This is a Miracle

Chapter 379 Eastern Conquest Emperor


The last person to arrive was the Lord of Miracles from the Southern Continent. Not only Bai Luo, everyone looked at them.

Not many people came to the meeting to represent the South, only seven.

It is indeed difficult to tell what type of Lord of Miracles they are just from their appearance.

Investigation skills are ineffective against it. Even if it is personal reasoning, there will be special situations of 'unable to judge' when encountering kings.

"There are so many people."

"One, two, three, four, five, so many, I can't even count them."

"It's embarrassing to walk with you."


There are four male and three female kings in the south, but Bai Luo can tell who is their leader at a glance.

It was an old man with short white hair. He was dressed in Gebu linen and held a shepherd's staff in his hand. The aura he exuded was not sharp, but instead had a soft and comfortable feeling that made people approach him.

"Be polite, everyone."

The old man smiled and looked at the six Lords of Miracles behind him, as if looking at his children.

"I understand, old man."

"Don't worry, we won't start a fight with them."

"Seats? This way, this way! I see where we are!"

The younger one is a girl of 12 or 13 years old. From Wang Wei's perspective, she should only have had two sleeps, and no more than three sleeps at most.

"Idiot, don't sit on the table!"


The young man was scolded, puffed up his mouth, and then pointed at Fengdu on the East Empire side: "He is obviously sitting on the table too!"


Fengdu's mouth twitched slightly because he noticed the young man's fiery gaze.

Then, Fengdu coughed dryly,

Sit in your position well and set a good example for the kings of the south.

‘Were you brought out to watch the excitement? ’

Bai Luo was a little surprised, because this group of southern kings looked like a family going out for an outing accompanied by their elders.

Not only is there no majesty at all, but it is so warm that one is speechless.

"You guys are playing here, be good." The old man patted the girl and the boy on the head, and then walked to the other side: "I'm going to say hello to an acquaintance."

"Long time no see, Emperor Dongzheng."

"Girl Ying, long time no see."

Ying Muzhen met Emperor Dongzheng, and during their meeting, she told Bai Luo: "All the lords of miracles in the Southern Continent are under his command."

"Just him?!"

Bai Luo had naturally heard of Emperor Dongzheng, but he never expected that the legendary Emperor Dongzheng would be such a kind old man.

Bai Luo found it incredible that he was obviously a harmless guy, but he had the top strength in the Miracle World.

"Although force can conquer a person's body, it cannot conquer a person's will."

Emperor Dong Zheng seemed to have noticed the relationship between Ying Mujun and Bai Luo. He first apologized to Empress Dong: "I'm sorry, do you mind if I chat with you?"

"No need to ask me."

Emperor Dong Zheng was the master of miracles 200,000 years ago, and his strength was unfathomable.

In the world of miracles, Emperor Dongzheng is as famous as the Holy Emperor and the Ancient Emperor, and they are also called the Three Elders.

However, these three people have a common characteristic, that is, they have no interest in rights, and they never use force to oppress others. They are big figures who are convincing from the dual aspects of strength and morality.

"That weapon is no longer with you?"

Emperor Dong Zheng did not mince words and went straight to the point. However, he was not here to accuse the enemy: "Be careful, child, that weapon is very dangerous. If one cannot control it, terrible things will happen."


Emperor Dong Zheng stretched out his hand to Bai Luo, and the latter shook it: "Welcome back, Xiao Baizhou."


Bai Luo was a little surprised that Emperor Dongzheng knew so much.

"Don't worry, he's not an enemy."

Ying Muzhen signaled to Bai Luo that there was no need to be nervous. She told Bai Luo that Emperor Dongzheng and Ying Baizhou were very good friends.

Back then, when Ying Baizhou had just made his fortune and was working hard with Ying Mujun, he was hunted down by some powerful Lords of Miracles. For this reason, he went to the Southern Continent to ask for help.

The Southern Continent had been in seclusion for many years, and the two siblings accepted the test of Emperor Dongzheng together and gained his friendship.

For ten thousand years, regardless of the relationship between the other kings of the Southern Continent and them, Emperor Dongzheng was absolutely on the side of Bai Luo and Ying Mujun.

"Emperor Dong Zheng?"

"Don't worry, I will support you this time."

Emperor Dongzheng gave Bai Luo and Ying Muji a "reassuring" look. If the old uncle conquered Fat Old Han, he won the favor of the Holy Empire.

Then what Ying Muzhen and Ying Baizhou get is the friendship of the Southern Continent. They are very few people who know the layout of the Southern Continent thousands of years ago.

Of course, after ten thousand years, no one knows what new things have appeared over there.

This was also the reason why Ying Muzhen was a little nervous before. After all, she was not sure that Emperor Dong Zheng was still the same as before.

Fortunately, she was overly worried, the old man was still the same old man, nothing had changed.

"Speaking of which, have you gone to see the ancient emperor?"

The ancient emperor did not come to this meeting, and Ying Mujun responded: "He is not interested in these."

"It really looks like him."

After saying that, Emperor Dongzheng didn't say anything more. He went straight back to the seating area where the kings of the Southern Continent were sitting, and then quietly waited for the meeting to begin.



Senior sister's words were very sudden, and Bai Luo was puzzled: "What, a Gedmund person?"

"The old man who just spoke to us is the Emperor of Eastern Zheng you are talking about," the senior sister said, "He is a Gedmund."

"what is that?"

Bai Luo didn't know what the Gedmunds were: "A certain race? The same thing as us Adunites?"

"no the same."

The senior sister didn’t know how to explain it, because she had stolen this knowledge from the Queen’s memory: “I can’t explain what Geedmund is, but the three emoticons we met before, they were also Geedmund. Foolish people.”


Bai Luo: "Are those three traders also from Gedmund?"

"The biggest feature of the Gedmund people is their unique aura," senior sister said, "Also, if I guess correctly, the ancient emperor mentioned by Emperor Dong Zheng is probably also a Gedmund person."

The origin of the Gedmund people is very special. They lived in the era of the giant gods, that is, the Yagen people, and they were very ancient creatures.

"So don't be deceived by him," Senior Sister: "This old man is by no means as simple as the Lord of Miracles of 200,000 Years."

"Especially my attitude when I told you, Xiao Luo, about the risks of dusk. I'm sure of that."

Senior sister: "He is very familiar with dusk, and may have even seen its power with his own eyes!"

"Old man, what's wrong with you?"

"Yes, I have been silent since just now."

Although he was waiting for the meeting to be held, Emperor Dong Zheng was too quiet.

"It's nothing, I'm just tired and ready to take a nap. Call me when the meeting starts."


"Have a good rest, old man, we are here!"

A smile appeared on Emperor Dong Zheng's old face again. He glanced at the direction where his senior sister was, and then sighed heavily in his heart: "The final winner of the Battle of Ellebergen, is it really you, Concubine Yisef?" elegant. . . ’

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