This is a Miracle

Chapter 496 Father and Daughter

The old uncle left Bai Luo. He said that he was going to the world of Yizhou. This was not wrong, but he did not go immediately.

The torrent opened the barrier, but even without the torrent, with the current ability of the old uncle, he could actually come and go freely. Otherwise, he would not have been able to tell Bai Luo that he would be back immediately as long as Bai Luo summoned him.

You can go back if you can, there is no difference between the two.

"You are waiting for me here specially. Do you want to say something to me?"

Fog enveloped the area, and a figure appeared next to the old uncle. It was the Silent One who had previously traded with Bai Luo.

"You shouldn't have let that kid bring me back."

"I've done that before," Silencer: "But it didn't turn out well."

"It's me this time."

"But this has nothing to do with me."

The Silent One heard the solicitation in the old uncle's words, but she did not intend to get caught up in it, because this was not her war at all.

"They are the giants who created the world, and they are closely related to this world, and I, I am just a passerby."

The Silent One said: "Itijharla, Kanafate, Owenline, Atian, and I, we should not get involved too much."

“You have the power to step in.”

"It's not your place to say this," the Silent One said, taking off the hood on his head, revealing a pale face: "What should I call you, the three heroes of Muzaru, the great Ya Tian, ​​or my father?"


The old uncle's mood became more and more depressed. He came back from the dead and learned many things, such as his relationship with the woman in front of him and why she hated him.

There, the old uncle entered an indescribable state, and a lot of wisdom kept coming.

It seems like infinite time, but also like not a second has passed.

He felt that he had seen a lot, but vaguely, the old uncle felt that time was not moving at all, and he had never sensed anything. Everything was illusory, just his own imagination and memories.

The same is true now.

The old uncle met the Silent One, but did he really meet such a person and not just his personal imagination?

True and false, right and wrong.

When you reach a certain state, some things, some things, are difficult to distinguish so clearly.

Just like Bai Luo met Ya Gen, the old uncle met the Silent One. In his mind, the other person's name should be Azales, and his identity was his daughter who should have existed but did not exist.

"You gave all your love to Arden, he is your pride."

"As for me……"

Azales drifted backwards, keeping a certain distance from his old uncle: "It's just a secret you don't want others to know."

"The daughter of Attian, one who should never speak."

"She is not even as good as Isefiya!"

Azales's voice became colder and colder. Suddenly, she raised the sickle in her hand, and the blade was placed across the old uncle's neck: "Is this the gift you gave me?"

"Your power is far stronger than you think," the old uncle said, "so you shouldn't speak."

"Then why come to me now?"

"Because I need your power."

The old uncle didn't know why he said these words, but somehow, he felt that he should say this: "He needs your strength."


Azales was so angry that he almost stopped holding the scythe: "That's enough! I will not help him, nor will I be his enemy. This is my answer. The past, present, and future will never change!"

"I have prepared a physical body for you."

"I said that……"

"Give me a chance to make amends," the old uncle said affectionately before the other party could speak, "My child."


As the ancient Silent One, the gatekeeper of the boundary between existence and non-existence, Azales had never seen such a shameless person.

However, the other party's identity was Atian who came to the world, and what he said was like, 'What would Atian say if he existed?'

If Atian and the Silent One did not exist, then their conversation would naturally be impossible.

On the contrary, if they both exist and are both human beings who can talk and communicate, this moment is the line when they meet.

"Do you think I hate you because I want to call you father?"

"You are also my pride."

The old uncle's face was red but his heart was not beating and he started to say what Azales liked to hear: "Isn't it because of my evaluation of him that you deliberately made things difficult for him before?"

"Fate changes, right?"

The old uncle analyzed the result from Azales' previous words. He was supposed to die, but now, Bai Luo has resurrected him.

No, not Bai Luo.

Azales has absolute control over the dead. If she is not willing to let her back, it will be useless no matter how talented Bai Luo is.

So, it was Azales who made the choice.

"Tell me your fate, child."

"In the future you see," the old uncle said, "what will happen to Xiao Luo, and how will it end?"

"tell me."

"leave me alone!"

The sickle was pressed against the old uncle's chest, and Azales was furious: "It's been him and him since the beginning. Is he so important in your heart?"

"More important than me?"


The old uncle was silent for a while. Logically speaking, he should follow the other person's words now, but for some reason, the old uncle didn't want to lie on this matter, because that was his bottom line: "Yes, in my eyes, he is better than Nothing matters."


The sickle was raised high, and a flash of killing intent flashed in Azales's eyes: "Then use your life in exchange for me to help him!"

"Forget it."

The old uncle shook his head. He didn't want to risk his life here: "You can't turn the tide with your own strength. I'd better find other forces."


Azales was shocked. She never expected that her uncle would react like this.

What about comfort, compromise, or submission?

"You are right, you have always been the insignificant one, both in my mind and in Atian's mind."

This is the truth. First of all, the old uncle's name is Saros. He has never met the Silent One and has no feelings for her. Looking at her is like looking at the daughter of his previous life, which is meaningless.

Then, does Atian care about this daughter?

No, he didn't care at all.

Atian only cares about his career. He is like the kind of man who can forget all about his family for the sake of his career, except for Atian.

Atian loved his last student as much as his old uncle doted on Bai Luo.

He has always been their pride.

"This is the answer," the old man said, "and it's also the truth."

"If Atian came to the world and became a human being," the old uncle said, "these are what he would say to you."

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