This is a Miracle

Chapter 409 You two have to bear full responsibility

"Are they crazy?"

"Why is this happening?"

The group of people had never seen such a riot. They only heard the old black dog panting and saying: "This means that we are going on the right path. They are anxious. There is something in front of them that makes them anxious."

"The bane! It must be the bane!"

Their purpose is to eliminate the source of the disaster that caused the corpse disaster. At this time, seeing the monsters in the underground palace so anxious, doesn't this just mean that they are close to their goal?

"Don't stop! Keep running!"

Li Zhen has always been fighting on the front line. Even with the treatment of two miracle doctors, he was still seriously injured and could not recover in a short time.

This is because he used many forbidden techniques, which put his body in a state of overload many times.

In this world, there are only two sources of all mysterious power, one is the power of miracles, and the other is the power of dimensions.

Although it is essentially the same thing, the Lord of Dimensions is like a checkpoint, stuck in the middle, causing many people to choose to borrow power from other dimensions instead of facing the miraculous body like the avenue.

Li Zhen is a martial artist who uses a power system called internal force and true energy.

It comes from the void world and is the miraculous power of Martial Ancestor, one of the twenty kings of the Eastern Empire. However, because Li Zhen is not the miraculous son of Martial Ancestor, his true energy is all provided by another dimension.

This is a transaction, and everyone present is actually similar to Li Zhen. They are all trading with dimensional creatures.

Since it is a transaction, it must come with a price.

Li Zhen has already felt that his body is collapsing, and something like will, spirit, and soul is opening a door. Behind the door is the world where his power comes from.

'If it is necessary,' Li Zhen said secretly: 'Even if it means death, and the monsters of that world are allowed to come in, we must stop them. ’

The dimension has already established a connection with him. Li Zhen does not know what the dimension is and does not have this concept, but Li Zhen still knows about the higher level powerhouses.

When forced, he dares to do anything!



Everyone felt their eyes brighten, and the space in front of them also changed from narrow to wide. When they looked up, there was a palace that was so magnificent that it was unimaginable.

"not good!"

The corpse bride's expression suddenly changed, and Fengdu also said the same as her: "What a tragedy!"

"So, this is also a game session?"

Feeling the apologies conveyed by the two people, Bai Luo opened his eyes. He no longer needed to sense those people, because they were now standing at the door of the underground palace where Bai Luo was.

"What are you doing?!"

Ying Muzhen's temper has improved a lot in recent years due to injuries, but Ke Shu didn't know that back then, she was in the Northern Continent, fighting her way out of the Eastern Empire.


"Hug, sorry."

Empress Dong got angry, and Fengdu and Corpse Bride quickly lowered their heads, like two elementary school students who had made a mistake, not daring to look directly into her eyes.

If they still had the courage to fight against Mu Yunji, then they didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​winning against Mu Jun.

"It's true," Mu Yunji said, "You have led people to Duke Atun. What if those despicable people offend him?"

"It was my mistake."

He wanted to solve the problem with just an apology, but Ying Mujun said that there was no such thing as such a good thing.

If it was Ying Mujun who was offended, she might still deal with it leniently, but Bai Luo is her brother.

The pearl in the palm (fog) is touched. Is it tolerable? Which one is intolerable?

"It doesn't matter."

Bai Luo didn't have the arrogance of the Lord of Miracles: "I think it's quite interesting."

Bai Luo didn't care. He put his hands behind his back and stood in the main hall of the underground palace. Fusang and Yuegui on both sides were already kneeling on the ground, burying their faces.

"You guys should get up too."

"Don't dare."

Fusang and Yuegui already knew that they had done something wrong. The corpse bride was sending a message to them, and they must protect Bai Luo's exquisite corpse body.

If there is any damage, both of them will definitely receive the harshest punishment.

At the same time, Fengdu and the Corpse Bride have reached a consensus that at the critical moment, between Bai Luo's incarnation and this plane, they will choose the latter without hesitation.

This also means that if anyone really touches Bai Luo's exquisite corpse, then Fusang and others will burst out with power beyond the will of the plane and completely destroy the world!

"Miya, are you interested?"


Miya has always been with Bai Luo, not like a miracle person, but more like a little maid.

Of course, in Miya's mind, she is Bai Luo's little maid, and she will always be.

"Brother Bai Luo, if you want to watch it, I can also perform it for you."

Having just mastered the new power, Miya has recently been asking her uncle for advice on how to use the power of Dao Fruit, and now she has some experience.

If the Miracle Dragon wakes up again and brings blessings, Miya will probably have a big breakthrough.

"Your Highness Aden!"

However, Fusang and Yuegui begged: "If you take action personally, my Lord's face will be damaged again. Please leave it to us. Please do..."

The two women did not dare to order Bai Luo to say something like 'just watch with condescension'.

If you dare to teach the Lord of Miracles to do things, you may even lose your life.


Bai Luo is now a person with status and status. There is no reason to mess around with some scum who are not even the children of miracles. It would be too disgraceful.

"But I also have a request," Bai Luo: "It should be more exciting, can you do it?"

Seeing Bai Luo agree, the two women immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at each other and responded in unison: "I will never let you down!"

"here it is..."

Everyone has been traveling through the overlapping underground mazes, but now they have come to such a huge space inexplicably. For a moment, they really can't react.

"The underground palace, such a big underground palace?"

Li Zhen also had a look of surprise on his face. He widened his eyes and looked in disbelief at the huge imperial mausoleum in front of him that seemed to be floating in the underground space: "Floating, what kind of method is this?"

Using his inner energy, Li Zhen could also fly, but everything, even such a huge underground palace, was suspended in mid-air.

It would be no exaggeration to say that such a method is something only gods can possess.

"The monsters have stopped," the goddess doctor panted tiredly. When she turned around, she found that all the monsters were retreating: "Great, we are on the right track. This is the place we are looking for."


Unlike Li Zhen, Lao Heigou was involved in robbing tombs. He had seen a similar scene in the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum: "Meteorites should have been used..."


Taoist priest Lin quickly squatted down and touched the gravel on the ground: "The phenomenon here is not an extraterrestrial meteorite."

"I feel there is a huge force right in front of me..."

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