This is a Miracle

Chapter 520: Ymir, the Forefather of Gods

What appeared in front of Princess Leo was a monster.

What kind of monster?

Forgive her for her lack of words. It is difficult for her to use any words or embellishments to describe what the creature she saw was.

The twisted worm-like base layer represents ancient single-celled organisms. Going up, there are fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and finally, on a huge body hundreds of meters high, The half body of a woman covered in pure white and incredibly beautiful.

This is the terrifying evil god Idhaigod who carries and swallows the changes of every living thing, imprinting its characteristics on the body, so that all things can last forever! "

Heroes emerge, kings ascend, legends ascend to gods, epics dominate, myths are great.

The five major transformations and transcendent skills of the Son of Miracle, from the initial enlightenment that can be connected, to the ascension where the power of the law gathers, and now, the legendary ascension, from pure energy and laws, to a more powerful power!

Like the supreme gods worshiped by mortal beings in the world, they hold the power to tear apart the heavens with them as swords, knives, spears and shields.

Deng Shen, its counterpart, is called Deng Xian.

Regardless of whether they are gods or immortals, their essence is an existence that transcends all living beings.

They are rulers and managers. As long as they can take this step, without exception, they are all the best in the field of miracles. Put in the infinite dimensions, each of them is the top dimensional master.

Not to mention anything else, if Skadi died here, her body would be transformed into a dimension, which shows how terrifying the energy contained in her body is.

"It's crazy, releasing such power in your own miracle country!"

The Miracle War was once limited to the hero level, and even the masters could not use their secrets and domain skills, because this would destroy the hard-won Miracle territory on a large scale.

But now, Skadi actually released her complete body as soon as she came up. Not to mention the frost giants, even Concubine Leo felt a lot of pressure.

"What on earth are you doing?"

Concubine Leo did not choose to enter her divine state, but asked: "The power of legend is not allowed to appear in the miracle world, don't you know?"

The number of legends is limited. The third level can only have five, the fourth level is twelve, and the fifth level is twenty-one. Exceeding the specifications will not change the number of miracle people, and there is no difference between them and the five level.

Let’s talk about epic poems. There can be three people in the Four Awakenings, and there are only two more in the Five Awakenings, reaching 5 people.

Shinhwa can only be cultivated by the five senses, and the number is still limited, and only one person can be cultivated.

Calculated in this way, there are only twenty mythical miracle powerhouses in the world tied together, and there are more epics, more than 100.

As for the legend, it will definitely be more than three or four hundred, but it will not exceed four figures.

However, even without myths and epics, the battles between these nearly 1,000 legends can destroy the Miracle Land countless times.

Just like Bai Luo's nuclear bombs in his previous life, if all were launched, it would only take the blink of an eye to wipe out human civilization.

Concubine Leo didn't dare to take action. To put it bluntly, she couldn't afford the consequences of the legendary war.

Just like two countries going to war, with one side using nuclear weapons unscrupulously and causing global pollution everywhere, what Skadi is doing now is no different from this.

She can, but Concubine Leo can't. She doesn't want Beihai to become the target of public criticism.

"Your Frost Giant is not weak, at worst it is hero level."

Skadi slowly raised his hand: "I want to know, could they resist the authority of the legend?"

There are three major differences between heroes, masters, kings, and legends. Facing a legendary strongman, although four to five hundred heroes can fight with him, this kind of 'battle' is more about resisting and competing, not overcome.

Gu/span\u003eThe heroic level cannot cause any substantial damage to the legendary powerhouse with its energy alone.

After ascending to the gods, the body is composed of infinite laws. Even if it is the energy of a cosmic explosion, it is immune to the law of "energy strikes are invalid" and there is nothing you can do.

It can be said that as long as there is no contact with the divine posture, it will be useless no matter how many heroes come.

Their only way to fight is to wait for the legend to make a move, and then do their best to neutralize the opponent's attack.

Use energy to expend it, and use ten times or a hundred times the loss to regain your footing!

"Damn it!"

Concubine Leo couldn't wait any longer. She was not afraid of Skadi's attack, even if she didn't enter the divine state.

Every miracle powerhouse has more than one life.

Of course, it's a bit strange to talk about life. To be more precise, it should be self-sealing.

Princess Leo is an epic, and Skadi is a legend. Rather than gaining further status through awakening, it is better to say that they have liberated the shackles originally bound to the outside of the body and broken through the original illusion and body.

Although Princess Leo's current state is only in the heroic realm, once she is attacked beyond the endurance range of the heroic level, the heroic posture will be broken, revealing the kingly posture underneath.

In the same way, the king's posture cannot be resisted, which will reveal the legendary ascension to the gods and the even more terrifying epic master.

From the perspective of outsiders, this is similar to the first and second stages, like fighting a boss.

But in essence, they have no form. They put on layers of clothes just to better walk on the miraculous land.

There is only one ontology, the ontology of epic is epic, and the ontology of legend is legend.

Kings also have the body of the law, but this body is not stable and their control is insufficient, so it is easy to run away in reality, be eroded by power, and disappear completely.

"Under the cracking abyss, in the darkness, there is the insurmountable void."

"I am the world's first non-god giant!"

Concubine Leo has disappeared, replaced by boundless mist.


Suddenly, a hand as big as a mountain parted the fog, and what emerged from it was indeed a majestic giant climbing high with Skadi.

Ascension to the Gods: Ymir, the Forefather of Gods

The giant's skin was crystal clear, with golden light flowing like a river inside, which was her blood.

Nine whirlpools are like gates, arranged everywhere, and behind them are connected nine different dimensions, fire, darkness, death, fog, human world, divine world...

Endless energy surged out from it, passing through the golden torrent, transmitting the power that could destroy the world to the giant's limbs and bones.

The mist behind Princess Leo fell behind her, turned into white hair, fell like a tsunami, smashed the frozen earth, and was woven into clothes on her body, making her sacred body more beautiful and beautiful. Adding a touch of ruggedness and originality.

"Is this Concubine Leo's ascension to the gods?"

Seravel was observing in the dark. Although they were both gods, Concubine Leo's divinity was obviously a level higher than that of Skadi.

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