This is a Miracle

Chapter 471 7 Great Powers

At the same time, the entire ship began to twist under the huge power and forcefully circle around the destination.

This is not because Alaya's Ark has the power to surpass the torrent, but simply that this sea area is a huge whirlpool. Perhaps this is the test itself. Only when you enter, will Bai Luo accept the test that only has one chance.

Staying here is to make you fully mentally prepared, whether to go in or give up...

"There is no way!!"

In the space of Yagen's Book, Bai Luo and Yagen met again. He was very excited at this time: "Are you lying to me? You are not a goddess. Not even you?"

Bai Luo felt ashamed for such a good god.

"Are you talking bad about me?"

"Shut up!"

Now that the old uncle is still injured and unconscious, Bai Luo has no interest in joking with Yagen: "Invincible against the current, what about a roundabout way? If I want to take Alaya away, is the only way to go through that sea area?"

For some reason, Bai Luo was extremely uneasy at this moment. He had a hunch that it would be absolutely impossible for him to break out of the countercurrent sea area.

That kind of power can't let people pass by at all.

No, you can't say that.

‘If it’s the old man. ’

Bai Luo subconsciously felt that the countercurrent was waiting for someone, and only this person could conquer it.

But Bai Luo felt that this person was not him.

There is no reason, I just feel that he cannot conquer it, and the one who can conquer it is another person.

"You said you could answer any of my questions," Bai Luo: "Then let me ask you, why is the countercurrent so powerful? Is it even more powerful?"

"There is no comparison between the two."

Yagen sat on the sofa. She snapped her fingers, and the surrounding environment immediately turned into a huge library. She waved, and seven patterns appeared on Bai Luo's head.

“Because miracles,” Jagan said, “are also powerful.”


"Weili is just a name. It refers to those powers that are far beyond your imagination. Just like numbers, 100 is bigger than 1, and 10 is also bigger than 1. For 1, whether it is 10 or 100, it is itself. Something untouchable.”

Yagen said, turning his fingers, and seven patterns fell in front of Bai Luo: "In ancient times, a great philosopher selected seven types of power from countless indescribably powerful powers."

"From this, people in later generations will call these powers," Yagen: "The seven great powers."

"Torrents, and miracles."

Yagen picked out two of the seven patterns and dragged them on his palm: "The name Hongliu is just a name. Its original meaning is an invisible but irresistible and unexplainable force."

"For example, where do we come from? When we do something, do we really want to do it?"

"How the world was born, and who made it come into being."

“If God created the world, then who created God?”

Yagen mentioned an example that Bailuo can best understand: "Human beings cannot even discover and define God, let alone something that creates things that cannot be defined?"

"The unexplainable source of all things, the force that drives all development," Yagen: "This is the torrent."

Bai Luo has heard about Torrent more than once, and it can be said that he is not generally familiar with it.

However, this is the first time Bai Luo has heard about miracles. Miracles are also powerful.

But if you think about it carefully, if the definition of great power is greater than human understanding, then a miracle that is beyond the understanding of all living beings will naturally also belong to a great power.

"Miracle, as the name suggests."

Yagen really couldn't find any words that could explain to Bai Luo what a miracle was.





No matter what Bai Luo said, as long as he said things that he thought were impossible, they all belonged to the attributes of miracles and were part of the miracle.

"If what you have is a real miracle, then fighting the flood is not that difficult."

"But what you have in your hand are just fragments of miracles," Yagen said, "They are just carriers used by the giant gods to carry the power of miracles in order to obtain them."

Miracles are only carriers of true power.

Only when sentient beings in the world create more incredible myths, legends and epics can miracles continue to come, thus realizing people's ultimate definition of the word "miracle".

"Great power cannot be surpassed, but great power can surpass great power, so the countercurrent is the torrent, and the torrent can go against the torrent."

The meaning of this sentence actually explains why miracles can deal with torrents. Even if they are the same level of power, great power can reverse great power.

"A miracle can also reverse a miracle?"

"The transcendent power of miracles is not called reverse miracles."

Yagen shook his head and said: "In addition, the real scientific name of miracles should be called 'incredible'."

Incredible, four words, represents wonder, emotion, excitement, disbelief...

"As for the miracle, the incredible transcendent power," Yagen said, "it's up to you to find it."

"The countercurrent appeared because Nohayak completed its construction, and he paid a huge price." Yagen: "In the same way, only you can truly define a miracle that transcends miracles. what does it look like."

"Then why do I feel like I can't conquer the countercurrent?"

"Shouldn't a miracle mission have a chance of survival?" Bai Luo said: "Can we really survive against the current?"


Yagen couldn't help Bai Luo cheat, but she could tell him: "You know the way to get through it, don't you?"


Bai Luo looked into Yagen's eyes, hoping that she would say yes, because this was what Bai Luo really thought in his heart.

Even Bai Luo couldn't explain how powerful the old uncle was.

Anyway, this man is omnipotent. He has never let Bai Luo down. Even if he is faced with a force that is impossible to defeat, such as the countercurrent, Bai Luo has confidence in him.

If the old uncle is at the helm, Bai Luo is willing to bet that he can put his life in the old man's hands and let him give it a try.

"You have more confidence in him than in yourself, right?"

"Because I believe in him!"

Bai Luo's feelings for his old uncle were no longer as simple as trusting him.

If Yaden one day faces a life-and-death battle, and in this battle, Bai Luo needs to select a marshal to lead the three armies in the battle for national destiny.

There is no doubt that Bai Luo will choose the old uncle.

Even if the old uncle loses, Bai Luo will accept the outcome of death calmly, because it is impossible for him to fight better than the old uncle.

"It's a lot of pressure."

Yagen smiled and said, "You can go out now. Your marshal is already waiting for you outside."

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