This is a Miracle

Chapter 451 Monster in human skin

Someone changed the true history, erased all traces and evidence, and fabricated false information to replace everything that should have been there.

Hals couldn't help but sigh, who has such power and can do such a thing.

"Even I was affected, what an amazing power, but why?"

Hals was indeed affected, and he did not remember what happened in that period of history, but he was certain that the queen was definitely not Isefia, she was someone else.

"It seems like a lot happened that year."

"That's all."

Hals calmed down and said to his uncle: "I forgot some things, so I can only tell you what I know."

"What do you want to ask?"

The old uncle did not speak directly. He gave Bai Luo the opportunity to ask.

"What is a witch?"

This was Bai Luo's focus, and it was also what made him most angry. He clearly felt Hals's deep malice toward the witch.

Although he didn't know what the witch actually represented, Bai Luo could be sure that the other party was definitely not a magical woman as he understood it, or the little witches trained by Lilith.

Witch is a cursed word, very vicious.

"Witches are the thieves of this world. They exploit loopholes and wantonly destroy and interfere with established facts, common sense, and the laws by which everything operates."

"It's like a drop of ink dropped into the water. It seems that there is no change, and it will eventually become calm." Hals: "But a change is a change. People who should have been lucky have suffered misfortune because of it, and all of this , all just for one person."

According to Hals, witches are extremely special existences. They were not originally part of the established trajectory, but they suddenly joined.

However, witches all have masters, and every witch comes to become a great hero.

Obviously, according to Hals, Bai Luo is the person chosen by the witch's senior sister.

Everything she did was for Bai Luo, to achieve his success.

"There is a saying in the East, the way of heaven is to make up for the deficiencies by making up for the excess."

The world itself is an inherent, constant value that does not change. This number is assigned to different people, allowing them to live their own lives.

Of course, this is not set in stone, nor does it mean that there is really a 'fate' that has arranged everyone's life early.

In fact, the value itself is constantly changing and flowing.

Things are unpredictable. Every minute and every second, the trajectory of destiny will change. No one can really control it all.

However, the essence will not change, that is, the sum of lucky people and unfortunate people is the number 0. It is precisely because of the existence of unfortunate people that the lucky people succeed.

Like the great heroes of ancient times, they won the battle, but this victory must be based on the defeat of others.

The greater the loss of defeat, the greater the glory of victory.

"But the arrival of the witch broke the ever-changing fortunes and misfortunes," Hals said: "The witch single-handedly changes the fate of the world and lets it converge on the hero she chooses. This People will become the leaders of their times, but on the other hand, the world will usher in a terrible change."

Just like the time-travelers and the system in the novels Bai Luo has read, the time-travelers get the system and kill everyone, but this sense of satisfaction and happiness is added to the heads of those who should be lucky.

He absorbs the good lives of others, like a virus, wreaking havoc and grabbing resources.

"Unfortunate people will still be unfortunate, but lucky people will become unfortunate because of this person."

The balance of the world begins to lose, which will lead to collapse. Hals has encountered many witches before, and without exception, these witches and their chosen heroes have become the world's enemies.

"So, so what?"

Bai Luo understood the concept of witch, but not only did he not find his senior sister annoying, he actually liked her even more.

Shouldn't you like her? She is a witch, so Bai Luo, isn't Bai Luo the protagonist?

Which protagonist would hate a golden finger who is devoted to himself?

Yes, the world was destroyed because of this, and happy people became unhappy, but so what, Bai Luo was not a saint to begin with. He was very selfish and only cared about his own family and his own affairs.

No matter who it is, when he finds out that he is the master of the witch, will he still hate the witch?

The butt determines the head, no matter how big the flood is!

"I can understand you. After all, most people are like this. It's not surprising."

Hals said: "The existence of witches is reasonable in itself. They will bring disaster to the world, but they will also explode the original pool of stagnant water and inject new vitality into it."

"But she is different!"

Hals pointed at his senior sister: "Not all witches are evil, they also have good and bad qualities."

"Witches influence heroes, and heroes can also control witches and even change them."

In this relationship, the witch is not the one in control, the hero is. The witch is very docile and obedient to the hero, so Bai Luo's will can interfere with the queen's attitude. This is what the witch master should be like.

"You mean, Feiya is a bad witch?"

"It's not up to me to say good or bad, but what they did is really disgusting."

Hals explained: "Witches are invisible. They have no entity themselves. Instead, they need to rely on the amazing and talented women who have existed in the world to build their foundation before they can come."

In other words, the witch is a collective body. She will absorb the pheromones of powerful women that have existed in the world, thereby acquiring the body, memory, personality, temperament and potential.

For such a witch, Hals agreed, and there was no way he could disagree.

Because witches are the best women, bar none, they are almost perfect.

"But there is another kind of witch who doesn't do that," Hals said. "Just like her, she replaced a person who should have existed and stole her belongings, including her achievements and her beauty. Her power, and everything!”

In Hals' opinion, this kind of behavior is really disgusting. It's like a phantom that plagiarizes someone and then openly enjoys the other person's family property.

Thieves, robbers, liars, and predators. . .

Despicable behavior, disgraceful.

"So, is that so?"

Bai Luo finally understood why the Empress of the Far North evaluated her senior sister like this when she first met her, because in the eyes of the Empress of the Far North, her senior sister was a fake and inferior.

Just like a woman, the boy she admires likes a star, so she undergoes plastic surgery to become that star.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Empress of the Far North would be angry at such behavior.

First of all, the Empress of the Far North regards her senior sister as a strong woman who can rival her. However, her senior sister has no self-respect and self-respect. Her behavior has tarnished the title of strong woman and queen.

Since you like him, you have to use your true face to get the other person's love. This is true love, and the one you love is the real you.

Putting on someone else's skin and hiding the original appearance, what is this, a ghost with painted skin?

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