This is a Miracle

Chapter 492 The Silent One

"Xiao Luo."

The communication in the world of consciousness only lasts for a moment, but those present are all miracle entities. In front of them, this kind of idea is meaningless for a moment.

However, everyone present did not interrupt Bai Luo, but waited quietly for him to give instructions.

Bai Luo's exchange with Ya Gen ended, and he opened his eyes again: "Funeral, we need a funeral."


Bai Luo's expression was very calm, the sadness had passed, replaced by confidence and determination.

To be honest, everyone was actually worried about him, worried that Bai Luo would be too immersed in the departure of his old uncle. Seeing him cheering up so quickly, everyone naturally wouldn't think Bai Luo was unkind. After all, Bai Luo The relationship between Luo and his uncle is by no means comparable to others.

Through the miraculous connection, everyone felt Bai Luo's confidence at this time. He seemed to be sure of what he was going to do.

"Could it be that Saros..."

Old Luwei was the first to speak. He asked Bai Luo: "Master, is there any way to bring him back?"


Bai Luo nodded. Seeing this, the senior sister hurriedly said: "This is a bit difficult. Even a miracle cannot restore the injuries caused by Wei Li."


Bai Luo told everyone what Yagen told him about the Silent One.

"Feiya, you have the wisdom of a queen," Bai Luo said, "Let's go and see if there are any clues about this silent person."


If the former senior sister ever thought about surpassing the old uncle.

But now, having truly experienced the old man's departure, the senior sister regretted it. She felt that maybe it would be better for the old uncle to stay with them.


Soon, the senior sister extracted information about the 'Silent One': "According to what my previous queen knew, the Silent One is an extremely ancient and powerful god who is in charge of everything after destruction."


"Annihilation is not death, but complete disappearance."

Wei Li did destroy the old uncle, so the equivalent can be made here, that is, the old uncle 'ceased to exist'.

Therefore, the Silent One did not deny the destructive power of the torrent. She affirmed its power, but at the same time, the Silent One could bring people back from the time they ceased to exist.

Not resurrection or salvation, but bringing something back from nothing.

"No one can find the silent one, what exists cannot be seen, and what does not exist will not exist."

What the Queen means is that existing people cannot see the Silent One, only non-existent people can see her. But the problem is, since people don't exist, what's the point of not being able to see her.

"You want to steal people from it?"

The senior sister realized what Bai Luo was going to do. He was going to summon the Silent One, and then let her cease to exist and bring the old uncle back.

In this way, the old uncle can be resurrected without violating the absolute law of power.

"Yes, this is the only way."


Bai Luo said: "This guy is a bit dangerous."

Bai Luo asked Yagen, and Yagen told him that the Silent One is an existence that cannot be controlled. She is very powerful and moody.

Even if Bai Luo holds a skull gold coin, it is not easy to buy a dead person from her.

There is a risk in this, and if the Silent Ones become angry, they may become enemies.

“We have to be prepared for the possibility that the deal goes bad and then we need to take someone by force.”

Bai Luo was ready to fight. Even if it was the legendary Silent One, if it was to save his old uncle, he would not hesitate to swing his sword against him.

Dusk has been waiting for Bai Luo's call. When necessary, this supreme miracle will be unsheathed again.

"let's start."

"As the gold coins indicate," Bai Luo: "We need a funeral for the old man to lie there."


This is no longer the world of the electronic frontier. Returning to reality, Bai Luo looked around and summoned Lilith.


Seeing Bai Luo, Lilith's face was full of surprises. She was worried at first, because the crisis, tension and sadness kept coming from Miracle Connection, which worried Lilith to death.

"What kind of place is this? It doesn't seem to be the Land of Miracles."

Bai Luo noticed that this was the sea, and there was a small island not far away, but it was difficult to confirm where exactly this place was.

"You'll know after you try it."

The Rakshasa on the side pulled out the Iai from his waist. In an instant, the invisible sword energy slid past, splitting the sea into two, and continued until it stopped at the small island.

"Strength test results," Rakshasa: "There is no blessing from kings here, it is not a land of miracles."

"The lower realm?"

Bai Luo felt that the lower realm might be better: "The strength of the Silent One is unpredictable. If he is summoned rashly, it is likely to arouse the perceptions of the kings. In the lower realm, at least you don't have to worry about being disturbed."

"Lilith, transform this island."

"Feiya," Bai Luo said, "carve all the mountains on that island for me in the style of my Adun clan."


Senior sister and Lilith took action together, and for a moment, this mortal island was enveloped in the power of miracles.

Flowers are blooming, dead trees are blooming, and at the same time, a golden light curtain falls from the sky. The power of Avalon from the Utopia is constantly improving the level of the island, striving to shape it into a garden outside the Hall of Valor.

In addition, all funeral needs must be carried out according to the rules of the Adun people.

What the Skeleton Gold Coin really needs is not these rituals, but the heartfelt remembrance. This kind of emotional thing is the key to attracting the silent ones.

Of course, if there are no gold coins, even if there are remembrances, it will be useless, so the key is gold coins.

Soon, Bai Luo asked everyone to arrange everything.

Bai Luo looked at the old man lying among the flowers. His expression was so peaceful, and there seemed to be no pain or uneasiness at all.

"Do you just trust me that much?"

The old uncle didn't see the moment when Bai Luo succeeded. He died before that. But the old uncle didn't worry. Even if he didn't see the ending, he closed his eyes with peace of mind.

Not for anything else, just because the person who carries his hope is Bai Luo. He is extremely confident and proud of his child.

There is nothing Bai Luo can't do, and he will definitely succeed. No one knows this better than the old uncle.

"But I still want to bring you back."

"Even if it's just to let you see me come out alive," Bai Luo: "So, please forgive me for being willful. No matter what, I can't just watch you leave."


Bai Luo stood at the front of the crowd and said, "A moment of silence."

Remembering the old uncle does not require any preparation or emotion. He himself is a living legend. The story about him, the loss and pain of his passing, have always been in everyone's heart.

And these reluctances finally turned into a request, that is, he hoped that Bai Luo would bring his old uncle back.

He can't die here yet, he shouldn't die anywhere.

"Let me see your true face."

Bai Luo clenched the skull gold coin in his hand, and then raised his head. At the same time, his eyes seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist, and in the haze, he saw a figure: "The Silent One."

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