This is a Miracle

Chapter 373 The Stopped War

"No wonder it touches me a little bit."

Suddenly, the senior sister's tone changed. She changed her previous solemnity and looked at the Empress of the Far North with a smile: "I thought this miracle had gone somewhere, but it turns out it's on you."

"The strongest high-level miracle has met the most suitable master."

"It's terrible."

This is definitely not senior sister. Bai Luo can be sure that senior sister has never spoken in this tone.

"Don't look at me with such surprised eyes." Isefiya resisted the power of the Queen of the Far North and even had time to look back at Bai Luo. Then she winked playfully with her left eye: "Why didn't you return the favor just now? Did you say you would discipline me well, my lord?"


This is Bai Luo's first meeting with the Queen.

But now is not the time to ask her, because the enemy is at hand, even Bai Luo knows to stand with her to fight against Yi Geselaya.

"Finally he's come out, you disgusting guy."

The Empress of the Far North stared at her senior sister, but the latter didn't take it seriously, as if she didn't matter at all.

Right, that is it!


A powerful opponent!

Yi Geselaya didn't care about the queen's origins. She only knew that the other party was very strong and qualified for her to fight to the death.


However, just when the Empress of the Far North was about to take action directly, a hand grabbed her wrist from behind: "Don't mess around."


At this moment, Bai Luo, Lao Shu, and everyone else's eyes fell on the man who appeared behind the Empress of the Far North.


The king's power gradually dissipated, and the arrogant and unruly Yi Geselaya surprisingly showed no resistance when facing him.

"I'm sorry to disturb everyone's enjoyment." The other party was about thirty years old, with a fair face and a beardless face, but he looked quite aged: "On behalf of my roommate, I apologize to everyone."

"in addition."

The Emperor of Jibei jumped over the queen and said to Bai Luo: "Can you give me a face and ask her to stop?"


Bai Luo was a little surprised. He was surprised that the Empress of Jibei was so obedient. He was also surprised that the legendary Emperor of Jibei seemed to be a very sensible person.

In the end, the other party seemed to know his relationship with Isefiya, but he didn't know any more details.

The woman in front of him was not his Feiya, but the Queen of Avalon, Isefiya.

"Stop it."

Bai Luo wasn't sure if he could still command the queen, but he still spoke.

The Queen is not well-meaning. If she takes action here, he and Arden will have to bear the blame for the trouble she causes.

The arrival of dusk fully shows the evil nature of the queen, how can Bai Luo let her get what she wants again.


However, not only did the queen not hesitate at all, but she obediently retreated behind Bai Luo.

This guy! !

The other party is imitating Senior Sister, which is Senior Sister's favorite position.

‘Is it to protect the fact that Feiya played her and played tricks on the emperor elector before? ’

You play me, and I'll play you, let's see who can play better than who else.

"Are you the Grand Duke Adun?"

The Emperor of the Far North took a step forward and extended his hand to Bai Luo: "I am the leader of the Far North Alliance, Yose Gunward Orris."

"Biro Arden!"

They shook hands with each other, and there was no show of royal power. The Emperor of the Far North seemed to really come to make friends, and the handshake was very light.

"Long time no see, Saros."

"Just a few decades, man."

The Emperor of the Far North hugged the old uncle and patted each other on the back. Bai Luo was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the old uncle actually knew each other. And from the looks of it, the relationship seemed to be unusually close.

So what is the situation with Yi Geselaya and why did he suddenly take action?

"My sister is like that. If I turn my head, she will cause trouble. It's really troublesome."


Being criticized like this by her brother in front of her, Yi Geselaya immediately glared at the queen behind Bai Luo.

But Bai Luo also saw it,

Although Yi Geselaya is arrogant and domineering, she actually respects the Emperor of the Far North.

Bai Luo feels that the relationship between the two is a bit like Aenea and himself.

Tie Hanhan likes to fool around, but he listens to Bai Luo's words.

"I should have known I wouldn't have brought her here this time."

"I apologize to you again," the Great Emperor of Jibei patted Bai Luo on the shoulder, and said like a senior to a junior: "I still want to ask for some benefits, but it doesn't matter. As long as I have it, we can discuss it."

As a result of the miraculous perception, the words of the Great Northern Emperor came from the sincerity, and he was not being polite.

‘This man is not bad and suitable for friendship. ’

Bai Luo gave the old uncle a look, and the latter nodded: "Don't worry, the Emperor of the Far North is different from the Empress. He is a good person." ’

There are 20 Lords of Miracles in the Far North Empire, and their leader is the man in front of them.

For being able to build a miraculous empire from scratch, my uncle gave absolute recognition to the skills and charisma of the Great Northern Emperor.

"Then what's going on with Igoselaya?"


The old uncle explained: "She often creates trouble for the Far North Empire and relies on the Emperor to wipe her ass."


The Lord of Miracles is currently here. The longing conversation between Bai Luo and the old uncle cannot last too long, otherwise it would be too rude to keep the other party waiting.

"It doesn't matter, just don't do this next time."

Bai Luo revealed this matter lightly. Not only was Yaden unable to offend Jibei, but Bai Luo had to deal with the Queen's affairs, which was the most anxious thing.

"Then I won't disturb you."

The Emperor of the Far North glanced at the queen and nodded slightly. The latter was smiling but narrowed her eyes.

"Let's go to our own place."

After saying that, the Extreme North Emperor turned and left.

"Why stop me?"

The Empress of the Far North held her hands and passed her brother directly from behind. At the same time, she communicated with the other party through the miracle contract: "Do you know that woman? What is she?"

"Don't make her an enemy. That's not someone you and I should fight against."


Not happy, super unhappy!

The Empress of the Far North and her brother received miracles together, and they each turned the other into their own miracle person.

But as a younger sister, Igoselaya grew up under the protection of her elder brother.

It was the same when I didn't get the miracle, and it's still the same after I got the miracle.

The eldest brother is like a father. Yi Geselaya did not dare or did not want to refute the words of the Emperor of the Far North.

Yi Geselaya is actually very talented. She is not as crazy as she looks on the outside, especially her delicate heart. In terms of strategy, she is not much worse than the Great Northern Emperor.

Just because she is so powerful, there is no need to go around in circles for many things, and the best results can be achieved by going straight.

"I really can't let you do whatever you want this time, Zelaya."

"Promise me not to make an enemy of that woman."

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