This is a Miracle

Chapter 36 Meow Meow Meow

"Prepare to close the net!"

The next morning, Bai Luo and others, led by their uncle, used fishing nets to catch the delicacies in the sea.

Although there are pockets and there is no shortage of food, they will start planting plans immediately after arriving on the island, so the more seeds, the better.

Everyone knew what to do, so they suggested that they rely on water for draught and live directly by fishing.

So, the only medium-sized boat among the three with a fishing function, got to work.

The big boat is for the military, the other medium-sized passenger boat is for civilian use, and there is only the third one, which has the function of a fishing boat.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~~"

The net was closed, and countless types of seafood were dumped on the deck and piled up into a hill.

Although with a strong fishy smell, everyone was not dissatisfied at all, but filled with joy of harvest.

In this world, food is precious and no one is too much.

The Adonites suffered from hunger and naturally cherished food even more.

"Meow, meow~~"

The three kittens jumped out cheerfully, they each picked up a small fish, and then looked at Bai Luo eagerly.

They are Cat Lingling, Cat Yiyi, Cat Ear Ear, Aden's house cat from a mother and triplets.

The names Bai Luo gave them were taken from Zero One Two.


Bai Luo secretly sighed that these animals are really mature, so he patted their heads and said, "You are also a part of Aden, you can eat as much as you can, and don't waste it."


The kitten jumped up and down happily, and the few white eagles in the sky also heard Bai Luo's words, and hurriedly came down and chose their own food.

There is a white eagle, especially disdain: 'Raw fish can't be cooked delicious. ’

It looked at its owner Knowles, and that look made Knowles very helpless: "I still have to work, bro, I'll bake for you later, okay?"


In this way, the white eagle took off proudly and continued to patrol the sea for the Adonites.

"Squeak, squeak."

The mice whispered, they didn't like fish, but were extremely enthusiastic about the millet poured out by Bai Luo.

Of course, they don't eat randomly, but have special feeding for children.

In addition, the mice also have a job, which is to find the same kind and bugs on the boat and drive them out.

Rats: Even rats, we are Adon rats!

Lilith's miraculous power can't give most reptiles, but butterflies and bees have some hope.

"This, it's a bit like a king crab."

Bailuo, who was sorting sea fish, found a strange creature among the fish.

It is very similar to the king crab, but Bai Luo knows that the two are not the same species.

"what is this?"

"Hey, it looks so strange, is this a sea beast? But it's so small."

"It's a quasi-stone crab, named because its shell is as hard as a stone, and most people don't eat it."

At this time, the old uncle was naked, and under his snow-white beard, he did not lose the young man's sturdy figure. He smiled and said, "But I used to go out to sea with Brother Shan, and I cooked it when I was really hungry and had nothing to eat."

The level of the old man's fishing is amazing.

Everyone was sailing on the sea, Bai Luo didn't know how the old uncle judged, but wherever he said that the location of the net was almost a bumper harvest.

Bai Luo: Uncle has one more skill - fishing.

"It tastes quite delicious."

When the old uncle was young, he traveled the world with several good friends. When he was hungry, snakes, worms, rats and ants could be stuffed into his mouth.

The mere king crab, of course, cannot escape the recipe of 'Sa Bel Ed Rose'.

"Is this really edible?"

Compared with Uncle's openness, Knowles, Zyra and others were skeptical.

"Dad actually said it was delicious?! Incredible,

It was the first time I heard my dad say something delicious. "

When it comes to eating, never forget Iniya.

I saw that this girl was covered in scales because of fishing, but she still happily picked up the hammer and shouted: "Get out of the way, let me smash it to death!"

"Hey hey hey hey!"

Bai Luo hurriedly stopped: "This thing is not eaten like this."

He grabbed Iniya's hammer and looked at Senior Sister: "Senior Sister, it's up to you."


Senior Sister's knife skills are very good, and it is best to use it to cook king crabs.

The charcoal fire was set up, and the iron net specially made by Lilith was placed on it, and there were thick crab legs. They didn't use much seasoning, just sprinkled white salt on it.

But even so, the deliciousness of the king crab is still intoxicating.

"good to eat!"

"This, this taste, I have never eaten something so delicious!"

Crab meat is not wild meat, its elasticity is very different from anything the Adonians have ever eaten.

Especially when chewing in the mouth, the salty taste gushing from the crab meat makes the crab more delicious, and even the senior sister tasted one more.

"Crack, click!"

Yinya grabbed a thick crab claws, which were covered with precipitated snow-white salt grains. The girl sucked it. The salt grains melted in her mouth with the fragrance of crabs, and the fragrance was extremely delicious.

"So happy~~"

Iniya shook her head happily, and continued to fight against the hard crab claw.

"Come and try this, the sashimi you said."

Senior sister brought a plate of sashimi, and saw that the red meat on it formed an extremely delicate pattern, and beside them, there was a small pile of green things - mustard.

Bai Luo poured out the horseradish from his pocket, grinded it, and successfully created a spice (seasoning) called mustard in this world.

"Sashimi made by my sister."

Bai Luo looked forward to picking up a piece, mixed with mustard, and dipped it in soy sauce before putting it in his mouth.

This way of eating is not formal, but Bai Luo is not from Sakurajima, who cares what they eat.

In this world, Bai Luo's way of eating is normal!



Bai Luo nodded, then inhaled forcefully: "Delicious!"

The freshly ground mustard is still a bit over the top, and the sashimi is delicious, so the focus is on knife work and time.

Senior Sister's knife skills are naturally unparalleled in the world, even if they are used for cooking, they are amazing.

"Senior sister, try it too."

"it is good."

Senior Sister took a sip, and the reaction was not as big as Bai Luo's. Even the mustard could not shake the goddess's aloof temperament.

I, Isabella, are the first goddess of Aden, and a mere mustard. . .


Senior Sister took a sip of water calmly: "But that's it, it's okay to eat occasionally, as a staple food, it's better to cook and grill fish."

Sister is a deli pie, and she doesn't like raw food.

Bai Luo, likes salmon and tuna, that is, orange and red sashimi.

These two taste better and are more physiologically acceptable.

As for white and transparent, Bai Luo said he couldn't enjoy it.

"Culture is the foundation of a country, and it is also the most extensive and profound place."

Bai Luo said to his senior sister, "Food culture, clothing habits, and local customs, these are all things that Aden will need in the future."

Today's Aden is more like a tribe of barbarians and primitive people than a nation.

But Aton can't stay that way forever.

After arriving on the island, Bai Luo will propose the good cultures of various countries in the previous life.

Then figure out a way to pick out what suits the Atons and mix them together.

Like these chopsticks, and sashimi, it is Eastern culture, while knives and forks tend to be Western.

"These things are a long way to go, but fortunately we have time."

Bai Luo was sitting on the deck in front of the second floor of the ship at this time, he looked down at the Arden people below and smiled: "Let the sisters in charge of cooking take a bath, don't be busy, let's have dinner together. "

The fishing boat was too fishy to live in, and Bai Luo was reluctant to let his clan suffer.

He let everyone sleep on the big boat, and then used the mid-passenger ship as storage.

Although it will be a little crowded, the Aduns are used to being together, which makes them feel more secure.

In this way, everyone continued to drive the boat and sail on the sea.

During this period, the Atons suffered from collective seasickness.

It's no wonder that a group of mountain barbarians suddenly ran to the sea, and it was strange that they were not seasick.

Only the old uncle, Shan Weng, and senior sister who were used to boats did not change much.

So on the second and third day, the active ones began to run, taking care of their companions who were pale and weak due to seasickness.

Bai Luo's body had never been on a boat, but he didn't respond.

"You are not like us."

The old uncle explained that Bai Luo was the master of miracles, he was blessed by miracles, and he carried the protection and blessings of at least two kinds of miracles: pegasus and fairies.

How could Bai Luo be afraid of seasickness?

As for the Adonites, their physique was good, and on the fifth day of the sea, even Schuster was much better and no longer felt so uncomfortable.

In this way, everyone sailed for five or six days, and gradually got used to wandering on the sea.

Although a little boring, but always find something to do.

For example, Lilith, she began to give the power of miracles to some small animals carried by the Aduns, trying to see whether they could be turned into children of miracles.

Bailuoqi and Aden people like these small animals with spirituality very much.

So Bai Luot told Lilith that they are also good partners of the Adonites. When the power of miracles is bestowed, be careful and don't mess around.

"Don't worry, Master, Lilith will be careful."

Lilith just wanted to bless them, not curse them, how could they hurt them.

This kind of blessing is not the same as the situation of the mushroom people.

Mushroom Man belongs to Transfiguration, which is the result of Lilith's spellcasting.

Although they can be maintained forever, they have no real soul, they are just clay puppets, similar to toys.

In contrast, giving small animals intelligence is more like a kind of civilization.

Animals, like humans, can adapt to the power of miracles, and when they fully awaken to their own talents and powers, they also have the opportunity, like the girls, to become Lilith's children of miracles.

"Speaking of which, can I also get the miraculous powers of Lilith and Shirley?"


The old uncle said: "As the master of miracles, if the power of miracles can affect human beings, the first one bestowed upon them should be their own masters."

However, Bai Luo didn't feel any power.

"It's probably not suitable for you, Xiao Luo."

The old man thought that the power of Shirley and Lilith might not be suitable for Bai Luo.

Either it's a matter of species, Shirley can't affect humans, and Lilith may only affect young women.

Along the way, the old man has been observing.

According to Bai Luo, Shirley's miraculous fluctuations appeared on Radish's body. After investigation, the old uncle concluded: "Radish is pregnant."

It's not surprising that so many horses stay together in such a small cabin.

What's more, it's still spring.

Spring is here, everything is revived, and it's time for animals to breed. . .

"Sherry's miraculous power is likely to be the mare that needs to be pregnant. She should affect the cubs in their bodies."

"If it can only give similar miracles, it really doesn't matter to me."

Bai Luo is a human being, and Xue Li's miraculous power cannot be bestowed upon him, which is reasonable.

"As for Lilith, I also observed it."

The old man couldn't see the power of miracles, but Bai Luo could see it, so whenever there was a change, Bai Luo would tell the old man and let him study it.

"All women, and all pure little girls."

Uncle: "Is it because of the fairy tale you told?"

"Because the fairy tales are all girls."

Bai Luo thinks that Lilith may be aroused because of the conditions, so she prefers these cute little girls: "I found that Elsa has the most powerful miracle power, although I don't know when she will wake up completely, but it seems that she and Elsa have the strongest power of miracles. Lilith has a high affinity."

"It's not just one kind of miracle."

The old uncle told Bai Luo a very important message: "If miracles and the Lord of Miracles agree, one person can have multiple miracles at the same time, which will make them stronger."

If a person possesses five or six kinds of miraculous powers at the same time, this is not one plus one, but a real qualitative change.

But after finishing speaking, the old uncle added: "The premise of superimposing miracles is that these miracles do not conflict."

That is, the masters of both sides of the power of miracles are willing to give this person power.

There will be many problems here, such as distrust, such as one party withdrawing its own power, causing the power of miracles to collapse.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with Bai Luo.

Shirley and Lilith, they are all miracles of Bai Luo.

Either together or not together, it is impossible for Bai Luo to take half of it and keep half of it.

"When I get the fourth miracle, I can try it."

"The fourth one..."

The old man was very excited inside, but he was extremely calm on the surface, only to see the old man take out his pipe and take a puff.

Uncle: I, Saros, is a stable old man, but I am greedy again.

It's not good, it's really not good. . . . . .

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