This is a Miracle

Chapter 549 Human Nature

"Boom boom boom!"

The senior sister held the holy sword and quickly collided with Aenea who had lost her mind.

The high-level holy sword, second only to the most high-level miracle, slashed at Aenea's body again and again, but Tiehanhan's body seemed to be indestructible. No matter how much the senior sister attacked, it was difficult to leave a single scar on her body.

"Is this the final emperor?"

Bai Luo got some information about Emperor Zhong Yan from Ya Gen.

The Final Emperor is one of the legendary dragon gods in the Miracle World. Like the Miracle Dragon and the Infinity Dragon, he is the top miraculous creature.

Even weapons as powerful as Dawn and Dusk can only break through its defenses.

As for victory or defeat, it depends on the strength of the person holding the weapon.

If you are not capable enough, even holding Dusk will be meaningless in front of Emperor Zhongyan. You will still have to die no matter what.

"Feiya, come back to my side."

Bai Luo spoke, and the senior sister quickly waved her sword to force Aenea back, and then retreated: "Have you found a way?"

"Need dusk."

"Too dangerous!!"

Upon hearing Dusk, the senior sister immediately exclaimed: "You can't control it, is there no other way?"

From the senior sister's point of view, saving Aenea requires pulling out Dusk, but once Dusk is unsheathed, Bai Luo will be in even greater danger than Aenea.

After seeing that kind of terrifying power once, senior sister really didn't want to see it again.

She couldn't bear to see Bai Luo enter that state again.

Cold, desperate, and cruel, even the miraculous beings like them were frightened and trembled with Bai Luo at dusk.

"I can suppress it temporarily, I'm sure, don't worry."

After Bai Luo finished speaking, he raised his hand and started to reunite with Dusk. Seeing how determined he was, the senior sister stopped persuading him and instead resisted the rushing Aenea to buy time for Bai Luo.


The originally clear sky was covered with dark clouds, and the whole world dimmed at this moment. In Bai Luo's hand, a cross sword burning with flames slowly condensed.

At the same time, Bai Luo's eyes appeared a touch of orange-red, like amber.

"Don't use its power."

In Bai Luo's mind, Yagen's voice suddenly came, which made his consciousness clear up for a moment: 'No, I almost got addicted again. ’

Dusk's power was too terrifying. Just by holding him, Bai Luo had the idea of ​​using it to destroy everything.

Fortunately, Yagen woke him up in time, so he didn't sink completely.

"Restrain yourself and don't indulge in it."

Bai Luo muttered silently in his heart, while condensing a scabbard with his other hand, and then inserted Dusk into it, which calmed his increasingly twisted mind.


Bai Luo gasped for breath. The scabbard contained Yagen's will, which could barely neutralize the power of dusk.

It's like a steelyard, the weight on both sides is equal.

However, Bai Luo is alone and can continue to add weight to any side.

Now, Bai Luo's idea is to restrain the desire to kill in his heart, that is, to continuously exert pressure from him on Yagen's scabbard.

Once Bai Luo relaxes one day, the weight on the scabbard will lighten.

On the contrary, if one day Bai Luo kills someone with dusk, or uses it in killing, then the scabbard will collapse instantly.

So everything is in Bai Luo's own hands. If he restrains himself, the scabbard will also block the erosion of dusk on him. If he indulges, dusk will no longer be able to hinder him. It will break through the seal and bring endless disasters to this world.

"How to transform human nature?"

Bai Luo held the sheathed Dusk in his hand. He frowned slightly, but he quickly understood how to use Dusk.

"I see."

Bai Luo understood, and finally realized the danger of this method that Yagen said.

But for Tiehanhan...

"Feiya, bring the girl over here!"

Senior sister didn't know what Bai Luo was going to do, but she subconsciously felt that what happened next would be very dangerous. However, before she could think about it, Bai Luo shouted: "Quick!!"


Aenea rushed towards the senior sister, but this time, the senior sister did not resist with all her strength, but reserved some strength.


The jet-black jewel-like dragon claws fell on the holy sword, and the senior sister stepped back, but Aenea, regardless of what she was planning, relied on her astonishing defense that could not be shaken to bully her.

"Back off!"

Bai Luo shouted lowly, and the senior sister turned around at the same time with great tacit understanding.

At this moment, in front of Aenea was Bai Luo. He was holding Dusk in his hand and met Aenea's cold gaze.


The dragon's claw penetrated the flesh and blood, and Bai Luo felt an unimaginable negative energy, clashing within his body like a storm.

The huge force slammed into the rock wall along with Bai Luo.

Seeing that the cave was about to collapse, the senior sister immediately opened the world of Avalon and put Bai Luo and Aenea into the sacred beast forest.


Spitting out a mouthful of blood, he was obviously the Lord of Miracles protected by the Kingdom of Miracles, but he was facing the Final Emperor. Even with the protection of the whole world, he could not save his life from her minions.

"Gela la."

The golden and silver sacred tree in the center of the sacred beast forest was shattered by this blow, and finally it could not support the trunk and fell down.

Countless gold and silver leaves fell from the sky, like flying snow, and on the ground were Bai Luo and the girl standing in a pool of blood.

"Is this the power that even eight hundred miracles cannot resist?"

Bai Luo's heart was penetrated by Aenea's hand. He held Dusk in one hand and held the girl tightly in his arms, with a joking bitter smile on his face: "It's my fault that I keep saying you are an idiot. I made a mistake, girl."

If you want to use dusk to wake up Aenea, you need to let the other person penetrate your heart and imprint your humanity with your hard work.

Such a move was too dangerous. Even Yagen said that if he failed, he would die.

"Calm down."

For the sake of his sister, Bai Luo was willing to take risks. He held the girl's body and built a bridge at dusk, giving as much of Bai Luo's humanity to Aenea as possible.

Bai Luo didn't know what humanity was, and he didn't feel the side effects of losing humanity.

But secretly, Bai Luo knew the importance of human nature to him.

Don't lose too much, otherwise terrible things will happen. Bai Luo instinctively felt the cost of losing humanity.

"elder brother?"

While Bai Luo was thinking, Aenea's voice woke him up: "What's going on? Me, why?"

Aenea couldn't understand what was happening in front of her. She looked at her hand, which was currently inserted into Bai Luo's heart. If he hadn't been the Lord of Miracles and could regenerate and recover, Bai Luo would have died in just this moment.

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