This is a Miracle

Chapter 355 The kings are all scum, and the generals below are like clouds

"What are you drawing?"

"It's not what we want," Marquis Yizai shook his head and said, "It's what the people under our command want."


At this moment, Bai Luo suddenly felt that he and these three guys seemed to have a common language.

The character of the Lord of Miracles is certain, and they are not necessarily all visionary and ambitious powerhouses.

Just like Earl of Thorns, he is just a kind and gentle big brother next door.

The Marquis of Alien was a knowledge-hungry scholar, a traveler, and a zoo and botanist.

There is also the Iron Eagle King, who is actually very good at housework.

The old uncle said that the Iron Eagle King used to be a gangster, which is actually not true.

It is true that King Tie Ying has never read a book, but he grew up eating food for hundreds of families. When he was a teenager, he adopted many orphans who lost their parents. He did laundry and cooking, and was omnipotent in housework.

In order to keep everyone alive, this man has cultivated the good habit of being prudent and thrifty and housekeeping.

But this kind of person, he is not suitable to be a king at all.

He doesn't know how to lead troops to fight, and he doesn't know how to run a country or develop a culture.

However, the lack of ability of the Iron Eagle King does not mean that the miracle people under his command have no ability. They are excellent. Once a living saint and a famous general are born, it will bring earth-shaking changes to the entire country.

In contrast, what is the Lord of Miracles?

Just a mascot.

Earl of Thorns, the autistic brother next door.

Iron Eagle King, a housekeeper with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The Marquis of Alien, an ordinary observer with a collector's habit.

"What kind of enemy am I fighting?"

Bai Luo covered his face, he felt that he was such an idiot, the strong opponent he thought was now turned into three scumbags.

Does defeating them really feel any sense of accomplishment?

"A child of miracles?"

Bai Luo said: "There is no contradiction between the kings themselves, but because of the grudges of the people under them, the two nations end up dying endlessly."

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the case.

If a king loves his people like a son, how can he watch his people die in battle.

You must know that this is not the ancient times of the previous life. Anyway, the lifespan is limited, and sooner or later they will die. Considering the future of future generations, they have the courage to sacrifice their lives in order to protect the family and the country.

But the children of the kingdom of miracles have eternal life!

Bai Luo should let them enjoy life, not die in the moment.

You can live for a million years, but only a few decades before dying at the hands of the enemy. Is this really love?

For the king's own selfish desires, they have to give everything.

"You should feel it too, right?"

"That kind of involuntary," said the Iron Eagle King, "the Adonites have hatred against me, but do they really have hatred against me?"

"The Iron Eagles were originally from Aden, and the Kingdom of Aden was unpopular back then, but still relied on the bloodline theory to stand above the ground."

What the Iron Eagle King said is true,

The former kingdom of Aden was indeed angry and resentful.

The Seven Kings of Adon died 200 years ago, and it was the so-called nobles who ruled the country after that.

It is conceivable how these idiots full of fat guts will abuse the people of this country.

In this regard, the Iron Eagle King did nothing wrong, he was a hero.

"You mean to say that we have no grudges?"

"Do not."

The Tie Ying King shook his head and said, "I consulted the Marquis of Tianzhi about your affairs, and it was my fault."

The Adonites were persecuted, wanted, and even hunted everywhere.

The Iron Eagle King did not participate directly, but his four giants actually issued such an order.

"Believe it or not, I don't want to kill the old Aden."


Iron Eagle King: "It's useless, I have no right to speak in the Iron Eagle Kingdom."


Bai Luo frowned deeply, he did not doubt the words of King Tie Ying, because no one could lie under the witness of a miracle: "Are you false?"

"If I want to get my rights back, I can do it anytime."

The Iron Eagle King is the Lord of Miracles. He gives orders. Wherever the Big Four dare to resist, no matter how wayward they are, they will obey them unconditionally.

But the problem is that King Tie Ying's self-knowledge level is limited, and he does not dare to get involved in politics, let alone intervene in the army.

"Outsiders say that the will of the Lord of Miracles guides the direction of the country."

"How ridiculous."

Marquis Yizai: "We are just a flagpole that is forced to advance by the wishes of the people. If we really want to say our wishes, I only hope that the children can be safe."

Peace of mind.

These four words really spoke to the hearts of Bai Luo, Thorns and King Tie Ying.

As a parent, who wants their children to die?

"Fortunately, the world of miracles is vast," said the Iron Eagle King: "They want to show their power, and I let them fight in the endless dimension and crusade against the material plane."

"But I will not allow them to challenge any Lord of Miracles."

"That's too dangerous."

Speaking of this, Bai Luo felt that they seemed to have deviated from the center, and even changed the subject a little: "You mean, I shouldn't avenge you, the people have something to do, let the people solve it themselves?"

When a war is launched, the Lord of Miracles will not play, and the people of Miracles will fight each other.

Because the people do not have the will of the Lord of Miracles, their revenge, even if the Lord of Miracles will suffer, is not incomprehensible.

Suppose Abaddon has a grudge with the wolf Yujian Saint Streus, and the two of them have reached the point of life and death.

Then, in a fair and just duel between the two, Abaddon died at the hands of Stryus, what should Bai Luo do?

They didn't play a dirty trick, and both sides played their best.

For the Adonites, this is a battle of glory, and even if they die, they will die without regrets.

This was Abaddon's choice. If Bai Luo used this as an excuse to start a war, he would instead insult the child's decision and deny the destination he had chosen.

"This is also an unspoken rule on our side."

The Iron Eagle King said: "If anyone on both sides surrenders, the victor shall not surrender."

Of course, these soldiers will not be put back directly, but will be used to make the greatest deal with the other side's Lord of Miracles.

"In addition, in the face of the miracle body, if the miracle people surrender, the other party can detain them, but they must not kill them."


The Iron Eagle King looked at the Earl of Thorns: "Son of miracles often do not choose to surrender."

Just like the Adonites, they can only live on their feet, not on their knees.

They don't kneel to the sky, they don't kneel to the ground, they only kneel to the only king in their hearts.

"So, sometimes it's really helpless," said the Iron Eagle King: "If my people meet you, I really hope they can choose to surrender."

Maybe others think it's embarrassing, but for the iron eagle king like a father, as long as the children can go home safely, what about embarrassment?

"Besides that, I'd love to ask."

The Iron Eagle King asked Bai Luo: "What happened to Saros? He should be very clear about the benefits of attacking the ancient capital. Didn't he tell you about the unequal agreement of the miracle body?"

The miracle body cannot be shot theoretically. Once it is shot, if there is no miracle body on the opposite side, no matter what kind of record you play, it will be regarded as invalid.

Yes, it doesn't work!

Leon shot directly at the ancient capital. In theory, the kings would not recognize the legality of this battle.


Bai Luo did this on the premise of knowing this.

Because Bai Luo had not signed this 'unequal agreement' at that time, he could naturally exploit this loophole.

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