This is a Miracle

Chapter 555 There is no strongest, only the most suitable

"There is no such thing as the strongest blade, only the most suitable one."

"Besides," Yagen said, "there is no need to think about other missing blades."


"Without the power of the Blade, it shouldn't exist."

Yagen: "Just using one handful will put a huge burden on the body. Two handfuls, haha."

"If you want to come see me earlier," Yagen said, "I don't mind, just challenge yourself."

The Blade of Destruction cannot be used at the same time, but using it alone, the combination of dusk and dawn is enough for Bai Luo to dig for a lifetime.

"Is it so dangerous?"

Bai Luo thought about the side effects of dusk and dawn.

If this side effect is regarded as a burden, then dawn and dusk are indeed not something that ordinary people can use.

"Each non-existent blade has its own characteristics. The ones that are most suitable for you are dawn and dusk."

"Besides, if you want to regain your lost humanity, it doesn't make much sense to just rely on dawn and dusk."


"Because everyone's human nature is different."

Yagen said: "The essence of dusk is that it can devour human nature, and those killed by it will become the puppets of dusk."

"If you want to gain humanity, just use twilight killing more often."

Bai Luo was a little confused. He said, "If I use Dusk, I will lose my mind. How can I use Dusk to gain humanity?"

"Crush the dawn and let the fragments of dawn cover the dusk."

In this way, dawn and dusk merge into one, and the side effects of each other offset each other. The humanity of the person killed by this non-existent blade will become Bai Luo's thing.

"But human nature is different. What's the use of getting someone else's humanity?"

You can choose whether to absorb this kind of human plunder.

Bai Luo can ignore human nature and abandon it.

However, if he really chooses to absorb the humanity of others, it is likely that his temperament will change drastically and he will become a different person.

"If that happens," Yagen said, "you have to use Li Guang alone to create the world, and use the power of this artifact to cleanse your humanity."

Therefore, dawn and dusk are a pair of very complex artifacts. They can plunder human nature, absorb human nature, and cleanse human nature. They can also impart divinity, plunder divinity, and neutralize divinity.

"The humanity you lost is in that girl."

"They have become one with her."

"There is no way to complete this part of humanity except from her."

But how could Bai Luo hurt Yin Niya? He said, "In that case, I don't want this part of humanity anymore."

For Yin Niya, if you lose some humanity, just lose it.

"Twilight can give others human nature, but human nature itself is like a label, including personality and emotions."

"It's unique."

"To whom you give, you shall receive back."

Yagen said: "But the humanity in that girl can be returned to you."


Bai Luo asked puzzledly: "What should we do?"

"Let her turn into the final emperor, the form of a dragon."

Yagen said: "You become a dragon knight, ride her, and fight alongside her."

“In this state, your thoughts and feelings become one and resonate with each other’s humanity.”

Therefore, Bai Luo cannot say that the humanity in Yin Niya was lost, it was just stored in the girl.

As long as they fight side by side, not only will Yin Niya become more mature and stable over time, but Bai Luo will also be able to regain his lost humanity.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

If the method is so simple, why should we study dusk and dawn?

But thinking about it carefully, the problem of Yin Niya and Bai Luo has been solved, but the problem of Dusk and Dawn is also very important.

Bai Luo figured out how to use these two weapons, which can be regarded as a great increase in strength.

"Thank you very much."

"Tell me how to thank you."

Yagen said: "You'd better get ready early."


"The other me wants you to go back."

The return that Yagen talks about is to make Bai Luo cease to exist and return to her embrace.

"I can help you, but she just wants to kill you."

Fortunately, the other Yagen could not take action himself and could only rely on the help of Du Mu'an and others to deal with Bai Luo.

"Du Mu'an once betrayed me."

"He's lost most of his strength and it's nothing to worry about."

"What you really need to pay attention to is an old man in the trading business."

"Old man?"

Bai Luo thought about the memories he got from his senior sister: "Who is he?"

"Like Du Mu'an, he was also the god of creation."

"He betrayed you too?"

"That's not the case."

Yagen said: "However, he is special."

"If the other me finds him, let him deal with you."

"You must never underestimate the enemy. It's best to use your strongest moves as soon as you go up."

Bai Luo was a little confused, although there was indeed a figure of this old man in the senior sister's memory.

But Bai Luo didn't think he was very strong.

"Is he so strong?"


Yagen said to Bai Luo: "To deal with him, Atian needs to take action personally. Apart from him, if anyone else is facing off, the probability of winning is slim."

The Atian in Yagen's mouth refers to the old uncle.

In other words, only the old uncle around Bai Luo can fight with this person.

Yagen would not joke with Bai Luo on this kind of thing.

Of the two Yagens, one wants to kill Bai Luo, but the other will protect him.

"However, he has long lost control of the other me."

Yagen said: "Siwu Ling is an alternative. He is very special. He is not in the normal creation sequence. He is unique. Even I can't control him."

"Generally, even if another person gives him an order, he may not obey it."

"Are you so arrogant?"

Bai Luo didn't know what was going on with these creation gods and Ya Gen.

Du Mu'an seemed to be obedient, but Yagen said he had betrayed.

Since betrayal is possible, it means that Yagen's control over the gods is not as great as Bai Luo imagined.

The best example is this guy named Si Wu Ling.

Siwu Ling can obey or refuse the order given by another Yagen.

Having said that, it seems that Yagen is nothing special.

"I always feel like you're thinking of something rude."

"Can you read minds?"

Yagen guessed what Bai Luo was thinking.

"But you're right."

Yagen said: "Creation comes from nothing. As long as they stay in the world of existence, I can't do anything to them."

Just like the other Yagen couldn't take action himself and killed Bai Luo.

These gods have actually long since escaped the control of their creators.

"In short, don't take the initiative to be an enemy of this person," Yagen said: "If he really attacks you, remember to call Atian back immediately, and don't go head-on with him yourself."

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