This is a Miracle

Chapter 56 The Lost Country

"Don't rush! Don't rush!!!"

However, the first mate's reaction was the exact opposite of theirs. He saw Pegasus and had already guessed that it was some kind of miracle.

"Kill with me!"

It's a pity that the pirates were completely irritated before the first mate stopped, and they have just won a big victory, where have they suffered such humiliation.

The boss is dead, so what? !

The boss is not dead, how can they be the boss?

What a bullshit first mate, a dog-headed military division, what qualifications does he have to order them?

"Clap, clap, clap."

The pirates finally landed on the shore, and by this time, they had lost more than a hundred of their companions.

In just a few minutes, so many people died.

But this did not scare the pirates, but aroused their ferocity even more: "Women! Kill the men, the women are mine!!"

"Aren't you scared by Shirley?"

Bai Luo didn't think so, he should be too panicked, he couldn't think so much for a while, he only knew how to go ashore and fight.

Kind of like a berserker with chicken blood.

"You can't continue, they have miracles, they have miracles!"

Although most pirates don't know what a miracle is, the first officer knows, and he has even seen it with his own eyes: "That flying Pegasus, it is a miracle, we must not fight a miracle, retreat, retreat immediately!"


However, before he could finish speaking, the big bearded man roared and rushed up, then stabbed him in the chest with a knife.

"I have endured you for a long time!"

"Run, run, you're such a useless bastard, you can actually be the first mate?! The big dungeon is from Lao Tzu! It's Lao Tzu!!!"

Saudi Arabia's death immediately sparked an internal feud.

As long as the first mate is also killed, the strongest one will be the new captain, and all the interests will converge on him alone.

"The second nature of human beings..."

Bai Luo thought about this while cutting off the masts of the ship one by one.

When faced with major dangers, human beings will still first clear the internal discord.

That's right, but the best thing to do is to forget about grudges and stick together.

However, this is a more idealized state, and the most common one is that the foreigners must be settled first.


Bai Luoba couldn't do this, because the new leader was the main battle faction, and his idea was simple and rude: "Kill! Kill them all! You can't scare me!!"

"Kill me!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Behind the fleet, Bai Luo laughed, laughing loudly.

He is now concentrating on eliminating the remaining pirates on the pirate ship. With Shirley here, she will be like a radar, perfectly telling Bai Luo where there are enemies.

If you hide in the cabin, you will sink the whole ship.

Bai Luo didn't need so many ships, Aden's population was just that, three large ships, more than enough.

"Quick! Jump into the sea!"

The pirates were crushed by Shirley in an instant, and the power of wind blade, storm and thunder scared their courage.


But entering the sea, does that mean safety?



"Sharks, there are sharks!!!"

The shrill screams, accompanied by the blood from the torn legs, made countless pirates who wanted to jump into the sea pale.

"I surrender, don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"The descendants do not kill!"

Bai Luo immediately shouted, "Put down all the weapons, then squat on the deck, don't worry, I won't kill the prisoners!"

Hearing that they still had a way to live, the nearly 200 pirates who stayed on the pirate ship immediately chose to surrender.

Seeing this, Bai Luo sneered in his heart, but why not?

"Follow me.

. . "

The new pirate leader knew that the enemy was in the forest, so he took the lead in charging, but before he waited long for his prestige, the next second, a behemoth rushed towards him.


The huge force directly smashed the skull of the pirate leader, like a golf ball, flying over the fishing village and landing on the beach.


One after another, the ancient trees turned into tree people. The smaller ones were about 15 meters high, and their waists were about the size of two people hugging each other.

"Boom! Boom!"

The tallest tree man is like a thousand-year-old tree that walks on its own. It needs ten people to hug each other. The tall and lush branches are on the head like an exploding head. Every step can make the earth tremble.

"This, this, what..."

The pirates were stunned, stunned again.

In front of them are nearly 20 tree people. Although there are not many, their combat power is beyond human imagination.


A pirate wanted to escape, but the vines that fell from the tree man popped out like a frog sticking its tongue out, forcibly swept it away, leaving only a miserable scream.

The tree people waved their arms, and the huge branches waved again and again, like sweeping garbage, swatting away pieces of pirates.


The taller tree people are more straightforward. They lift the roots and step down, their flesh and blood are blurred.



The arrows did not stop, taking the lives of one pirate after another.

Especially when those pirates jumped into the sea to escape, the appearance of sharks once again blocked their way of life.

"Ah! My legs! My legs!"

"Underwater, there are monsters underwater! There are monsters underwater too!!"

"Go ashore! Come ashore!"


The pirates who wanted to go into the water immediately retreated when they saw this scene, but the companions behind them had already rushed up.

Then, there was another scream, and a large number of casualties.


The cavalry charged and began to gallop through the beaches and forests, slaughtering the fleeing pirates, lest any of them slip through the net and threaten the children.

"Shock! Shock!"

Among these cavalry, the young Fiora was particularly conspicuous.

She saw that she was holding a long sword in her right hand and a magic wand in her left hand. The girl aimed the magic wand at the pirate running ahead.

"Boom boom boom!"

The invisible shock wave hit their backs with huge force, knocking them into the air, and after a few laps, they fell to the ground.

"Tap tap tap..."

The warhorse galloped, but deliberately stepped on the backs of these pirates.

Just this one blow is enough to shatter their internal organs and cause serious injuries to vomit blood.

"Monsters, these monsters!"

Fiora ignored the wailing of the pirates. The Aden family was usually simple and simple, but when facing the enemy, they were really more ferocious than demons.

They don't know what it means to be merciful, they only know how to kill!

"We surrendered, we surrendered~~~"

Finally, the pirates couldn't bear the pain of being attacked by the enemy on their backs, no way to go to the sky, no way to go down to the ground, they raised their hands and prayed to be let go.

Honestly, it's really funny.

Pirates who never leave alive, even let the enemy let him live.


Bai Luo thought it was funny, but he still made people stop attacking and asked all the pirates to gather.

Soon, Bai Luo brought everyone to the beach, and here, Bai Luo looked at the old uncle, and the old and the young decisively exchanged places.

"You, you said not to kill us!"

"You said not to kill us!"

The pirates who had surrendered on the boat shouted one after another, but Bai Luo would not ignore them.

Yes, if he didn't kill them, Bai Luo didn't lose his trust.


The old uncle gave an order, and the descendants of the tree elves immediately carried their knives and started their killing.

Here, it is not Bai Luo's request, but the request of all the descendants of the tree elves.

They are going to end the lives of these vile pirates themselves!

For many years, the descendants of the tree elves had to hide in the mountains and forests because of the threat of these pirates, and now, they have finally got their revenge.


The sharp blade was swung again and again, and the heads fell to the ground.

At least a thousand pirates were beheaded by Bai Luo on the coast. With this, the trouble of pirates in the waters of Aden Island came to an end.

During this period, for safety's sake, Bai Luo also let Lilith and Xue Li feel the breath of pirates.

At this point, Bai Luo is almost cautious and cautious.

If there are still fish that slip through the net, then Bai Luo can't do anything about it, he really did his best.

"Tell me what you know."

The last pirate left behind by Bai Luo was Saudi Arabia. He asked Lilith to cast a psychedelic spell on him, and then successfully extracted a lot of information from his mouth.

"Is it the birthday of the Pirate King..."

The old uncle did not expect that there is such a thing in it: "And he is also Sigrian's sworn brother. It seems that we have to face Sigrian before we face Morgan."

"That's what you said, Morgan's six adopted sons and daughters?"

Now that he was at sea, Bai Luo naturally asked his uncle about the situation around this sea area, so Bai Luo was quite familiar with the power of the Pirate King Morgan.

"According to Saudi Arabia's law of action, no one would care if he disappeared for half a year."

The old man said: "But recently he needs to make a deal with Siglion. If someone doesn't arrive, Siglion will definitely send someone over."

"So how much time do we have?"

"At least 3 months."

It would take Sigrian at least a month to detect Saudi Arabia's disappearance, and it would take a lot of time to send someone over to inquire and investigate.

Wait until Saudi Arabia leads troops to attack, there will be no 2-3 months, and it will be too late on such a vast sea.

"Just Sigrian, not Morgan?"


The old uncle nodded and said, "The minds of pirates are like this."

When encountering an enemy, they will not seek help first, but think about solving it themselves, because once Morgan is notified, this is a sign of incompetence.

So Sigrian would definitely come to meet Bai Luo in person, which was also one of the shortcomings of the pirates.

"Then according to what you want, uncle, when we get rid of Sigrian, Morgan finds out, won't it be delayed for a few more months?"

What Bai Luo needs most now is time.

The seeds of Adun Island have been planted, and what Bai Luo has to do next is to attract enough population for Adun Island, and then develop it into a real 'Adun'.

But it doesn't take a day or two, or years of effort. Even if it is given to Aden's population of 10 million, these people are just a number. They will betray Bai Luo and Aden at any time.

Because Bai Luo died, it was just a change of lord, there was essentially no difference.

In contrast, the tree elves and the Aden family.

They can live and die together with Bai Luo, and they would rather die than surrender, let alone fall to the enemy!

The huge population is to make the country's logistics stronger.

Not enough food, let them plant.

When the soldiers died in battle, they were recruited from the people.

But the problem is, Bai Luo has a miracle pocket and Lilith, so he doesn't need much manpower at all.

As for the army, it takes time to cultivate the miracle arms, and the production of Shirley and Lilith is limited. It does not mean that the more people there are, the more children of miracles they can cultivate.

If it is, then the animals in the mountains and the wilds, and the fish in the sea, have not long since become fairies?

In the battle of miracles, ordinary people are like cannon fodder in the face of enemies with the power of miracles, and they cannot play a decisive role.

Of course, if these people can unite, they can fight to the death for Bai Luo.

It goes without saying that mortals can still stand a fight.

But is it possible?

Without a few decades, how to get the approval of these outsiders, so that they can work for Bai Luo for the sake of the family and country?

A sense of national belonging and honor has no foundation, how much effort must be spent to build it up?

"We need population, but we can't just find it, but cultivate it slowly."

Aden's crops are a very good breakthrough, looking for those who are not hungry and clothed, let them feel the beauty of Aden, and have a sense of belonging here.

In this way, there will naturally be more and more real Adonites.

And with a sense of belonging, it would be quite convenient to cultivate loyalty to Bai Luo, and then screen out the miraculous units that could adapt to the power of miracles.

"It's better to fight Sigrian than to fight Morgan now."

As early as when he decided to go to Aden Island, the old uncle predicted the various situations that Aden would encounter on the sea.

There are more than one hundred possibilities, big or small. At that time, Bai Luo and Senior Sister patiently listened to Uncle's strategic layout.

"Take a hair and move your whole body."

Bai Luo was talking about the fact that there were pirates on Aden Island, which itself was only a possibility predicted by the old uncle.

"Are you worried?"

"What's there to worry about, aren't we invincible?"

Bai Luo said bluntly: "Aden goes up and down, there are no more than 200 people in total, it's just a matter of a few ships."

If it really couldn't be beat, he let everyone on board, then turned around and ran.

Bai Luo is a very bachelor.

He can endure the exploitation of profiteers for many years, so this matter is naturally no big deal.

Of course, this is just a mentality, and it is also the worst plan of the Adonites.

Yes, plan for the worst.

Abandon Aden Island and leave this sea with all the clansmen.

They have few people, can live anywhere, and have pockets, so they will never die of starvation.

"Elsa and the others have begun to gain Lilith's power."

The current Aden is getting stronger every minute and every second, the longer it drags on, the greater Bai Luo's advantage will be.

"What's more, there are some things that can't be escaped, and they will come back sooner or later. Since they are determined to become the master of miracles, they have to face it."

Of course the Adonites can leave this sea area, but when they go to the mainland, they have to face other countries, go to other sea areas, and have to face other pirate kings.

Instead, it's better to guard Aden Island and fight against Morgan's forces.

From the moment Bai Luo made his choice, he was already in the feast of miracles and became a member of the strife of kings.

"We haven't been on the stage yet, so this period of time happens to be a period when we can develop at will."

The old uncle said: "I dare not say it for half a year, but in four or five months, there are still some."


In four or five months, Aden's first batch of miracle troops should almost be cultivated.

What's more, Bai Luo is not the only one with this strength.

"Kill it."

Bai Luo made a decision in his heart, and he casually issued an order to kill Saudi Arabia. He didn't even look at the vicious pirate captain, and he rode on Xue Li and flew towards the edge of the cliff.

No matter what happens in the future, what Bai Luo has to do now is to do his best to improve the overall strength of himself and Aden.

Morgan, to put it bluntly, is nothing more than a master of miracles.

Population and land are all illusory.

Only the number of miracles is the ultimate benchmark for measuring the heritage and strength of a power.

And now, Bai Luo has encountered the fifth miracle!

'What is the real king. ’

'When it is time to be kind, be kind, and when it is time to be cruel, be cruel. Don't underestimate your opponent because of your strength, and don't give up your plan because the situation is dominant. ’

The old uncle's words echoed in Bai Luo's ears, and he came to the edge of the cliff again: "Do you think I have the appearance of a king?"


At this moment, the black book was opened by Bai Luo, and he looked at the fifth page, where the text changed a lot.

【? ? ? ? 】

grade:? ? ?

type:? ? ?

Faction: Lost Realms

The attribute of the fifth miracle, the word 'Lost Kingdom' appeared beside the originally blurred camp.

"Lost Kingdom?"

Among the five miracles that Bai Luo possesses today, the camp of the budding holy bag is Twilight of the Age of Gods, the camp of Tianma Shirley is to go north to the earth, and the camp of fairy Lilith is the ideal coast.

Then there are the descendants of tree elves, who also belong to the 'north to the earth'.

Regarding the miracle faction, because Bai Luo had three miracles in his hand, he asked his uncle for information on them.

The old man said that there are many camps of miracles. According to the records in the ancient books left by the ancestors of the Aden family, since ancient times, there have been 28 camps of miracles.

But most of them are not recorded in ancient books, and even more than half of them have been lost to this day.

Even the old uncle only knew some of the names, but he didn't know what these miraculous camps meant and what was the use.

'You don't know either? ’

At that time, Bai Luo asked the old uncle, and the old uncle replied: 'If you let me guess, I think the faction is probably related to an ancient history. ’

‘Just, just history? ’

'That is what I thought. ’

The old uncle investigated miracles when he was young, but he never found any use of the miracle camp, and even most of the miracle masters didn't know which camp miracle belonged to.

That is Bai Luo, who has a black book that can intuitively display the attributes of miracles.

Change it to another Lord of Miracles, who cares about this, anyway, there is no attribute conflict, and there is no faction restraint.

"Uncle said that the Lost Kingdom is an extremely rare faction even among many miracles."

The old uncle told Bai Luo that the information about the "Lost Kingdom" was recorded in the "Ancient Book of Aden", but because of the war, part of the "Ancient Book of Aden" was lost.

The lost country is the lost part, so the old man's understanding of this faction is only the name he knows.

"So what the hell are you?"

Bai Luo refocused on the black book.

[It recognizes you and decides to recognize you as its king. If you want, you can call yourself its master.]


What a random miracle.

Bai Luo always felt that the other party was a bit big: "I feel, it's not ordinary willfulness!"

[Please worship here and offer gifts that will make it happy]


Seeing this sentence, Bai Luo was a little confused: "Sacrificing? Offering gifts? Or does it like it?"

"Is this a god? The new miracle, is it a god?"

The world of miracles does not have the concept of God. Even if the opponent is as powerful as a god, once obtained by the Lord of Miracles, they have to obey the Lord of Miracles.

Bai Luo didn't care about this.

But the problem is, what does it like, Bai Luo doesn't know! !

"No, this is the end? This is it?"

Bai Luo felt that the miracle on the fifth page was really unique, and Bai Luo didn't even know where the 'it' referred to in the black book was or what it looked like.


Bai Luo turned around, but found nothing.

So he stuck his head out of the cliff, and he could see nothing but the azure blue water that could almost see the glittering seabed.

"So, the miracle on page five, is it air?"

Invisible and intangible, but everywhere.

"But this sacrifice doesn't seem to be difficult."

The key difficulty lies in that gift, Bai Luo doesn't know what the other party likes: "Forget it, there is no time limit anyway, think about it slowly."

"As for now..."

Bai Luo looked at the Adonites. Their faces were filled with the joy of defeating the enemy. Bai Luo did not disappoint them. After riding Shirley back to the clan, he immediately announced, "It's a banquet!!!"

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