This is a Miracle

Chapter 523 Cheating

Unable to observe!

Bud actually knew very well that there was a type of people that he was unable to identify and recognize.

The body of miracles, and the Lord of Miracles!

They have their own mystery. No matter how powerful the Children of Miracles are, they will never be able to compete with real miracles in terms of essence and mystery.

"Are you the Lord of Miracles?"

No, it's impossible. No lord of miracles would personally conquer this point.

"Miracle body!"

Bard gritted his teeth and revealed the identity of Old Reed: "The dignified Miracle body actually helped Morgan's people to attack our Beihai. How shameless!"

"The power of words."

Lao Luwei naturally knew that he was suspected of bullying the younger ones, but so what?

In the senior sister's fantasy, Lao Luwei is someone who can kill even his own senior brothers. Since he has chosen the path of loyalty, there will be no doubts about it until the end.


Hall stepped forward: "You are no match for him. Only if we work together can we have a chance of winning."

"Even if I die fighting, I don't need anyone to help me!"

Without Old Reed, Bud might have asked Hall to take action.

But now, it was like there was a thorn in his heart. Old Luwei took action shamelessly, but he, Bader, wanted to be shameless and did not want to cooperate with others, fighting two against one.

As if to silently despise Old Reed through this method, Bud took action angrily.

The infinite law was sublimated, and finally turned into a golden giant sword that could cut off the heaven and the earth. The god-like body he obtained clenched it with both hands, and then chopped it down on the old reed's head.

This simple move, in essence, condenses the power of a lifetime.

There was no way to avoid it, because it was not attacking in front of or under his feet, but aimed at Old Luwei, his existence itself. Even if Old Luwei fled to the ends of the earth, he had to bear this sword.

The power of ascending to the gods is powerful because it is a sure-fire move.

Once you succeed in ascending to the gods, you can just swing the sword casually to kill enemies from far away and wipe out countless enemies.

"Are you looking down on me?"

Old Luwei was not angry, but felt that this guy named Bud was very stupid.

"You didn't even see the distance between you and me, and you rushed up."


The sword is drawn and then sheathed.


The golden giant sword is broken from the middle. This move cannot hide it, but it can break it.

With the limited power of miracles, trying to touch the infinite body of miracles, even if the sword fell on Lao Luwei, it would not be able to cause any harm to him. Even if the two sides released it in an instant, it would be a world of difference.

The power of miracles that the five-sense miracle can use is equivalent to that of the mythical level, but the latter is limited, while the former is endless.

Coupled with the invulnerable body, the mythical level can only compete with real miracles for a period of time, and it is impossible to really compare with them.


Golden blood splashed out from Bard's divine body. He looked horrified. He didn't expect that the gap between the two sides would be so big.

One blow not only broke his authority, but also left injuries on him that were difficult to recover from.

"Four senses, no, you are, the miraculous body of the five senses!"

"I just realized it now."

Old Luwei: "You don't even understand who I am. Your arrogance is too ridiculous."


"help me!"

Bud finally let go of his arrogance. He was afraid. His fear of Old Reed overwhelmed his persistence and asked his brother for help.

"Back off, we are no match for him. This matter is not something we can deal with."

Hall had actually noticed the extraordinary origin of Old Reed early on, and he couldn't see the depth of the other party at all. From this, it can be seen that the other party has a noble status and is by no means a miraculous citizen like them.

It is very normal for the Miracle Body to take action and the Son of Miracle to be unable to stop it.

What they should do now is not to continue spending time here with Old Luwei. That would be asking for death. As ministers, they should report the situation here to the King of Beihai as soon as possible and let him make a decision.

"What a joke!!"

Bud couldn't accept being like a mouse and fled back in despair.

He would rather die than become a deserter!

"This is not a deserter, my brother, why don't you understand?"

"never mind."

Hall didn't want to argue with Bud. He wanted to tell the North Sea King about the existence of Old Reed. This matter must be reported.

"Stop it!!"

However, Bud suddenly stopped Hall, and the endless golden light fell on Hall like a waterfall, covering him.

"What are you doing?!"

"Are you crazy?"

Hall: "You have lost your mind. Let me go. Something is wrong with this incident. My king has fallen into their trap!"

Hall's judgment was correct. He was not going to be a deserter, but was going to fully report the current situation to Ogesel.

Although Ogesel was angry, but with the Five Senses Miracle body taking action, no matter how angry he was, he would stay away, hang up his avoidance card, and not care about them.

Five sleeps versus four sleeps, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for the latter to beat the other party.

So after losing for a while, there is no shame in even simply admitting defeat.

If everything really has to be solved by force, then why do we need the Council of Kings and the Holy Covenant?

When the weak encounter the strong, the law is the best weapon to protect themselves.


The power of darkness surged out of Hall's body, and he firmly believed that his judgment was correct. It was Bard who was too stubborn and arrogant.

He didn't pay attention to the people here at all, nor did he take Ogsel's words to heart. They were just the vanguard and sentinels who came here to observe the situation.

If the enemy is weak, you can defeat it yourself and then go back to claim credit.

But the enemy is so powerful. How can a five senses miracle body be regarded as blind and invisible when it is clearly placed in front of them?

He Hall is blind, but his heart is not blind, and the darkness in front of him does not obscure his reason.

On the contrary, it was Bud who wanted to join him and fight to the death with Old Reed.


Where did Bard get the courage and confidence that two legends could compete with a five-sense miracle?

"It also……"

Bai Luo was also watching the internal strife between Bard and Hall at this time. He couldn't understand something: "Is there such a thing? Aren't the Sons of Miracles not allowed to do things that harm the Lord of Miracles? What's going on?"

"It's unknown whether it's good or bad."

Sigurian said: "There is no absolute certainty about what is good for my father and what is bad for him."

If there really is such a restriction, let the Son of Miracle feel it before the war begins.

"Well, I can't do this thing, so it must be bad for the Lord of Miracles. I can do that thing, so that thing must be good for the Lord of Miracles."

Sigurian smiled and said: "How can there be such a thing? Are you right, His Excellency King Adun?"

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