This is a Miracle

Chapter 444 Incarnation of natural disaster·Ether phase engine

"Are you the intruders that Mr. Hals asked me to deal with?"

Xingchen Emperor Ji was in a very strange state at this time. There was no emotion in her eyes. She was like a robot, looking down on all living beings with a programmed mentality and eyes, aloof.

She obtained the power of the fifth realm, but her strength increased so much that she was unable to control it.

Therefore, divinity is greater than humanity, and Star Emperor Ji has become a god dominated by reason.

"No matter who you are, I will impose sanctions in the name of Mr. Hals."

After saying that, Xingchen Emperor Ji was seen wrapping her hands in front of her body, as if she was holding something, and in the palm of her hand, a blue-white light ball was emitting dazzling light.

"What it is?"

"What a powerful miraculous power!"

Sisters Huang Quan and Yaksha were startled by the compression of Xingchen Emperor Ji. Gui Ji was also secretly shocked: "Is this the mythical level? The power of miracles she released in an instant is more than our miracle body."

They probably don't even have the ability to defend against such a move, and can only rely on their infinite miraculous bodies to resist.

'myth! ’

Bai Luo instantly made a judgment on the strength of the enemy and ourselves: 'If such a move is aimed at me, Adun, how should we block it? ’

Maybe the Miracles will be fine, but the people of Adun and even the entire Principality of Adun will probably be wiped out.

"Fortunately, what I brought here are all miracle bodies. We don't need to defend against such an attack at all..."


Bai Luo suddenly looked at Alaya, his pupils shrank, and he quickly shouted: "Defense! Block this move!!"

They are not all Miracles. There is also Alea here, and she is not the original Miracle.

"Offense is the best defense!"

Gui Ji gave an order, and the Luwei family launched an attack at the same time: "Take action!!!"

As expected, they were still the fastest, but this time, Ali and Bai Yinuo looked at each other. Perhaps due to the supreme and unique connection, the two of them understood each other's meaning instantly.

"I have been watching your battle just now, miraculous creatures."

Xingchen Emperor Ji's face was calm, her eyes were shining with blue light,

At the same time, a huge spherical protective barrier made of metal suddenly opened.

[Ascension: Dyson Crystal Ball]


Seeing the barrier expanding to the surroundings with Xingchen Emperor as the center, Shura directly slashed at it, and the result was. . .


"so hard!!"

Shura's blade was bounced away, and looking at the metal plate rushing in front of him to cover the sky and the sun, Shura was pushed away without any resistance, and actually knocked the Miracle body away.

"It's useless." Star Emperor Ji continued to compress her palms: "This is an absolute realm that can block the brilliance of the sun and confine the power that is enough to explode the universe."

Mythical miraculous experts, every move they make carries huge miraculous power. Just by releasing it, they can even surpass the current Luwei family.

In particular, the matter created by Star Emperor Ji contains attributes such as cause and effect, absoluteness, and infinity.

If the Luwei family wants to forcefully crush it, they can overload it.

As long as they continue to liberate themselves, use their overloaded power, and at the expense of huge damage, they can indeed defeat the current Star Emperor.

However, Xingchen Emperor Ji was three realms higher than them.

"If you plan to fight to the death," Xingchen Emperor Ji said, "then let us see whether you will be exploded by the overloaded infinite power first, or I will die in your hands first!"

"A lot of bullshit."


A part of the Dyson crystal wall suddenly broke. Star Emperor Ji turned her head away in surprise, but what greeted her was a slender white fist.


'How can it be! ’

Star Emperor Ji didn't even have time to react before she was knocked away by this terrifying force that was hard to resist. Any rules, king's body, or legendary awakening were all nothing in front of this small fist.

Bai Yinuo's fist can ignore all defenses and any recovery ability. If she hits it, it will cause direct damage and cannot be recovered in a short time.

It's not that it can never be recovered, but in battle, the damage caused by Bai Yinuo is similar to deducting blood and erasing the upper limit of the opponent's health bar.

Just like now, Xingchen Emperor Ji felt her head was dizzy, and her whole body instantly became blank.


Losing the control of Xingchen Emperor Ji, the light ball that was controlled by her and contained amazing energy was completely out of control.

It was a blue supergiant star. Once it exploded, the power contained in it would be enough to destroy all matter within several light-years. After the compression of the Star Emperor and the mythical power of miracles she continuously poured into it.

[Incarnation of natural disaster·Ether phase engine]

The final move at the epic level is far beyond the terrifying power of the legend. With one blow, it can turn the Milky Way-level galaxy known by Bai Luo into ashes.

Now, however, it's out of control.


Everyone felt that their eyes were covered in dazzling blue-white light. The speed of energy released by this explosion was far beyond everyone's imagination.

If we must use a physical speed to describe it, perhaps it should be 100,000 light-years per second - 300 million times the speed of light.

Of course, this is not a real number, it just tells everyone one thing, that is, fast.

Beyond the concept of time, beyond the concept of physics, beyond specific concepts and meanings, it is absolutely fast!


Bai Luo was confused. He just asked everyone to take action, but because he was too hasty, he had no idea that Xiao Bai could beat the Star Emperor Princess away, let alone that this little ball of light contained such perverted energy.

In the world of miracles, the king can destroy a continent, the legend can destroy stars, and the power of epic can turn a galaxy into nothing.

The top mythical level has the power to destroy the universe and an entire world.

But now, it was out of control. When Bai Luo had no time to act, the epic power completely went berserk, and no one among Bai Luo and others could react, except Bai Luo. . .

"Don't worry, it's just a trivial matter."

The world seemed to have frozen, and only the miracles still retained their consciousness. Although they could not move, they could clearly see a hand that seemed to be able to grasp the whole world, wrapped in this epic power.

"Give me some face, I'm still in the fifth level after all."

Ali grabbed the energy that was enough to destroy the galaxy with his bare hands, and then casually threw it into his mouth: "Kacha kacha."

"Gulu gulu."

After opening the lid of the gourd and taking a sip, Ali wiped his mouth and made a sound of enjoyment: "It tastes pretty good, it feels OK..."

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