This is a Miracle

Chapter 426: The Highest Miracle Electronic Frontier

"But even so, is it still irreparable?"

The old man opened his skirt, exposing his chest, and saw that there were still large traces of the torrent there.

The curse is still there, but he got the epigram from Nohayak and controlled a part of the power of the torrent, but he still couldn't escape the fate of death.

His body was still collapsing, so it can be seen that what really killed him was not Hong Liu, but the supreme miracle.

"It's the last fight."

The old uncle thought very clearly, he was going to try once to see if he could get rid of it, if it really couldn't be done, then that's okay: "At least give that miracle to Xiao Luo."

He can die or disappear, but before that, the old uncle still hopes that Bai Luo can go one step further and become stronger.

Soon, Bai Luo returned to Yaden.

Also brought along is Yun Xiao, who will temporarily stay with Ye Feng and the others as a new resident of Yaden.

As for the other tomb robbers, Bai Luo didn't accept all of them, most of them were thrown to Fengdu by Bai Luo.

Only Li Zhen, the grandson of the Pu family, and two Miao women were left behind because they were considered talented, and they went to the other shore island with Yun Xiao.

Bai Luo originally wanted to communicate with them, after all, he was also a new guest from the lower plane.

With their potential, even when they are in the lower planes, if they are endowed with the power of miracles, there may be a real hope of rising in the future.

Especially Yunxiao, her aptitude is at least at the legendary level, which is much higher than that of Ye Feng Yeling and others that Bai Luo randomly selected before.

In short, Bai Luo has high expectations for her. The future confrontation between miracle kings and the people of miracles above legends are definitely strategic resources, and each of them cannot be missed.

It's just that Bai Luo didn't have time to meet them again, and he didn't even have time to explain things clearly.

Because before that, the old uncle contacted through Miracle, saying that he had something important to tell him.

"The highest miracle?"

"The power of the torrent, and the return of the lost kingdom?"

Before Bai Luo met the old man, he got a lot of information from him.

"Etc., etc."

Bai Luo: "What's the situation? I just went out for a while, old man, you have researched so many things?"

Because the old uncle mentioned the queen, Bai Luote called the senior sister back from the trading house.

The senior sister is now successfully playing the double role of Queen and Queen Arden, but the former is very free, and there is not much work for her to do.

Although the trading house is huge, it actually operates independently, and many people have their own sites to operate.

"Am I not a bad person?"

The senior sister has basically accepted the fact that she is the queen now, and she regards it as a special transformation state.

I am gentle and kind, but once transformed, my strength will indeed skyrocket, followed by a huge change in character, more confident, and more freewheeling.

Fortunately, the queen seems to be afraid of Bai Luo and the senior sister, so she won't go too far. So far, she hasn't done anything to plot against Bai Luo and Arden in that state.

Of course, even if it is really calculated, it is no big deal.

After all, the Queen's condition cannot last long, once the senior sister recovers, she will immediately tell Bai Luo the Queen's order to the trading house.

"But I can't answer that question."

The senior sister was very helpless. She looked carefully at the Queen's memory and found that there was almost no news about the Battle of Elbergen, as if she had blocked it in advance: "I can't see that memory, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't know. It may also be that she specifically blocked that memory from me."


The old uncle sighed, this is what he thought was troublesome.

It's easy for Nohayak to say, but no matter how you ask, the answer given by the senior sister is always wrong.

No one can vouch for the truth of this answer, except for ambiguity.

"Questions that can't be answered," Bai Luo said, "It's better not to ask."

Nohayak said a lot, but the really useful information is actually only that, as he said, he just came to remind him.

"Speaking of the name Nohayak."

The senior sister said: "The heroic spirits told me that he is one of the seven kings of Elebogen."

The Seven Kings of Elbergen refer to the seven greatest leaders among the twenty-eight camps that participated in the Battle of Elbergen.

"There is also a lost country."

"Place names, country names, are also an era," Bai Luo felt that these were not important, what was important was the last sentence: "It is the name of a supreme miracle."

The twenty-eight camps represent the top twenty-eight items, but only seven of them can exist at the same time.

That is to say, even if Bai Luo owns the Book of Yagen, he can only find the top seven pieces at most: "I already have two pieces in my hand."

This is including Yagen's Book, but Yagen told Bai Luo that Yagen's Book is a special miracle, and it is not counted among the top 7 miracles.

"Suye Liguang has already fallen into Du Mu'an's hands, so there are still 5 top items left."

Even if the highest position is a miracle with side effects, but this kind of nuclear weapon (metaphorical) existence, even if there is a huge threat, it should be in Bai Luo's hands.

The people of Aden can not use it, but Bai Luo does not allow outsiders to get the miracle of the highest rank, and then use it against them.

In addition, the more such strategic weapons, the better.

Especially when the opponent is ready to use it, if our side has the power to fight against the top, how can we be more confident.

"So, it's time."

The old uncle looked at Bai Luo, and then at his senior sister: "It's time to find the highest miracle that our Yaden family has passed down from generation to generation."

The old uncle didn't tell Bai Luo about the most important thing, and he didn't know that this miracle had cursed the old uncle, even now, it still tortured him.

"What kind of miracle is that?"

"If my guess is correct," the old uncle recalled the Nohayak he saw in the torrent, and said, "it should belong to the 'Electronic Frontier' in the twenty-eight camp."

"Electronic Frontier..."

The name of the highest-level miracle is the same as its faction. Conversely, each camp is named after a certain highest-level miracle.

"I searched for this miracle in the early years, but unfortunately, I failed."

The old uncle said: "But it is a miracle of inheritance. Even if I fail, Xiao Luo, you can continue to look for it."

"Can it still be like this?"

It was the first time Bai Luo heard of the miracle of inheritance. He looked at the black book and found that there were no new pages on it: 'What's going on? Haven't found the clue to this miracle yet? Why is there no response at all? '

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