This is a Miracle

Chapter 457 Just die once

The golden crown condenses in the hands of the senior sister. It is one of the seven crowns of kings, symbolizing the power at the core of the superior miracle world of Avalon.

Every miracle has the ability to share its power with its owner. This is the ultimate protection and the strongest form of miracle power.

Masterless Miracles cannot use this gesture, which is why people in the Miracle World do not take Masterless Miracles seriously.

They are very free, but without a master, miracles cannot exert their true power.

"The power of two torrents converged into one," Hals couldn't take action, and Old Reed was blocking the front. He could only watch Bai Luo stack the buff: "No, he is not the node of the torrent, the node is... .”

The old uncle is the torrent node, he is the door.

The power of the torrent is very powerful, but it is destructive in itself. Once it flows through, everything will collapse and be annihilated.

However, Bai Luo did not feel the pain, as if this was not the power of a torrent, but filtered pure water.

"Do you feel it?"

The old uncle clearly noticed that the senior sister's power began to weaken, her body became ethereal, and her true body had been integrated into Bai Luo's roots and was with him.

In this state, even someone as powerful as the Queen had to be controlled by Bai Luo, because she was equivalent to liberating her own mind, allowing Bai Luo to control and control her at will.

Not to mention anything else, if Bai Luo wanted to, he could even cleanse his senior sister's memory, change her personality, and turn her into a brand new individual.

Of course, Bai Luo would not do this, and the senior sister also believed in him.

It is this trust that allows senior sister to accept Bai Luo's miracle and give everything she has to Bai Luo through the coronation ceremony.

‘Queen, does she no longer exist? ’

'The me now,' the senior sister became more and more sure of her guess: 'I am myself. ’

Thinking of this, the senior sister's body began to become transparent, and the pale golden armor on her body began to disappear, replaced by an extremely long silver-white dress. The whole person seemed to have changed from a queen who was fighting in the south to a queen. A gentle and loving goddess.

"Avalon's blessing."

The senior sister has transformed from the biological form of a miraculous person into the form of natal protection that coexists with Bai Luo.

Except for Bai Luo, no one can touch or feel her.

"What power is this?"

Bai Luo originally thought that the strength given by his senior sister,

It should be similar to Shirley, but he never expected that he would be so powerful.

He even felt that he was capable of anything at this time!

"Stop it, Feiya."

Bai Luo's face changed slightly, and he found that he could not bear the queen's power.

Vaguely, Bai Luo had a premonition that if he resonated with the queen's power again, something terrible might happen.

"Can't you fully bear it?"

The senior sister was a little disappointed. She actually wanted to completely transform into Bai Luo's power, but Bai Luo couldn't do it because the queen's power was too huge.

Fortunately, this does not affect Bai Luo's control over her.

Bai Luo can still do things like brainwashing and personality transformation, and based on the senior sister's understanding of the Queen, she is such a selfish and cautious person and will never let herself fall into such a trap, even if the other party is Bai Luo.

"Strength doesn't matter," Senior Sister said, "As long as I am Xiao Luo's, that's enough." ’

"Queen, surprisingly strong."

Bai Luo: "I only endured the tip of the iceberg of her power, and it far exceeded the miraculous power Shirley gave me."

"I can't control her powers either."

The two are connected and can instantly understand each other's thoughts without words.

However, because they could not fully resonate, they still had some secrets from each other and were not completely transparent.

It seems that the queen is not a fool. She has obviously calculated that her future self, the senior sister, will betray her, and has arranged a series of emergency measures to prevent the senior sister from surrendering to the enemy.

"Xiao Luo."

The old uncle interrupted the exchange between the two. He could feel that Bai Luo's current power was almost saturated: "The queen may be an enemy, but girl, promise me never to doubt her."


Bai Luo didn't expect that his old uncle would say this to him at this time. He had a bad feeling: "Are you okay?"

"I can, what's the matter?"

Although the old uncle's expression remained calm, Bai Luo still noticed the lines spreading on his neck, which were the tributaries of the torrent.

"The power of the torrent! This is a power with great side effects!!"

Bai Luo was startled. He originally thought that this power belonged to his uncle, but looking back at this moment, Hals blinded one eye in order to stop Ali and Bai Yinuo.

"Stop it, old man!"

Bai Luo quickly opened his mouth to stop him, but was blocked by the old uncle: "I can still hold on, you go and deal with him first."

Unable to let the old uncle's hard work go to waste, Bai Luo looked at Hals and at the same time contacted Ali and Bai Yinuo through induction.

At the same time, Bai Luo felt a sharp pain in his bones, and the blood in his body seemed to be boiling.

“Higher than the highest and above all.”

The old uncle murmured: "The descendants of Shilong are watered with the blood of the Emperor's family, and they can reach the highest level. The giant gods of the Emperor's family are tempered with the sky-slaying bone tools, and they are said to be supreme."

But this is just a theory. It will take a long time for Bai Yinuo and Ali to truly sublimate and evolve, even Torrent.

However, there is an unexpected situation here, and that is Bai Luo.

As the master of two miracles, Bai Luo can obtain the sky-killing bone weapon from Bai Yinuo, and at the same time, he can also let the Emperor Long's violent blood flow in A Li's body.

In this way, the complete supreme power and the complete supreme power gather in the same place.

"The supreme miraculous will·supreme."

It's not about Bai Yinuo and Ali, nor is it a trick they can pull off together, it's about nurturing and development.

Two powerful beings, together create a king who transcends all.

"This is the second best thing."

The old uncle doesn't know what level of miracle the Book of Yagen is, but the Twilight of the Gods and the Supreme are the highest positions that the old uncle knows and Bai Luo already knows and possesses.

Coupled with the electronic frontier and the three top items in hand, Bai Luo has enough capital even if he faces the legendary power.


Suddenly, the old uncle spit out a mouthful of black blood, and his body began to tremble. Seeing this, Bai Luo asked anxiously: "Don't continue, you..."

"Just die once."

The old uncle raised his head and smiled: "Don't forget, I am your miracle. As long as you live, I will not die."

The worst he could do was to die once. The old uncle's reason was hard for Bai Luo to accept, but he couldn't refute it.


Bai Luo didn't argue with the old uncle anymore. What he wanted to do now was to kill Hals as soon as possible, and then let the old uncle remove the source of the torrent.

Even if a miracle could lead to unlimited resurrection, Bai Luo would not allow this to happen.

This is the attitude and the bottom line. . .

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