This is a Miracle

Chapter 401 Evil Corpse

"Everyone, please be careful."

"None of us know what's down there in the place of the Four Evils."

Old Black Dog is the heir to the ancient Book of Changes. I heard that this divination method was created by Fuxi: "Brother Li Zhen, I want you to take the lead."

"Do not worry."

Li Zhen has practiced internal martial arts for decades and is extremely talented. He has returned to his original martial arts and is invulnerable to all poisons.

He was the only strong man present who had been bitten by a zombie but was still unscathed.

Even corpse poison can't do anything to him, so there's nothing better than a person like this taking the lead.

"Leave the scouting job to our sisters."

Two women dressed as Miao people took out two clay pots from the package. When they opened the pots, a large number of small black insects crawled out.


Hei Laogou knew the abilities of the two sisters and quickly handed over the underground palace map he got from Taoist Lin.

He can do divination, but the two sisters' Gu insects can directly enter the exploration. To some extent, he is more suitable to be the pioneer of this underground palace than him.

"How about it?"

"What a complicated underground palace. I have never seen anything so complicated."

Sister Li Lu has a mind-to-heart connection with the insect. This is a very special dimensional power that can transmit extremely small perceptions to Li Lu's mind through something similar to ultrasound.

"It's a dead end on the left, sister."

One person's strength is not enough, so my younger sister Li Jia also explores with her elder sister.


Suddenly, Li Lu frowned: "What a terrible evil spirit. There is an evil corpse here. We must not go this way later."

No one went down to the tomb, but they had already explored the first level of the underground palace thoroughly.

"Earth corpse?"

"Isn't that something legendary?"

Zombies are divided according to their levels, not to mention low-level zombies, and high-level zombies are divided into armored zombies and flying zombies.

The armored corpse exerts its physical strength to the extreme, while the flying corpse awakens all kinds of mysterious and unpredictable powers, which are extremely weird.

Both armored corpses and flying corpses have four levels, gold, silver, copper, and iron, with gold armor being the highest and iron armor being the lowest.

Above these four levels is the legendary zombie king.

To be honest, no one present had ever seen a real zombie king, and the earthly evil corpse Li Lu mentioned was exactly a type of zombie king.

Thirty-six Tiangang and seventy-two earthly demons, a total of 108 types of zombie kings, each with a power that no one present can match.

No, maybe Yunxiao can fight them, but there is a prerequisite for this, and that is one-on-one.

"The Earthly Evil Corpse appeared on the first floor."

There was surprise in Yun Xiao's eyes. She originally thought that an existence of the Zombie King's level should be at the bottom, or even the final boss.

But on the first level, this is a bit too exaggerated.

"Is this a bluff, or is this underground palace really beyond our imagination?"

Yun Xiao couldn't judge. She wanted to guess that the master of the underground palace put the big boss on the first floor, and the lower floors were not as good as the ones below. But this kind of thing was impossible no matter how hard she thought about it: "It seems that we wanted to go straight to Huanglong before. I'm afraid it won't work." It’s realistic.”

"This Earth Evil Corpse already possesses extraordinary peak combat power, right?"

Bai Luo made a judgment and found that the Earth Evil Corpse was not weak in strength, but it should not be a single individual, but a type of soldier.

"The Earthly Evil Star Corpse, also known as the Earthly Evil Corpse King."

Of course, what the Corpse King said is in the material plane, because according to the combat power of the Miracle World View, the hero level is equivalent to the strongest combat power that can exist in a plane, which is equivalent to a 'demigod'.

The extraordinary pinnacles below the hero level are naturally the kings of all eras and are rare to encounter in a century.

Compared to king-level powerhouses like Fusang and Yuegui, this earth evil corpse must be a minion that can be wiped out in a blink of an eye, but in the main material plane, they are almost invincible.

"And my lord has prepared a total of 12 such evil corpses."

In other words, it is impossible for anyone to break through with strength, and they will definitely die.


the other side,

Fengdu also encountered the same problem. It was the female sword emperor who asked: "So I gave them the map of the underground palace."

"Does the King of East China Sea know?"

"Of course I don't know!"

Fengdu showed a cunning smile, which made the two empresses look at each other. Neither of them were the kind of people who liked to joke, but they started thinking and communicating.


Feng Du was a little uneasy: "This, no, is illegal, right?"

"Let's discuss it."

Although there are three miracle masters supervising this time, in fact, whether it is Ying Mujun or Mu Yunji, they are all led by Bai Luo.

But this is just an attitude, and in terms of ability, Bai Luo has no say at all.

Just like now, Fengdu has obviously made preparations in advance. Does this kind of thing count as violating the provisions of the Miracle Battle in the Holy Covenant?

"Prepare in advance."

Mu Yunji: "Isn't this a foul?"

"It probably doesn't count."

Ying Mujun: "Xiao Fengdu and King Donghai are mortal enemies. It is reasonable for them to investigate each other's abilities in advance."

"But," Mu Yunji glanced at Fengdu: "Did this guy plot against her?"

Even though he was well prepared, he still lured the Corpse Bride into taking the bait and made her take the initiative to provoke a miracle battle.

I have to say, Fengdu is so despicable.

"Xiao Fengdu, she is a girl after all," Ying Mujun said, holding his forehead, "Can't you give way to her?"

In Ying Mujun's eyes, Fengdu is more like a child than a little brother.

If he and the corpse bride said they didn't have an affair, even Ying Mu would not believe it.

"Is this the steely straight man that Xiao Luo said?"

Ying Mujun secretly complained, and at the same time said to Fengdu: "You and her don't have any deep hatred. Otherwise, it's better not to do this kind of thing."

"How can this be!!!"

Fengdu said quickly: "If you want me to lose to her, I will have to die!"


"Now that you have thought about it," Ying Mujun returned the map: "This is not a violation. Although you prepare in advance, preparation itself is also a kind of strength. We recognize the rationality of your doing so."

It doesn't actually matter whether Ying Mujun and Mu Yunji admit it, or whether Bai Luo admits it or not.

Bai Luo doesn't even know what the rules are, but he can judge a basket.

Of course, you still have to say yes.

"Has the other party prepared in advance?"

Bai Luo got the summons from the two women and knew the cause and effect. He glanced at Fusang and Yuegui, but didn't say anything.

As a supervisor, Bai Luo can know the actions of both sides of the game, just like lol's God's perspective.

However, Bai Luo cannot reveal any information. He is a true gentleman watching the chess game without saying a word. Bai Luo and Feng have no grievances and have no special affection for the Corpse Bride, so Bai Luo does not intend to take sides.

Since the two empresses felt that there was no violation in preparing the map of the underground palace in advance, Bai Luo naturally would not say anything: 'It seems that this miracle battle was calculated mentally and unintentionally. ’

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