressed it: 'Don't cry, don't cry. ’

Even though his appearance has matured a little because of the power of miracles, Seust is still only a 10-year-old child.

"I will definitely heal her."

"It will be cured."


Bai Luo handed Miya into Lilith's arms, and asked the fairy godmother to take care of it: "I will trouble old uncle, Feiya and sister to deal with the matter here."

The best way to break the Curse of Miracles has always been clear.

Since even the miracle power of the superior miracle is powerless, then look for a higher power than the miracle power.

The flame of dusk is the highest derivative, but even Shirley, who is a low-rank miracle, can't do anything.

This is the answer!

The specification of the miracle body is higher than any miracle power. As long as Bai Luo can find a new miracle, as long as Miya becomes the miracle body, he can heal her.

So now, Bai Luo has to leave for a while.

He was going to find new miracles.

Actively, spontaneously, and desperately need to find them.


Bai Luo got on his horse, the rainbow bridge came down, and Shirley took her master away from the Avalon world to the miracle land where miracles will fall.

Even if he searches all over the world and searches every corner, Bai Luo will definitely find them!

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