This is a Miracle

Chapter 381 Iron Eagle King: I don’t know anything, it’s none of my business!

Regardless of what kind of person Feng Xi is, it would be too rude for him to interrupt Bai Luo's preparations as soon as he comes up.

However, I have to admit that the opponent's move made Bai Luo very passive.

‘As the master of the highest miracle, my words are only one-sided. ’

‘There were prophets among those present, and he named prophets from three countries in succession, which is enough to ensure the objectivity and fairness of their words. ’

'Above all, the Kings really wanted to know the origin and power of Dusk. ’

It's hard for Bai Luo to evaluate Feng Xi's intelligence, but for his annoying ability, Bai Luo gives a positive evaluation - I really want to kill him!

Bai Luo will never be merciful to those who show hostility to him.

"The Marquis of Tianzhi."

"King of the Sky."

"There is also Queen Cain," Feng Xi said: "Three of them are among the best prophets. Why don't you guys be willing to give us an explanation about the Twilight of the Age of Gods?"

The three prophets are all veteran characters with more than 4,000 years of experience. Let’s not talk about the new kings, but to most people, the three of them are well-known in terms of their character and conduct.

In other words, everyone knows the characters of these three people very well, which makes their words far more credible than Bai Luo.

"Senior Feng Xi really loves to cause trouble for us when it comes to offending people."

"However, there is nothing we can do about it."

Marquis Tianzhi was the first to stand up. She looked at Bai Luo standing in front and frowned deeply: "I know that saying this may offend His Excellency Lord Atun, but for the sake of the stability of the Miracle World, I still have to make a clear stand with you. .”


"She said to draw a clear line!"

"Are you serious? It's almost like a declaration of war."

"Is this the intention of the Iron Eagle Kingdom, or is it the idea of ​​Tianzhi alone?"

‘What the hell? ’

Iron Eagle King was a little panicked: ‘This is not what I meant, I didn’t mean it! ’

Starry night, iron eagle, mountains, extreme north, sacred,

There are also two principalities, Cuican and Azure. Even the pirate kings looked at Marquis Tianzhi in surprise and were shocked by her attitude.

What kind of miracle is this dusk? The Marquis of Tianzhi, who never fights with anyone, can be so resolute and determined. He would rather be the enemy of Bai Luo than be the leader.

‘Another prophet comes. ’

Bai Luo gritted his teeth secretly in his heart, his rhythm had been completely disrupted: 'It's just like what the old uncle said, the King's Conference can't plan in advance at all. They probably already know my ideas and methods. ’

It is even possible that Feng Xi had already met Marquis Tianzhi on his own initiative in the 'Future Trajectory', and then discussed it countless times.

'prophet! ’

Bai Luo: ‘What a disgusting bunch of bitches. ’

"Is this the Marquis of Tianzhi?"

Bai Luo: "I don't know where I have offended you, but I ask you to speak fairly."

There was no other way. At the moment when the problem could not be solved with force, Bai Luo could only retreat with words.

At least the kings should be reminded that Tianzhi seemed to have a grudge against him, so they couldn't believe everything she said.

‘But is Queen Cain also a prophet? I can’t tell. ’

Bai Luo looked at his old uncle, who immediately gave him a message through the voice of miracle: "It's not completely at a disadvantage."

‘No? ’

Bai Luo thought about it and immediately understood what the old uncle meant: 'Is Queen Cain on our side? ’

"Twilight of the Age of Gods, that is the most dangerous artifact among the twenty-eight camps."

Marquis Tianzhi had a clear stance, and her attitude confused Bai Luo. But considering the identity of the other party's prophet, Marquis Tianzhi might have had countless confrontations with her in the 'future'.

"I've seen countless futures and had countless confrontations with him."

Marquis Tianzhi's words did not arouse the veteran kings' surprise, but some young Lords of Miracles were obviously very surprised. Could this still be the case?

"But every time, I died in his hands."

By the way, eldest sister, since you know the result, do you need to be so tough?

With this attitude similar to that of a villain, Bai Luo felt that she must have never seen it before.

What's the difference between being an enemy of Bai Luo and knowing that there is a dead end, and banging your head against the wall? At this time, shouldn't you turn your enemy into a friend and be friendly with him?

"You must be weird too, right?"

Marquis Tianzhi said to Bai Luo: "Since the result I calculated is only a dead end, why do I still want to be your enemy?"

"How ridiculous."

Marquis Tianzhi's expression was very serious, and his eyes were even colder: "I once prayed to you, even giving up my dignity and kneeling to you, but so what, you still destroyed my country and massacred my people. "

"My heavenly purpose swears by the power of miracles that I have never used the power of destiny to harm anyone. For four thousand years, I have only used this power to save and warn others, nothing more!"

"But this man!"

Marquis Tianzhi's speech was so sharp that Bai Luo was stunned: "He led his army and waved that flaming sword to destroy me and everything you have!"

"Here, I would like to ask your Excellency..."

Marquis Tianzhi's words made Bai Luo secretly clench his fists, and his brain was working rapidly, trying to come up with a way to break the situation.

"Is your dusk a cross sword burning with flames?!"


Bai Luo was stunned. He originally thought that Marquis Tianzhi would say, "Why do you want to destroy my country?" But what he asked instead was whether Dusk was a sword.

'This guy. . . ’

Bai Luo suddenly realized Tianzhi's purpose. She was playing a trick on him!

"The words of heaven are unfounded, and future vision is just a possibility," Bai Luo: "But the Sword of Twilight, true or false, will make the kings present start to doubt me." ’


Bai Luo took a deep breath, and then tried to remain as elegant as possible. The more pressure he felt, the calmer he had to be and not to lose control: "Twilight is a miraculous thing. It is attached to a cross sword. superior."


"So, he will destroy Tianzhi in the future?"

"Listen to Sister Tianzhi, he should have destroyed more than just one country. Is this guy so dangerous?"

"A cross sword burning with flames..."

Among the kings, Earl of Thorns looked at Bai Luo in horror. He was a little confused, very confused: 'Is he, is he the one who will kill me? ’

"I disagree with your idea."

At the critical moment, Queen Cain stood up. Although her words were short, she was on Bai Luo's side: "According to your wishes, there is only one way for the future. Have you ever seen the kings gathering here? Have you ever Have you ever seen yourself questioning him like this here?"

"You are just saying something like this here based on your own calculations," Queen Cain scolded, "This is not the attitude a prophet should have."


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