This is a Miracle

Chapter 466: Three Meredith Emperors

"I want to get strong enough, please teach me."

Alaya has a very high emotional intelligence. Logically speaking, she shouldn't talk to people so directly, but secretly, Alaya feels like what she should say.

Different people have different personalities. When it comes to Bird, being more frank and straight to the point may be more to his liking.

"There's more to Minecraft than just the Electronic Frontier," Byrd said. "I say you can transcend it because there are more powerful powers to choose from in Minecraft, but it's up to you."


"You are very good," Bird said, "If I were still alive, maybe I would accept you as my disciple."


Alea is a gentle big sister who protects Arden like an angel, but this does not mean that she does not have a cunning side.

Few people know that Alaya also has a demonic side. When she needs to be cunning, she can fall into heaven at any time.


Bird accepted Alaya's request to be a teacher, but he was already 'dead'. Even if he became Alaya's mentor, he could not do anything to help her: "You must have heard their voices before, right?"

"Is that the whisper just now?"

"It's not a whisper," Bird said. Whispers are generally used to describe Sazzag's bewitchment, but their voices are not whispers: "It's more like God's mottos. You heard the mottos they left behind."

"Who are they?"

"The Meredian Trinity."

"The most powerful force in the electronic frontier world, electronic frontier is nothing compared to it," Byrd said.

Since she chose to call him teacher, Alaya planned to believe what Bird said. This was her instinctive judgment. The man in front of her was different from anyone she had ever seen.

Alaya can feel the attributes of different people, such as the old uncle. He is a hero, but a hero does not mean a good person, so the old uncle exudes golden and red light.

When she lost her light, it was through these flaming lights that Alea understood her uncle.

Of course, the fire and light here are just metaphors, and Alaya did not see the real fire, but this was Alaya's first impression of everyone.

Senior sister's color is silver with some black. Bai Luo has always been golden since he was a child, but after receiving the miracle, his golden color became more dazzling.

However, because of the appearance of dusk, Alaya found that there was some darkness in Bai Luo's golden color.

Like the senior sister, they all have some stains and are no longer pure.

But what is the situation of this person in front of me?

Alea called 'teacher' very simply, because in her eyes, Bird had a color that she had never seen before.

Colorful rainbow light.

Alea has never met such a person in her life.

Who is he, and why does he have so many colors, but they don't conflict with each other, but merge with each other, and finally form such incredible colors?

'saint! ’

Although the term "living saint" is also used as a saint, "living saint" is just a term that refers to a person with unimaginable talents, not a true saint.

In contrast, the Bird in front of her gave Alaya the feeling of a 'real saint'.

What is a saint?

What Alaya calls a saint is naturally not a person with great power or incredible wisdom. A strong person is a lord and an emperor, and the latter is a wise man like the old uncle.

But Byrd was not an emperor, nor was he a pure wise man.

To be honest, the main reason why Alaya called him 'saint' was because she was short of words.

No way, Alaya really couldn't find an adjective to describe the first impression the other person made on her.

Perhaps based on this, Alaya believed in her intuition. When facing the person in front of her, she did not need to worry or doubt anything. The other person would never hurt her.

Confident and unfounded, Alea did it anyway.

"What is Meredith?"

If the person who said 'Proverbs' was not Bird, Alaya would definitely think that this 'Meledi' was an evil god similar to Sazhag.

But Bird said no, then it could only be Alaya who was ignorant.

The teacher teaches that students can ask questions, but you must respect what the other person understands but you do not understand.

"It's not Meredith, it's the Trinity of Meredith."

Bird didn't care about Alaya's words. After all, even if Meredith was really here, he probably wouldn't care: "But that's not important. You just need to know that the Meredith Trinity is the highest belief of almost all scientists in the Electronic Frontier. That’s it.”

In the electronic frontier world, the highest belief of all scientists?

"Hals, Nohayak?"

Alea asked: "They also believe in this god?"


"What about you, teacher?"

"We are friends."

Bird made a surprising statement. He was not a believer in Meredith's Trinity, but was actually a friend of the other party.

"Teacher," Alaya felt that she had a better choice: "I can be your disciple."

Alaya didn't know how powerful this Meredith trinity was, but the Bird in front of her was definitely the most powerful being she had ever encountered.

Hals and Nohayak are just disciples of Meledi, but Bird is equal to Meledi. The opponent's strength is soaring upwards, and it is simply boundless.

"I am not a goddess."

Bird has no idea of ​​establishing any religion, and he has no intention of preaching. What's more, he has already accepted Alaya. Is this master-student relationship worse than that between a god and a believer?

"Don't worry, Meredith is not a cult as you think."

Bird explained to Alaya: "Melody is called the Trinity and is composed of three forms, namely the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

"Holy Father refers to Meredith. It is just a concept and does not have any substantial meaning."

“The Holy Spirit, representing the embodiment of the power of the Trinity, is the ultimate source traced by science.”

"The Holy Son, you can understand it as the savior, the walker, king, and master of the world. He is the incarnation of Emperor Meledi."

"The miracle you are about to get is the highest miracle, the Trinity."

Bird said: "When you receive this power, you can make a choice whether to be the Father, the Holy Spirit, or the Son."

"What's the difference?"

Alea doesn't know the difference between the three, and Bird needs to clear up the confusion.

"If you choose the Son, you will have this miracle alone," Byrd: "You will be the Lord of Miracles, not the Miracles."

The sons of Meredith are the real saviors in the human world. They must be independent and the masters of miracles, the rulers and supreme masters of the future kingdom of miracles.

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