This is a Miracle

Chapter 532 The Beginning of Julianism

But Bai Luo was just a new Lord of Miracles. He had just entered their world. He didn't understand the rules and made mistakes. It was nothing.

After all, who among the people here didn’t make mistakes during their rookie period?

Anyone can make a mistake once. This is the judgment given by the Holy Emperor. He has already moved towards Bai Luo, but the rules are the rules.

Bai Luo is also one of the kings who has signed a sacred covenant. Since he wants to participate in international talks, he cannot break the rules at will and must be logical and reasonable when doing things.

Of course, if Bai Luo's strength far exceeds the Holy Covenant, that would be a different matter.

"It's too early to speak, Emperor."

The meeting was in progress, but several Lords of Miracles came from the void in the distance.

Bai Luo had never seen these people before, presumably they were people who had never participated in the meeting of kings. Among them, a figure bathed in golden light walked to the round table and sat in front of the Holy Three Emperors.

Saint Odd, the most powerful person in the Golden Ancient Kingdom besides the ancient emperor, is the master of the five senses and miracles.

No, you can't say that.

In fact, the ancient emperor did not manage the Golden Ancient Kingdom very much. The person in front of him should be the one who truly rules this big country and manages more than twenty Miracle Lords as the leader of the alliance.

"Sun Emperor."

Ogesel finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Saint Odd arriving.

Bai Luo had connections, and so did he.

Although it cannot be compared with Bai Luo's huge network of interpersonal relationships accumulated by his old uncle, Ogsel is not alone. There are people behind him, and they are the golden country of the Northern Continent.

"Do people from the Northern Continent also want to get involved in our affairs?"

The female sword emperor's tone was a bit cold. She and Saint Odd were similar in strength and were not afraid of each other.

"What you said is wrong, Your Excellency the Female Sword Emperor."

Saint Aude said: "The North Sea is located in the north of the Northern Continent. It is also related to us. The communication on the sea was thanks to the King of the North Sea in the past. Now that our allies are in trouble, I can't just sit back and watch."

In addition to the Sun Emperor, there were three other people, and they were all masters of miracles that Bai Luo had never seen before.

There were two men and one woman among them, and what surprised Bai Luo was that there was a black man among them.

Bai Luo had met Westerners and Easterners in the Miracle Land, but this was the first time he saw black people.

"Queen of the Frontier Isese, Lord of the All Gods Baloano, and Kaslin."

The female Sword Emperor's voice sounded in Bai Luo's mind, and she told him the identities of the three people opposite him.

The Queen of the Frontier, also known as the conqueror of the northern land, her appearance and shape give Bailuo a feeling of the Mongolian steppe, and her miracle, called ‘The Name of Khan’, is a mid-level miracle resource.

The miracle of the leader of the gods is a miraculous object, a spear like a flame, like a weapon and a sacrificial object, in order to declare that he is the god of all gods.

The last Caslin is the black man Bai Luo saw earlier.

"I heard that his territory borders the Awakened Ones of the Eastern Empire, but the two are clearly distinct," the female sword emperor said: "His miracle is also in the middle, and it is a kind of miracle clan."

Median Miracle Clan·Original Singer]

Median miraculous resources·reliable in the name of sweat]

The middle miraculous thing: Mani’s authority]

Three miracles, all of which are mid-level, plus a high-level miracle with a high-level miracle·The beginning of Julian]

"what is that?"

Bai Luo heard about St. Odd's miracle, which was a high-level miracle, but he didn't understand what it was for a while.

But to have the reputation of being a superior, its power cannot be underestimated.

A high-level artifact, unless it is facing the most high-level miraculous creature, will have an advantage against anyone unless it is facing a high-level miraculous creature.


The female Sword Emperor explained: "The beginning of the Julian calendar was the oldest calendar in the world, recording the ancient laws of the sun, moon, stars, and natural climate changes."

St. Odd's miracle is a huge golden disk on which every star and every moment of time is engraved.

His miraculous objects are seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years, powerful artifacts that control these eternal times and use them as swords and shields to fight.


Bai Luo: "It's indeed a bit powerful."

However, the miracle of becoming a superior is not that simple. It is impossible to become a superior simply by taking time.

"It's clearly defined."

The senior sister said: "Since ancient times, only when there is time can there be history and meaning. Its miracle is not a simple moment, but a clear definition."

Just like there is no consciousness in this world, even if billions of years have passed in the universe, no one will feel that it is slow or fast, so the meaning of time is completely lost.

Only when an accurate method of chronology is born, and those who remember it, will future generations know what happened in the past.

"This miracle and my Avalon complement each other and restrain each other."

The beginning of Julian is very similar to the world of Avalon, but the former is the reference of history, and the latter is the recorder of history.

However, if there is no exact calendar, such as such-and-such year and such-and-such month, then even if you write down the history, it will only become a sentence: "I just shot a wild boar."

But decades later, when future generations saw this sentence again, they looked blank.

What does 'just' mean?

How many days ago? years ago? Decades ago?

Day or night?

Not only that, if there is no exact calendar and commemorative standard, it will appear that people over there count 20 days as one year old, and people here count 200 days as one year old.

Inexplicably, when future generations read history, they will read "so-and-so lived 800 years old."

There are differences in the concept of age, which will lead to a series of problems.

"Clear definition."

When the whole world refers to the same words and the same calendar, and uses a certain day as the New Year, then there will be standards and foundations for how old you are and when to do things.

It is no exaggeration to say that the calendar is the oldest objective reference. It represents the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, the rising tide and the west, and the waxing and waning of the moon.

The original sources of what people call numbers, language, methods, and dialectics are objective laws that clearly exist.

When one sees the sun, one says, 'Look, sun'.

Another guy saw it too and said 'Oh, sun'.

Different people use the same thing as a connecting point to form an organization, a clan, and a country.

"The source of all reference objects," Senior Sister: "This is the superior miraculous thing - the beginning of Julian."

With such a miracle, St. Odd's arrogance is understandable.

The Lord of Miracles is the essence of miracles. If a person is equivalent to the reference object of the whole world, then no one will be a humble person, that one who will never change and be eternal.

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