This is a Miracle

Chapter 352 Boring Lords of Miracles


The uncle who built the building blocks didn't notice Bai Luo, but continued to concentrate on playing with the tower-shaped castle in front of him.


Although he didn't know each other, the young man was very easy-going, without the arrogance of a superior.

Bai Luo could see that the other party didn't show such an attitude because he was equal to him, that is, everyone was the master of miracles.

Young people should be like this by nature, a warm and gentle man.


"Etc., etc."

The Marquis of Yisei stopped Bai Luo from introducing himself: "You don't need to care about your identity here."

The formal establishment of identity should be placed on diplomacy.

In private, everyone will not show their usual identities to get along with each other, just like a fat old fool who rebels against Aden, it is a personal name, so it is so simple and honest.

But once national interests are involved, even the gentlest of people will become serious.

Therefore, sometimes, the Lord of Miracles will occasionally change his appearance and identity to travel and play. Although this can easily bring trouble and pressure to the Children of Miracles under their command, as far as the Lord of Miracles is concerned, he seems to enjoy this kind of The feeling of a private visit in a micro-service.

"Are you doing a specimen?"

Bai Luo accepted Marquis Yiwei's suggestion and didn't ask his identity again, but shifted the topic to the specimen.

"Ah, this is my hobby."

"I think all things determine their final height from the moment they are born," said the Marquis of Alien.

"A priori theory?"

Bai Luo touched his chin, neither confirming nor denying the words of the Marquis of Alien.

"There is evidence, and miracles are the best evidence."

When Marquis Yizai said this, Bai Luo also felt that it was reasonable: "You mean that after animals become miracle citizens, their potential is not as high as that of humans, right?"

"It seems that you have similar thoughts to me."


. . "

Bai Luo held his hands. He carefully examined the specimen booklet in the hands of the marquis.

Many of them had the ability to shrink. For example, Bai Luo saw a Tyrannosaurus rex that was shrunk to the size of a gecko.

"Butterflies, ants, and even smaller bacteria."

The words of the Marquis Yizai carry a lot of modern scientific knowledge. Obviously, he is a knowledgeable person who has been to many planes.

"Many of them are not even intelligent beings," said the Marquis of Alien: "So I think they should be extremely humble creatures. If the living beings in the world are regarded as pyramids, they are at the bottom."


Bai Luo nodded, feeling that what Marquis Yizai said was nothing wrong.

After all, you can't say that a paramecia is better than a human being. If that's okay, the so-called 'evolution' is a piece of shit.

"Then how to distinguish, and what to use to measure the value of all things?"

Bai Luo does not deny that the Marquis of Yizai said that all living beings have thoughts of nobility and inferiority, but the question is what is he going to use to rate all living beings, is it just his preference?

If so, please forgive Bailuo who cannot agree.



"The soul is used to distinguish the high and low of all living beings," said the Marquis of Alien: "Those with complete souls are located at the top of the pyramid, and those with incomplete souls are at the bottom."

"how do you feel?"


Although it makes sense, Bai Luo doesn't quite understand the meaning of this kind of thing: "Just an interest?"

"It's interesting isn't it?"

The Marquis of Different said: "The world of miracles is boundless, with countless planes and countless dimensions, and there are a large number of life and dimensional creatures living in it."

The Marquis of Yili didn't really want to rule all living beings, so he ranked them according to their seniority. He just wanted to use the strength of the soul to count the number and types of life in the form of a 'pyramid'.

As for meaning. . .

Of course it doesn't make any sense, it's just a way for the Marquis of Alien to pass the time.

"Have you just become the Lord of Miracles? You look very young."

Marquis Yiwei didn't think too much about Bai Luo's identity, because it would affect their communication and get along: "But I don't know all the Lords of Miracles. Are you the monarch of the Southern Continent?"

"more or less."

Bai Luo said, "I've been the Lord of Miracles for no more than a hundred years, and I'm just a newbie."

"Ah, then I'm a senior."

Marquis Yizai patted Bai Luo on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I have been the master of miracles for more than 1,400 years. There are many ways to pass the time."

"Are you so free?"

"The newcomer said so," asked Marquis Yizai, "It seems that you are still very motivated."

"However, as a senior," Marquis Yizai lowered his head and folded his arms across his chest: "I have to give you a piece of advice."


"It doesn't make sense to fight too hard, it's better to lie down and lie down."

The Marquis of Yizai said: "In today's world of miracles, the strongest are the great emperors and female emperors, but except for the extreme north female emperor, other emperors are not overbearing people."

"In this way, it may make you feel a sense of crisis that you are entrusting your own life to others."

"But that's it."

Marquis Yizai: "I used to be like you, young and energetic, but after living for hundreds of years, I found that this world is not really interesting."

"It's the same thing, everything just keeps repeating."

"Freedom to the extreme, freedom will become a shackle," said the Marquis of Alien: "You have countless time to do this, you won't seize the time, and even think 'Anytime you can do it, then don't do it today. It doesn't matter', that kind of thinking."

"Each Lord of Miracles has his own interests and hobbies, which give us motivation and purpose and make us feel alive."

The Lord of Miracles is too powerful, they are more like 'Gods' than human beings.

Therefore, the more powerful the Lord of Miracles is, the more he will cherish his humanity.

Because if they don't even have humanity, can they really still experience the original "happiness"?

"But you are still young, you can't feel this kind of thing. In a few hundred years, we may have more common language."

Marquis Yizai was talking, but there was a sound of building blocks collapsing next to him, followed by the wailing of the uncle of the scumbag.

"Do not!!"

"Why is that?"

"My castle~~~~"

Obviously just a toy, yet so excited, Bai Luo couldn't get the fun of this person at all: "Wouldn't it be better to let time go back?"

"No, bro!"

Uncle Hu Zha quickly protected the collapsed castle with his arms: "This is the new castle I found with great difficulty, don't, don't shoot at it!"


Wei Mao has the illusion that you are not talking about a castle, but a peerless beauty.

"So your hobby is building blocks?"

Bai Luo's mouth twitched slightly, what's the point, are you sure this guy isn't wasting his life?

However, as soon as Bai Luo finished speaking, he found that Uncle Hu Zha started to pack up the building blocks.

He took out a box, carefully put each building block into it, and then arranged it neatly, adjusting the angle several times during the period, trying to make the color and the square gap almost the same.

'This guy! ! ’

A word popped out of Bai Luo's mind——OCD!


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