
Yuki was surprised by the sudden notification, but he was more surprised when he saw the contents of it.

"... Origin, huh. Well, I haven't heard anything like that. It's not even mentioned in the Novel back when I'm reading it."

Yuki was surprised that just by being the first player to pick the monster class, the game will give you a Rare Racial Class from the get-go. And just by judging how it was obtained, it's probably a unique class that only Yuki will have.

"... Hmm, I wonder if there's also like these for the first humans and demi-humans." Yuki pondered for a moment before immediately brushing off the idea, thinking that there's no use in being curious about that now.

[ Do you want to use your new Racial Class? ]

Though extremely excited, Yuki didn't immediately equip it since he was a bit cautious. This is a class that he has never heard of, the effects, skills, buffs, and debuffs, and what it'll do to his whole character is unknown to him.

So Yuki opened up the details and information of the Racial Skill he just received and a big new screen have appeared in front of him, covering his entire view. Just by looking at how massive the screen is, anyone can say that the information and details about this particular class are enormous.

"... Sheesh~ what are these?" Yuki muttered with surprise as he looks at the big HUD screen in front of him that's full of texts.


Yuki was about to read it but suddenly heard some noises nearby.

Thinking that it may be some Monsters, and seeing that he is in the middle of a Hunting Zone, he closes the Status Windows first and move to a Safe Zone nearby, a place where any kind of Fighting is not allowed. Be it a Duel or a PVP, obviously, Monsters can't be found near this place too since the area around the Safe Zone will be considered a part of it and thus making it an out-of-bounds area for the roaming Monsters.

Yuki didn't go to the Safe Zone itself and just near it since he knows that there's won't be Monsters nearby anyway.

He opens up the Status Windows again and reads the details of the Racial Class he just got.


"... Wait, it offers only one skill? Isn't that too cheap?"

" My Mana capacity will have no Limits? Am I reading this correctly? What is this? This is too Broken."


"Wait! I'll lose MY MANA AND I WON'T BE ABLE TO REGENERATE IT THROUGH ANY MEANS? What is this Bullsh*t!? What's the point of having no limits then!?"


"... oh I see, that make sense.????"




" Oh, this class is so good! Hahaha"



After a couple more emotional roller coaster of Ups and Downs, Yuki finally finishes reading everything about the Racial Class he got.

After that, he falls deep into his own mind, he is seriously thinking about it because he thinks that the Class is super good and also super bad. The potential it has is very big and the Buffs and Skills it offers are OP, but the Penalties it had are way too inhumane. Like every time Yuki read a skill, it's like he's in heaven, but the moment he goes in the Penalty part it had, Yuki felt like hell descended just right in front of him.

He feels like he just got a Nuclear bomb as a power, the possibility of disintegrating any enemy he'll face is high, but there's also a chance where hell just blows himself up every now and then and lose everything. This is what Yuki feels about this Class.

But after a long moment of carefully considering everything, he finally decided on a choice.

"... Alright, whatever, I'll just be very careful every time."

He chooses to equip the Racial Class.

[ Do you want to equip this Racial Class ]

After that, his avatar glowed for a moment, then it stopped. Yuki looked at his avatar to see what are the changes but he saw that, nothing changed.

".. Alright let's try to se-"


[ New Job Classes are now available. ]

[ New Skills Have been obtained ]

[ Character Status Point Bonus have been applied ]

[ Your Mana Capacity has been removed ]

[ Due to the Penalty, your current Mana will deplete down to 0 ]

[ Your class 'Origin' has detected your other class 'Vampire' ]

[ Your class 'Origin' has been successful and greatly influenced your other class 'Vampire' ]

[ The skill 'Link' has detected an impurity in your class 'Vampire' and is now attempting to erase it ]

[ The attempt of the skill 'Link' has been successful and manage to remove the impurities in your class 'Vampire' ]

[ The Penalties and Weaknesses of your class 'Vampire' have now been removed and will no longer affect you. ]

[ Your class 'Vampire' has been heavily influenced by your other class 'Origin'. The Racial Advancement of your class 'Vampire' might be affected due to this development. ]

[ Other achievement has been forcefully delayed due to your low Character Level. ]

[ The rewards for the Linked Achievements will be announced after you reached the appropriate Character Level ]

"... Oh, yeah, I just realized it. I'm not even level one yet." Yuki said with an unchanging tone.

Yuki finds the situation weird since he was not even level 1 yet and he was getting so many good things already. If Players we're to see this, they will surely think that Yuki probably has some connections to the developers that's why he's getting this good stuffs just from the start.

As his Origin class grows, so do the penalties.

This Class has a lot of Penalties, but there's one that greatly catches his attention and makes him very anxious.

[ — If you Die, all the achievements, bonuses, and skill perks you received, obtained and acquired from your class [ Origin ] throughout the time will be erased or reset back to the very beginning. Including ongoing achievements and Character Status Bonuses. ]

Dying inside the game is a very common thing to happen, but not for Yuki. The moment he equipped the class called Origin, he immediately made a rule to himself.

Throughout the upcoming years that he will play YGGDRASIL, he can't die. Unless he really needs to, which is very unlikely.

After all that, Yuki checks out the System more, just to see if he missed something. He also equipped the new Job Classes that he manages got, though all of them are still level 0 since he has yet to Level Up.

Earlier, While Yuki is reading a lot of notifications about his achievements, a new notification had popped out. Yuki ignored it earlier since he's pretty occupied, but now, he brings It out again to see what it is.

He pulls out the Notification Window and checks the inbox. There, he saw one unread Mail, the one remaining Mail that he has yet to see.

He immediately clicks on it to see its contents.

[ The start of a Journey ]

- Since you have everything already set up. You can now make a name for yourself. You need something for everyone to remember you.

Quest: Set an IGN for your character.

Difficulty: Beginner

Reward: 100 exp points

[ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••]

After that, a long empty bar and a virtual keyboard had appeared in front of him.

"... Oh yeah, I don't have an IGN yet. Haha, damn, I totally forgot the thing that I'm looking forward to the most." Yuki said as he scratches his virtual head.

Ever since Yuki started creating his character, he always waited for the chance to name himself inside the game, but up until he dives in-game, and already inside the game, the section where he would name his character hasn't shown up. But at this very moment, it finally shows itself.

"... Back then, I have promised that once I get the chance to rename myself, I will change it to the most awesome name ever. Now, even though it was still in the game, it will be mine in the future too.

Alright, let's think about this seriously." Yuki said as he cracks his imaginary knuckles and put on a serious expression... at least that's what his current gesture looks like.

"... A good name. Hmm, let's see. In all the movies, anime, manga, and stories that I have watched and read, I have heard already a lot of good possible names, but I need to have a flexible name. Not just for this game but for the New World as well. I need a name that would fit there, a Noble-sounding name would be better too. Hmm, what could it be?"

Yuki pondered for a couple of seconds but suddenly, after a moment of brainstorming, he finally remembered something...

".. Oh, right. That webtoon! Haha, the Mc is a Vampire too so it kinda fit. And a good-looking one at that."

After a moment of remembering something, he turns towards the keyboard and types his dėsɨrėd name.

[ IGN: Cadis Etrama Di Raizel ]

".. There, what a fancy-ass name."

After he typed all the characters, he presses the [ accept ] buŧŧon to make it his official IGN.

[ Congratulations! You have successfully set your official IGN on YGGDRASIL. ]

[ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ]

[ The start of the Journey ] ✓

- Since you have everything already set up. You can now make a name for yourself. You need something for everyone to remember you.

Quest: Set an IGN for your character.

Difficulty: Beginner

Status: Completed

Reward: 100 exp points

[ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ]

[ Congratulations! You have Level up! ]

[ Level 0 → Level 1 ]

[ Your skill 'Secret Stash' has been activated ]

[ Your HP has risen by 3 ]

[ Your MP has risen by 3 ]

[ Your Phy Atk has risen by 1 ]

[ Your Phy Def has risen by 3 ]

[ Your Agility has risen by 2 ]

[ Your Mag Atk has risen by 4 ]

[ Your Mag Def has risen by 2 ]

[ Your Resist has risen by 2 ]

[ You acquired 1 Status Point ]

" Oh, noice... Alright Racial Class, it's time to eat." Yuki said as he used his Status Point to his Racial Class [ Vampire ] and thus, leveling it up.

Every Player in YGGDRASIL have different types of routes and style they want to follow when it comes on leveling both Racial and Job Classes base on their chosen race.

The Job's additional class levels that follow certain TRPG classes and etc; They give lower stat points than other classes in general, but often give you more Skills to use.

While Racials, are additional or starting class levels that one can take. They often have fewer skills, but compensate with higher stat points than Job classes. Amongst Racial classes, they can be split into Demi-human Racials, which can be considered less versatile but better in terms of stats to Humanoid or pure Job-class based people.

The other is Heteromorphs which are Racials that are more extreme which have even better stat gains... in certain stats, but very drastic trade-offs.

For reference, Slimes have high Physical Defense but low on Physical Attack.

Undead are immune to piercing but weak to bludgeoning and so on.

Vampire has a pretty high and balance Character Stats but has multiple weaknesses such as Holy Water, Silver Weapons, Positive Energy, and Sunlight.

And so on..

Typically both don't give as many skills, but they do come with racial abilities in varying degrees. Heteromorphs tend to have more drastic racial abilities like an Overlord's undead creation and True Vampire's Blood Pool, which can be very strong and is possible to be a YGGDRASIL's meta in the future.

However, heteromorphs have penalties. They cannot have certain classes, cannot enter certain cities, is fine to get PK'ed, penalties depending on race, and cannot equip certain types of equipment.

Even if they take only one level, the penalty activates. Jobs that have difficult requirements would have a higher rate of a skill point increase. And there is the case of only humans being able to have that class.

And rather than increasing Racial Class, characters that take various classes would be stronger. This is as skills are better than skill points.

However, the final Racial Class of the Heteromorphs has very high skill points. Due to the raw high skill points, strong skills will be even stronger. Crazily stronger.

Overall, Job's are like new move upgrades, while Racial's are more stat-focused upgrades that unlock varying degrees of skills. Demi-humans are the safer stat-focused ones, while Heteromorphs are the min/max ones that come at a price or clear drawbacks in exchange for Powers.

In Ainz's day of playing YGGDRASIL. Most Heteromorphic Players don't level up their Racial class since they were getting PK'ed constantly, so leveling up your racial class is not wise. They even have a certain theory back then that if one wants to make a strong character, they should not raise their Racial level. That's probably the reason why humans and not heteromorphs are popular in YGGDRASIL.

But now, there's no such thing yet. Yuki or any other Heteromorphic Players can still do whatever they want or level up the class they want.

That's why Yuki wanted to focus on leveling his Racial Class, especially now that he had obtained a Rare racial class. He planned to increase the level of his racial classes as much as he can during this one month before all the local players join and enter the YGGDRASIL.

And maximize or at least almost maximize it, before the Racial Discrimination on Heteromorphic Players, starts. Just so he can avoid a bunch of Nuisance while he is grinding some Experience Points for his classes.

After he finished it all and making sure that he didn't miss any more notifications. He goes towards the inventory and takes the [ Weapons cart ] item. The weapons cart from his inventory looks like a Cart-like keychain with the size of a normal human fist.

".. Use item!" Yuki said as he raised the Weapon Cart above him.

The weapon cart in his hand suddenly breaks into Blue-like particles. Then a screen appears in front of him, showing a list of different types of weapons.

The weapon cart is an item that can give a weapon to a player at no cost. It will show a list of all types of weapons that is also available in the shop, out of all the list of that weapons, you can take a single weapon of your choice.

"... As I guessed, it all looks normal. There's even nothing above medium-class item... *sigh* But I guess that this is better than the weapons I can afford with my current money on the shop. This will do for now."

He scrolls throughout the list and stopped at a particular weapon.

"... Finally, ma bebe~."

He clicked his dėsɨrėd weapon on the list and after that, the list disappeared and a certain kind of spear, appears in front of him.

It is descending from the air slowly. Yuki grabs the spear mid-air and gives it a few thrusts and swings afterward, just to familiarize himself with it.

"... Aaah~ Nice. It's very comfortable, it feels the same as the one I used to use." Yuki said as he recalls the Spear he created and always use back when he was still playing [ Aberage ]. He even calls it "Rose".

Yes, Yuki is a Spear person. But of course, he knows how to use various of weapon and is very good at it too, but he's just very fond of using the spear. It's like being an Animal Lover, but Cats.... Cats for the win. It's like that.

After all that shenanigans...

Yuki goes towards the shop next and purchases a light armor and all the other things that he needed to complete his set of defense.

Now, Yuki is all geared up.

He closes his Console and starts walking out of the Safe Zone. He checked the map a couple of times. It didn't take long until he's finally out of the Safe Area, though there isn't any kind of Monsters in sight, Yuki is extremely alert and cautious. After reading the Map a few more types, he finally decided on which direction he should go.

He decided to explore only the edge of this world since he doesn't want to go any deeper in his current state. He planned to grind and gain levels as much as he can in this area for the whole week before he starts to push slowly towards the center

He readied his spear and sharpened his instinct. He gets on his stance and closes his eyes for a moment, he looks like he was thinking about something but in reality, he was setting his shortcut skill commands. He opened his eyes again after all that.

"... Alright, let's start."

And with that, Yuki's hunt, begins.


IGN: Cadis Etrama Di Raizel

Gender: Male

Race: Undead / Heteromorphic

Level: 1


Hp: 14


Mp: 9


Phy Atk: 8


Phy Def: 10


Agility: 13


Mag Atk: 9


Mag Def: 11


Resist: 7


Special: 10


Total Stats: 100

Vampire (1)

Origin (0)


Blood Drinker (0)

Progenitor (0)

Negator (0)

Monarch (0)



[ Origin ]

Level: 0

Type: Racial Class

Lore/Description: [ Reach Lvl 3 to unlock ]


[ Racial Buffs ]

( Lvl 1 )

— The Racial Skill [ Secret Stash ] will be acquired.

— The Racial Skill [ Retrieve ] will be acquired.

— The Racial Skill [ Link ] will be acquired.

— Mana capacity will be removed.

— The Racial Skill [ Absolute Status ] will be acquired.

— +5 to all Character Status

— Killing a Boss or a higher Class Monsters will give you more rewards and a 100% chance of item drop

— Killing a Player that is possessing the class [ Hero ] will unlock some of the hidden features within your class [ Origin ]. This will also complete a certain hidden Episode in the Origin's Lore. Various and enormous amounts of rewards will also be receive according to the completed Achievement.

— Killing a Player that is possessing the class [ Beast King ] will unlock some of the hidden features within your class [ Origin ]. This will also complete a certain hidden Episode in the Origin's Lore. Various and enormous amount of rewards will also be receive according to the completed Achievement.

( Lvl 2)

— Contents Locked

( Lvl 3)

— Contents Locked

( Lvl 4)

— Contents Locked

( Lvl 5 )

— Contents Locked


[ Racial Penalty ]

( Lvl 1 )

— The Auto Mana Regeneration System will now be gone. Regenerating Mana through any means other than the Skills that are linked to the class [ Origin ] will now be impossible.

— If you Die, all the achievements, bonuses, and skill perks you received, obtained and acquired from your class [ Origin ] throughout the time will be erased or reset back to the very beginning. Including ongoing achievements and Character Status Bonuses.

— You will not be able to Enter some cities.

— Boss Class Monster or higher Classes of Monsters will have their HP and some of their stats doubled while you are in their presence. Various kinds of buffs will also be applied base on the type of Monster you face.

— There will be a Low Chance that you're position will be revealed after going on Midgard or Asgard for a certain amount of time.

— If you were killed by a Player that's possessing the Class [ Hero ], your class [ Origin ] will be erased and deleted permanently from your Racial Classes.

— If you were killed by a Player that's possessing the Class [ Beast King ], all your Status and Level after you respawn will decrease by half permanently. Your position will also be revealed to the player that's possessing the class [ Beast King ] for a certain amount of time every day for an entire week. This Penalty can be stacked if you were killed repeatedly by the Player that has the class [ Beast King ].

— If you kill both the Player that's possessing the class [ Hero ] and [ Beast King ] then you will be label as a Mortal Enemy for both Humans and Demi-Humans.

( Lvl 2 )

— Contents Locked

( Lvl 3 )

— Contents Locked

( Lvl 4 )

— Contents Locked

( Lvl 5 )

— Contents Locked



[ Secret Stash ]

( - ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ????????. ???????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ????????????????????, ???????????? ???????????? ????????????????. ???????????????????????????????? ???? ????????????'???? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????????, ???? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????????????????, ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????, ???????????????? ???????? ????????????????.)

— Each time the You gain Levels, all Character Status will increase by at least 5. All the Character Stat Points that You will get are random numbers between 1 to 5.

— Content Locked

— Content Locked

Type: Passive (Skill)

Duration: None

Casting Time: Instant

Cooldown: None

Activation Cost: Content Locked


[ Retrieve ]

( - ???????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????. ???? ???????????????? ????????????????????. ????'???? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????'???? ???????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????. )

— Every time the you kill a ????????????????, you will absorb its remaining Mp completely. The Mp you managed to absorb will be now yours, permanently.

Type: Passive (Skill)

Duration: None

Casting Time: Instant

Cooldown: None


[ Link ]

( - ???? ???????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????. ????????????, ???????????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????? ???? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????'???? ???????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????, ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????.)

— Everytime your class [ Origin ] detected another Racial Class, it will immediately use the skill [ Link ] to create a connection then heavily influence it. The outcome after the influencing is unknown. The results may change depending on the type of Racial Class where the [ Link ] has been used.

Type: Passive (Skill)

Duration: None

Casting Time: Conditional

Cooldown: None


[ Absolute Status ]

( - ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????????. ???? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????????????????, ???? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????, ???????????? ????'???? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????.)

— The duration of any kind of Abnormal Statuses will be shortened by [ 2 / 3̶/ 4̶/ 6̶/ 1̶0̶ ] seconds.

— Content Locked

— Content Locked

— Content Locked

— Content Locked

— Content Locked

Type: Passive (Skill)

Duration: None

Cooldown: None

Casting Time: None

Activation Cost: Content Locked


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