This is a Miracle

Chapter 553 Creation

"But the issue of humanity and divinity has still not been resolved."

Bai Luo held two artifacts in his hands and was still comprehending the mystery: "Yagan? Do we still have to go find her?"

Senior sister brought bad news.

Yagen is not a good person, she is the mastermind behind all this.

Bai Luo didn't want to believe it, but senior sister couldn't lie.

However, Du Mu'an and Bai Luo have no reason to trust him. This person is loyal to the queen, not his senior sister.

"Feiya, I'll go find her again."

After Bai Luo finished speaking, he closed his eyes and came to Yagen's world again.

"You came?"

"You know what I want to ask."

Yagen's world changed again and became a quiet night garden.

The blue flowers exude tranquil beauty under the moonlight, and Yagen is sitting in the courtyard, as if admiring the moon and flowers.

But she was waiting for Bai Luo, waiting for him to question her for the first time.

"If you want to know," Yagen said with a smile, "you should order me in a questioning tone."

"I don't want to do this."

Although Bai Luo had only known Ya Gen for a short time, his deep affection for her made Bai Luo not want to hurt her.

"She can't wait any longer," Yagen said. "If you hesitate any longer, Arden, and you, will cease to exist."

"tell me!"

Bai Luo no longer hesitated and spoke firmly: "What do you want to do about the secrets of Li Guang and Dusk, what Du Mu'an said about Yagen, and you?"

"Very good, using a commanding tone."

Yagen stood up from his seat, then turned back to look at Bai Luo: "What Du Mu'an said about Yagen, my answer is still the same as before, she is a fake."

"I am your mother, and she is the world's fear of me."

"Have you ever looked in the mirror?"

Yagen said: "She is me in the mirror, like an avatar, but she can do far more than me."

"Since she is an avatar, can't you control her?"

"I don't exist."

Yagen shook her head. She walked up to Bai Luo and pointed her finger at his heart: "I only exist here with you."

"I am not a human being, nor a god. I am your origin, your mother."

"At the same time, I am also the source of this world."

Yagen said: "In your eyes, I am a gentle, kind and very kind woman."

"But in Du Mu'an's eyes," Yagen said, "I should be terrible."

"If you don't exist, does she exist?"

"She exists."

Yagen said: "The world comes from nothingness and turns into matter and energy, as well as time and space."

"If I am nothing, then she is one."

"One element of creation, the mother of the world."

However, saying this, Bai Luo felt that his Yagen was just a shadow in the mirror.

"If you say that, it's not wrong."

Yagen neither affirms nor denies, and even thinks it doesn't matter: "I am only in your heart. If you have questions, ask me and I will answer you."

"And I," Yagen: "know everything."

Yagen wanted to tell Bai Luo that she was his supreme wisdom.

She can answer any question you ask.

"What does that Yagen want?"

Bai Luo: "Get this world and regain control of it?"

"She's not that boring," Yagen said: "I am the real body and she is the incarnation, but the counterfeit is also Yagen, and as long as it is me, there is only one purpose from beginning to end."


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Yagen raised his hands and hugged Bai Luo's neck: "Let you come back to me."

"You are joking?"

What Yagen said is like the relationship between men and women.

However, Bai Luo had no such thoughts about Ya Gen. Just like Ya Gen said, Bai Luo subconsciously regarded her as a relative.

"Absolutely not."

Yagen let go of his hand and gave Bai Luo a smile: "No one in this world loves you more than me."

"It doesn't matter what you think about this love."

"Mother and son, sister and brother, or even husband and wife, it's all fine."

Yagen's love for Bai Luo is pure, it is love, including protection and possessiveness.

"It's not up to me, it's up to you."

Yagen said: "I cannot refuse your request. No matter what the request is, as long as you want it, I have to obey your order."

Bai Luo ignored what Yagen said. He knew very well that he was purely affectionate towards Yagen and nothing else.

"Then what's going on with her?"

"How stupid."

Yagen shook his head and said helplessly: "Since I am nothingness, how can I hug you?"


Bai Luo suddenly thought of something: "That Yagen, wants to kill me!"

Yagen itself is nothingness. If I have to make a metaphor, she is in a place called "no longer exists".

It can be after real death, or it can be the beginning and end of the universe and the world.

However, Bai Luo is a real person. The only way for him to go to Yagen is to die, disappear, be wiped out in ashes, lose his soul, and completely cease to exist.

"I'm very lonely."

"Although it's a bit strange to say this, after all, there is nothing that is not lonely in nothingness."

"But I really want you to come back to me."

Yagen said: "She is my incarnation. Although she cannot intervene, her servants and disciples can."

"She wants to kill you and bring you back into my arms completely."

After listening to everything Yagen said, Bai Luo basically understood what the other Yagen was about.

Everyone has two sides.

If Yagen of the Bailuo family is a gentle mother, then the other Yagen is an angry mistress.

"Why should Du Mu'an listen to her?"

"Since Du Mu'an can listen to her," Bai Luo said, "then he should also listen to you."

"I can not."

Yagen said: "Only you can feel me, others cannot hear my voice, let alone see me."

This is why Yagen would say that the other Yagen is just her incarnation and a fake.

Because of the differences in grades and levels.

Ya Gen of the Bai Luo family is in a higher position, and no one can find her except Bai Luo.

In contrast, another Yagen can be seen by Du Mu'an, and her voice can reach Du Mu'an's ears.

"You are too good."

Bai Luo complained, but Yagen smiled slightly: "As for the other question, do you know God?"

"God, you mean God?"

"You can understand it as the whole world, the collection of all the creation myths."

Yagen said: "Although I am the mother of the world, it is more like I established the concept of 'world', and it is these true gods who really create the world."

Dumu'an is the true god who created the world.

And Yagen is the one who created God.

"This is the refutation, God created the world, who created God."

Yagen: "I am the creator of the world and my own creator. I created myself and God created the world."

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