This is a Miracle

Chapter 506 Don’t hurt your kindness

"War can still keep peace."

Siglian looked at the young man in front of him. He did not dare to look down upon his young age. Miracles were not the norm. It was normal for some young people to show extraordinary talents.

"Of course you can."

Helbo smiled and said: "Hitting you suddenly is called harming one's temper. We have agreed on the location and the method of attack in advance. Isn't it much more harmonious?"

"Oh, this is called harmony."

Sigurian said: "You call this kindness?"

"Okay, even if you are friendly," Siglian said, "but there must be a reason for war. Why are you fighting? What is the reason for fighting?"

"War is nothing more than resources, face, honor, and revenge."

"But I, Adun, have no enmity with Nanhai Kingdom, and the previous matters have been resolved privately."

As for face and honor, that's a bit bullshit.

If a country really goes to war over this, then this country will probably make countless enemies and will be besieged by foreign powers sooner or later.


Heerbo liked the feeling of diplomacy with Nanhai Country very much. It was not like being an envoy to Aolai Country, where he was restricted in everything and had to pay attention to his words and deeds. He was deeply afraid of offending King Aolai and causing trouble to Adun.

However, the Nanhai Kingdom is different. Morgan is notoriously cowardly. When dealing with them, Helbona must be aloof and show off the demeanor of a great power.

What is the style of a great country?

He must be arrogant. If he has the ability, he is still hiding it. That would be too cowardly.

"My Lord's intention is for me to express an attitude to the King of Nanhai."

Haierbo said: "My lord just wants to defeat the King of the South China Sea openly and openly and make him surrender, instead of using other means to force or threaten!"


Siglian had no doubts. He was very accurate in judging people. There was no sense of conspiracy in Helbo. He was a hero.

Such people will not do sneaky things.

"But King Adun still broke the agreement."

"What use can a place like the Council of Kings and that kind of agreement do?"

Helbo: ​​"Playing house, everyone hides and greets everyone with a smile. The Holy Emperor and the others are watching above, who dares not to give them a good look?"

Naturally, these words were not spoken by Heerbo alone. As a messenger, Heerbo could clearly feel Bai Luo's emotions and part of his cognition.

It can be said that Haierbo can tell Bai Luo's true words.

On the one hand, it is the connection, on the other hand, he understands Bai Luo and his own master.

"You are not afraid, your Lord is not afraid."

Sigurian said: "We dare not and cannot challenge the Holy Covenant."

"My lord does not want the Nanhai Kingdom to join," Haierbo said, "but to become a vassal!"


Sairavel had never thought that someone would dare to speak so wildly in her own base camp, which completely subverted her three views: "Your country and your king are not with you now!"


Helbo met Seravel's gaze without showing any signs of weakness, and he said solemnly: "Then please take a closer look, look more carefully, and see if my lord is standing behind me at this time!"


Of course Bai Luo is not here, but the lord Herbo is referring to is the entire Arden, the country and power behind him.

The most important point of envoy diplomacy is to clarify one's position and status.

Whether the country has the ability to support what he said, and whether he has the confidence to do so, Herbo knows all too well.

Bai Luo had told him that Arden might not be invincible now, but he really didn't take him seriously: "If he dares to touch you, I will destroy his country!" ’


Seraville fell behind, and just as Helbo said, Bailuo and Arden were really behind him.

If she dared to touch Helbo, even just to abuse him, it would be a big deal.

"This kid has regained the rhythm again."

Sigrian found that everyone had been attracted by Helbo's arrogance and began to think and debate in that direction. This was not a good thing: "Let me think about it, King Aden's rules are not set by him, right?"

"The strong make the rules."

"Strong? What kind of strong? Have you ever fought? If you haven't fought, you are called strong?"

Sigurian said: "I also think that Nanhai Kingdom is very strong, stronger than Aton. Do you agree?"

"You must disagree."

Sigrian: "Since you don't agree, why do you think I will agree?"

Sigerian's quick attack made Seravel confused, and the Deep Sea King also frowned. As for Morgan, he didn't understand it at first, and now he is even more confused.

"The rules should be set by my Lord."

"Without discussion?"

Siglian smiled and said: "Okay, then starting from tomorrow, my father will let us adopted sons and daughters lead our people to drill into the endless plane, and the sea monsters left in the Miracle Land will continue to attack the coast of your Arden.”

"Unless you kill all the sea beasts, there will never be peace."

What Bai Luo wants is to cut through the mess quickly and defeat the Nanhai Kingdom in one go. Siglian doesn't know why Bai Luo is so impatient.

But no matter what, if you are anxious, he will do the opposite, right?

If you want to fight, you can. We will fight for ten to eight years.

After fighting a war of attrition and fighting for resources, Sigurian even used his 'time', which was exactly what Bai Luo didn't want to see.

‘This man is so powerful. ’

Helbo was caught twice in a row by Sigurian. He wanted to avoid it, but Sigurian caught it accurately: "The South China Sea seems to be a lot more rogue than I thought."

"Stop irritating my eldest brother and sister."

Sigrian spoke quickly, reminding the Deep Sea King and Seravir that Helbo's plan to anger them failed before it even started.

"It's just you and me here."

"You can represent your king, and I can represent my father."

"If you want to win the battle, Nanhai Country cannot win, but can't we just stop fighting?"

Siglian was reminding Morgan that Bai Luo was in such a hurry to attack the Nanhai Kingdom, but instead of calling immediately, he sent someone to notify him first, obviously not wanting to make a big fuss.

Otherwise, why didn't Bai Luo send troops as soon as he came up and overthrow the Nanhai Kingdom?

Obviously, Bai Luo knew very well that attacking Nanhai Kingdom for no reason would make Adun the target of public criticism at the meeting of kings.

"You are like this..."

Helbo thought for a moment. With a smart man like Siglian around, he really couldn't take advantage of the loophole.

This is not a matter of experience or lack of experience, it is entirely a matter of meeting an opponent.

Sigurian can see through his own thoughts, and he can completely guess Bai Luo's mentality. This is impossible to play.

"Then I have nothing to say."

Helbo turned and left. As soon as he left, Morgan couldn't sit still.

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